
来源:互联网 发布:linux 更改home空间 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 13:38


Function ConvertRMB (ls as currency) as string    dim dx_sz as string    dim dx_dw as string     dim str_int as string     dim str_dec as string    dim dx_str as string     dim fu as string    dim a as string    dim b as string    dim c as string    dim d as string    dim b2 as string    dim num_int as number    dim num_dec as currency    dim len_int as number    dim i as number    dim a_int as number    dim pp as number    dx_sz="零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖"    dx_dw="万仟佰拾亿仟佰拾万仟佰拾元"        if ls<0 then        ls=abs(ls)        fu="负"    else        fu=""    end if    dx_str=CStr (ls)    dx_str=Replace (dx_str,"¥","")    dx_str=replace(dx_str,",","")    if (ls>0) and (ls<1) then dx_str="0"+dx_str        pp=InStr (dx_str,".")       if pp>0 then         str_int=mid(dx_str,1,instr(dx_str,".")-1)    else        str_int=dx_str    end if    num_int=ToNumber (str_int)    if (ls>0) and (ls<1) then         num_dec =  ls*100    else        num_dec=(ls-num_int)*100    end if    str_dec=totext(num_dec)    str_dec=replace(str_dec,"¥","")    len_int=len(str_int)    dx_str=""    for i=1 to len_int        a=mid(str_int,i,1)        a_int=tonumber(a)        b=mid(dx_sz,(a_int+1),1)        c=mid(dx_dw,(13-len_int+i),1)        if dx_str<>"" then            d=mid(dx_str,len(dx_str)-1,1)        else            d=""        end if        if(b="零") and ((d="零") or (b=b2) or (c="元") or (c="万") or (c="亿")) then b=""        if(a="0") and (c<>"元") and (c<>"万") and (c<>"亿") then c=""        if((c="元") or (c="万") or (c="亿")) and (d="零") and (a="0") then            dx_str=mid(dx_str,1,len(dx_str)-2)            d=mid(dx_str,len(dx_str)-1,2)            if((c="元") and (d="万"))or((c="万") and (d="亿")) then c=""        end if        dx_str=dx_str+b+c        b2=b    next i    '处理金额小于1的情况    if len(dx_str)<2 then dx_str=""    if(num_dec<10)and(ls>0) then        a_int=tonumber(str_dec)        b=mid(dx_sz,(a_int+1),1)        if num_dec=0 then dx_str=dx_str+"整"        if num_dec>0 then dx_str=dx_str+"零"+b+"分"    end if    if num_dec>=10 then        a_int=tonumber(mid(str_dec,1,1))        a=mid(dx_sz,(a_int+1),1)        a_int=tonumber(mid(str_dec,2,1))        b=mid(dx_sz,(a_int+1),1)        if a<>"零" then a=a+"角"        if b<>"零" then b=b+"分" else b=""        dx_str=dx_str+a+b    end if    if ls=0 then dx_str="零元整"    dx_str=fu+dx_str    dx_str=replace(dx_str,"零亿","亿")    dx_str=replace(dx_str,"零万","万")    dx_str=replace(dx_str,"零千","千")    dx_str=replace(dx_str,"零元","元")    ConvertRMB =dx_strEnd Function


