C# 分词帮助类

来源:互联网 发布:怎么做网络覆盖 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 11:31
using System;using System.Collections;using System.IO;using System.Text.RegularExpressions;namespace DotNet.Utilities{    /// <summary>    /// 分词辅助类    /// </summary>    public class SegList    {        public int MaxLength;        private ArrayList m_seg;        public int Count        {            get            {                return m_seg.Count;            }        }        public SegList()        {            m_seg = new ArrayList();            MaxLength = 0;        }        public void Add(object obj)        {            m_seg.Add(obj);            if (MaxLength < obj.ToString().Length)            {                MaxLength = obj.ToString().Length;            }        }        public object GetElem(int i)        {            if (i < this.Count)                return m_seg[i];            else                return null;        }        public void SetElem(int i, object obj)        {            m_seg[i] = obj;        }        public bool Contains(object obj)        {            return m_seg.Contains(obj);        }        /// <summary>        /// 按长度排序        /// </summary>        public void Sort()        {            Sort(this);        }        /// <summary>        /// 按长度排序        /// </summary>        public void Sort(SegList list)        {            int max = 0;            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count - 1; ++i)            {                max = i;                for (int j = i + 1; j < list.Count; ++j)                {                    string str1 = list.GetElem(j).ToString();                    string str2 = list.GetElem(max).ToString();                    int l1;                    int l2;                    if (str1 == "null")                        l1 = 0;                    else                        l1 = str1.Length;                    if (str2 == "null")                        l2 = 0;                    else                        l2 = str2.Length;                    if (l1 > l2)                        max = j;                }                object o = list.GetElem(max);                list.SetElem(max, list.GetElem(i));                list.SetElem(i, o);            }        }    }    /// <summary>    /// 分词类    /// </summary>    //----------------调用----------------------    //Segment seg = new Segment();    //seg.InitWordDics();    //seg.EnablePrefix = true;    //seg.Separator =" ";    //seg.SegmentText("字符串", false).Trim();    //-------------------------------------------    public class Segment    {        #region 私有字段        private string m_DicPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("bin/ShootSeg/sDict.dic");        private string m_NoisePath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("bin/ShootSeg/sNoise.dic");        private string m_NumberPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("bin/ShootSeg/sNumber.dic");        private string m_WordPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("bin/ShootSeg/sWord.dic");        private string m_PrefixPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("bin/ShootSeg/sPrefix.dic");        private Hashtable htWords;        private ArrayList alNoise;        private ArrayList alNumber;        private ArrayList alWord;        private ArrayList alPrefix;        private double m_EventTime = 0;        /// <summary>        /// 分隔符        /// </summary>        private string m_Separator = " ";        /// <summary>        /// 用于验证汉字的正则表达式        /// </summary>        private string strChinese = "[\u4e00-\u9fa5]";        #endregion        #region 公有属性        /// <summary>        /// 基本词典路径        /// </summary>        public string DicPath        {            get            {                return m_DicPath;            }            set            {                m_DicPath = value;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 数据缓存函数        /// </summary>        /// <param name="key">索引键</param>        /// <param name="val">缓存的数据</param>        private static void SetCache(string key, object val)        {            if (val == null) val = " ";            System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application.Lock();            System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application.Set(key, val);            System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application.UnLock();        }        /// <summary>        /// 读取缓存        /// </summary>        private static object GetCache(string key)        {            return System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application.Get(key);        }        /// <summary>        /// 暂时无用        /// </summary>        public string NoisePath        {            get            {                return m_NoisePath;            }            set            {                m_NoisePath = value;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 数字词典路径        /// </summary>        public string NumberPath        {            get            {                return m_NumberPath;            }            set            {                m_NumberPath = value;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 字母词典路径        /// </summary>        public string WordPath        {            get            {                return m_WordPath;            }            set            {                m_WordPath = value;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 姓名前缀字典 用于纠错姓名        /// </summary>        public string PrefixPath        {            get            {                return m_PrefixPath;            }            set            {                m_PrefixPath = value;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 是否开启姓名纠错功能        /// </summary>        public bool EnablePrefix        {            get            {                if (alPrefix.Count == 0)                    return false;                else                    return true;            }            set            {                if (value)                    alPrefix = LoadWords(PrefixPath, alPrefix);                else                    alPrefix = new ArrayList();            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 用时每次进行加载或分词动作后改属性表示为上一次动作所用时间        /// 已精确到毫秒但分词操作在字符串较短时可能为0        /// </summary>        public double EventTime        {            get            {                return m_EventTime;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 分隔符,默认为空格        /// </summary>        public string Separator        {            get            {                return m_Separator;            }            set            {                if (value != "" && value != null) m_Separator = value;            }        }        #endregion        #region 构造方法        /// <summary>        /// 构造方法        /// </summary>        public Segment()        { }        /// <summary>        /// 构造方法        /// </summary>        public Segment(string p_DicPath, string p_NoisePath, string p_NumberPath, string p_WordPath)        {            m_WordPath = p_DicPath;            m_WordPath = p_NoisePath;            m_WordPath = p_NumberPath;            m_WordPath = p_WordPath;            this.InitWordDics();        }        #endregion        #region 公有方法        /// <summary>        /// 加载词列表        /// </summary>        public void InitWordDics()        {            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;            if (GetCache("jcms_dict") == null)            {                htWords = new Hashtable();                Hashtable father = htWords;                Hashtable forfather = htWords;                string strChar1;                string strChar2;                StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(DicPath, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);                string strline = reader.ReadLine();                SegList list;                Hashtable child = new Hashtable();                long i = 0;                while (strline != null && strline.Trim() != "")                {                    i++;                    strChar1 = strline.Substring(0, 1);                    strChar2 = strline.Substring(1, 1);                    if (!htWords.ContainsKey(strChar1))                    {                        father = new Hashtable();                        htWords.Add(strChar1, father);                    }                    else                    {                        father = (Hashtable)htWords[strChar1];                    }                    if (!father.ContainsKey(strChar2))                    {                        list = new SegList();                        if (strline.Length > 2)                            list.Add(strline.Substring(2));                        else                            list.Add("null");                        father.Add(strChar2, list);                    }                    else                    {                        list = (SegList)father[strChar2];                        if (strline.Length > 2)                        {                            list.Add(strline.Substring(2));                        }                        else                        {                            list.Add("null");                        }                        father[strChar2] = list;                    }                    htWords[strChar1] = father;                    strline = reader.ReadLine();                }                try                {                    reader.Close();                }                catch                { }                SetCache("jcms_dict", htWords);            }            htWords = (Hashtable)GetCache("jcms_dict");            alNoise = LoadWords(NoisePath, alNoise);            alNumber = LoadWords(NumberPath, alNumber);            alWord = LoadWords(WordPath, alWord);            alPrefix = LoadWords(PrefixPath, alPrefix);            TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now - start;            m_EventTime = duration.TotalMilliseconds;        }        /// <summary>        /// 加载文本词组到ArrayList        /// </summary>        public ArrayList LoadWords(string strPath, ArrayList list)        {            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(strPath, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);            list = new ArrayList();            string strline = reader.ReadLine();            while (strline != null)            {                list.Add(strline);                strline = reader.ReadLine();            }            try            {                reader.Close();            }            catch            { }            return list;        }        /// <summary>        /// 输出词列表        /// </summary>        public void OutWords()        {            IDictionaryEnumerator idEnumerator1 = htWords.GetEnumerator();            while (idEnumerator1.MoveNext())            {                IDictionaryEnumerator idEnumerator2 = ((Hashtable)idEnumerator1.Value).GetEnumerator();                while (idEnumerator2.MoveNext())                {                    SegList aa = (SegList)idEnumerator2.Value;                    for (int i = 0; i < aa.Count; i++)                    {                        Console.WriteLine(idEnumerator1.Key.ToString() + idEnumerator2.Key.ToString() + aa.GetElem(i).ToString());                    }                }            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 输出ArrayList        /// </summary>        public void OutArrayList(ArrayList list)        {            if (list == null) return;            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)            {                Console.WriteLine(list[i].ToString());            }        }        /// <summary>        /// 分词过程,不支持回车         /// </summary>        /// <param name="strText">要分词的文本</param>        /// <returns>分词后的文本</returns>        public string SegmentText(string strText)        {            strText = (strText + "$").Trim();            if (htWords == null) return strText;            if (strText.Length < 3) return strText;            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;            int length = 0;            int preFix = 0;            bool word = false;            bool number = false;            string reText = "";            string strPrefix = "";            string strLastChar = "";            string strLastWords = Separator;            for (int i = 0; i < strText.Length - 1; i++)            {                #region 对于每一个字的处理过程                string strChar1 = strText.Substring(i, 1);                string strChar2 = strText.Substring(i + 1, 1).Trim();                bool yes;                SegList l;                Hashtable h;                if (reText.Length > 0) strLastChar = reText.Substring(reText.Length - 1);                if (strChar1 == " ")                {                    if ((number || word) && strLastChar != Separator) reText += this.Separator;                    yes = true;                }                else                    yes = false;                int CharType = GetCharType(strChar1);                switch (CharType)                {                    case 1:                        #region  如果是数字,如果数字的上一位是字母要和后面的数字分开                        if (word)                        {                            reText += Separator;                        }                        word = false;                        number = true;                        strLastWords = "";                        break;                        #endregion                    case 2:                    case 5:                        #region 如果是字母                        if (number)                            strLastWords = Separator;                        else                            strLastWords = "";                        word = true;                        number = false;                        break;                        #endregion                    case 3:                    case 4:                        #region 第一级哈希表是否包含关键字,假如包含处理第二级哈希表                        //上一个字是否为字母                        if (word) reText += Separator;                        #region 检测上一个是否是数字,这个过程是用于修正数字后的量词的                        if (number && CharType != 4)                        {                            h = (Hashtable)htWords["n"];                            if (h.ContainsKey(strChar1))                            {                                l = (SegList)h[strChar1];                                if (l.Contains(strChar2))                                {                                    reText += strChar1 + strChar2 + Separator;                                    yes = true;                                    i++;                                }                                else if (l.Contains("null"))                                {                                    reText += strChar1 + Separator;                                    yes = true;                                }                            }                            else                                reText += Separator;                        }                        #endregion                        //非汉字数字的汉字                        if (CharType == 3)                        {                            word = false;                            number = false;                            strLastWords = Separator;                        }                        else                        {                            word = false;                            number = true;                            strLastWords = "";                        }                        //第二级哈希表取出                        h = (Hashtable)htWords[strChar1];                        //第二级哈希表是否包含关键字                        if (h.ContainsKey(strChar2))                        {                            #region  第二级包含关键字                            //取出ArrayList对象                            l = (SegList)h[strChar2];                            //遍历每一个对象 看是否能组合成词                            for (int j = 0; j < l.Count; j++)                            {                                bool have = false;                                string strChar3 = l.GetElem(j).ToString();                                //对于每一个取出的词进行检测,看是否匹配,长度保护                                if ((strChar3.Length + i + 2) < strText.Length)                                {                                    //向i+2后取出m长度的字                                    string strChar = strText.Substring(i + 2, strChar3.Length).Trim();                                    if (strChar3 == strChar && !yes)                                    {                                        if (strPrefix != "")                                        {                                            reText += strPrefix + Separator;                                            strPrefix = "";                                            preFix = 0;                                        }                                        reText += strChar1 + strChar2 + strChar;                                        i += strChar3.Length + 1;                                        have = true;                                        yes = true;                                        break;                                    }                                }                                else if ((strChar3.Length + i + 2) == strText.Length)                                {                                    string strChar = strText.Substring(i + 2).Trim();                                    if (strChar3 == strChar && !yes)                                    {                                        if (strPrefix != "")                                        {                                            reText += strPrefix + Separator;                                            strPrefix = "";                                            preFix = 0;                                        }                                        reText += strChar1 + strChar2 + strChar;                                        i += strChar3.Length + 1;                                        have = true;                                        yes = true;                                        break;                                    }                                }                                if (!have && j == l.Count - 1 && l.Contains("null") && !yes)                                {                                    if (preFix == 1)                                    {                                        reText += strPrefix + strChar1 + strChar2;                                        strPrefix = "";                                        preFix = 0;                                    }                                    else if (preFix > 1)                                    {                                        reText += strPrefix + strLastWords + strChar1 + strChar2;                                        strPrefix = "";                                        preFix = 0;                                    }                                    else                                    {                                        if (CharType == 4) reText += strChar1 + strChar2;                                        else reText += strChar1 + strChar2;                                        strLastWords = this.Separator;                                        number = false;                                    }                                    i++;                                    yes = true;                                    break;                                }                                else if (have)                                {                                    break;                                }                            }                            #endregion                            //如果没有匹配还可能有一种情况,这个词语只有两个字,以这两个字开头的词语不存在                            if (!yes && l.Contains("null"))                            {                                if (preFix == 1)                                {                                    reText += strPrefix + strChar1 + strChar2;                                    strPrefix = "";                                    preFix = 0;                                }                                else if (preFix > 1)                                {                                    reText += strPrefix + strLastWords + strChar1 + strChar2;                                    strPrefix = "";                                    preFix = 0;                                }                                else                                {                                    if (CharType == 4) reText += strChar1 + strChar2;                                    else reText += strChar1 + strChar2;                                    strLastWords = this.Separator;                                    number = false;                                }                                i++;                                yes = true;                            }                            if (reText.Length > 0) strLastChar = reText.Substring(reText.Length - 1);                            if (CharType == 4 && GetCharType(strLastChar) == 4)                            {                                number = true;                            }                            else if (strLastChar != this.Separator) reText += this.Separator;                        }                        #endregion                        break;                    default:                        #region 未知字符,可能是生僻字,也可能是标点符合之类                        if (word && !yes)                        {                            reText += Separator;                        }                        else if (number && !yes)                        {                            reText += Separator;                        }                        number = false;                        word = false;                        strLastWords = this.Separator;                        break;                        #endregion                }                if (!yes && number || !yes && word)                {                    reText += strChar1;                    yes = true;                }                if (!yes)                {                    #region 处理姓名问题                    if (preFix == 0)                    {                        if (alPrefix.Contains(strChar1 + strChar2))                        {                            i++;                            strPrefix = strChar1 + strChar2;                            preFix++;                        }                        else if (alPrefix.Contains(strChar1))                        {                            if (!number)                            {                                strPrefix = strChar1;                                preFix++;                            }                            else                            {                                reText += strChar1 + strLastWords;                                number = false;                                word = false;                            }                        }                        else                        {                            if (preFix == 3)                            {                                reText += strPrefix + Separator + strChar1 + Separator;                                strPrefix = "";                                preFix = 0;                            }                            else if (preFix > 0)                            {                                if (Regex.IsMatch(strChar1, strChinese))                                {                                    strPrefix += strChar1;                                    preFix++;                                }                                else                                {                                    reText += strPrefix + Separator + strChar1 + Separator;                                    strPrefix = "";                                    preFix = 0;                                }                            }                            else                            {                                reText += strChar1 + strLastWords;                                number = false;                                word = false;                            }                        }                    }                    else                    {                        if (preFix == 3)                        {                            reText += strPrefix + Separator + strChar1 + Separator;                            strPrefix = "";                            preFix = 0;                        }                        else if (preFix > 0)                        {                            if (Regex.IsMatch(strChar1, strChinese))                            {                                strPrefix += strChar1;                                preFix++;                            }                            else                            {                                reText += strPrefix + Separator + strChar1 + Separator;                                strPrefix = "";                                preFix = 0;                            }                        }                        else                        {                            reText += strChar1 + strLastWords;                            number = false;                        }                    }                    #endregion                }                length = i;                #endregion            }            #region 最后防止最后一个字的丢失            if (length < strText.Length - 1)            {                string strLastChar1 = strText.Substring(strText.Length - 1).Trim();                string strLastChar2 = strText.Substring(strText.Length - 2).Trim();                if (reText.Length > 0) strLastChar = reText.Substring(reText.Length - 1);                if (preFix != 0)                {                    reText += strPrefix + strLastChar1;                }                else                {                    switch (GetCharType(strLastChar1))                    {                        case 1:                            if (strLastChar1 != "." && strLastChar1 != ".")                                reText += strLastChar1;                            else                                reText += Separator + strLastChar1;                            break;                        case 2:                        case 5:                            if (alWord.Contains(strLastChar2))                                reText += strLastChar1;                            break;                        case 3:                        case 4:                            if ((number || word) && strLastChar != Separator)                                reText += Separator + strLastChar1;                            else                                reText += strLastChar1;                            break;                        default:                            if (strLastChar != Separator)                                reText += Separator + strLastChar1;                            else                                reText += strLastChar1;                            break;                    }                }                if (reText.Length > 0) strLastChar = (reText.Substring(reText.Length - 1));                if (strLastChar != this.Separator) reText += this.Separator;            }            #endregion            TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now - start;            m_EventTime = duration.TotalMilliseconds;            return reText.Replace(" $", ""); //这里包含一个字的,则去掉        }        /// <summary>        /// 重载分词过程,支持回车        /// </summary>        public string SegmentText(string strText, bool Enter)        {            if (Enter)            {                DateTime start = DateTime.Now;                string[] strArr = strText.Split('\n');                string reText = "";                for (int i = 0; i < strArr.Length; i++)                {                    reText += SegmentText(strArr[i]) + "\r\n";                }                TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now - start;                m_EventTime = duration.TotalMilliseconds;                return reText;            }            else            {                return SegmentText(strText);            }        }        #region 判断字符类型        /// <summary>        /// 判断字符类型,0为未知,1为数字,2为字母,3为汉字,4为汉字数字        /// </summary>        private int GetCharType(string p_Char)        {            int CharType = 0;            if (alNumber.Contains(p_Char)) CharType = 1;            if (alWord.Contains(p_Char)) CharType = 2;            if (htWords.ContainsKey(p_Char)) CharType += 3;            return CharType;        }        #endregion        #region 对加载的词典排序并重新写入        /// <summary>        /// 对加载的词典排序并重新写入        /// </summary>        public void SortDic()        {            SortDic(false);        }        /// <summary>        /// 对加载的词典排序并重新写入        /// </summary>        /// <param name="Reload">是否重新加载</param>        public void SortDic(bool Reload)        {            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(DicPath, false, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);            IDictionaryEnumerator idEnumerator1 = htWords.GetEnumerator();            while (idEnumerator1.MoveNext())            {                IDictionaryEnumerator idEnumerator2 = ((Hashtable)idEnumerator1.Value).GetEnumerator();                while (idEnumerator2.MoveNext())                {                    SegList aa = (SegList)idEnumerator2.Value;                    aa.Sort();                    for (int i = 0; i < aa.Count; i++)                    {                        if (aa.GetElem(i).ToString() == "null")                            sw.WriteLine(idEnumerator1.Key.ToString() + idEnumerator2.Key.ToString());                        else                            sw.WriteLine(idEnumerator1.Key.ToString() + idEnumerator2.Key.ToString() + aa.GetElem(i).ToString());                    }                }            }            sw.Close();            if (Reload) InitWordDics();            TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now - start;            m_EventTime = duration.TotalMilliseconds;        }        #endregion        /// <summary>        /// 删除两行完全相同的词,暂时无用!        /// </summary>        /// <returns>相同词条个数</returns>        public int Optimize()        {            int l = 0;            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;            Hashtable htOptimize = new Hashtable();            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(DicPath, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);            string strline = reader.ReadLine();            while (strline != null && strline.Trim() != "")            {                if (!htOptimize.ContainsKey(strline))                    htOptimize.Add(strline, null);                else                    l++;            }            Console.WriteLine("ready");            try            {                reader.Close();            }            catch { }            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(DicPath, false, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);            IDictionaryEnumerator ide = htOptimize.GetEnumerator();            while (ide.MoveNext())                sw.WriteLine(ide.Key.ToString());            try            {                sw.Close();            }            catch { }            TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now - start;            m_EventTime = duration.TotalMilliseconds;            return l;        }        #endregion    }}

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