21 Apr 23:35:48 n…

来源:互联网 发布:宝宝生长曲线图软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 10:23


[root@middleware bin]# date
Mon Apr 21 23:32:21 CST 2014
[root@middleware bin]# ntpdate 10.10.*.*
21 Apr 23:32:24 ntpdate[5628]: the NTP socket is in use,exiting
[root@middleware bin]# ps -ef|grep ntpd
ntp      4066     0 Mar11?       00:00:12 ntpd -u ntp:ntp -p /var/run/ntpd.pid -g
root     5676 29462  0 23:35pts/7   00:00:00 grep ntpd
[root@middleware bin]# ntpdate 10.10.*.*
21 Apr 23:35:48 ntpdate[5681]: the NTP socket is in use,exiting
[root@middleware bin]# kill 4066
[root@middleware bin]# kill 4066
bash: kill: (4066) - No such process
[root@middleware bin]# ps -ef|grep ntpd
root     5687 29462  0 23:35pts/7   00:00:00 grep ntpd
[root@middleware bin]# ntpdate 10.10.*.*
21 Apr 15:33:12 ntpdate[5688]: step time server offset-28969.489502 sec
[root@middleware bin]# date
Mon Apr 21 15:33:15 CST 2014
[root@middleware bin]#

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