
来源:互联网 发布:jsp java注释 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/14 06:46



实验三 串




1. 通过结构体声明堆存储的串,并构造一个串;

2. 实现串的输出;

3. 编写求串长、串比较、求子串操作;

4. 根据3中的操作,实现串的模式匹配;

5. 在主函数中声明两个串,通过模式匹配测试一个串是否存在于另一个串中。


#include "stdafx.h"#include <iostream>using namespace std;typedef int Status;/***********类型定义***********/typedef struct hstring{char *ch;  //串指针int length;  //串长}HString;/***********函数申明***********/Status StrAssign(HString &T, char *chars);  //构造串int StrLength(HString S);  //计算串长int StrCompare(HString S, HString T);  //串比较Status SubString(HString &Sub, HString S, int pos, int len);  //取子串int Index(HString S, HString T, int pos);  //模式匹配void StrPrint(HString S);  //输出/***********函数实现***********//***********构造串***********/Status StrAssign(HString &T, char *chars){int i, j;char *c;//if(T.ch) free(T.ch);for(i = 0, c = chars; *c; ++i, ++c); //测定串长if(!i){T.ch = NULL;T.length = 0;}else{if(!(T.ch = (char *)malloc(i * sizeof(char)))) exit(OVERFLOW);for(j = 0; j <= i - 1; ++j){T.ch[j] = chars[j];}T.length = i;}return OK;}/***********输出串***********/void StrPrint(HString S){int j;for(j = 0; j <= S.length - 1; ++j)cout << S.ch[j];cout << endl;}/***********串比较***********/int StrCompare(HString S, HString T){int i;for(i = 0; i < S.length && i < T.length; ++i){if(S.ch[i] != T.ch[i])return S.ch[i] - T.ch[i];}return S.length - T.length;}/***********计算串长***********/int StrLength(HString S){return S.length;}/***********取子串***********/Status SubString(HString &Sub, HString S, int pos, int len){int j;if(pos < 1 || pos > S.length || len < 0 || len > S.length - pos + 1)return ERROR;//if(Sub.ch) delete(Sub.ch);if(!len){Sub.ch = NULL;Sub.length = 0;}else{Sub.ch = (char *)malloc(len * sizeof(char));for(j = 0; j < len; ++j){Sub.ch[j] = S.ch[j + pos - 1];Sub.length = len;}}return OK;}/***********模式匹配***********/int Index(HString S, HString T, int pos){int n, m ,i;HString sub;if(pos > 0){n = StrLength(S);m = StrLength(T);i = pos;}while(i <= n - m + 1){SubString(sub, S, i, m);if((StrCompare(sub, T)) != 0) ++i;elsereturn i;}return 0;}/***********主函数***********/int main(){    HString S = {NULL,0}, S1 = {NULL,0}, S2 = {NULL,0}, sub = {NULL,0};    char *mainstring = "HelloWorld5555";    //char *substring = "World";    StrAssign(S1, mainstring);    //StrAssign(S2, substring);    StrAssign(S2, "World");    cout << "S1: ";    StrPrint(S1);    cout << "The length of S1 is " << StrLength(S1) << endl;    cout << "S2: ";    StrPrint(S2);    cout << "The length of S2 is " << StrLength(S2) << endl;    cout << "The location is " << Index(S1, S2, 1) << endl;    SubString(sub, S1, 6, 7);    cout << "the SubString is ";    StrPrint(sub);    cout << "StrCompare: " << StrCompare(S2, S1) << endl;    return 0;}



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