
来源:互联网 发布:电力牵引预算编制软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/14 10:20





using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;using MyGame;namespace MyGame {    public interface newUserActions {        void priestSOnB();        void priestEOnB();        void devilSOnB();        void devilEOnB();        void moveBoat();        void offBoatL();        void offBoatR();        void restart();    }    public interface SceneController {        void loadResources ();    }    public class Director : System.Object {        private static Director _instance;        public SceneController currentSceneController { get; set; }        public static Director getInstance() {            if (_instance == null) {                _instance = new Director ();            }            return _instance;        }    }    //--------------------new movement---------------------------    public class ObjAction : ScriptableObject    {        public bool enable = true;        public bool destroy = false;        public GameObject gameObject;        public Transform transform;        public ActionCallback whoToNotify;        public virtual void Start()        {            throw new System.NotImplementedException();        }        public virtual void Update()        {            throw new System.NotImplementedException();        }    }    public class MoveToAction : ObjAction    {        public Vector3 target;        public float speed;        private MoveToAction(){}        public static MoveToAction getAction(Vector3 target, float speed) {            MoveToAction action = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<MoveToAction>();            action.target = target;            action.speed = speed;            return action;        }        public override void Update() {            this.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(this.transform.position, target, speed*Time.deltaTime);            if (this.transform.position == target) {                this.destroy = true;                this.whoToNotify.actionDone(this);            }        }        public override void Start() {            //        }    }    public interface ActionCallback {        void actionDone(ObjAction source);    }    public class ActionManager: MonoBehaviour, ActionCallback {        private Dictionary<int, ObjAction> actions = new Dictionary<int, ObjAction>();        private List<ObjAction> waitingToAdd = new List<ObjAction>();        private List<int> watingToDelete = new List<int>();        protected void Update() {            foreach(ObjAction ac in waitingToAdd) {                actions[ac.GetInstanceID()] = ac;            }            waitingToAdd.Clear();            foreach(KeyValuePair<int, ObjAction> kv in actions) {                ObjAction ac = kv.Value;                if (ac.destroy) {                    watingToDelete.Add(ac.GetInstanceID());                } else if (ac.enable) {                    ac.Update();                }            }            foreach(int key in watingToDelete) {                ObjAction ac = actions[key];                actions.Remove(key);                DestroyObject(ac);            }            watingToDelete.Clear();        }        public void addAction(GameObject gameObject, ObjAction action, ActionCallback whoToNotify) {            action.gameObject = gameObject;            action.transform = gameObject.transform;            action.whoToNotify = whoToNotify;            waitingToAdd.Add(action);            action.Start();        }        public void actionDone(ObjAction source) {        }    }    public class SequenceAction: ObjAction, ActionCallback {        public List<ObjAction> sequence;        public int repeat = 1; // 1->only do it for once, -1->repeat forever        public int currentActionIndex = 0;        public static SequenceAction getAction(int repeat, int currentActionIndex, List<ObjAction> sequence) {            SequenceAction action = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<SequenceAction>();            action.sequence = sequence;            action.repeat = repeat;            action.currentActionIndex = currentActionIndex;            return action;        }        public override void Update() {            if (sequence.Count == 0)return;            if (currentActionIndex < sequence.Count) {                sequence[currentActionIndex].Update();            }        }        public void actionDone(ObjAction source) {            source.destroy = false;            this.currentActionIndex++;            if (this.currentActionIndex >= sequence.Count) {                this.currentActionIndex = 0;                if (repeat > 0) repeat--;                if (repeat == 0) {                    this.destroy = true;                    this.whoToNotify.actionDone(this);                }            }        }        public override void Start() {            foreach(ObjAction action in sequence) {                action.gameObject = this.gameObject;                action.transform = this.transform;                action.whoToNotify = this;                action.Start();            }        }        void OnDestroy() {            foreach(ObjAction action in sequence) {                DestroyObject(action);            }        }    }    //-----------------------------------BoatController------------------------------------    public class BoatController {        readonly GameObject boat;        readonly Vector3 fromPosition = new Vector3(4f, -0.5f, 0);        readonly Vector3 toPosition = new Vector3 (-4f, -0.5f, 0);        readonly Vector3[] from_positions;        readonly Vector3[] to_positions;        public readonly float movingSpeed = 20;        GameObject cameraObj;        GameObject lightObj;        // change frequently        int to_or_from; // to->-1; from->1        MyCharacterController[] passenger = new MyCharacterController[2];        public BoatController() {            to_or_from = 1;            from_positions = new Vector3[] { new Vector3 (4.5F, 1.25F, 0), new Vector3 (5.5F, 1.25F, 0) };            to_positions = new Vector3[] { new Vector3 (-5.5F, 1.25F, 0), new Vector3 (-4.5F, 1.25F, 0) };            boat = Object.Instantiate (Resources.Load ("prefabs/Boat", typeof(GameObject)), fromPosition, Quaternion.identity, null) as GameObject;            boat.name = "boat";            boat.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = new Color(0.7569F, 0.6039F, 0.4196F, 1);        }        public int currentCharactor(int flag) {  //left -> flag = 1            if (flag == 1) {                if (passenger [0] == null)                    return 0;                if (passenger [0].getName ().StartsWith ("devil")) {                    return 1;                } else if (passenger [0].getName ().StartsWith ("priest")) {                    return 2;                }            } else {                if (passenger [1] == null)                    return 0;                if (passenger [1].getName ().StartsWith ("devil")) {                    return 1;                } else if (passenger [1].getName ().StartsWith ("priest")) {                    return 2;                }            }            return 0;        }        public MyCharacterController getCurrentCharactor(int flag) {//1->left            if (flag == 1) {                return passenger [0];            } else {                return passenger [1];            }        }        public void Move() {            if (to_or_from == -1) {                to_or_from = 1;            } else {                to_or_from = -1;            }        }        public Vector3 getDestination() {            if (to_or_from == -1) {                return fromPosition;            } else {                return toPosition;            }        }        public void moved() {            if (to_or_from == -1) {                to_or_from = 1;            } else {                to_or_from = -1;            }        }        public int getEmptyIndex() {            for (int i = 0; i < passenger.Length; i++) {                if (passenger [i] == null) {                    return i;                }            }            return -1;        }        public bool isEmpty() {            for (int i = 0; i < passenger.Length; i++) {                if (passenger [i] != null) {                    return false;                }            }            return true;        }        public Vector3 getEmptyPosition() {            Vector3 pos;            int emptyIndex = getEmptyIndex ();            if (to_or_from == -1) {                pos = to_positions[emptyIndex];            } else {                pos = from_positions[emptyIndex];            }            return pos;        }        public int canGetOnBoat() {            int index = getEmptyIndex ();            if (index < 0 || index >= 2) {                return -1;            }            return 0;        }        public int GetOnBoat(MyCharacterController characterCtrl) {            int index = getEmptyIndex ();            if (index >= 0 && index < 2) {                passenger [index] = characterCtrl;                return index;            }            return -1;        }        public void leftGetOffBoat () {            passenger [0] = null;        }        public void rightGetOffBoat() {            passenger [1] = null;        }        public GameObject getGameobj() {            return boat;        }        public int get_to_or_from() { // to->-1; from->1            return to_or_from;        }        public int[] getCharacterNum() {            int[] count = {0, 0};            for (int i = 0; i < passenger.Length; i++) {                if (passenger [i] == null)                    continue;                if (passenger [i].getType () == 0) {    // 0->priest, 1->devil                    count[0]++;                } else {                    count[1]++;                }            }            return count;        }        public void reset() {            if (to_or_from == -1) {                moved ();            }            boat.transform.position = fromPosition;            passenger [0] = null;            passenger [1] = null;        }    }//  //---------------------CoastController------------------------------    public class CoastController {        readonly GameObject coast;        readonly Vector3 from_pos = new Vector3(-12f, 0, 0);        readonly Vector3 to_pos = new Vector3(12f, 0, 0);        readonly Vector3[] positions;        readonly int to_or_from;    // to->-1, from->1        public Stack<MyCharacterController> devils, priests;        public CoastController(string _to_or_from) {            devils = new Stack<MyCharacterController>();            priests = new Stack<MyCharacterController>();            positions = new Vector3[] {new Vector3(-0.7F,2.25F,0), new Vector3(-0.45F,2.25F,0), new Vector3(-0.2F,2.25F,0),                 new Vector3(0.2F,2.25F,0), new Vector3(0.45F,2.25F,0), new Vector3(0.7F,2.25F,0)};            if (_to_or_from == "from") {                coast = Object.Instantiate (Resources.Load ("prefabs/Shore", typeof(GameObject)), from_pos, Quaternion.identity, null) as GameObject;                coast.name = "from";                to_or_from = 1;            } else {                coast = Object.Instantiate (Resources.Load ("prefabs/Shore", typeof(GameObject)), to_pos, Quaternion.identity, null) as GameObject;                coast.name = "to";                to_or_from = -1;            }        }        public int getPositionEmptyIndex(int flag) {            if (flag == 1) {                return priests.Count;            } else {                return devils.Count + 3;            }        }        public int getEmptyIndex(int flag) {            if (flag == 1) {                return priests.Count;            } else {                return devils.Count;            }        }        public MyCharacterController getPriest() {            if (priests.Count == 0)                return null;            return priests.Pop ();        }        public MyCharacterController getDevil() {            if (devils.Count == 0)                return null;            return devils.Pop ();        }        public Vector3 getDevilsEmptyPosition() {            Vector3 pos = positions [getPositionEmptyIndex (0)];            pos.x *= to_or_from;            return pos;        }        public Vector3 getPriestsEmptyPosition() {            Vector3 pos = positions [getPositionEmptyIndex (1)];            pos.x *= to_or_from;            return pos;        }        public void devilGetOnCoast(MyCharacterController characterCtrl) {            devils.Push (characterCtrl);        }        public void priestGetOnCoast(MyCharacterController characterCtrl) {            priests.Push (characterCtrl);        }        public int get_to_or_from() {            return to_or_from;        }        public int[] getCharacterNum() {            int[] count = {0, 0};            count [0] = priests.Count;            count [1] = devils.Count;            return count;        }        public GameObject getGameobj() {            return this.coast;        }    }////---------------------------CharactorController------------------------------    public class MyCharacterController {        readonly GameObject character;        readonly int characterType; // 0->priest, 1->devil        public readonly float movingSpeed = 20;        public Vector3 left = new Vector3 (-0.2f, 3f, 0);        public Vector3 right = new Vector3 (0.2f, 3f, 0);        public Vector3 shorePos;        bool _isOnBoat;        CoastController coastController;        public MyCharacterController(string which_character) {            if (which_character == "priest") {                character = Object.Instantiate (Resources.Load ("prefabs/Priest", typeof(GameObject)), Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, null) as GameObject;                characterType = 0;                character.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = Color.white;            } else {                character = Object.Instantiate (Resources.Load ("prefabs/Devil", typeof(GameObject)), Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, null) as GameObject;                characterType = 1;                character.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = Color.red;            }        }        public void setName(string name) {            character.name = name;        }        public void setPosition(Vector3 pos) {            character.transform.position = pos;        }        public void setLocalPosition(Vector3 pos) {            character.transform.localPosition = pos;        }        public void setShorePosition(Vector3 pos) {            shorePos = pos;        }        public int getType() {  // 0->priest, 1->devil            return characterType;        }        public string getName() {            return character.name;        }        public void getOnBoat(BoatController boatCtrl) {            coastController = null;            character.transform.parent = boatCtrl.getGameobj().transform;            _isOnBoat = true;         }        public void getOnCoast(CoastController coastCtrl) {            coastController = coastCtrl;            character.transform.parent = coastCtrl.getGameobj().transform;            _isOnBoat = false;        }        public bool isOnBoat() {            return _isOnBoat;        }        public CoastController getCoastController() {            return coastController;        }        public void reset(CoastController cc) {//   have problem            character.transform.parent = cc.getGameobj ().transform;            character.transform.localPosition = shorePos;        }        public Vector3 getPos() {            return this.character.transform.position;        }        public GameObject getGameobj() {            return this.character;        }    }}


using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;using MyGame;namespace MyGame {    public class FirstSceneActionManager: ActionManager {        public void test() {//test            Debug.Log ("this is a test for action manager");        }        public void moveBoat(BoatController boat) {            MoveToAction action = MoveToAction.getAction(boat.getDestination(), boat.movingSpeed);            this.addAction(boat.getGameobj(), action, this);        }        public void moveCharacter(MyCharacterController characterCtrl, Vector3 destination) {            Vector3 currentPos = characterCtrl.getPos();            Vector3 middlePos = currentPos;            if (destination.y > currentPos.y) {     //from low(boat) to high(coast)                middlePos.y = destination.y;            } else {    //from high(coast) to low(boat)                middlePos.x = destination.x;            }            ObjAction action1 = MoveToAction.getAction(middlePos, characterCtrl.movingSpeed);            ObjAction action2 = MoveToAction.getAction(destination, characterCtrl.movingSpeed);            ObjAction seqAction = SequenceAction.getAction(1, 0, new List<ObjAction>{action1, action2});            this.addAction(characterCtrl.getGameobj(), seqAction, this);        }    }}


using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;using MyGame;namespace MyGame {    public class GameSceneController: MonoBehaviour, newUserActions, SceneController {        public CoastController fromCoast;        public CoastController toCoast;        public BoatController boat;        private static GameSceneController _instance;        private GenGameObjects _GenGameObject;        private MyCharacterController[] characters;        public SceneController currentSceneController { get; set; }        private FirstSceneActionManager actionManager;        UI userGUI;        int chPos;        void Awake() {            Director director = Director.getInstance ();            director.currentSceneController = this;            userGUI = gameObject.AddComponent <UI>() as UI;            characters = new MyCharacterController[6];            loadResources ();        }        void Start() {            Debug.Log ("create actionManager...");            actionManager = GetComponent<FirstSceneActionManager>();        }        public void loadResources() {            fromCoast = new CoastController ("from");            toCoast = new CoastController ("to");            boat = new BoatController ();            loadCharacter ();        }        private void loadCharacter() {            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {                MyCharacterController cha = new MyCharacterController ("priest");                cha.setName("priest" + i);                cha.getOnCoast (toCoast);                cha.setLocalPosition (toCoast.getPriestsEmptyPosition ());                cha.setShorePosition (toCoast.getPriestsEmptyPosition ());                toCoast.priestGetOnCoast (cha);                characters [i] = cha;            }            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {                MyCharacterController cha = new MyCharacterController ("devil");                cha.setName("devil" + i);                cha.getOnCoast (toCoast);                cha.setLocalPosition (toCoast.getDevilsEmptyPosition ());                cha.setShorePosition(toCoast.getDevilsEmptyPosition ());                toCoast.devilGetOnCoast (cha);                characters [i+3] = cha;            }        }        public void moveBoat() {            Debug.Log ("enter moveBoat in GameSceneController");            if (boat.isEmpty ())                return;            actionManager.moveBoat(boat);            boat.moved();            userGUI.status = check_game_over ();            print (userGUI.status);        }        public void priestSOnB() {            chPos = boat.canGetOnBoat ();            if (chPos != -1) {                MyCharacterController ch = toCoast.getPriest();//pop the priest                if (ch == null)                    return;                chPos = boat.GetOnBoat (ch);                ch.getOnBoat (boat);                if (chPos == 0) {                    ch.setLocalPosition (ch.left);                } else {                    ch.setLocalPosition (ch.right);                }            }        }        public void priestEOnB() {            chPos = boat.canGetOnBoat ();            if (chPos != -1) {                MyCharacterController ch = fromCoast.getPriest();                if (ch == null)                    return;                chPos = boat.GetOnBoat (ch);                ch.getOnBoat (boat);                if (chPos == 0) {                    ch.setLocalPosition (ch.left);                } else {                    ch.setLocalPosition (ch.right);                }            }        }        public void devilSOnB() {            chPos = boat.canGetOnBoat ();//          Debug.Log (chPos);//test            if (chPos != -1) {                MyCharacterController ch = toCoast.getDevil();                if (ch == null)                    return;                chPos = boat.GetOnBoat (ch);                ch.getOnBoat (boat);                if (chPos == 0) {                    ch.setLocalPosition (ch.left);                } else {                    ch.setLocalPosition (ch.right);                }            }        }        public void devilEOnB() {            chPos = boat.canGetOnBoat ();            if (chPos != -1) {                MyCharacterController ch = fromCoast.getDevil();                if (ch == null)                    return;                chPos = boat.GetOnBoat (ch);                ch.getOnBoat (boat);                if (chPos == 0) {                    ch.setLocalPosition (ch.left);                } else {                    ch.setLocalPosition (ch.right);                }            }        }        public void offBoatL() {// return 1 -> devil, 2 -> priest            if (boat.currentCharactor (1) == 0) return;            if (boat.currentCharactor (1) == 1) {                if (boat.get_to_or_from() == -1) {                    fromCoast.devilGetOnCoast (boat.getCurrentCharactor (1));                    boat.getCurrentCharactor (1).getOnCoast (fromCoast);                } else {                    toCoast.devilGetOnCoast (boat.getCurrentCharactor (1));                    boat.getCurrentCharactor (1).getOnCoast (toCoast);                }                boat.getCurrentCharactor (1).setLocalPosition (boat.getCurrentCharactor (1).shorePos);            }            else if (boat.currentCharactor(1) == 2) {                if (boat.get_to_or_from() == -1) {                    fromCoast.priestGetOnCoast (boat.getCurrentCharactor (1));                    boat.getCurrentCharactor (1).getOnCoast (fromCoast);                } else {                    toCoast.priestGetOnCoast (boat.getCurrentCharactor (1));                    boat.getCurrentCharactor (1).getOnCoast (toCoast);                }                boat.getCurrentCharactor (1).setLocalPosition (boat.getCurrentCharactor (1).shorePos);            }            boat.leftGetOffBoat ();            userGUI.status = check_game_over ();        }        public void offBoatR() {            if (boat.currentCharactor (2) == 0) return;            if (boat.currentCharactor (2) == 1) {                if (boat.get_to_or_from() == -1) {                    fromCoast.devilGetOnCoast (boat.getCurrentCharactor (2));                    boat.getCurrentCharactor (2).getOnCoast (fromCoast);                } else {                    toCoast.devilGetOnCoast (boat.getCurrentCharactor (2));                    boat.getCurrentCharactor (2).getOnCoast (toCoast);                }                boat.getCurrentCharactor (2).setLocalPosition (boat.getCurrentCharactor (2).shorePos);            }            else if (boat.currentCharactor(2) == 2) {                if (boat.get_to_or_from() == -1) {                    fromCoast.priestGetOnCoast (boat.getCurrentCharactor (2));                    boat.getCurrentCharactor (2).getOnCoast (fromCoast);                } else {                    toCoast.priestGetOnCoast (boat.getCurrentCharactor (2));                    boat.getCurrentCharactor (2).getOnCoast (toCoast);                }                boat.getCurrentCharactor (2).setLocalPosition (boat.getCurrentCharactor (2).shorePos);            }            boat.rightGetOffBoat ();            userGUI.status = check_game_over ();        }        public void restart() {            if (boat.currentCharactor (1) == 1) {                MyCharacterController cha = boat.getCurrentCharactor (1);                cha.getOnCoast (toCoast);                toCoast.devilGetOnCoast (cha);                cha.reset (toCoast);            } else if (boat.currentCharactor (1) == 2) {                MyCharacterController cha = boat.getCurrentCharactor (1);                cha.getOnCoast (toCoast);                toCoast.priestGetOnCoast (cha);                cha.reset (toCoast);            }            if (boat.currentCharactor (2) == 1) {                MyCharacterController cha = boat.getCurrentCharactor (2);                cha.getOnCoast (toCoast);                toCoast.devilGetOnCoast (cha);                cha.reset (toCoast);            } else if (boat.currentCharactor (2) == 2) {                MyCharacterController cha = boat.getCurrentCharactor (2);                cha.getOnCoast (toCoast);                toCoast.priestGetOnCoast (cha);                cha.reset (toCoast);            }            int devil_num = fromCoast.devils.Count;            for (int i = 0; i < devil_num; i++) {                MyCharacterController cha = fromCoast.getDevil ();                cha.reset (toCoast);                toCoast.devils.Push (cha);            }             int priest_num = fromCoast.priests.Count;            for (int i = 0; i < priest_num; i++) {                MyCharacterController cha = fromCoast.getPriest ();                cha.reset (toCoast);                toCoast.priests.Push (cha);            }            boat.reset ();        }        int check_game_over() { // 0->not finish, 1->lose, 2->win            int from_priest = fromCoast.priests.Count;            int from_devil = fromCoast.devils.Count;            int to_priest = toCoast.priests.Count;            int to_devil = toCoast.devils.Count;            if (fromCoast.devils.Count + fromCoast.priests.Count == 6)      // win                return 2;            if (boat.get_to_or_from () == 1) {  // boat at toCoast                if (boat.currentCharactor (1) == 1) {//left is devil                    to_devil++;                } else if (boat.currentCharactor (1) == 2) {//left is priest                    to_priest++;                }                if (boat.currentCharactor (2) == 1) {//right is devil                    to_devil++;                }                else if (boat.currentCharactor (2) == 2) {                    to_priest++;                }            } else {    // boat at fromCoast                if (boat.currentCharactor (1) == 1) {//left is devil                    from_devil++;                } else if (boat.currentCharactor (1) == 2) {//left is priest                    from_priest++;                }                if (boat.currentCharactor (2) == 1) {//right is devil                    from_devil++;                }                else if (boat.currentCharactor (2) == 2) {                    from_priest++;                }            }            if (from_priest < from_devil && from_priest > 0) {      // lose                return 1;            }            if (to_priest < to_devil && to_priest > 0) {                return 1;            }            return 0;           // not finish        }        public GenGameObjects getGenGameObject() {            return _GenGameObject;        }        internal void setGenGameObject(GenGameObjects ggo) {            if (_GenGameObject == null) {                _GenGameObject = ggo;            }        }    };}


using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;using MyGame;public class GenGameObjects : MonoBehaviour {    Stack<GameObject> priests_start = new Stack<GameObject>();    Stack<GameObject> priests_end = new Stack<GameObject>();    Stack<GameObject> devils_start = new Stack<GameObject>();    Stack<GameObject> devils_end = new Stack<GameObject>();    GameObject[] boat = new GameObject[2];    GameObject boat_obj;    public float speed = 100f;    GameSceneController my;    Vector3 shore_begin = new Vector3(-12f, 0, 0);    Vector3 shore_end = new Vector3(12f, 0, 0);    Vector3 boat_begin = new Vector3(-4f, -0.5f, 0);    Vector3 boat_end = new Vector3(4f, -0.5f, 0);    float gap = 1.5f;    Vector3 priestStartPos = new Vector3(-11f, 2.7f, 0);    Vector3 priestEndPos = new Vector3(8f, 2.7f, 0);    Vector3 devilStartPos = new Vector3(-16f, 2.7f, 0);    Vector3 devilEndPos = new Vector3(13f, 2.7f, 0);    void setCharactorPosition(Stack<GameObject> stack, Vector3 pos) {        GameObject[] arr = stack.ToArray ();        for (int i = 0; i < stack.Count; i++) {            arr [i].transform.position = new Vector3 (pos.x + gap * i, pos.y, pos.z);        }    }    void Update () {    }} 


using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;using MyGame;public class UI : MonoBehaviour {    GameSceneController my;      newUserActions action;      public int status = 0;    GUIStyle style;    GUIStyle buttonStyle;    float width, height;      float castw(float scale) {          return (Screen.width - width) / scale;      }      float casth(float scale) {          return (Screen.height - height) / scale;      }      void Start() {          Debug.Log ("Start GUI...");        action = Director.getInstance().currentSceneController as newUserActions;         style = new GUIStyle();        style.fontSize = 40;        style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;        buttonStyle = new GUIStyle("button");        buttonStyle.fontSize = 30;    }      void OnGUI() {          width = Screen.width / 12;          height = Screen.height / 12;          if (status == 1) {            GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width/2-50, Screen.height/2-85, 100, 50), "Gameover!", style);            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width/2-70, Screen.height/2, 140, 70), "Restart", buttonStyle)) {                status = 0;                action.restart ();            }        } else if(status == 2) {            GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width/2-50, Screen.height/2-85, 100, 50), "You win!", style);            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width/2-70, Screen.height/2, 140, 70), "Restart", buttonStyle)) {                status = 0;                action.restart ();            }        }          else {                 if (GUI.Button(new Rect(castw(2f), casth(6f), width, height), "Go")) {                    action.moveBoat();                  }                  if (GUI.Button(new Rect(castw(10.5f), casth(4f), width, height), "On")) {                     action.devilEOnB();                  }                  if (GUI.Button(new Rect(castw(4.3f), casth(4f), width, height), "On")) {                      action.priestEOnB();                  }                  if (GUI.Button(new Rect(castw(1.1f), casth(4f), width, height), "On")) {                print ("enter action.devilEonB");//test                    action.priestSOnB();                  }                  if (GUI.Button(new Rect(castw(1.3f), casth(4f), width, height), "On")) {                      action.devilSOnB();                  }                  if (GUI.Button(new Rect(castw(2.5f), casth(1.3f), width, height), "Off")) {                      action.offBoatL();                  }                  if (GUI.Button(new Rect(castw(1.7f), casth(1.3f), width, height), "Off")) {                      action.offBoatR();                  }  //          }          }      }  }
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