第32课:彻底解密Spark 2.1.X中Shuffle 下Task视角内存分配管理

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝违反价格法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 09:18

第32课:彻底解密Spark 2.1.X中Shuffle 下Task视角内存分配管理

本文根据家林大神系列课程编写 http://weibo.com/ilovepains

Spark 2.1.X内存管理包含2种类型:统一内存管理 UnifiedMemoryManager、静态内存StaticMemoryManager。这两种内存的管理方式最终要落实到Task的运行。我们先从源码角度对Spark内存管理进行回顾,从Spark Task的视角解析Task运行内存管理源码。在Spark 2.1.X中默认使用的UnifiedMemoryManager的统一内存管理的方式,从Task运行的角度来讲是Execution级别的,也就是UnifiedMemoryManager的核心是Execution Memory。Execution Memory主要做的事情是Shuffle、Sort、Aggregate等。我们为什么将Execution Memory的内存调大,理论上讲,Execution Memory的内存越大,IO就越来越少。Execution Memory相对于内存的占用比较强势。当Execution Memory空间不足而且Storage Memory空间也不足的时候,Storage Memory空间会被强制drop掉一部分数据来解决Execution 的空间不足问题。


  •  acquireExecutionMemory
  •  acquireStorageMemory




override private[memory] def acquireExecutionMemory(    numBytes: Long,    taskAttemptId: Long,    memoryMode: MemoryMode): Long = synchronized {  assertInvariants()  assert(numBytes >= 0)  val (executionPool, storagePool, storageRegionSize, maxMemory) = memoryMode match {    case MemoryMode.ON_HEAP => (      onHeapExecutionMemoryPool,      onHeapStorageMemoryPool,      onHeapStorageRegionSize,      maxHeapMemory)    case MemoryMode.OFF_HEAP => (      offHeapExecutionMemoryPool,      offHeapStorageMemoryPool,      offHeapStorageMemory,      maxOffHeapMemory)  }

acquireExecutionMemory根据ON_HEAP、OFF_HEAP两种不同的方式进行模式匹配,匹配到2种不同方式的时候,有自己的执行方式。内部onHeapExecutionMemoryPool, onHeapStorageMemoryPool无论是哪种方式都会调maybeGrowExecutionPool。


def maybeGrowExecutionPool(extraMemoryNeeded: Long): Unit = {  if (extraMemoryNeeded > 0) {    // There is not enough free memory in the execution pool, so try to reclaim memory from    // storage. We can reclaim any free memory from the storage pool. If the storage pool    // has grown to become larger than `storageRegionSize`, we can evict blocks and reclaim    // the memory that storage has borrowed from execution.    val memoryReclaimableFromStorage = math.max(      storagePool.memoryFree,      storagePool.poolSize - storageRegionSize)    if (memoryReclaimableFromStorage > 0) {      // Only reclaim as much space as is necessary and available:      val spaceToReclaim = storagePool.freeSpaceToShrinkPool(        math.min(extraMemoryNeeded, memoryReclaimableFromStorage))      storagePool.decrementPoolSize(spaceToReclaim)      executionPool.incrementPoolSize(spaceToReclaim)    }  }}

         每一个Task能够使用的内存理论上是多大呢?这是很重要的一件事情,因为能推测每一个Task能使用的大小,计算公式为poolSize/(2*numActiveTasks)到 maxPollSize/numActiveTasks。


      在maybeGrowExecutionPool方法中通过比较 storagePool.memoryFree和storagePool.poolSize -storageRegionSize的大小,计算一个最大值:storage Memory剩余的内存和storagememory从Executionmemory借来的内存哪个大。Storage和Execution在适当的时候可以借用彼此的memory,Storage Memory在Execution执行的时候,Execution memory有空间,Storage Memory缓存的时候向Execution memory借用一些空间。如果Execution memory内存不够,这个时候进行一个比较,整个Execution memory能借到的最大内存是Storage Memory曾经找Execution memory借的内存+Storage Memory空闲内存;根据math.min(extraMemoryNeeded,memoryReclaimableFromStorage)如果Executionmemory需要的大小小于能借到的最大内存,那以实际需要的内存为准。



def freeSpaceToShrinkPool(spaceToFree: Long): Long = lock.synchronized {  val spaceFreedByReleasingUnusedMemory = math.min(spaceToFree, memoryFree)  val remainingSpaceToFree = spaceToFree - spaceFreedByReleasingUnusedMemory  if (remainingSpaceToFree > 0) {    // If reclaiming free memory did not adequately shrink the pool, begin evicting blocks:    val spaceFreedByEviction =      memoryStore.evictBlocksToFreeSpace(None, remainingSpaceToFree, memoryMode)    // When a block is released, BlockManager.dropFromMemory() calls releaseMemory(), so we do    // not need to decrement _memoryUsed here. However, we do need to decrement the pool size.    spaceFreedByReleasingUnusedMemory + spaceFreedByEviction  } else {    spaceFreedByReleasingUnusedMemory  }}


l  executionPool.decrementPoolSize(memoryBorrowedFromExecution)

l  storagePool.incrementPoolSize(memoryBorrowedFromExecution)


/** * Expands the pool by `delta` bytes. */final def incrementPoolSize(delta: Long): Unit = lock.synchronized {  require(delta >= 0)  _poolSize += delta}/** * Shrinks the pool by `delta` bytes. */final def decrementPoolSize(delta: Long): Unit = lock.synchronized {  require(delta >= 0)  require(delta <= _poolSize)  require(_poolSize - delta >= memoryUsed)  _poolSize -= delta}


         接下来我们阐述Storage Memory。Storage Memory只有一种情况:在Execution memory空闲的时候,StorageMemory能借走Execution memory的空闲内存。

override def acquireStorageMemory(    blockId: BlockId,    numBytes: Long,    memoryMode: MemoryMode): Boolean = synchronized {  assertInvariants()  assert(numBytes >= 0)  val (executionPool, storagePool, maxMemory) = memoryMode match {    case MemoryMode.ON_HEAP => (      onHeapExecutionMemoryPool,      onHeapStorageMemoryPool,      maxOnHeapStorageMemory)    case MemoryMode.OFF_HEAP => (      offHeapExecutionMemoryPool,      offHeapStorageMemoryPool,      maxOffHeapMemory)  }  if (numBytes > maxMemory) {    // Fail fast if the block simply won't fit    logInfo(s"Will not store $blockId as the required space ($numBytes bytes) exceeds our " +      s"memory limit ($maxMemory bytes)")    return false  }  if (numBytes > storagePool.memoryFree) {    // There is not enough free memory in the storage pool, so try to borrow free memory from    // the execution pool.    val memoryBorrowedFromExecution = Math.min(executionPool.memoryFree, numBytes)    executionPool.decrementPoolSize(memoryBorrowedFromExecution)    storagePool.incrementPoolSize(memoryBorrowedFromExecution)  }  storagePool.acquireMemory(blockId, numBytes)}


/** * Manages bookkeeping for an adjustable-sized region of memory. This class is internal to * the [[MemoryManager]]. See subclasses for more details. * * @param lock a [[MemoryManager]] instance, used for synchronization. We purposely erase the type *             to `Object` to avoid programming errors, since this object should only be used for *             synchronization purposes. */private[memory] abstract class MemoryPool(lock: Object) {  @GuardedBy("lock")  private[this] var _poolSize: Long = 0  /**   * Returns the current size of the pool, in bytes.   */  final def poolSize: Long = lock.synchronized {    _poolSize  }  /**   * Returns the amount of free memory in the pool, in bytes.   */  final def memoryFree: Long = lock.synchronized {    _poolSize - memoryUsed  }  /**   * Expands the pool by `delta` bytes.   */  final def incrementPoolSize(delta: Long): Unit = lock.synchronized {    require(delta >= 0)    _poolSize += delta  }  /**   * Shrinks the pool by `delta` bytes.   */  final def decrementPoolSize(delta: Long): Unit = lock.synchronized {    require(delta >= 0)    require(delta <= _poolSize)    require(_poolSize - delta >= memoryUsed)    _poolSize -= delta  }  /**   * Returns the amount of used memory in this pool (in bytes).   */  def memoryUsed: Long}


         每个Task能够分配的内存大小:poolSize/(2*numActiveTasks) 到 maxPollSize/numActiveTasks。

l  val maxMemoryPerTask = maxPoolSize / numActiveTasks

l  val minMemoryPerTask = poolSize / (2 * numActiveTasks)


  如果ShuffleTask计算比较复杂的情况,业务逻辑比较复杂,使用新型的UnifiedMemoryManager内存管理方式能取得较好的效果;但是如果计算的业务逻辑不复杂,shuffle计算比较简单,这个时候可以回退到旧的内存管理方式,使用StaticMemory Management效果会更好,因为缓存空间更大。


    在这个基础之上,从Task的角度来看,Task有个TaskMemoryManagerTaskMemoryManager管理单个任务分配的内存。 TaskMemoryManager类中的大多数复杂情况涉及到64位长的off-heap 非堆地址编码。在off-heap 非堆模式下,内存可以直接寻址64位。在堆模式下,内存是对象内的基本对象引用和64位偏移的组合寻址。这是一个问题,当我们想存储指针的数据结构内的其他结构,如在hashmaps或排序缓冲区的记录内的指针。即使我们决定使用128位来解决内存问题,我们不能只存储基本对象的地址,由于堆内存存在GC,因此它不能保证保持稳定。相反,我们使用64位地址方式来编码记录指针:off-heap 非堆模式,只需存储原始地址,并在堆模式上使用的地址的上13位存储“页码”和较低的51位来存储此页内的偏移量。这些页数字是用来索引为“页表”阵内以MemoryManager来检索基本对象。 这使我们能够解决8192页。在堆模式下,最大页大小受最大长度的数组限制,我们能够解决8192 2^32 字节的地址,大约35百万兆字节内存。

    TaskMemoryManager 肯定要申请内存,管理内存以及释放内存,需要一个MemoryBlock[]类型的内存的pageTable,对堆的内存的分配、释放,这个都是JVM进行管理的,我们new出一个MemoryBlock,只是对象的引用,不是具体内存空间的地址。堆内存有GC的问题,是JVM的死穴,那我们做堆外内存,JAVA提供了ByteBufferBlock的工具类。


    接下来我们看一下MemoryLocationMemoryLocation是内存位置:跟踪内存地址(off-heap 非堆地址分配);或者JVM对象的偏移量(in-heap堆分配)。

public class MemoryLocation {  @Nullable  Object obj;  long offset;  public MemoryLocation(@Nullable Object obj, long offset) {    this.obj = obj;    this.offset = offset;  }  public MemoryLocation() {    this(null, 0);  }  public void setObjAndOffset(Object newObj, long newOffset) {    this.obj = newObj;    this.offset = newOffset;  }  public final Object getBaseObject() {    return obj;  }  public final long getBaseOffset() {    return offset;  }}

 我们看一下MemoryBlock,MemoryBlock是一个连续的内存块,从{@link MemoryLocation} 开始具有固定大小的存储单元。pageNumber变量是可选的页码;当TaskMemoryManager分配内存使用MemoryBlock来表示页,pageNumber是公共变量,在不同的包里面可以通过TaskMemoryManager修改。  

ublic class MemoryBlock extends MemoryLocation {  private final long length;  /**   * Optional page number; used when this MemoryBlock represents a page allocated by a   * TaskMemoryManager. This field is public so that it can be modified by the TaskMemoryManager,   * which lives in a different package.   */  public int pageNumber = -1;  public MemoryBlock(@Nullable Object obj, long offset, long length) {    super(obj, offset);    this.length = length;  }  /**   * Returns the size of the memory block.   */  public long size() {    return length;  }  /**   * Creates a memory block pointing to the memory used by the long array.   */  public static MemoryBlock fromLongArray(final long[] array) {    return new MemoryBlock(array, Platform.LONG_ARRAY_OFFSET, array.length * 8L);  }  /**   * Fills the memory block with the specified byte value.   */  public void fill(byte value) {    Platform.setMemory(obj, offset, length, value);  }}

接下来我们我们看一下UnsafeMemoryAllocator,一个简单的 {@linkMemoryAllocator} 使用 {@code Unsafe} 分配off-heap非堆内存分配。

public class UnsafeMemoryAllocator implements MemoryAllocator {  @Override  public MemoryBlock allocate(long size) throws OutOfMemoryError {    long address = Platform.allocateMemory(size);    MemoryBlock memory = new MemoryBlock(null, address, size);    if (MemoryAllocator.MEMORY_DEBUG_FILL_ENABLED) {      memory.fill(MemoryAllocator.MEMORY_DEBUG_FILL_CLEAN_VALUE);    }    return memory;  }  @Override  public void free(MemoryBlock memory) {    assert (memory.obj == null) :      "baseObject not null; are you trying to use the off-heap allocator to free on-heap memory?";    if (MemoryAllocator.MEMORY_DEBUG_FILL_ENABLED) {      memory.fill(MemoryAllocator.MEMORY_DEBUG_FILL_FREED_VALUE);    }    Platform.freeMemory(memory.offset);  }}







public class TaskMemoryManager {  private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TaskMemoryManager.class);  /** The number of bits used to address the page table. */  private static final int PAGE_NUMBER_BITS = 13;  /** The number of bits used to encode offsets in data pages. */  @VisibleForTesting  static final int OFFSET_BITS = 64 - PAGE_NUMBER_BITS;  // 51  /** The number of entries in the page table. */  private static final int PAGE_TABLE_SIZE = 1 << PAGE_NUMBER_BITS;  /**   * Maximum supported data page size (in bytes). In principle, the maximum addressable page size is   * (1L &lt;&lt; OFFSET_BITS) bytes, which is 2+ petabytes. However, the on-heap allocator's   * maximum page size is limited by the maximum amount of data that can be stored in a long[]   * array, which is (2^32 - 1) * 8 bytes (or 16 gigabytes). Therefore, we cap this at 16 gigabytes.   */  public static final long MAXIMUM_PAGE_SIZE_BYTES = ((1L << 31) - 1) * 8L;  /** Bit mask for the lower 51 bits of a long. */  private static final long MASK_LONG_LOWER_51_BITS = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFL;

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