Problem H: 时间类的静态成员计数

来源:互联网 发布:腾讯云 阿里云 校园 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 02:11
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Problem H: 时间类的静态成员计数

Time Limit: 4 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MB
Submit: 2713  Solved: 2009
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1. Time::Time()无参构造方法。
2. Time::Time(int,int,int)构造方法:传递时分秒的三个参数构造对象。
3. Time::Time(const T&)拷贝构造方法。
4. 对象整体读写方法:
   Time::setTime(const T&)方法:传递一个参数修改Time对象的时分秒数。该方法返回修改后的对象。
5. Time::showTime()方法:输出“hh:mm:ss”,不足两位的要前面补0。如果对象不是合法的时间,则输出“Time error”。
6. 静态成员方法:




开始部分为由main()函数产生的固定输出,用于测试对象的某些方法的调用情况。输出“Test data output :”之后为测试数据对应的输出:
每组测试数据对应一组输出“hh:mm:ss”,不足两位的输出需要前面补0。如果输入的时间不合法,则输出“Time error”。格式见sample。

Sample Input

0 0 10 59 591 1 6023 0 023 59 5924 1 0

Sample Output

Static member test output :Now, There is 0 object of Time.Now, There is 1 object of Time.There was a call to the copy constructor : 0,0,0Now, There is 2 object of Time.Now, There is 3 object of Time.There was a call to the copy constructor : 1,2,3Now, There is 4 object of Time.Test data output :00:00:0100:59:59Time error23:00:0023:59:59Time error6


Append Code,
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#include <iostream>#include <iomanip>using namespace std;class Time{private:    int h,m,s;    static int num;public:    Time():h(0),m(0),s(0){num++;}    Time(int hh,int mm,int ss) : h(hh),m(mm),s(ss){num++;}    Time(const Time &t)    {        h = t.h;m = t.m;s = t.s;num++;        cout << "There was a call to the copy constructor : " << h << "," << m << "," << s << endl;    }public:    void hour(int hh){ h = hh;}    void minute(int mm){ m = mm;}    void second(int ss ){ s = ss;}public:    int hour()const{return h;}    int minute()const{return m;}    int second()const{return s;}public:    Time &setTime(int hh ,int mm ,int ss)    {        h = hh;m = mm;s = ss;        return* this;    }    Time &setTime(const Time & t)    {        h = t.hour();        m = t.minute();        s = t.second();        return *this;    }   const Time &getTime()const    {        return *this;//passing 'const Time' as 'this' argument of 'const Time& Time::getTime()' discards qualifiers [-fpermissive]|    }public:    void showTime() const    {        if(h >= 0&& h<24 && m >=0 && m < 60 && s >= 0 && s < 60){        cout << setw(2) << setfill('0');        cout << setw(2) << h << ":";        cout << setw(2) << m << ":";        cout << setw(2) << s << endl;        }        else            cout << "Time error" << endl;    }public:  static   int getNumber()   { return num;} static void displayNumber() { cout << "Now, There is " <<  num << " object of Time." <<endl;}};int Time::num = 0; int main(){    cout<<"Static member test output :"<<endl;    Time::displayNumber();    Time t;    t.displayNumber();    Time tt(t);    tt.displayNumber();    Time ttt(1, 2, 3);    ttt.displayNumber();    Time tttt(ttt.getTime());    tttt.displayNumber();    int non_cases = Time::getNumber();     cout<<"\nTest data output :"<<endl;    int hour, minute, second;    while(cin>>hour>>minute>>second)    {        Time t;        t.setTime(hour, minute, second).showTime();    }    cout<<t.getNumber() - non_cases<<endl;}

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