
来源:互联网 发布:电话线端口转换器 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 22:36
四.高级查询  1. 子查询和相关子查询 示例:   Select studentno,studentname,sex,borndate,address  from student   Where borndate>(Select borndate from student where studentname=’李斯文’)   采用变量实现:   Declare @birthday datetime   Seelct @birthday=borndate from student      Where studentname=’李斯文’   Select studentno,studentname,sex,borndate,address  from student      Where borndate>@birthday   Go   语法:  Select ...... From 表1 where 列1>(子查询)  子查询必须放置在一对圆括号内,在列1后面除了‘>’,还可以使用其他运算符号。  注意:将子查询和比较运算符联合使用,必须保证子查询返回的值不能多于一个。  问题:查询Java课程至少一次考试刚好等于60分的学生 方法一:  Select studentname from student stuInner join result r on stu.studentno=r.studentnoInner join subject sub on r.subjectno=sub.subjectno  Where studentresult=60 and subjectname=’java’  Go 方法二:  Select studentname from student   Where studentno=(Select studentno from resultInner join subject on result.subjectno=subject.subjectnoWhere studentresult=60 and subjectname=’java’)  Go 注意:一般来说,表连接都可以用子查询替代,但是反过来可不一定,有的子查询不能用表连接来替代。子查询比较灵活,方便,形式多样,适合于作为查询的筛选条件,而表连接更适合于查看多表的数据。 2.In 和 not in 子查询使用in关键字可以使父查询匹配子查询返回的多个单列值示例:  /*---采用in子查询---*/ Select studentname from student where studentno in  (   Select studentno from result   Where subjectno=(Select subjectno from subjectWhere subjectname=’java’)And studentresult=60   )  Go  问题:查询参加Java课程最近一次考试的在读学生名单  (1)获得java 课程的课程编号  (2)根据课程编号查询最近一次Java考试的考试日期  (3)根据课程编号和最近的考试日期查询学生信息  Select studentno,studentname from student Where studentno in  (  Select studentno from result   Where subjectno=  (     Select subjectno from subject      Where subjectname=’java’      ) and examdate=       (         Selcct max(examdate) from result          Where subjectno=           (            Select subjectno from subject            Where subjectname=’java’           )       )  ) Not in 子查询:示例:/*---采用not in子查询,查看未参加考试的在读的学生名单---*/Select studentno,studentname from student Where studentno not in  (  Select studentno from result   Where subjectno=   (      Select subjectno from subject      Where subjectname=’java’      ) and examdate=       (         Selcct max(examdate) from result          Where subjectno=           (            Select subjectno from subject            Where subjectname=’java’           )       )  )3.Exists 和 not exists 子查询 Exists 关键字能够检测数据是否存在 --查询年级名称是否存在if exists(select gradeid from Gradewhere GradeName='S1' )begin  update Grade set GradeName='S2' where  GradeId in (  select gradeid from Grade  where GradeName='S1' )endelsebegin print '没有这个班级'end --查询学生姓名,年级名称,课程名称,考试日期,考试成绩 select Studentname,gradename,subjectname,examdate,StudentResult from Grade join Subject on Grade.GradeId=Subject.GradeId join Result on subject.SubjectId=result.SubjectId join Student on result.StudentNo=student.StudentNowhere student.StudentNo in(select studentno from Studentwhere Result.StudentNo=student.StudentNo)andsubject.SubjectId in(select subjectid from Subjectwhere ExamDate in(select MAX(examdate) from Resultwhere result.SubjectId=Subject.SubjectId))group by studentname,gradename,subjectname,examdate,StudentResult子查询注意事项:  (1) 子查询语句可以嵌套在SQL语句的任何表达式出现的位置  (2)在子查询的select子句中不能出现text,ntext或image数据类型的列  (3)只出现在子查询中而没有出现在父查询中的表不能包含在输出列 合并多个表中的数据的3种方法是:联合,子查询和表连接4.分页  分页的目的是:为了加快网站对数据的查询速度--分页1--跳过三条取三条--   select top 3 * from student   where studentno not in   (    select top 3 studentno from student      ) ---分页2  --在内存中增加一列  查询列的表  然后条件  --1.from 表名  2.where 条件  3.查询结果  select * from(select *,ROW_NUMBER() over(order by studentno) as myid from student) as tempwhere myid between 4 and 6五.---查询6~10条的租房信息select top 5 * from dbo.hos_house where HMID not in(select TOP 5 HMID from dbo.hos_house)--查询张三发布的所有出租房信息select dname as 区县,sname as 街道,htname as 户型,PRICE  as 价格,TOPIC as 标题,CONTENTS  as  描述,htime as 时间,copy as 备注 from dbo.hos_housejoin dbo.hos_street on dbo.hos_house.SID=dbo.hos_street.SIDjoin dbo.hos_type on dbo.hos_house.HTID=dbo.hos_type.HTIDjoin dbo.hos_district on dbo.hos_street.SDID=dbo.hos_district.DIDwhere UID=(select UID from dbo.sys_userwhere UNAME='张三') ---根据区县制作房屋出租清单select htname as 户型,UNAME as 姓名,dname as 区县,sname as 街道from dbo.hos_housejoin dbo.sys_user on dbo.hos_house.UID=dbo.sys_user.UIDjoin dbo.hos_street on dbo.hos_house.SID=dbo.hos_street.SIDjoin dbo.hos_district on dbo.hos_street.SDID=dbo.hos_district.DIDjoin dbo.hos_type on dbo.hos_house.HTID=dbo.hos_type.HTID where dbo.hos_street.sID in ( select SID from dbo.hos_street where SDID in (select SDID from dbo.hos_street  where sid in  ( select sid from dbo.hos_house  group by sid  having COUNT(HMID)>0  ) group by SDID having COUNT(SDID)>=2 ) ) order by 户型  六.事务,视图和索引  1. 事务是单个的工作单元,不可分割的整体。具有要么都成功或者都失败的属性     事务的四个属性:原子性(atomicity) 一致性(consistency) 隔离性(isolation) 持久性(durability)  2.执行事务的语法:    (1)开始事务          begin transaction      (2)提交事务          commit transaction      (3)回滚事务          rollback transaction       SQL Server的默认模式:自动提交事务   use Myschoolcreate table bank(id int identity(1,1) primary key not null,name varchar(32),price decimal(18,2))insert into bankvalues('张三',1000)insert into bankvalues('李四',1)--添加检查约束,银行卡余额必须>=1alter table bankadd constraint ck_price check(price>=1)--开始转账 --开启事务 begin transaction  declare @errorSum int set @errorSum=0 --更改张三的余额 update bank set price-=500 where id=1  set @errorSum=@errorSum+@@ERROR --更改李四的余额 update bank set price+=500 where id=2  set @errorSum=@errorSum+@@ERRORif(@errorSum>0)begin--存在错误回滚事务  rollback transactionendelsebegin--没有错误提交事务  commit transactionend  3.视图     视图是一种虚拟的表,通常是作为来自一个或多个表的行或列的子集创建的。     视图并不是数据库中存储的数据值的集合,它的行和列来自查询中引用的表,在执行时,它直接显示来自表中的数据。     视图充当着查询中指定表筛选器  4.创建视图的语法:      create view vw_name      as        <select语句>     删除视图的语法:      drop view vw_name     查看视图的语法:     select  *  from  vw_name    示例:     use Myschoolcreate view vw_stuinfoas select Studentname,gradename,subjectname,examdate,StudentResult from Gradeinner join Subject on Grade.GradeId=Subject.GradeIdinner join Result on subject.SubjectId=result.SubjectIdinner join Student on result.StudentNo=student.StudentNo and student.GradeId=Grade.GradeIdgoselect * from vw_stuinfo 索引(Index)加快表中记录的检索速度,同时降低增删改速度
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