
来源:互联网 发布:golang教程 csdn 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 02:41




    struct abc    {        int a;        int b;    } x = {100,200};


struct abc y = {200,390};


struct abc z;z.a = 200;z.b = 300;


struct abc y;y = {200,300};

6.2 结构与函数、指针


在函数中可以调用结构,也可以在一个函数中返回一个结构。这里要注意的是,在函数的声明中如果出现结构的形式,其类型是struct + 结构标记,如struct abc。下面给出课本上两个使用结构的函数:

struct point makepoint (int x,int y)  //返回类型为struct point{    struct point temp;    temp.x = x;    temp.y = y;    return temp;  //返回结构时只写结构名即可}struct point addpoint(struct point p1,struct point p2)  //形参为两个struct point类型,返回为struct point类型{    p1.x += p2.x;    p1.y += p2.y;    return p1;}

2. 结构指针

在结构很大的条件下,使用指针方式的结构比普通的结构效率更高。结构指针的定义方式和普通指针类似:struct point *pp;。调用结构成员时可使用两种方法:(*pp).app->a。个人感觉第二种方法不容易出错,因为运算符.的优先级高于*,所以第一种方法中圆括号不可少,而第二种方法简单直观。实际上,通过查找2.12的运算符优先级表可以看到,->.的优先级是最高的,所以在类似于++*等操作时一定注意括号的使用。

6.5 自引用结构


/*例6.5 统计单词出现的次数完整版代码*/#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <malloc.h>#define MAXWORDNUM 100  //输入字符串最大数目#define MAXWORDLEN 10  //输入每个字符串最大长度struct tnode{    char *tword;    int num;    struct tnode *left;    struct tnode *right;};struct tnode * Addtree(struct tnode *p, char *word)  //判断一个单词是否在二叉树中并添加其到合适位置,返回根节点{    if (p == NULL)    {        p = (struct tnode *)malloc(sizeof(struct tnode));  //分配struct tnode大小的空间        p->tword = word;        p->num = 1;        p->left = NULL;        p->right = NULL;    }    else if ((strcmp(p->tword, word)) == 0)        p->num++;    else if ((strcmp(p->tword, word)) > 0)        p->left = Addtree(p->left, word);  //递归调用    else p->right = Addtree(p->right, word);    return p;}int Findtree(struct tnode *p,char *word)  //查找一个单词是否在二叉树中,找到返回1,否则返回0{    int result = 0;    if(p != NULL)    {        result |= Findtree(p->left,word);  //如果在左子树中找到,左子树的Findtree返回1,和总结果做或运算即可        if(strcmp(p->tword,word) == 0)            result = 1;        result |= Findtree(p->right,word);    }    return result;}void Printtree(struct tnode *p)  //打印整个二叉树{    if (p != NULL)  //这里不能使用while,否则会一直循环    {        Printtree(p->left);  //递归调用        printf("word:%10s\t\tnumber:%2d\n", p->tword, p->num);        Printtree(p->right);    }}int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){    char *wordarray[MAXWORDNUM];    int i = 0, j,result;    char *temp,*tempword;    printf("Please enter all words:\n");    //将所有单词输入进一个字符串指针数组中    do    {        wordarray[i] = (char*)malloc(MAXWORDLEN * sizeof(char));  //使用gets()输入字符串        gets(wordarray[i]);        i++;    } while (*wordarray[i - 1] != '\0' && i < MAXWORDNUM);    struct tnode *root;    root = NULL;    for (j = 0; j < ((*wordarray[i - 1] == '\0' ? i - 1 : i); j++)        root = Addtree(root, wordarray[j]);  //创建整棵二叉树。注意每一个Addtree的调用返回的是它本身,所以root并不会因此    printf("Press 1 to find a specific word,press 2 to print all words existed:\n");    temp = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char));    gets(temp);    switch(*temp)    {        case '1':  //选择1:查找某个单词是否在二叉树中        printf("Please enter the word you want to find:\n");        tempword = (char*)malloc(MAXWORDLEN*sizeof(char));        gets(tempword);        result = Findtree(root,tempword);        result > 0 ? puts("Found!"):puts("Not found!");        break;        case '2':  //选择2:打印整棵二叉树        Printtree(root);        printf("\nPrint complete!\n");        break;        default:        printf("Input error!\n");        break;    }return 0;}

6.6 表查找


//hash表的初始化、添加、删除和查找练习// ConsoleApplication2.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。//#include "stdafx.h"#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <malloc.h>#define MAXHASHSIZE 20#define MAXCHARSIZE 20#define SUCCESS 1#define FAIL -1typedef struct tnode{    char *tword;    int count;}Hashtable;int InitHashtable(Hashtable *[]);int AddToHashtable(Hashtable *[], char*);int DeleteHashtable(Hashtable *[], char *);int FindInHashtable(Hashtable *[], char *);int InitHashtable(Hashtable *root[]);unsigned int CalcHashValue(char *);int InitHashtable(Hashtable *root[])  //初始化hash表,所有字符串指针指向NULL,计数为0{    int i;    for (i = 0; i < MAXHASHSIZE; i++)    {        root[i] = (Hashtable*)malloc(sizeof(Hashtable));  //为字符串指针分配地址        if ((*(root + i))->tword == NULL)  //存储空间满            return FAIL;        (*(root + i))->tword = NULL;        (*(root + i))->count = 0;    }    return SUCCESS;}int AddToHashtable(Hashtable *root[], char *data)  //将一个字符串加入hash表{    unsigned int hashvalue, i = 0;    hashvalue = CalcHashValue(data);    while ((*(root + hashvalue))->tword != NULL && i < MAXHASHSIZE)  //欲放入的位置不为空    {        if (strcmp((*(root + hashvalue))->tword, data) == 0)        {            (*(root + hashvalue))->count++;            break;        }        else            hashvalue = (hashvalue + i) % MAXHASHSIZE;  //存放位置加1        i++;    }    if (i == MAXHASHSIZE)    {        printf("Stack full!");        return FAIL;    }    else    {        (*(root + hashvalue))->tword = data;  //放入字符串        (*(root + hashvalue))->count = 1;  //计数        return SUCCESS;    }}int DeleteHashtable(Hashtable *root[], char *word)  //从hash表中删除一个字符串数据{    unsigned int hashvalue;    int temp;    temp = FindInHashtable(root, word);    if (temp == FAIL)    {        printf("Cannot delete!\n");        return FAIL;    }    else    {        (*(root + temp))->tword = NULL;  //字符串指针指向NULL        (*(root + temp))->count = 0;        return SUCCESS;    }}int FindInHashtable(Hashtable *root[], char *word)  //在hash表中查找某个字符串{    unsigned int hashvalue;    int i;    hashvalue = CalcHashValue(word);    for (i = 0;(*(root + hashvalue))->tword != NULL && strcmp((*(root + hashvalue))->tword, word) != 0 && i < MAXHASHSIZE; i++)        hashvalue = (hashvalue + i) % MAXHASHSIZE;    if (i < MAXHASHSIZE && (*(root + hashvalue))->tword != NULL)  //找到的时候没有循环一次而且不为空指针,说明已经找到        return (hashvalue + i) % MAXHASHSIZE;  //返回hash表中位置    else return FAIL;}unsigned int CalcHashValue(char *data)  //计算一个字符串hash的值{    int i = 0;    unsigned int result = 0;    while (*data != '\0')        result = result * 31 + *data++;    return result % MAXHASHSIZE;}int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){    char *temp[MAXHASHSIZE];    char *wordtemp;    int i = 0, j = 0, k, l;    char m;    Hashtable *root[MAXHASHSIZE];    //初始化过程    printf("Please enter all words:\n");    do    {        *(temp + i) = (char *)malloc(MAXCHARSIZE * sizeof(char));  //为字符串指针分配存储空间        gets_s(*(temp + i),MAXCHARSIZE);        i++;    } while (**(temp + i - 1) != '\0' && i < MAXHASHSIZE);    if (InitHashtable(root) == SUCCESS)        printf("Initial complete!\n");    else    {        printf("Initial fail!\n");        return FAIL;    }    //添加字符串数据过程    for (j = 0; j < (**(temp + i - 1) == '\0' ? i - 1 : i); j++)    {        if (l = AddToHashtable(root, *(temp + j)) != SUCCESS)        {            printf("Add fail!\n");            return FAIL;        }    }    printf("Add complete!\n");    //查找,删除或退出    while (1)    {        printf("Press 1 to delete a word,press 2 to find a word,press 3 to break:\n");        m = getchar();        getchar();  /*注意注意注意在getchar()获取一个字符后一定要加一个getchar()清楚缓存区,        否则下面的gets_s()会直接从缓存区读取回车号,造成的后果是读取的直接为空字符_(:3」∠)_*/        switch (m)        {            case '1':  //删除            printf("Please enter the word you want to delete:\n");            wordtemp = (char*)malloc(MAXCHARSIZE * sizeof(char));            gets_s(wordtemp, MAXCHARSIZE);            k = DeleteHashtable(root, wordtemp);            if (k == SUCCESS)                printf("Delete successful!\n");            else                printf("Delete fail!\n");            break;            case '2':  //查找            printf("Please enter the word you want to find:\n");            wordtemp = (char*)malloc(MAXCHARSIZE * sizeof(char));            gets_s(wordtemp, MAXCHARSIZE);            k = FindInHashtable(root, wordtemp);            if (k >= 0 && k < MAXHASHSIZE)                printf("Found!%s is in the %d place.\n", (*(root + k))->tword, k);            else if (k == FAIL)                printf("Not found!\n");            else                printf("Error!\n");            break;            case '3':            return 0;        }    }    return 0;}

6.7 类型定义

格式:typedef 原类型名 新类型名
1. typedef int length;
2. typedef char *string; 定义string为字符串指针类型
3. typedef struct tnode{} Tree; 定义Tree为struct tnode类型,因此Tree tnode1等价于struct tnode tnode1;
4. typedef struct tnode *pTree; 定义pTree为指向struct tnode类型的指针,因此可用:pTree pTree1; pTree1->member访问成员变量
5. typedef int (*Func1)(char*,char*); 定义一个指向函数的指针,这个函数返回char类型,因此可用:Func1 func1; a = (*func1)(str1,str2);来调用这个函数

6.8 共用体


6.9 位字段


//代码引用自:http://blog.csdn.net/lovecodeless/article/details/23270911struct  {    unsigned int a  : 1;     //冒号“:”后的数字为该位字段所占的bit位数    unsigned int b  : 3;          unsigned int c  : 5;}flags;


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