mybatis choose when用法

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝卖家多少分一个钻 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 06:21

mybatis choose when的用法:


<select id="query" resultType="map" parameterType="map">        select             <choose>                <when test="cityId == '00' ">                       a.city_id as CITYID,                </when>                <otherwise>                    <choose>                       <when test="cityId == '0001' and statsDimension==1">                            a.level1_maintain_unit_id as CITYID,                       </when>                       <otherwise>                            a.county_id as CITYID,                       </otherwise>                    </choose>                 </otherwise>         </choose>                   sum(ONUNUM) as ONUNUM,                    sum(ONTNUM) as ONTNUM            from new_olt_upopt_sp_month_${tableDate} a            where 1 = 1                <if test="cityId == '0001' and statsDimension==1">                and a.city_id = '0001'                </if>                <![CDATA[and a.gather_time >= ${startDate}]]>                <![CDATA[and a.gather_time <= ${endDate}]]>                     group by        <choose>                <when test="cityId == '00' ">                       a.city_id                </when>                <otherwise>                    <choose>                       <when test="cityId == '0001' and statsDimension==1">                            a.level1_maintain_unit_id                       </when>                       <otherwise>                            a.county_id                            having a.county_id in                                 (select city_id from tab_city                                     where  city_id= #{cityId} or parent_id=#{cityId})                       </otherwise>                    </choose>                 </otherwise>         </choose>                </select>
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