acrgis api for javaScript中的portal查询

来源:互联网 发布:渠道管理 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/12 20:53


require(["esri/arcgis/Portal"], function(arcgisPortal) { /* code goes here */ });方法:


NameReturn typeSummarygetPortalUser()PortalUserReturns a PortalUser object that describes the user currently signed in to the portal.queryGroups(queryParams?)DeferredExecute a query against the Portal to return a deferred that when resolved returns PortalQueryResult that contain a results array of PortalGroup objects for all the groups that match the input query.queryItems(queryParams?)DeferredExecute a query against the Portal to return a deferred that when resolved returns PortalQueryResult that contain a results array of PortalItem objects that match the input query.queryUsers(queryParams?)DeferredExecute a query against the Portal to return a deferred that when resolved returns PortalQueryResult that contain a results array of PortalUser objects that match the input query.signIn()DeferredPrompts the user using the IdentityManager and returns a deferred that, when resolved, returns the PortalUser for the input credentials.signOut()PortalSign out of the Portal which resets the Portal and disables identity checking.

本文主要是通过protal查询群组和protal Item

<script>    require([        "esri/arcgis/Portal",        "dojo/domReady!"    ], function(arcgisPortal ) {        var group = '7409b28cf583462eb621664e5827db20';        var portalURL = '';        var portal = new arcgisPortal.Portal(portalURL);       /*       var q, params;        var BaseMapGroupQuery;        q = 'id:"'+ group + '"';        params = {            q: q,            num:100,            title:'iPortal'        };        portal.queryGroups(params).then(function (groups) {            if (groups.results.length > 0) {                BaseMapGroupQuery = groups.results[0].portal.basemapGalleryGroupQuery;            }        });        */        var queryString = 'group:("' + group + '")';        var  params1 = {            q: queryString,            num:100        };        portal.queryItems(params1).then(function (data) {            if (data.results.length > 0) {            }        });    });</script>

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