Mastering Opencv ch4:SFM详解(二)

来源:互联网 发布:mac ds store 文件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 00:21




void KeyPointsToPoints(const vector<KeyPoint>& kps, vector<Point2f>& ps) {    ps.clear();    for (unsigned int i=0; i<kps.size(); i++) ps.push_back(kps[i].pt);}void PointsToKeyPoints(const vector<Point2f>& ps, vector<KeyPoint>& kps) {    kps.clear();    for (unsigned int i=0; i<ps.size(); i++) kps.push_back(KeyPoint(ps[i],1.0f));}



void MultiCameraPnP::PruneMatchesBasedOnF() {    //prune the match between <_i> and all views using the Fundamental matrix to prune//#pragma omp parallel for//求解每两幅图像的基础矩阵    for (int _i=0; _i < imgs.size() - 1; _i++)    {        for (unsigned int _j=_i+1; _j < imgs.size(); _j++) {            int older_view = _i, working_view = _j;            GetFundamentalMat( imgpts[older_view],                 imgpts[working_view],                 imgpts_good[older_view],                imgpts_good[working_view],                 matches_matrix[std::make_pair(older_view,working_view)]#ifdef __SFM__DEBUG__                ,imgs_orig[older_view],imgs_orig[working_view]#endif            );            //update flip matches as well#pragma omp critical            matches_matrix[std::make_pair(working_view,older_view)] = FlipMatches(matches_matrix[std::make_pair(older_view,working_view)]);        }    }}
Mat GetFundamentalMat(const vector<KeyPoint>& imgpts1,                       const vector<KeyPoint>& imgpts2,                       vector<KeyPoint>& imgpts1_good,                       vector<KeyPoint>& imgpts2_good,                       vector<DMatch>& matches#ifdef __SFM__DEBUG__                      ,const Mat& img_1,                      const Mat& img_2#endif                      ) {    //Try to eliminate keypoints based on the fundamental matrix    //(although this is not the proper way to do this)    vector<uchar> status(imgpts1.size());#ifdef __SFM__DEBUG__    std::vector< DMatch > good_matches_;    std::vector<KeyPoint> keypoints_1, keypoints_2;#endif          //  undistortPoints(imgpts1, imgpts1, cam_matrix, distortion_coeff);    //  undistortPoints(imgpts2, imgpts2, cam_matrix, distortion_coeff);    //    imgpts1_good.clear(); imgpts2_good.clear();    vector<KeyPoint> imgpts1_tmp;    vector<KeyPoint> imgpts2_tmp;    if (matches.size() <= 0) {         //points already aligned...        imgpts1_tmp = imgpts1;        imgpts2_tmp = imgpts2;    } else {        GetAlignedPointsFromMatch(imgpts1, imgpts2, matches, imgpts1_tmp, imgpts2_tmp);//选取特征点集中匹配的特征点    }    Mat F;    {        vector<Point2f> pts1,pts2;        KeyPointsToPoints(imgpts1_tmp, pts1);//特征点转化成Point2f点        KeyPointsToPoints(imgpts2_tmp, pts2);#ifdef __SFM__DEBUG__        cout << "pts1 " << pts1.size() << " (orig pts " << imgpts1_tmp.size() << ")" << endl;        cout << "pts2 " << pts2.size() << " (orig pts " << imgpts2_tmp.size() << ")" << endl;#endif        double minVal,maxVal;        cv::minMaxIdx(pts1,&minVal,&maxVal);        F = findFundamentalMat(pts1, pts2, FM_RANSAC, 0.006 * maxVal, 0.99, status); //threshold from [Snavely07 4.1]//核心函数,计算F,并得到优化的匹配组模板status    }    vector<DMatch> new_matches;    cout << "F keeping " << countNonZero(status) << " / " << status.size() << endl;     for (unsigned int i=0; i<status.size(); i++) {        if (status[i]) //根据模板,重新优化匹配组及特征点,找到最优的匹配组,基本就没什么错误匹配了。        {            imgpts1_good.push_back(imgpts1_tmp[i]);            imgpts2_good.push_back(imgpts2_tmp[i]);            if (matches.size() <= 0) { //points already aligned...                new_matches.push_back(DMatch(matches[i].queryIdx,matches[i].trainIdx,matches[i].distance));            } else {                new_matches.push_back(matches[i]);            }#ifdef __SFM__DEBUG__            good_matches_.push_back(DMatch(imgpts1_good.size()-1,imgpts1_good.size()-1,1.0));            keypoints_1.push_back(imgpts1_tmp[i]);            keypoints_2.push_back(imgpts2_tmp[i]);#endif        }    }       cout << matches.size() << " matches before, " << new_matches.size() << " new matches after Fundamental Matrix\n";    matches = new_matches; //keep only those points who survived the fundamental matrix#if 0    //-- Draw only "good" matches#ifdef __SFM__DEBUG__    if(!img_1.empty() && !img_2.empty()) {              vector<Point2f> i_pts,j_pts;        Mat img_orig_matches;        { //draw original features in red绘制原始特征点用红色            vector<uchar> vstatus(imgpts1_tmp.size(),1);            vector<float> verror(imgpts1_tmp.size(),1.0);            img_1.copyTo(img_orig_matches);            KeyPointsToPoints(imgpts1_tmp, i_pts);            KeyPointsToPoints(imgpts2_tmp, j_pts);            drawArrows(img_orig_matches, i_pts, j_pts, vstatus, verror, Scalar(0,0,255));        }        { //superimpose filtered features in green用绿色绘制经过此次优化的特征点            vector<uchar> vstatus(imgpts1_good.size(),1);            vector<float> verror(imgpts1_good.size(),1.0);            i_pts.resize(imgpts1_good.size());            j_pts.resize(imgpts2_good.size());            KeyPointsToPoints(imgpts1_good, i_pts);            KeyPointsToPoints(imgpts2_good, j_pts);            drawArrows(img_orig_matches, i_pts, j_pts, vstatus, verror, Scalar(0,255,0));            imshow( "Filtered Matches", img_orig_matches );        }        int c = waitKey(0);        if (c=='s') {            imwrite("fundamental_mat_matches.png", img_orig_matches);        }        destroyWindow("Filtered Matches");    }#endif      #endif    return F;}
void GetAlignedPointsFromMatch(const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& imgpts1,                               const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& imgpts2,                               const std::vector<cv::DMatch>& matches,                               std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& pt_set1,                               std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& pt_set2) {    for (unsigned int i=0; i<matches.size(); i++) {//      cout << "matches[i].queryIdx " << matches[i].queryIdx << " matches[i].trainIdx " << matches[i].trainIdx << endl;        assert(matches[i].queryIdx < imgpts1.size());        pt_set1.push_back(imgpts1[matches[i].queryIdx]);        assert(matches[i].trainIdx < imgpts2.size());        pt_set2.push_back(imgpts2[matches[i].trainIdx]);    }   }



//Following Snavely07 4.2 - find how many inliers are in the Homography between 2 views//找到在两幅图像中的内点数,通过RANSAC筛选int MultiCameraPnP::FindHomographyInliers2Views(int vi, int vj) {    vector<cv::KeyPoint> ikpts,jkpts; vector<cv::Point2f> ipts,jpts;    GetAlignedPointsFromMatch(imgpts[vi],imgpts[vj],matches_matrix[make_pair(vi,vj)],ikpts,jkpts);    KeyPointsToPoints(ikpts,ipts); KeyPointsToPoints(jkpts,jpts);    double minVal,maxVal; cv::minMaxIdx(ipts,&minVal,&maxVal); //TODO flatten point2d?? or it takes max of width and height    vector<uchar> status;    cv::Mat H = cv::findHomography(ipts,jpts,status,CV_RANSAC, 0.004 * maxVal); //threshold from Snavely07    return cv::countNonZero(status); //number of inliers}


//sort pairwise matches to find the lowest Homography inliers [Snavely07 4.2]    cout << "Find highest match...";    list<pair<int,pair<int,int> > > matches_sizes;    //TODO: parallelize!    for(std::map<std::pair<int,int> ,std::vector<cv::DMatch> >::iterator i = matches_matrix.begin(); i != matches_matrix.end(); ++i) {        if((*i).second.size() < 100)            matches_sizes.push_back(make_pair(100,(*i).first));        else {            int Hinliers = FindHomographyInliers2Views((*i).first.first,(*i).first.second);            int percent = (int)(((double)Hinliers) / ((double)(*i).second.size()) * 100.0);            cout << "[" << (*i).first.first << "," << (*i).first.second << " = "<<percent<<"] ";            matches_sizes.push_back(make_pair((int)percent,(*i).first));        }    }    cout << endl;    matches_sizes.sort(sort_by_first);//按内点概率从大到小排列匹配组

bool goodF = false;    int highest_pair = 0;    m_first_view = m_second_view = 0;    //reverse iterate by number of matches    for(list<pair<int,pair<int,int> > >::iterator highest_pair = matches_sizes.begin();         highest_pair != matches_sizes.end() && !goodF;         ++highest_pair)     {        m_second_view = (*highest_pair).second.second;        m_first_view  = (*highest_pair).second.first;        std::cout << " -------- " << imgs_names[m_first_view] << " and " << imgs_names[m_second_view] << " -------- " <<std::endl;        //what if reconstrcution of first two views is bad? fallback to another pair        //See if the Fundamental Matrix between these two views is good        goodF = FindCameraMatrices(K, Kinv, distortion_coeff,            imgpts[m_first_view],             imgpts[m_second_view],             imgpts_good[m_first_view],            imgpts_good[m_second_view],             P,             P1,            matches_matrix[std::make_pair(m_first_view,m_second_view)],            tmp_pcloud#ifdef __SFM__DEBUG__            ,imgs[m_first_view],imgs[m_second_view]#endif        );
 cv::Matx34d P(1,0,0,0,                  0,1,0,0,                  0,0,1,0),                P1(1,0,0,0,                   0,1,0,0,                   0,0,1,0);
Mat F = GetFundamentalMat(imgpts1,imgpts2,imgpts1_good,imgpts2_good,matches#ifdef __SFM__DEBUG__                                  ,img_1,img_2#endif                                  );        if(matches.size() < 100) { // || ((double)imgpts1_good.size() / (double)imgpts1.size()) < 0.25            cerr << "not enough inliers after F matrix" << endl;            return false;        }        //Essential matrix: compute then extract cameras [R|t]        Mat_<double> E = K.t() * F * K; //according to HZ (9.12)        //according to        if(fabsf(determinant(E)) > 1e-07) {            cout << "det(E) != 0 : " << determinant(E) << "\n";            P1 = 0;            return false;        }


5:接下来,就是把本质矩阵进行SVD奇异值分解,得到旋转部分和平移部分。首先若fabsf(determinant(E)) > 1e-07,则E无法分解。若得出的determinant(R1)+1.0 < 1e-09,就把E取负值重新进行分解。若fabsf(determinant(R))-1.0 > 1e-07,那么分解得到的R1是错误的。

bool DecomposeEtoRandT(    Mat_<double>& E,    Mat_<double>& R1,    Mat_<double>& R2,    Mat_<double>& t1,    Mat_<double>& t2) {#ifdef DECOMPOSE_SVD    //Using HZ E decomposition    Mat svd_u, svd_vt, svd_w;    TakeSVDOfE(E,svd_u,svd_vt,svd_w);//进行SVD分解    //check if first and second singular values are the same (as they should be)检查第一个和第二个奇异值是不是相同,应该相同的。    double singular_values_ratio = fabsf(<double>(0) /<double>(1));    if(singular_values_ratio>1.0) singular_values_ratio = 1.0/singular_values_ratio; // flip ratio to keep it [0,1]    if (singular_values_ratio < 0.7) {        cout << "singular values are too far apart\n";        return false;    }    Matx33d W(0,-1,0,   //HZ 9.13        1,0,0,        0,0,1);    Matx33d Wt(0,1,0,        -1,0,0,        0,0,1);    R1 = svd_u * Mat(W) * svd_vt; //HZ 9.19    R2 = svd_u * Mat(Wt) * svd_vt; //HZ 9.19    t1 = svd_u.col(2); //u3    t2 = -svd_u.col(2); //u3#else    //Using Horn E decomposition,使用另一种方法分解    DecomposeEssentialUsingHorn90(E[0],R1[0],R2[0],t1[0],t2[0]);#endif    return true;}
void TakeSVDOfE(Mat_<double>& E, Mat& svd_u, Mat& svd_vt, Mat& svd_w) {#if 1    //Using OpenCV's SVD    SVD svd(E,SVD::MODIFY_A);    svd_u = svd.u;    svd_vt = svd.vt;    svd_w = svd.w;#else    //Using Eigen's SVD    cout << "Eigen3 SVD..\n";    Eigen::Matrix3f  e = Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<double,3,3,Eigen::RowMajor> >((double*)<float>();    Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::MatrixXf> svd(e, Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeThinV);    Eigen::MatrixXf Esvd_u = svd.matrixU();    Eigen::MatrixXf Esvd_v = svd.matrixV();    svd_u = (Mat_<double>(3,3) << Esvd_u(0,0), Esvd_u(0,1), Esvd_u(0,2),                          Esvd_u(1,0), Esvd_u(1,1), Esvd_u(1,2),                           Esvd_u(2,0), Esvd_u(2,1), Esvd_u(2,2));     Mat_<double> svd_v = (Mat_<double>(3,3) << Esvd_v(0,0), Esvd_v(0,1), Esvd_v(0,2),                          Esvd_v(1,0), Esvd_v(1,1), Esvd_v(1,2),                           Esvd_v(2,0), Esvd_v(2,1), Esvd_v(2,2));    svd_vt = svd_v.t();    svd_w = (Mat_<double>(1,3) << svd.singularValues()[0] , svd.singularValues()[1] , svd.singularValues()[2]);#endif    cout << "----------------------- SVD ------------------------\n";    cout << "U:\n"<<svd_u<<"\nW:\n"<<svd_w<<"\nVt:\n"<<svd_vt<<endl;    cout << "----------------------------------------------------\n";}


void DecomposeEssentialUsingHorn90(double _E[9], double _R1[9], double _R2[9], double _t1[3], double _t2[3]) {    //from : USE_EIGEN    using namespace Eigen;    Matrix3d E = Map<Matrix<double,3,3,RowMajor> >(_E);    Matrix3d EEt = E * E.transpose();    Vector3d e0e1 = E.col(0).cross(E.col(1)),e1e2 = E.col(1).cross(E.col(2)),e2e0 = E.col(2).cross(E.col(2));    Vector3d b1,b2;#if 1    //Method 1    Matrix3d bbt = 0.5 * EEt.trace() * Matrix3d::Identity() - EEt; //Horn90 (12)    Vector3d bbt_diag = bbt.diagonal();    if (bbt_diag(0) > bbt_diag(1) && bbt_diag(0) > bbt_diag(2)) {        b1 = bbt.row(0) / sqrt(bbt_diag(0));        b2 = -b1;    } else if (bbt_diag(1) > bbt_diag(0) && bbt_diag(1) > bbt_diag(2)) {        b1 = bbt.row(1) / sqrt(bbt_diag(1));        b2 = -b1;    } else {        b1 = bbt.row(2) / sqrt(bbt_diag(2));        b2 = -b1;    }#else    //Method 2    if (e0e1.norm() > e1e2.norm() && e0e1.norm() > e2e0.norm()) {        b1 = e0e1.normalized() * sqrt(0.5 * EEt.trace()); //Horn90 (18)        b2 = -b1;    } else if (e1e2.norm() > e0e1.norm() && e1e2.norm() > e2e0.norm()) {        b1 = e1e2.normalized() * sqrt(0.5 * EEt.trace()); //Horn90 (18)        b2 = -b1;    } else {        b1 = e2e0.normalized() * sqrt(0.5 * EEt.trace()); //Horn90 (18)        b2 = -b1;    }#endif    //Horn90 (19)    Matrix3d cofactors; cofactors.col(0) = e1e2; cofactors.col(1) = e2e0; cofactors.col(2) = e0e1;    cofactors.transposeInPlace();    //B = [b]_x , see Horn90 (6) and    Matrix3d B1; B1 <<  0,-b1(2),b1(1),                        b1(2),0,-b1(0),                        -b1(1),b1(0),0;    Matrix3d B2; B2 <<  0,-b2(2),b2(1),                        b2(2),0,-b2(0),                        -b2(1),b2(0),0;    Map<Matrix<double,3,3,RowMajor> > R1(_R1),R2(_R2);    //Horn90 (24)    R1 = (cofactors.transpose() - B1*E) /;    R2 = (cofactors.transpose() - B2*E) /;    Map<Vector3d> t1(_t1),t2(_t2);     t1 = b1; t2 = b2;    cout << "Horn90 provided " << endl << R1 << endl << "and" << endl << R2 << endl;#endif}

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