Problem B: 点在圆内吗?

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝买家的退货率 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 11:54
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Problem B: 点在圆内吗?

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3. 具有静态方法int getNumOfPoints(),用于返回numOfPoints的值。

4. 具有int getX()和int getY()方法,用于获取横坐标和纵坐标。


1. 拥有Point类的对象center,表示圆心坐标。拥有radius对象,表示圆的半径;1个静态成员numOfCircles,用于指示生成了多少个圆对象。

2. 具有构造函数、析构函数和拷贝构造函数,具体格式根据样例自行判断。

3.具有静态方法int getNumOfCircles(),返回numOfCircles的值。

4. 具有getCenter()方法,返回圆心坐标。注意:根据输出结果判断返回值类型。

5. 具有bool pointInCircle(Point &)方法,用于判断给定的点是否在当前圆内。是则返回true,否则返回false。








Sample Input

20 0 1032 211 1110 01 1 2032 21 1100 100

Sample Output

The Point (0, 0) is created! Now, we have 1 points.The Point (1, 1) is created! Now, we have 2 points.A circle at (1, 1) and radius 1 is created! Now, we have 1 circles.We have 2 points and 1 circles now.The Point (0, 0) is created! Now, we have 3 points.A Point (0, 0) is copied! Now, we have 4 points.A Point (0, 0) is copied! Now, we have 5 points.A circle at (0, 0) and radius 10 is created! Now, we have 2 circles.A Point (0, 0) is erased! Now, we have 4 points.The Point (2, 2) is created! Now, we have 5 points.(2, 2) is in the circle at (0, 0).The Point (11, 11) is created! Now, we have 6 points.(11, 11) is not in the circle at (0, 0).The Point (10, 0) is created! Now, we have 7 points.(10, 0) is not in the circle at (0, 0).A Point (0, 0) is erased! Now, we have 6 points.A circle at (0, 0) and radius 10 is erased! Now, we have 1 circles.A Point (0, 0) is erased! Now, we have 5 points.The Point (1, 1) is created! Now, we have 6 points.A Point (1, 1) is copied! Now, we have 7 points.A Point (1, 1) is copied! Now, we have 8 points.A circle at (1, 1) and radius 20 is created! Now, we have 2 circles.A Point (1, 1) is erased! Now, we have 7 points.The Point (2, 2) is created! Now, we have 8 points.(2, 2) is in the circle at (1, 1).The Point (1, 1) is created! Now, we have 9 points.(1, 1) is in the circle at (1, 1).The Point (100, 100) is created! Now, we have 10 points.(100, 100) is not in the circle at (1, 1).A Point (1, 1) is erased! Now, we have 9 points.A circle at (1, 1) and radius 20 is erased! Now, we have 1 circles.A Point (1, 1) is erased! Now, we have 8 points.We have 8 points, and 1 circles.A circle at (1, 1) and radius 1 is erased! Now, we have 0 circles.A Point (1, 1) is erased! Now, we have 7 points.A Point (0, 0) is erased! Now, we have 6 points.


Append Code,
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#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Point {public:    int x;    int y;    static int numOfPoints;    Point(int a = 0,int b = 0):x(a),y(b) {numOfPoints++; cout<<"The Point ("<<x<<", "<<y<<") is created! Now, we have "<<numOfPoints<<" points."<<endl;}    ~Point() {numOfPoints--; cout<<"A Point ("<<x<<", "<<y<<") is erased! Now, we have "<<numOfPoints<<" points."<<endl;}    Point(const Point &p) {        numOfPoints++;        x = p.x;        y = p.y;        cout<<"A Point ("<<x<<", "<<y<<") is copied! Now, we have "<<numOfPoints<<" points."<<endl;    }    static int getNumOfPoints() {        return numOfPoints;    }    int getX() {        return x;    }    int getY() {        return y;    }};class Circle { public:    Point center;    int radius;    static int numOfCircles;    Circle(int a,int b,int c):center(a,b),radius(c) {        numOfCircles++;        cout<<"A circle at ("<<center.x<<", "<<center.y<<") and radius "<<radius<<" is created! Now, we have "<<numOfCircles<<" circles."<<endl;    }    Circle(Point p,int r):center(p),radius(r) {        numOfCircles++;        cout<<"A circle at ("<<center.x<<", "<<center.y<<") and radius "<<radius<<" is created! Now, we have "<<numOfCircles<<" circles."<<endl;    }    ~Circle() {        numOfCircles--;        cout<<"A circle at ("<<center.x<<", "<<center.y<<") and radius "<<radius<<" is erased! Now, we have "<<numOfCircles<<" circles."<<endl;    }    Circle(const Circle &c) {        numOfCircles++;        center.x =;        center.y =;        radius = c.radius;        cout<<"A circle at ("<<center.x<<", "<<center.y<<") and radius "<<radius<<" is copied! Now, we have "<<numOfCircles<<" circles."<<endl;    }    static int getNumOfCircles() {        return numOfCircles;    }    Point &getCenter() {        return center;    }    bool pointInCircle(Point &p) {        if((p.x-center.x)*(p.x-center.x)+(p.y-center.y)*(p.y-center.y) < radius*radius) {            return true;        } else return false;    }};int Point::numOfPoints=0;int Circle::numOfCircles=0;int main(){    int cases,num;    int x, y, r, px, py;    Point aPoint(0,0), *bPoint;    Circle aCircle(1,1,1);    cin>>cases;    cout<<"We have "<<Point::getNumOfPoints()<<" points and "<<Circle::getNumOfCircles()<<" circles now."<<endl;    for (int i = 0; i < cases; i++)    {        cin>>x>>y>>r;        bPoint = new Point(x,y);        Circle circle(*bPoint, r);        cin>>num;        for (int j = 0; j < num; j++)        {            cin>>px>>py;            if (circle.pointInCircle(*(new Point(px, py))))            {                cout<<"("<<px<<", "<<py<<") is in the circle at (";                cout<<circle.getCenter().getX()<<", "<<circle.getCenter().getY()<<")."<<endl;            }            else            {                cout<<"("<<px<<", "<<py<<") is not in the circle at (";                cout<<circle.getCenter().getX()<<", "<<circle.getCenter().getY()<<")."<<endl;            }        }        delete bPoint;    }    cout<<"We have "<<Point::getNumOfPoints()<<" points, and "<<Circle::getNumOfCircles()<<" circles."<<endl;    return 0;}

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