ofbiz的服务(service)export成web service的方法(1)

来源:互联网 发布:linux mount网络共享 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 15:30


SERVICE ELEMENT: Attribute Required? Description Default Value name Y The unique name of the service.   engine Y The name of the engine (defined in serviceengine.xml).   location N The location or package of the service's class.   invoke N The method name of the service.   auth N Does this service require authorization? (true/false) true debug N Enable verbose debugging when calling this service? true default-entity-name N The default Entity to use for auto-attributes   export N Is this service allowed to be accessed via SOAP/HTTP/JMS? (true/false) false max-retry N Sets the max number of times this service will retry when failed (persisted async only) -1 (unlimited) require-new-transaction N Require a new transaction for this service true semaphore N Defines how concurrent calls to this service should be handled:
none: multiple calls to this service may run concurrently
wait: while this service is running, queue any subsequent calls
fail: while this service is running, fail any subsequent calls none semaphore-wait-seconds N When semaphore="wait" how many seconds to wait before failing the service call 300 sempahore-sleep N When semaphore="wait" how often (in milliseconds) to check if the waiting service call can be run 500 transaction-timeout N Override the default transaction timeout, only works if we start the transaction 0 (Use system default) use-transaction N Create a transaction for this service (if one is not already in place) true validate N Do we validate the attributes found below for name and type matching? (true/false) true
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