
来源:互联网 发布:windows exec函数 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/23 15:41


1)队列加数据,向cb尾追加长为length的字符串,存在putting中; 当缓冲剩余空间remain<length时,追加长为remain的字符串,函数返回实际有效存放到缓冲中的字符串;



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <memory.h>

// 定义队列缓冲长度,实际长度为SIZE-1
#define SIZE 10

// 定义数组循环队列
typedef struct cb_s
 char *queue;
 unsigned long front;
 unsigned long rear;

void cbInit(cb_t **cb, unsigned long size);                          // 队列初始化函数
unsigned long cbPuts(cb_t *cb, char *putting, unsigned long length); // 队列加数据函数
char *cbGets(cb_t *cb, unsigned long length, char *getting);         // 队列取数据函数
void cbDestroy(cb_t *cb);                                            // 队列释放函数

void main(void)
 cb_t *pcb = NULL;
 char *putting = "a+b#c*d-e!f&g";
 char getting[SIZE] = {0};

 cbInit(&pcb, SIZE);

 printf("Test of [cbPuts] operation>>\n");
 printf("%d\n\n", cbPuts(pcb, putting, 12));

 printf("Test of [cbGets] operation>>\n");
 printf("%s\n\n", cbGets(pcb, 5, getting));

 printf("Test of [cbPuts] operation>>\n");
 printf("%d\n\n", cbPuts(pcb, putting, 4));

 printf("Test of [cbGets] operation>>\n");
 printf("%s\n\n", cbGets(pcb, 5, getting));

 printf("Test of [cbGets] operation>>\n");
 printf("%s\n\n", cbGets(pcb, 5, getting));


/* 队列初始化函数,cb为队列缓冲,size是缓冲大小 */
void cbInit(cb_t **cb, unsigned long size)
 *cb = (cb_t *)malloc(sizeof(cb_t));
 if ((NULL == *cb) || (NULL == cb))
  printf("cbInit:Insufficient Memory!\n");

 (*cb)->queue = (char *)malloc(size * sizeof(char));
 if (NULL == (*cb)->queue)
  printf("cbInit:Insufficient Memory!\n");

 memset((*cb)->queue, 0, size * sizeof(char));
 (*cb)->front = 0;
 (*cb)->rear  = 0;

/* 队列加数据函数,向cb尾追加长为length的字符串,存在putting中;
   当缓冲剩余空间remain<length时,追加长为remain的字符串,函数返回实际有效存放到缓冲中的字符串 */
unsigned long cbPuts(cb_t *cb, char *putting, unsigned long length)
 unsigned long index = 0;
 if ((NULL == cb) || (NULL == putting))
  printf("cbPuts:Insufficient Memory!\n");

 if ((cb->rear +1) % SIZE == cb->front)  // 队列已满
  printf("Queue is full!\n");
  return 0;
 else                                    // 队列未满
  for (index = 0; index < length; index++)
   if ((cb->rear + 1) % SIZE != cb->front)  // 队列未满,逐字符入队列
    cb->rear = (cb->rear + 1) % SIZE;
    *(cb->queue + cb->rear) = *(putting + index);
    break;  // 队列剩余空间<length,队列满时跳出循环;否则,跳过该语句
  return index;

/* 队列取数据函数,在cb中读取长度为length的字符串,存于getting中;
   当队列存放的字符数used<length时,只读取长为used的字符串,读取字符串后,队列中相应缓冲不再使用 */
char *cbGets(cb_t *cb, unsigned long length, char *getting)
 unsigned long index = 0;

 if (NULL == cb)
  printf("cbGets:Insufficient Memory!\n");

 if (cb->rear == cb->front)  // 队列为空
  printf("Queue is empty!\n");
  return NULL;
 else                        // 队列非空
  for (index = 0; index < length; index++)
   if (cb->rear != cb->front)  // 队列非空,逐字符出队列
    cb->front = (cb->front + 1) % SIZE;
    *(getting + index) = *(cb->queue + cb->front);
    *(cb->queue + cb->front) = 0;  // 出队列缓存清零
    break;  // 队列存放字节数<length,队列空时跳出循环;否则,跳过该语句
  *(getting + index) = '\0';
  return getting;

/* 队列释放函数,释放cb占用的内存 */
void cbDestroy(cb_t *cb)
 if (NULL == cb)
  printf("cbDestroy:Insufficient Memory/Queue isnot Existing!\n");
 cb->queue = NULL;

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