
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝二手手机可信吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 05:44


#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-import cursesfrom random import randrange, choice # generate and place new tilefrom collections import defaultdictletter_codes = [ord(ch) for ch in 'WASDRQwasdrq']actions = ['Up', 'Left', 'Down', 'Right', 'Restart', 'Exit']actions_dict = dict(zip(letter_codes, actions * 2))def transpose(field):    return [list(row) for row in zip(*field)]def invert(field):    return [row[::-1] for row in field]class GameField(object):    def __init__(self, height=4, width=4, win=2048):        self.height = height        self.width = width        self.win_value = win        self.score = 0        self.highscore = 0        self.reset()    def reset(self):        if self.score > self.highscore:            self.highscore = self.score        self.score = 0        self.field = [[0 for i in range(self.width)] for j in range(self.height)]        self.spawn()        self.spawn()    def move(self, direction):        def move_row_left(row):            def tighten(row): # squeese non-zero elements together                new_row = [i for i in row if i != 0]                new_row += [0 for i in range(len(row) - len(new_row))]                return new_row            def merge(row):                pair = False                new_row = []                for i in range(len(row)):                    if pair:                        new_row.append(2 * row[i])                        self.score += 2 * row[i]                        pair = False                    else:                        if i + 1 < len(row) and row[i] == row[i + 1]:                            pair = True                            new_row.append(0)                        else:                            new_row.append(row[i])                assert len(new_row) == len(row)                return new_row            return tighten(merge(tighten(row)))        moves = {}        moves['Left']  = lambda field:                              \                [move_row_left(row) for row in field]        moves['Right'] = lambda field:                              \                invert(moves['Left'](invert(field)))        moves['Up']    = lambda field:                              \                transpose(moves['Left'](transpose(field)))        moves['Down']  = lambda field:                              \                transpose(moves['Right'](transpose(field)))        if direction in moves:            if self.move_is_possible(direction):                self.field = moves[direction](self.field)                self.spawn()                return True            else:                return False    def is_win(self):        return any(any(i >= self.win_value for i in row) for row in self.field)    def is_gameover(self):        return not any(self.move_is_possible(move) for move in actions)    def draw(self, screen):        help_string1 = '(W)Up (S)Down (A)Left (D)Right'        help_string2 = '     (R)Restart (Q)Exit'        gameover_string = '           GAME OVER'        win_string = '          YOU WIN!'        def cast(string):            screen.addstr(string + '\n')        def draw_hor_separator():            line = '+' + ('+------' * self.width + '+')[1:]            separator = defaultdict(lambda: line)            if not hasattr(draw_hor_separator, "counter"):                draw_hor_separator.counter = 0            cast(separator[draw_hor_separator.counter])            draw_hor_separator.counter += 1        def draw_row(row):            cast(''.join('|{: ^5} '.format(num) if num > 0 else '|      ' for num in row) + '|')        screen.clear()        cast('SCORE: ' + str(self.score))        if 0 != self.highscore:            cast('HGHSCORE: ' + str(self.highscore))        for row in self.field:            draw_hor_separator()            draw_row(row)        draw_hor_separator()        if self.is_win():            cast(win_string)        else:            if self.is_gameover():                cast(gameover_string)            else:                cast(help_string1)        cast(help_string2)    def spawn(self):        new_element = 4 if randrange(100) > 89 else 2        (i,j) = choice([(i,j) for i in range(self.width) for j in range(self.height) if self.field[i][j] == 0])        self.field[i][j] = new_element    def move_is_possible(self, direction):        def row_is_left_movable(row):             def change(i): # true if there'll be change in i-th tile                if row[i] == 0 and row[i + 1] != 0: # Move                    return True                if row[i] != 0 and row[i + 1] == row[i]: # Merge                    return True                return False            return any(change(i) for i in range(len(row) - 1))        check = {}        check['Left']  = lambda field:                              \                any(row_is_left_movable(row) for row in field)        check['Right'] = lambda field:                              \                 check['Left'](invert(field))        check['Up']    = lambda field:                              \                check['Left'](transpose(field))        check['Down']  = lambda field:                              \                check['Right'](transpose(field))        if direction in check:            return check[direction](self.field)        else:            return Falsedef main(stdscr):    def init():        #重置游戏棋盘        game_field.reset()        return 'Game'    def not_game(state):        #画出 GameOver 或者 Win 的界面        game_field.draw(stdscr)        #读取用户输入得到action,判断是重启游戏还是结束游戏        action = get_user_action(stdscr)        responses = defaultdict(lambda: state) #默认是当前状态,没有行为就会一直在当前界面循环        responses['Restart'], responses['Exit'] = 'Init', 'Exit' #对应不同的行为转换到不同的状态        return responses[action]    def game():        #画出当前棋盘状态        game_field.draw(stdscr)        #读取用户输入得到action        action = get_user_action(stdscr)        if action == 'Restart':            return 'Init'        if action == 'Exit':            return 'Exit'        if game_field.move(action): # move successful            if game_field.is_win():                return 'Win'            if game_field.is_gameover():                return 'Gameover'        return 'Game'    state_actions = {            'Init': init,            'Win': lambda: not_game('Win'),            'Gameover': lambda: not_game('Gameover'),            'Game': game        }    curses.use_default_colors()    game_field = GameField(win=32)    state = 'Init'    #状态机开始循环    while state != 'Exit':        state = state_actions[state]()curses.wrapper(main)




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