NumPy doc (五)

来源:互联网 发布:来疯直播怎么样 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 03:47
    class ndindex(__builtin__.object)     |  An N-dimensional iterator object to index arrays.     |       |  Given the shape of an array, an `ndindex` instance iterates over     |  the N-dimensional index of the array. At each iteration a tuple     |  of indices is returned, the last dimension is iterated over first.     |       |  Parameters     |  ----------     |  `*args` : ints     |    The size of each dimension of the array.     |       |  See Also     |  --------     |  ndenumerate, flatiter     |       |  Examples     |  --------     |  >>> for index in np.ndindex(3, 2, 1):     |  ...     print index     |  (0, 0, 0)     |  (0, 1, 0)     |  (1, 0, 0)     |  (1, 1, 0)     |  (2, 0, 0)     |  (2, 1, 0)     |       |  Methods defined here:     |       |  __init__(self, *shape)     |       |  __iter__(self)     |       |  __next__(self)     |      Standard iterator method, updates the index and returns the index     |      tuple.     |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      val : tuple of ints     |          Returns a tuple containing the indices of the current     |          iteration.     |       |  ndincr(self)     |      Increment the multi-dimensional index by one.     |           |      This method is for backward compatibility only: do not use.     |       |  next = __next__(self)     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors defined here:     |       |  __dict__     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)     |       |  __weakref__     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)        class nditer(__builtin__.object)     |  Efficient multi-dimensional iterator object to iterate over arrays.     |  To get started using this object, see the     |  :ref:`introductory guide to array iteration <arrays.nditer>`.     |       |  Parameters     |  ----------     |  op : ndarray or sequence of array_like     |      The array(s) to iterate over.     |  flags : sequence of str, optional     |      Flags to control the behavior of the iterator.     |       |        * "buffered" enables buffering when required.     |        * "c_index" causes a C-order index to be tracked.     |        * "f_index" causes a Fortran-order index to be tracked.     |        * "multi_index" causes a multi-index, or a tuple of indices     |          with one per iteration dimension, to be tracked.     |        * "common_dtype" causes all the operands to be converted to     |          a common data type, with copying or buffering as necessary.     |        * "delay_bufalloc" delays allocation of the buffers until     |          a reset() call is made. Allows "allocate" operands to     |          be initialized before their values are copied into the buffers.     |        * "external_loop" causes the `values` given to be     |          one-dimensional arrays with multiple values instead of     |          zero-dimensional arrays.     |        * "grow_inner" allows the `value` array sizes to be made     |          larger than the buffer size when both "buffered" and     |          "external_loop" is used.     |        * "ranged" allows the iterator to be restricted to a sub-range     |          of the iterindex values.     |        * "refs_ok" enables iteration of reference types, such as     |          object arrays.     |        * "reduce_ok" enables iteration of "readwrite" operands     |          which are broadcasted, also known as reduction operands.     |        * "zerosize_ok" allows `itersize` to be zero.     |  op_flags : list of list of str, optional     |      This is a list of flags for each operand. At minimum, one of     |      "readonly", "readwrite", or "writeonly" must be specified.     |       |        * "readonly" indicates the operand will only be read from.     |        * "readwrite" indicates the operand will be read from and written to.     |        * "writeonly" indicates the operand will only be written to.     |        * "no_broadcast" prevents the operand from being broadcasted.     |        * "contig" forces the operand data to be contiguous.     |        * "aligned" forces the operand data to be aligned.     |        * "nbo" forces the operand data to be in native byte order.     |        * "copy" allows a temporary read-only copy if required.     |        * "updateifcopy" allows a temporary read-write copy if required.     |        * "allocate" causes the array to be allocated if it is None     |          in the `op` parameter.     |        * "no_subtype" prevents an "allocate" operand from using a subtype.     |        * "arraymask" indicates that this operand is the mask to use     |          for selecting elements when writing to operands with the     |          'writemasked' flag set. The iterator does not enforce this,     |          but when writing from a buffer back to the array, it only     |          copies those elements indicated by this mask.     |        * 'writemasked' indicates that only elements where the chosen     |          'arraymask' operand is True will be written to.     |  op_dtypes : dtype or tuple of dtype(s), optional     |      The required data type(s) of the operands. If copying or buffering     |      is enabled, the data will be converted to/from their original types.     |  order : {'C', 'F', 'A', 'K'}, optional     |      Controls the iteration order. 'C' means C order, 'F' means     |      Fortran order, 'A' means 'F' order if all the arrays are Fortran     |      contiguous, 'C' order otherwise, and 'K' means as close to the     |      order the array elements appear in memory as possible. This also     |      affects the element memory order of "allocate" operands, as they     |      are allocated to be compatible with iteration order.     |      Default is 'K'.     |  casting : {'no', 'equiv', 'safe', 'same_kind', 'unsafe'}, optional     |      Controls what kind of data casting may occur when making a copy     |      or buffering.  Setting this to 'unsafe' is not recommended,     |      as it can adversely affect accumulations.     |       |        * 'no' means the data types should not be cast at all.     |        * 'equiv' means only byte-order changes are allowed.     |        * 'safe' means only casts which can preserve values are allowed.     |        * 'same_kind' means only safe casts or casts within a kind,     |          like float64 to float32, are allowed.     |        * 'unsafe' means any data conversions may be done.     |  op_axes : list of list of ints, optional     |      If provided, is a list of ints or None for each operands.     |      The list of axes for an operand is a mapping from the dimensions     |      of the iterator to the dimensions of the operand. A value of     |      -1 can be placed for entries, causing that dimension to be     |      treated as "newaxis".     |  itershape : tuple of ints, optional     |      The desired shape of the iterator. This allows "allocate" operands     |      with a dimension mapped by op_axes not corresponding to a dimension     |      of a different operand to get a value not equal to 1 for that     |      dimension.     |  buffersize : int, optional     |      When buffering is enabled, controls the size of the temporary     |      buffers. Set to 0 for the default value.     |       |  Attributes     |  ----------     |  dtypes : tuple of dtype(s)     |      The data types of the values provided in `value`. This may be     |      different from the operand data types if buffering is enabled.     |  finished : bool     |      Whether the iteration over the operands is finished or not.     |  has_delayed_bufalloc : bool     |      If True, the iterator was created with the "delay_bufalloc" flag,     |      and no reset() function was called on it yet.     |  has_index : bool     |      If True, the iterator was created with either the "c_index" or     |      the "f_index" flag, and the property `index` can be used to     |      retrieve it.     |  has_multi_index : bool     |      If True, the iterator was created with the "multi_index" flag,     |      and the property `multi_index` can be used to retrieve it.     |  index :     |      When the "c_index" or "f_index" flag was used, this property     |      provides access to the index. Raises a ValueError if accessed     |      and `has_index` is False.     |  iterationneedsapi : bool     |      Whether iteration requires access to the Python API, for example     |      if one of the operands is an object array.     |  iterindex : int     |      An index which matches the order of iteration.     |  itersize : int     |      Size of the iterator.     |  itviews :     |      Structured view(s) of `operands` in memory, matching the reordered     |      and optimized iterator access pattern.     |  multi_index :     |      When the "multi_index" flag was used, this property     |      provides access to the index. Raises a ValueError if accessed     |      accessed and `has_multi_index` is False.     |  ndim : int     |      The iterator's dimension.     |  nop : int     |      The number of iterator operands.     |  operands : tuple of operand(s)     |      The array(s) to be iterated over.     |  shape : tuple of ints     |      Shape tuple, the shape of the iterator.     |  value :     |      Value of `operands` at current iteration. Normally, this is a     |      tuple of array scalars, but if the flag "external_loop" is used,     |      it is a tuple of one dimensional arrays.     |       |  Notes     |  -----     |  `nditer` supersedes `flatiter`.  The iterator implementation behind     |  `nditer` is also exposed by the Numpy C API.     |       |  The Python exposure supplies two iteration interfaces, one which follows     |  the Python iterator protocol, and another which mirrors the C-style     |  do-while pattern.  The native Python approach is better in most cases, but     |  if you need the iterator's coordinates or index, use the C-style pattern.     |       |  Examples     |  --------     |  Here is how we might write an ``iter_add`` function, using the     |  Python iterator protocol::     |       |      def iter_add_py(x, y, out=None):     |          addop = np.add     |          it = np.nditer([x, y, out], [],     |                      [['readonly'], ['readonly'], ['writeonly','allocate']])     |          for (a, b, c) in it:     |              addop(a, b, out=c)     |          return it.operands[2]     |       |  Here is the same function, but following the C-style pattern::     |       |      def iter_add(x, y, out=None):     |          addop = np.add     |       |          it = np.nditer([x, y, out], [],     |                      [['readonly'], ['readonly'], ['writeonly','allocate']])     |       |          while not it.finished:     |              addop(it[0], it[1], out=it[2])     |              it.iternext()     |       |          return it.operands[2]     |       |  Here is an example outer product function::     |       |      def outer_it(x, y, out=None):     |          mulop = np.multiply     |       |          it = np.nditer([x, y, out], ['external_loop'],     |                  [['readonly'], ['readonly'], ['writeonly', 'allocate']],     |                  op_axes=[range(x.ndim)+[-1]*y.ndim,     |                           [-1]*x.ndim+range(y.ndim),     |                           None])     |       |          for (a, b, c) in it:     |              mulop(a, b, out=c)     |       |          return it.operands[2]     |       |      >>> a = np.arange(2)+1     |      >>> b = np.arange(3)+1     |      >>> outer_it(a,b)     |      array([[1, 2, 3],     |             [2, 4, 6]])     |       |  Here is an example function which operates like a "lambda" ufunc::     |       |      def luf(lamdaexpr, *args, **kwargs):     |          "luf(lambdaexpr, op1, ..., opn, out=None, order='K', casting='safe', buffersize=0)"     |          nargs = len(args)     |          op = (kwargs.get('out',None),) + args     |          it = np.nditer(op, ['buffered','external_loop'],     |                  [['writeonly','allocate','no_broadcast']] +     |                                  [['readonly','nbo','aligned']]*nargs,     |                  order=kwargs.get('order','K'),     |                  casting=kwargs.get('casting','safe'),     |                  buffersize=kwargs.get('buffersize',0))     |          while not it.finished:     |              it[0] = lamdaexpr(*it[1:])     |              it.iternext()     |          return it.operands[0]     |       |      >>> a = np.arange(5)     |      >>> b = np.ones(5)     |      >>> luf(lambda i,j:i*i + j/2, a, b)     |      array([  0.5,   1.5,   4.5,   9.5,  16.5])     |       |  Methods defined here:     |       |  __copy__(...)     |       |  __delitem__(...)     |      x.__delitem__(y) <==> del x[y]     |       |  __delslice__(...)     |      x.__delslice__(i, j) <==> del x[i:j]     |           |      Use of negative indices is not supported.     |       |  __getitem__(...)     |      x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]     |       |  __getslice__(...)     |      x.__getslice__(i, j) <==> x[i:j]     |           |      Use of negative indices is not supported.     |       |  __init__(...)     |      x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature     |       |  __iter__(...)     |      x.__iter__() <==> iter(x)     |       |  __len__(...)     |      x.__len__() <==> len(x)     |       |  __setitem__(...)     |      x.__setitem__(i, y) <==> x[i]=y     |       |  __setslice__(...)     |      x.__setslice__(i, j, y) <==> x[i:j]=y     |           |      Use  of negative indices is not supported.     |       |  copy(...)     |      copy()     |           |      Get a copy of the iterator in its current state.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> x = np.arange(10)     |      >>> y = x + 1     |      >>> it = np.nditer([x, y])     |      >>>     |      (array(0), array(1))     |      >>> it2 = it.copy()     |      >>>     |      (array(1), array(2))     |       |  debug_print(...)     |      debug_print()     |           |      Print the current state of the `nditer` instance and debug info to stdout.     |       |  enable_external_loop(...)     |      enable_external_loop()     |           |      When the "external_loop" was not used during construction, but     |      is desired, this modifies the iterator to behave as if the flag     |      was specified.     |       |  iternext(...)     |      iternext()     |           |      Check whether iterations are left, and perform a single internal iteration     |      without returning the result.  Used in the C-style pattern do-while     |      pattern.  For an example, see `nditer`.     |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      iternext : bool     |          Whether or not there are iterations left.     |       |  next(...)     | -> the next value, or raise StopIteration     |       |  remove_axis(...)     |      remove_axis(i)     |           |      Removes axis `i` from the iterator. Requires that the flag "multi_index"     |      be enabled.     |       |  remove_multi_index(...)     |      remove_multi_index()     |           |      When the "multi_index" flag was specified, this removes it, allowing     |      the internal iteration structure to be optimized further.     |       |  reset(...)     |      reset()     |           |      Reset the iterator to its initial state.     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors defined here:     |       |  dtypes     |       |  finished     |       |  has_delayed_bufalloc     |       |  has_index     |       |  has_multi_index     |       |  index     |       |  iterationneedsapi     |       |  iterindex     |       |  iterrange     |       |  itersize     |       |  itviews     |       |  multi_index     |       |  ndim     |       |  nop     |       |  operands     |       |  shape     |       |  value     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data and other attributes defined here:     |       |  __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object>     |      T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T        class number(generic)     |  Method resolution order:     |      number     |      generic     |      __builtin__.object     |       |  Methods inherited from generic:     |       |  __abs__(...)     |      x.__abs__() <==> abs(x)     |       |  __add__(...)     |      x.__add__(y) <==> x+y     |       |  __and__(...)     |      x.__and__(y) <==> x&y     |       |  __array__(...)     |      sc.__array__(|type) return 0-dim array     |       |  __array_wrap__(...)     |      sc.__array_wrap__(obj) return scalar from array     |       |  __copy__(...)     |       |  __deepcopy__(...)     |       |  __div__(...)     |      x.__div__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __divmod__(...)     |      x.__divmod__(y) <==> divmod(x, y)     |       |  __eq__(...)     |      x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y     |       |  __float__(...)     |      x.__float__() <==> float(x)     |       |  __floordiv__(...)     |      x.__floordiv__(y) <==> x//y     |       |  __format__(...)     |      NumPy array scalar formatter     |       |  __ge__(...)     |      x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y     |       |  __getitem__(...)     |      x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]     |       |  __gt__(...)     |      x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y     |       |  __hex__(...)     |      x.__hex__() <==> hex(x)     |       |  __int__(...)     |      x.__int__() <==> int(x)     |       |  __invert__(...)     |      x.__invert__() <==> ~x     |       |  __le__(...)     |      x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y     |       |  __long__(...)     |      x.__long__() <==> long(x)     |       |  __lshift__(...)     |      x.__lshift__(y) <==> x<<y     |       |  __lt__(...)     |      x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y     |       |  __mod__(...)     |      x.__mod__(y) <==> x%y     |       |  __mul__(...)     |      x.__mul__(y) <==> x*y     |       |  __ne__(...)     |      x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y     |       |  __neg__(...)     |      x.__neg__() <==> -x     |       |  __nonzero__(...)     |      x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0     |       |  __oct__(...)     |      x.__oct__() <==> oct(x)     |       |  __or__(...)     |      x.__or__(y) <==> x|y     |       |  __pos__(...)     |      x.__pos__() <==> +x     |       |  __pow__(...)     |      x.__pow__(y[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __radd__(...)     |      x.__radd__(y) <==> y+x     |       |  __rand__(...)     |      x.__rand__(y) <==> y&x     |       |  __rdiv__(...)     |      x.__rdiv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rdivmod__(...)     |      x.__rdivmod__(y) <==> divmod(y, x)     |       |  __reduce__(...)     |       |  __repr__(...)     |      x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)     |       |  __rfloordiv__(...)     |      x.__rfloordiv__(y) <==> y//x     |       |  __rlshift__(...)     |      x.__rlshift__(y) <==> y<<x     |       |  __rmod__(...)     |      x.__rmod__(y) <==> y%x     |       |  __rmul__(...)     |      x.__rmul__(y) <==> y*x     |       |  __ror__(...)     |      x.__ror__(y) <==> y|x     |       |  __rpow__(...)     |      y.__rpow__(x[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __rrshift__(...)     |      x.__rrshift__(y) <==> y>>x     |       |  __rshift__(...)     |      x.__rshift__(y) <==> x>>y     |       |  __rsub__(...)     |      x.__rsub__(y) <==> y-x     |       |  __rtruediv__(...)     |      x.__rtruediv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rxor__(...)     |      x.__rxor__(y) <==> y^x     |       |  __setstate__(...)     |       |  __sizeof__(...)     |       |  __str__(...)     |      x.__str__() <==> str(x)     |       |  __sub__(...)     |      x.__sub__(y) <==> x-y     |       |  __truediv__(...)     |      x.__truediv__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __xor__(...)     |      x.__xor__(y) <==> x^y     |       |  all(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  any(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmax(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmin(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argsort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  astype(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  byteswap(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  choose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  clip(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  compress(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  conj(...)     |       |  conjugate(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  copy(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumprod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumsum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  diagonal(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dump(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dumps(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  fill(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  flatten(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  getfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  item(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  itemset(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  max(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  mean(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  min(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  newbyteorder(...)     |      newbyteorder(new_order='S')     |           |      Return a new `dtype` with a different byte order.     |           |      Changes are also made in all fields and sub-arrays of the data type.     |           |      The `new_order` code can be any from the following:     |           |      * 'S' - swap dtype from current to opposite endian     |      * {'<', 'L'} - little endian     |      * {'>', 'B'} - big endian     |      * {'=', 'N'} - native order     |      * {'|', 'I'} - ignore (no change to byte order)     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      new_order : str, optional     |          Byte order to force; a value from the byte order specifications     |          above.  The default value ('S') results in swapping the current     |          byte order. The code does a case-insensitive check on the first     |          letter of `new_order` for the alternatives above.  For example,     |          any of 'B' or 'b' or 'biggish' are valid to specify big-endian.     |           |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      new_dtype : dtype     |          New `dtype` object with the given change to the byte order.     |       |  nonzero(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  prod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ptp(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  put(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ravel(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  repeat(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  reshape(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  resize(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  round(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  searchsorted(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setflags(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  squeeze(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  std(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  swapaxes(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  take(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tobytes(...)     |       |  tofile(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tolist(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tostring(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  trace(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  transpose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  var(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  view(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from generic:     |       |  T     |      transpose     |       |  __array_interface__     |      Array protocol: Python side     |       |  __array_priority__     |      Array priority.     |       |  __array_struct__     |      Array protocol: struct     |       |  base     |      base object     |       |  data     |      pointer to start of data     |       |  dtype     |      get array data-descriptor     |       |  flags     |      integer value of flags     |       |  flat     |      a 1-d view of scalar     |       |  imag     |      imaginary part of scalar     |       |  itemsize     |      length of one element in bytes     |       |  nbytes     |      length of item in bytes     |       |  ndim     |      number of array dimensions     |       |  real     |      real part of scalar     |       |  shape     |      tuple of array dimensions     |       |  size     |      number of elements in the gentype     |       |  strides     |      tuple of bytes steps in each dimension        object0 = class object_(generic)     |  Any Python object.  Character code: 'O'.     |       |  Method resolution order:     |      object_     |      generic     |      __builtin__.object     |       |  Methods defined here:     |       |  __add__(...)     |      x.__add__(y) <==> x+y     |       |  __call__(...)     |      x.__call__(...) <==> x(...)     |       |  __contains__(...)     |      x.__contains__(y) <==> y in x     |       |  __delattr__(...)     |      x.__delattr__('name') <==> del     |       |  __delitem__(...)     |      x.__delitem__(y) <==> del x[y]     |       |  __eq__(...)     |      x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y     |       |  __ge__(...)     |      x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y     |       |  __getattribute__(...)     |      x.__getattribute__('name') <==>     |       |  __getitem__(...)     |      x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]     |       |  __gt__(...)     |      x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y     |       |  __hash__(...)     |      x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)     |       |  __iadd__(...)     |      x.__iadd__(y) <==> x+=y     |       |  __imul__(...)     |      x.__imul__(y) <==> x*=y     |       |  __le__(...)     |      x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y     |       |  __len__(...)     |      x.__len__() <==> len(x)     |       |  __lt__(...)     |      x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y     |       |  __mul__(...)     |      x.__mul__(n) <==> x*n     |       |  __ne__(...)     |      x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y     |       |  __rmul__(...)     |      x.__rmul__(n) <==> n*x     |       |  __setattr__(...)     |      x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value     |       |  __setitem__(...)     |      x.__setitem__(i, y) <==> x[i]=y     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data and other attributes defined here:     |       |  __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object>     |      T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Methods inherited from generic:     |       |  __abs__(...)     |      x.__abs__() <==> abs(x)     |       |  __and__(...)     |      x.__and__(y) <==> x&y     |       |  __array__(...)     |      sc.__array__(|type) return 0-dim array     |       |  __array_wrap__(...)     |      sc.__array_wrap__(obj) return scalar from array     |       |  __copy__(...)     |       |  __deepcopy__(...)     |       |  __div__(...)     |      x.__div__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __divmod__(...)     |      x.__divmod__(y) <==> divmod(x, y)     |       |  __float__(...)     |      x.__float__() <==> float(x)     |       |  __floordiv__(...)     |      x.__floordiv__(y) <==> x//y     |       |  __format__(...)     |      NumPy array scalar formatter     |       |  __hex__(...)     |      x.__hex__() <==> hex(x)     |       |  __int__(...)     |      x.__int__() <==> int(x)     |       |  __invert__(...)     |      x.__invert__() <==> ~x     |       |  __long__(...)     |      x.__long__() <==> long(x)     |       |  __lshift__(...)     |      x.__lshift__(y) <==> x<<y     |       |  __mod__(...)     |      x.__mod__(y) <==> x%y     |       |  __neg__(...)     |      x.__neg__() <==> -x     |       |  __nonzero__(...)     |      x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0     |       |  __oct__(...)     |      x.__oct__() <==> oct(x)     |       |  __or__(...)     |      x.__or__(y) <==> x|y     |       |  __pos__(...)     |      x.__pos__() <==> +x     |       |  __pow__(...)     |      x.__pow__(y[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __radd__(...)     |      x.__radd__(y) <==> y+x     |       |  __rand__(...)     |      x.__rand__(y) <==> y&x     |       |  __rdiv__(...)     |      x.__rdiv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rdivmod__(...)     |      x.__rdivmod__(y) <==> divmod(y, x)     |       |  __reduce__(...)     |       |  __repr__(...)     |      x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)     |       |  __rfloordiv__(...)     |      x.__rfloordiv__(y) <==> y//x     |       |  __rlshift__(...)     |      x.__rlshift__(y) <==> y<<x     |       |  __rmod__(...)     |      x.__rmod__(y) <==> y%x     |       |  __ror__(...)     |      x.__ror__(y) <==> y|x     |       |  __rpow__(...)     |      y.__rpow__(x[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __rrshift__(...)     |      x.__rrshift__(y) <==> y>>x     |       |  __rshift__(...)     |      x.__rshift__(y) <==> x>>y     |       |  __rsub__(...)     |      x.__rsub__(y) <==> y-x     |       |  __rtruediv__(...)     |      x.__rtruediv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rxor__(...)     |      x.__rxor__(y) <==> y^x     |       |  __setstate__(...)     |       |  __sizeof__(...)     |       |  __str__(...)     |      x.__str__() <==> str(x)     |       |  __sub__(...)     |      x.__sub__(y) <==> x-y     |       |  __truediv__(...)     |      x.__truediv__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __xor__(...)     |      x.__xor__(y) <==> x^y     |       |  all(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  any(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmax(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmin(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argsort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  astype(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  byteswap(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  choose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  clip(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  compress(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  conj(...)     |       |  conjugate(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  copy(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumprod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumsum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  diagonal(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dump(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dumps(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  fill(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  flatten(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  getfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  item(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  itemset(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  max(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  mean(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  min(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  newbyteorder(...)     |      newbyteorder(new_order='S')     |           |      Return a new `dtype` with a different byte order.     |           |      Changes are also made in all fields and sub-arrays of the data type.     |           |      The `new_order` code can be any from the following:     |           |      * 'S' - swap dtype from current to opposite endian     |      * {'<', 'L'} - little endian     |      * {'>', 'B'} - big endian     |      * {'=', 'N'} - native order     |      * {'|', 'I'} - ignore (no change to byte order)     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      new_order : str, optional     |          Byte order to force; a value from the byte order specifications     |          above.  The default value ('S') results in swapping the current     |          byte order. The code does a case-insensitive check on the first     |          letter of `new_order` for the alternatives above.  For example,     |          any of 'B' or 'b' or 'biggish' are valid to specify big-endian.     |           |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      new_dtype : dtype     |          New `dtype` object with the given change to the byte order.     |       |  nonzero(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  prod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ptp(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  put(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ravel(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  repeat(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  reshape(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  resize(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  round(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  searchsorted(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setflags(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  squeeze(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  std(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  swapaxes(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  take(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tobytes(...)     |       |  tofile(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tolist(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tostring(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  trace(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  transpose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  var(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  view(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from generic:     |       |  T     |      transpose     |       |  __array_interface__     |      Array protocol: Python side     |       |  __array_priority__     |      Array priority.     |       |  __array_struct__     |      Array protocol: struct     |       |  base     |      base object     |       |  data     |      pointer to start of data     |       |  dtype     |      get array data-descriptor     |       |  flags     |      integer value of flags     |       |  flat     |      a 1-d view of scalar     |       |  imag     |      imaginary part of scalar     |       |  itemsize     |      length of one element in bytes     |       |  nbytes     |      length of item in bytes     |       |  ndim     |      number of array dimensions     |       |  real     |      real part of scalar     |       |  shape     |      tuple of array dimensions     |       |  size     |      number of elements in the gentype     |       |  strides     |      tuple of bytes steps in each dimension        class object_(generic)     |  Any Python object.  Character code: 'O'.     |       |  Method resolution order:     |      object_     |      generic     |      __builtin__.object     |       |  Methods defined here:     |       |  __add__(...)     |      x.__add__(y) <==> x+y     |       |  __call__(...)     |      x.__call__(...) <==> x(...)     |       |  __contains__(...)     |      x.__contains__(y) <==> y in x     |       |  __delattr__(...)     |      x.__delattr__('name') <==> del     |       |  __delitem__(...)     |      x.__delitem__(y) <==> del x[y]     |       |  __eq__(...)     |      x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y     |       |  __ge__(...)     |      x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y     |       |  __getattribute__(...)     |      x.__getattribute__('name') <==>     |       |  __getitem__(...)     |      x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]     |       |  __gt__(...)     |      x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y     |       |  __hash__(...)     |      x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)     |       |  __iadd__(...)     |      x.__iadd__(y) <==> x+=y     |       |  __imul__(...)     |      x.__imul__(y) <==> x*=y     |       |  __le__(...)     |      x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y     |       |  __len__(...)     |      x.__len__() <==> len(x)     |       |  __lt__(...)     |      x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y     |       |  __mul__(...)     |      x.__mul__(n) <==> x*n     |       |  __ne__(...)     |      x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y     |       |  __rmul__(...)     |      x.__rmul__(n) <==> n*x     |       |  __setattr__(...)     |      x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value     |       |  __setitem__(...)     |      x.__setitem__(i, y) <==> x[i]=y     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data and other attributes defined here:     |       |  __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object>     |      T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Methods inherited from generic:     |       |  __abs__(...)     |      x.__abs__() <==> abs(x)     |       |  __and__(...)     |      x.__and__(y) <==> x&y     |       |  __array__(...)     |      sc.__array__(|type) return 0-dim array     |       |  __array_wrap__(...)     |      sc.__array_wrap__(obj) return scalar from array     |       |  __copy__(...)     |       |  __deepcopy__(...)     |       |  __div__(...)     |      x.__div__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __divmod__(...)     |      x.__divmod__(y) <==> divmod(x, y)     |       |  __float__(...)     |      x.__float__() <==> float(x)     |       |  __floordiv__(...)     |      x.__floordiv__(y) <==> x//y     |       |  __format__(...)     |      NumPy array scalar formatter     |       |  __hex__(...)     |      x.__hex__() <==> hex(x)     |       |  __int__(...)     |      x.__int__() <==> int(x)     |       |  __invert__(...)     |      x.__invert__() <==> ~x     |       |  __long__(...)     |      x.__long__() <==> long(x)     |       |  __lshift__(...)     |      x.__lshift__(y) <==> x<<y     |       |  __mod__(...)     |      x.__mod__(y) <==> x%y     |       |  __neg__(...)     |      x.__neg__() <==> -x     |       |  __nonzero__(...)     |      x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0     |       |  __oct__(...)     |      x.__oct__() <==> oct(x)     |       |  __or__(...)     |      x.__or__(y) <==> x|y     |       |  __pos__(...)     |      x.__pos__() <==> +x     |       |  __pow__(...)     |      x.__pow__(y[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __radd__(...)     |      x.__radd__(y) <==> y+x     |       |  __rand__(...)     |      x.__rand__(y) <==> y&x     |       |  __rdiv__(...)     |      x.__rdiv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rdivmod__(...)     |      x.__rdivmod__(y) <==> divmod(y, x)     |       |  __reduce__(...)     |       |  __repr__(...)     |      x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)     |       |  __rfloordiv__(...)     |      x.__rfloordiv__(y) <==> y//x     |       |  __rlshift__(...)     |      x.__rlshift__(y) <==> y<<x     |       |  __rmod__(...)     |      x.__rmod__(y) <==> y%x     |       |  __ror__(...)     |      x.__ror__(y) <==> y|x     |       |  __rpow__(...)     |      y.__rpow__(x[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __rrshift__(...)     |      x.__rrshift__(y) <==> y>>x     |       |  __rshift__(...)     |      x.__rshift__(y) <==> x>>y     |       |  __rsub__(...)     |      x.__rsub__(y) <==> y-x     |       |  __rtruediv__(...)     |      x.__rtruediv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rxor__(...)     |      x.__rxor__(y) <==> y^x     |       |  __setstate__(...)     |       |  __sizeof__(...)     |       |  __str__(...)     |      x.__str__() <==> str(x)     |       |  __sub__(...)     |      x.__sub__(y) <==> x-y     |       |  __truediv__(...)     |      x.__truediv__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __xor__(...)     |      x.__xor__(y) <==> x^y     |       |  all(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  any(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmax(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmin(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argsort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  astype(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  byteswap(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  choose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  clip(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  compress(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  conj(...)     |       |  conjugate(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  copy(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumprod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumsum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  diagonal(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dump(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dumps(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  fill(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  flatten(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  getfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  item(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  itemset(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  max(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  mean(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  min(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  newbyteorder(...)     |      newbyteorder(new_order='S')     |           |      Return a new `dtype` with a different byte order.     |           |      Changes are also made in all fields and sub-arrays of the data type.     |           |      The `new_order` code can be any from the following:     |           |      * 'S' - swap dtype from current to opposite endian     |      * {'<', 'L'} - little endian     |      * {'>', 'B'} - big endian     |      * {'=', 'N'} - native order     |      * {'|', 'I'} - ignore (no change to byte order)     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      new_order : str, optional     |          Byte order to force; a value from the byte order specifications     |          above.  The default value ('S') results in swapping the current     |          byte order. The code does a case-insensitive check on the first     |          letter of `new_order` for the alternatives above.  For example,     |          any of 'B' or 'b' or 'biggish' are valid to specify big-endian.     |           |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      new_dtype : dtype     |          New `dtype` object with the given change to the byte order.     |       |  nonzero(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  prod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ptp(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  put(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ravel(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  repeat(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  reshape(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  resize(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  round(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  searchsorted(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setflags(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  squeeze(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  std(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  swapaxes(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  take(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tobytes(...)     |       |  tofile(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tolist(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tostring(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  trace(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  transpose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  var(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  view(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from generic:     |       |  T     |      transpose     |       |  __array_interface__     |      Array protocol: Python side     |       |  __array_priority__     |      Array priority.     |       |  __array_struct__     |      Array protocol: struct     |       |  base     |      base object     |       |  data     |      pointer to start of data     |       |  dtype     |      get array data-descriptor     |       |  flags     |      integer value of flags     |       |  flat     |      a 1-d view of scalar     |       |  imag     |      imaginary part of scalar     |       |  itemsize     |      length of one element in bytes     |       |  nbytes     |      length of item in bytes     |       |  ndim     |      number of array dimensions     |       |  real     |      real part of scalar     |       |  shape     |      tuple of array dimensions     |       |  size     |      number of elements in the gentype     |       |  strides     |      tuple of bytes steps in each dimension        class poly1d(__builtin__.object)     |  A one-dimensional polynomial class.     |       |  A convenience class, used to encapsulate "natural" operations on     |  polynomials so that said operations may take on their customary     |  form in code (see Examples).     |       |  Parameters     |  ----------     |  c_or_r : array_like     |      The polynomial's coefficients, in decreasing powers, or if     |      the value of the second parameter is True, the polynomial's     |      roots (values where the polynomial evaluates to 0).  For example,     |      ``poly1d([1, 2, 3])`` returns an object that represents     |      :math:`x^2 + 2x + 3`, whereas ``poly1d([1, 2, 3], True)`` returns     |      one that represents :math:`(x-1)(x-2)(x-3) = x^3 - 6x^2 + 11x -6`.     |  r : bool, optional     |      If True, `c_or_r` specifies the polynomial's roots; the default     |      is False.     |  variable : str, optional     |      Changes the variable used when printing `p` from `x` to `variable`     |      (see Examples).     |       |  Examples     |  --------     |  Construct the polynomial :math:`x^2 + 2x + 3`:     |       |  >>> p = np.poly1d([1, 2, 3])     |  >>> print np.poly1d(p)     |     2     |  1 x + 2 x + 3     |       |  Evaluate the polynomial at :math:`x = 0.5`:     |       |  >>> p(0.5)     |  4.25     |       |  Find the roots:     |       |  >>> p.r     |  array([-1.+1.41421356j, -1.-1.41421356j])     |  >>> p(p.r)     |  array([ -4.44089210e-16+0.j,  -4.44089210e-16+0.j])     |       |  These numbers in the previous line represent (0, 0) to machine precision     |       |  Show the coefficients:     |       |  >>> p.c     |  array([1, 2, 3])     |       |  Display the order (the leading zero-coefficients are removed):     |       |  >>> p.order     |  2     |       |  Show the coefficient of the k-th power in the polynomial     |  (which is equivalent to ``p.c[-(i+1)]``):     |       |  >>> p[1]     |  2     |       |  Polynomials can be added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided     |  (returns quotient and remainder):     |       |  >>> p * p     |  poly1d([ 1,  4, 10, 12,  9])     |       |  >>> (p**3 + 4) / p     |  (poly1d([  1.,   4.,  10.,  12.,   9.]), poly1d([ 4.]))     |       |  ``asarray(p)`` gives the coefficient array, so polynomials can be     |  used in all functions that accept arrays:     |       |  >>> p**2 # square of polynomial     |  poly1d([ 1,  4, 10, 12,  9])     |       |  >>> np.square(p) # square of individual coefficients     |  array([1, 4, 9])     |       |  The variable used in the string representation of `p` can be modified,     |  using the `variable` parameter:     |       |  >>> p = np.poly1d([1,2,3], variable='z')     |  >>> print p     |     2     |  1 z + 2 z + 3     |       |  Construct a polynomial from its roots:     |       |  >>> np.poly1d([1, 2], True)     |  poly1d([ 1, -3,  2])     |       |  This is the same polynomial as obtained by:     |       |  >>> np.poly1d([1, -1]) * np.poly1d([1, -2])     |  poly1d([ 1, -3,  2])     |       |  Methods defined here:     |       |  __add__(self, other)     |       |  __array__(self, t=None)     |       |  __call__(self, val)     |       |  __div__(self, other)     |       |  __eq__(self, other)     |       |  __getattr__(self, key)     |       |  __getitem__(self, val)     |       |  __init__(self, c_or_r, r=0, variable=None)     |       |  __iter__(self)     |       |  __len__(self)     |       |  __mul__(self, other)     |       |  __ne__(self, other)     |       |  __neg__(self)     |       |  __pos__(self)     |       |  __pow__(self, val)     |       |  __radd__(self, other)     |       |  __rdiv__(self, other)     |       |  __repr__(self)     |       |  __rmul__(self, other)     |       |  __rsub__(self, other)     |       |  __rtruediv__ = __rdiv__(self, other)     |       |  __setattr__(self, key, val)     |       |  __setitem__(self, key, val)     |       |  __str__(self)     |       |  __sub__(self, other)     |       |  __truediv__ = __div__(self, other)     |       |  deriv(self, m=1)     |      Return a derivative of this polynomial.     |           |      Refer to `polyder` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      polyder : equivalent function     |       |  integ(self, m=1, k=0)     |      Return an antiderivative (indefinite integral) of this polynomial.     |           |      Refer to `polyint` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      polyint : equivalent function     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors defined here:     |       |  __dict__     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)     |       |  __weakref__     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data and other attributes defined here:     |       |  __hash__ = None     |       |  coeffs = None     |       |  order = None     |       |  variable = None        class recarray(ndarray)     |  Construct an ndarray that allows field access using attributes.     |       |  Arrays may have a data-types containing fields, analogous     |  to columns in a spread sheet.  An example is ``[(x, int), (y, float)]``,     |  where each entry in the array is a pair of ``(int, float)``.  Normally,     |  these attributes are accessed using dictionary lookups such as ``arr['x']``     |  and ``arr['y']``.  Record arrays allow the fields to be accessed as members     |  of the array, using ``arr.x`` and ``arr.y``.     |       |  Parameters     |  ----------     |  shape : tuple     |      Shape of output array.     |  dtype : data-type, optional     |      The desired data-type.  By default, the data-type is determined     |      from `formats`, `names`, `titles`, `aligned` and `byteorder`.     |  formats : list of data-types, optional     |      A list containing the data-types for the different columns, e.g.     |      ``['i4', 'f8', 'i4']``.  `formats` does *not* support the new     |      convention of using types directly, i.e. ``(int, float, int)``.     |      Note that `formats` must be a list, not a tuple.     |      Given that `formats` is somewhat limited, we recommend specifying     |      `dtype` instead.     |  names : tuple of str, optional     |      The name of each column, e.g. ``('x', 'y', 'z')``.     |  buf : buffer, optional     |      By default, a new array is created of the given shape and data-type.     |      If `buf` is specified and is an object exposing the buffer interface,     |      the array will use the memory from the existing buffer.  In this case,     |      the `offset` and `strides` keywords are available.     |       |  Other Parameters     |  ----------------     |  titles : tuple of str, optional     |      Aliases for column names.  For example, if `names` were     |      ``('x', 'y', 'z')`` and `titles` is     |      ``('x_coordinate', 'y_coordinate', 'z_coordinate')``, then     |      ``arr['x']`` is equivalent to both ``arr.x`` and ``arr.x_coordinate``.     |  byteorder : {'<', '>', '='}, optional     |      Byte-order for all fields.     |  aligned : bool, optional     |      Align the fields in memory as the C-compiler would.     |  strides : tuple of ints, optional     |      Buffer (`buf`) is interpreted according to these strides (strides     |      define how many bytes each array element, row, column, etc.     |      occupy in memory).     |  offset : int, optional     |      Start reading buffer (`buf`) from this offset onwards.     |  order : {'C', 'F'}, optional     |      Row-major (C-style) or column-major (Fortran-style) order.     |       |  Returns     |  -------     |  rec : recarray     |      Empty array of the given shape and type.     |       |  See Also     |  --------     |  rec.fromrecords : Construct a record array from data.     |  record : fundamental data-type for `recarray`.     |  format_parser : determine a data-type from formats, names, titles.     |       |  Notes     |  -----     |  This constructor can be compared to ``empty``: it creates a new record     |  array but does not fill it with data.  To create a record array from data,     |  use one of the following methods:     |       |  1. Create a standard ndarray and convert it to a record array,     |     using ``arr.view(np.recarray)``     |  2. Use the `buf` keyword.     |  3. Use `np.rec.fromrecords`.     |       |  Examples     |  --------     |  Create an array with two fields, ``x`` and ``y``:     |       |  >>> x = np.array([(1.0, 2), (3.0, 4)], dtype=[('x', float), ('y', int)])     |  >>> x     |  array([(1.0, 2), (3.0, 4)],     |        dtype=[('x', '<f8'), ('y', '<i4')])     |       |  >>> x['x']     |  array([ 1.,  3.])     |       |  View the array as a record array:     |       |  >>> x = x.view(np.recarray)     |       |  >>> x.x     |  array([ 1.,  3.])     |       |  >>> x.y     |  array([2, 4])     |       |  Create a new, empty record array:     |       |  >>> np.recarray((2,),     |  ... dtype=[('x', int), ('y', float), ('z', int)]) #doctest: +SKIP     |  rec.array([(-1073741821, 1.2249118382103472e-301, 24547520),     |         (3471280, 1.2134086255804012e-316, 0)],     |        dtype=[('x', '<i4'), ('y', '<f8'), ('z', '<i4')])     |       |  Method resolution order:     |      recarray     |      ndarray     |      __builtin__.object     |       |  Methods defined here:     |       |  __array_finalize__(self, obj)     |       |  __getattribute__(self, attr)     |       |  __getitem__(self, indx)     |       |  __repr__(self)     |       |  __setattr__(self, attr, val)     |      # Save the dictionary.     |      # If the attr is a field name and not in the saved dictionary     |      # Undo any "setting" of the attribute and do a setfield     |      # Thus, you can't create attributes on-the-fly that are field names.     |       |  field(self, attr, val=None)     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Static methods defined here:     |       |  __new__(subtype, shape, dtype=None, buf=None, offset=0, strides=None, formats=None, names=None, titles=None, byteorder=None, aligned=False, order='C')     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors defined here:     |       |  __dict__     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Methods inherited from ndarray:     |       |  __abs__(...)     |      x.__abs__() <==> abs(x)     |       |  __add__(...)     |      x.__add__(y) <==> x+y     |       |  __and__(...)     |      x.__and__(y) <==> x&y     |       |  __array__(...)     |      a.__array__(|dtype) -> reference if type unchanged, copy otherwise.     |           |      Returns either a new reference to self if dtype is not given or a new array     |      of provided data type if dtype is different from the current dtype of the     |      array.     |       |  __array_prepare__(...)     |      a.__array_prepare__(obj) -> Object of same type as ndarray object obj.     |       |  __array_wrap__(...)     |      a.__array_wrap__(obj) -> Object of same type as ndarray object a.     |       |  __contains__(...)     |      x.__contains__(y) <==> y in x     |       |  __copy__(...)     |      a.__copy__([order])     |           |      Return a copy of the array.     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      order : {'C', 'F', 'A'}, optional     |          If order is 'C' (False) then the result is contiguous (default).     |          If order is 'Fortran' (True) then the result has fortran order.     |          If order is 'Any' (None) then the result has fortran order     |          only if the array already is in fortran order.     |       |  __deepcopy__(...)     |      a.__deepcopy__() -> Deep copy of array.     |           |      Used if copy.deepcopy is called on an array.     |       |  __delitem__(...)     |      x.__delitem__(y) <==> del x[y]     |       |  __delslice__(...)     |      x.__delslice__(i, j) <==> del x[i:j]     |           |      Use of negative indices is not supported.     |       |  __div__(...)     |      x.__div__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __divmod__(...)     |      x.__divmod__(y) <==> divmod(x, y)     |       |  __eq__(...)     |      x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y     |       |  __float__(...)     |      x.__float__() <==> float(x)     |       |  __floordiv__(...)     |      x.__floordiv__(y) <==> x//y     |       |  __ge__(...)     |      x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y     |       |  __getslice__(...)     |      x.__getslice__(i, j) <==> x[i:j]     |           |      Use of negative indices is not supported.     |       |  __gt__(...)     |      x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y     |       |  __hex__(...)     |      x.__hex__() <==> hex(x)     |       |  __iadd__(...)     |      x.__iadd__(y) <==> x+=y     |       |  __iand__(...)     |      x.__iand__(y) <==> x&=y     |       |  __idiv__(...)     |      x.__idiv__(y) <==> x/=y     |       |  __ifloordiv__(...)     |      x.__ifloordiv__(y) <==> x//=y     |       |  __ilshift__(...)     |      x.__ilshift__(y) <==> x<<=y     |       |  __imod__(...)     |      x.__imod__(y) <==> x%=y     |       |  __imul__(...)     |      x.__imul__(y) <==> x*=y     |       |  __index__(...)     |      x[y:z] <==> x[y.__index__():z.__index__()]     |       |  __int__(...)     |      x.__int__() <==> int(x)     |       |  __invert__(...)     |      x.__invert__() <==> ~x     |       |  __ior__(...)     |      x.__ior__(y) <==> x|=y     |       |  __ipow__(...)     |      x.__ipow__(y) <==> x**=y     |       |  __irshift__(...)     |      x.__irshift__(y) <==> x>>=y     |       |  __isub__(...)     |      x.__isub__(y) <==> x-=y     |       |  __iter__(...)     |      x.__iter__() <==> iter(x)     |       |  __itruediv__(...)     |      x.__itruediv__(y) <==> x/=y     |       |  __ixor__(...)     |      x.__ixor__(y) <==> x^=y     |       |  __le__(...)     |      x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y     |       |  __len__(...)     |      x.__len__() <==> len(x)     |       |  __long__(...)     |      x.__long__() <==> long(x)     |       |  __lshift__(...)     |      x.__lshift__(y) <==> x<<y     |       |  __lt__(...)     |      x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y     |       |  __mod__(...)     |      x.__mod__(y) <==> x%y     |       |  __mul__(...)     |      x.__mul__(y) <==> x*y     |       |  __ne__(...)     |      x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y     |       |  __neg__(...)     |      x.__neg__() <==> -x     |       |  __nonzero__(...)     |      x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0     |       |  __oct__(...)     |      x.__oct__() <==> oct(x)     |       |  __or__(...)     |      x.__or__(y) <==> x|y     |       |  __pos__(...)     |      x.__pos__() <==> +x     |       |  __pow__(...)     |      x.__pow__(y[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __radd__(...)     |      x.__radd__(y) <==> y+x     |       |  __rand__(...)     |      x.__rand__(y) <==> y&x     |       |  __rdiv__(...)     |      x.__rdiv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rdivmod__(...)     |      x.__rdivmod__(y) <==> divmod(y, x)     |       |  __reduce__(...)     |      a.__reduce__()     |           |      For pickling.     |       |  __rfloordiv__(...)     |      x.__rfloordiv__(y) <==> y//x     |       |  __rlshift__(...)     |      x.__rlshift__(y) <==> y<<x     |       |  __rmod__(...)     |      x.__rmod__(y) <==> y%x     |       |  __rmul__(...)     |      x.__rmul__(y) <==> y*x     |       |  __ror__(...)     |      x.__ror__(y) <==> y|x     |       |  __rpow__(...)     |      y.__rpow__(x[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __rrshift__(...)     |      x.__rrshift__(y) <==> y>>x     |       |  __rshift__(...)     |      x.__rshift__(y) <==> x>>y     |       |  __rsub__(...)     |      x.__rsub__(y) <==> y-x     |       |  __rtruediv__(...)     |      x.__rtruediv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rxor__(...)     |      x.__rxor__(y) <==> y^x     |       |  __setitem__(...)     |      x.__setitem__(i, y) <==> x[i]=y     |       |  __setslice__(...)     |      x.__setslice__(i, j, y) <==> x[i:j]=y     |           |      Use  of negative indices is not supported.     |       |  __setstate__(...)     |      a.__setstate__(version, shape, dtype, isfortran, rawdata)     |           |      For unpickling.     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      version : int     |          optional pickle version. If omitted defaults to 0.     |      shape : tuple     |      dtype : data-type     |      isFortran : bool     |      rawdata : string or list     |          a binary string with the data (or a list if 'a' is an object array)     |       |  __sizeof__(...)     |       |  __str__(...)     |      x.__str__() <==> str(x)     |       |  __sub__(...)     |      x.__sub__(y) <==> x-y     |       |  __truediv__(...)     |      x.__truediv__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __xor__(...)     |      x.__xor__(y) <==> x^y     |       |  all(...)     |      a.all(axis=None, out=None, keepdims=False)     |           |      Returns True if all elements evaluate to True.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.all` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.all : equivalent function     |       |  any(...)     |      a.any(axis=None, out=None, keepdims=False)     |           |      Returns True if any of the elements of `a` evaluate to True.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.any` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.any : equivalent function     |       |  argmax(...)     |      a.argmax(axis=None, out=None)     |           |      Return indices of the maximum values along the given axis.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.argmax` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.argmax : equivalent function     |       |  argmin(...)     |      a.argmin(axis=None, out=None)     |           |      Return indices of the minimum values along the given axis of `a`.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.argmin` for detailed documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.argmin : equivalent function     |       |  argpartition(...)     |      a.argpartition(kth, axis=-1, kind='introselect', order=None)     |           |      Returns the indices that would partition this array.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.argpartition` for full documentation.     |           |      .. versionadded:: 1.8.0     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.argpartition : equivalent function     |       |  argsort(...)     |      a.argsort(axis=-1, kind='quicksort', order=None)     |           |      Returns the indices that would sort this array.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.argsort` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.argsort : equivalent function     |       |  astype(...)     |      a.astype(dtype, order='K', casting='unsafe', subok=True, copy=True)     |           |      Copy of the array, cast to a specified type.     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      dtype : str or dtype     |          Typecode or data-type to which the array is cast.     |      order : {'C', 'F', 'A', 'K'}, optional     |          Controls the memory layout order of the result.     |          'C' means C order, 'F' means Fortran order, 'A'     |          means 'F' order if all the arrays are Fortran contiguous,     |          'C' order otherwise, and 'K' means as close to the     |          order the array elements appear in memory as possible.     |          Default is 'K'.     |      casting : {'no', 'equiv', 'safe', 'same_kind', 'unsafe'}, optional     |          Controls what kind of data casting may occur. Defaults to 'unsafe'     |          for backwards compatibility.     |           |            * 'no' means the data types should not be cast at all.     |            * 'equiv' means only byte-order changes are allowed.     |            * 'safe' means only casts which can preserve values are allowed.     |            * 'same_kind' means only safe casts or casts within a kind,     |              like float64 to float32, are allowed.     |            * 'unsafe' means any data conversions may be done.     |      subok : bool, optional     |          If True, then sub-classes will be passed-through (default), otherwise     |          the returned array will be forced to be a base-class array.     |      copy : bool, optional     |          By default, astype always returns a newly allocated array. If this     |          is set to false, and the `dtype`, `order`, and `subok`     |          requirements are satisfied, the input array is returned instead     |          of a copy.     |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      arr_t : ndarray     |          Unless `copy` is False and the other conditions for returning the input     |          array are satisfied (see description for `copy` input paramter), `arr_t`     |          is a new array of the same shape as the input array, with dtype, order     |          given by `dtype`, `order`.     |           |      Notes     |      -----     |      Starting in NumPy 1.9, astype method now returns an error if the string     |      dtype to cast to is not long enough in 'safe' casting mode to hold the max     |      value of integer/float array that is being casted. Previously the casting     |      was allowed even if the result was truncated.     |           |      Raises     |      ------     |      ComplexWarning     |          When casting from complex to float or int. To avoid this,     |          one should use ``a.real.astype(t)``.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> x = np.array([1, 2, 2.5])     |      >>> x     |      array([ 1. ,  2. ,  2.5])     |           |      >>> x.astype(int)     |      array([1, 2, 2])     |       |  byteswap(...)     |      a.byteswap(inplace)     |           |      Swap the bytes of the array elements     |           |      Toggle between low-endian and big-endian data representation by     |      returning a byteswapped array, optionally swapped in-place.     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      inplace : bool, optional     |          If ``True``, swap bytes in-place, default is ``False``.     |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      out : ndarray     |          The byteswapped array. If `inplace` is ``True``, this is     |          a view to self.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> A = np.array([1, 256, 8755], dtype=np.int16)     |      >>> map(hex, A)     |      ['0x1', '0x100', '0x2233']     |      >>> A.byteswap(True)     |      array([  256,     1, 13090], dtype=int16)     |      >>> map(hex, A)     |      ['0x100', '0x1', '0x3322']     |           |      Arrays of strings are not swapped     |           |      >>> A = np.array(['ceg', 'fac'])     |      >>> A.byteswap()     |      array(['ceg', 'fac'],     |            dtype='|S3')     |       |  choose(...)     |      a.choose(choices, out=None, mode='raise')     |           |      Use an index array to construct a new array from a set of choices.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.choose` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.choose : equivalent function     |       |  clip(...)     |      a.clip(min=None, max=None, out=None)     |           |      Return an array whose values are limited to ``[min, max]``.     |      One of max or min must be given.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.clip` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.clip : equivalent function     |       |  compress(...)     |      a.compress(condition, axis=None, out=None)     |           |      Return selected slices of this array along given axis.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.compress` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.compress : equivalent function     |       |  conj(...)     |      a.conj()     |           |      Complex-conjugate all elements.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.conjugate` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.conjugate : equivalent function     |       |  conjugate(...)     |      a.conjugate()     |           |      Return the complex conjugate, element-wise.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.conjugate` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.conjugate : equivalent function     |       |  copy(...)     |      a.copy(order='C')     |           |      Return a copy of the array.     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      order : {'C', 'F', 'A', 'K'}, optional     |          Controls the memory layout of the copy. 'C' means C-order,     |          'F' means F-order, 'A' means 'F' if `a` is Fortran contiguous,     |          'C' otherwise. 'K' means match the layout of `a` as closely     |          as possible. (Note that this function and :func:numpy.copy are very     |          similar, but have different default values for their order=     |          arguments.)     |           |      See also     |      --------     |      numpy.copy     |      numpy.copyto     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> x = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]], order='F')     |           |      >>> y = x.copy()     |           |      >>> x.fill(0)     |           |      >>> x     |      array([[0, 0, 0],     |             [0, 0, 0]])     |           |      >>> y     |      array([[1, 2, 3],     |             [4, 5, 6]])     |           |      >>> y.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']     |      True     |       |  cumprod(...)     |      a.cumprod(axis=None, dtype=None, out=None)     |           |      Return the cumulative product of the elements along the given axis.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.cumprod` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.cumprod : equivalent function     |       |  cumsum(...)     |      a.cumsum(axis=None, dtype=None, out=None)     |           |      Return the cumulative sum of the elements along the given axis.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.cumsum` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.cumsum : equivalent function     |       |  diagonal(...)     |      a.diagonal(offset=0, axis1=0, axis2=1)     |           |      Return specified diagonals. In NumPy 1.9 the returned array is a     |      read-only view instead of a copy as in previous NumPy versions.  In     |      NumPy 1.10 the read-only restriction will be removed.     |           |      Refer to :func:`numpy.diagonal` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.diagonal : equivalent function     |       |  dot(...)     |, out=None)     |           |      Dot product of two arrays.     |           |      Refer to `` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     | : equivalent function     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> a = np.eye(2)     |      >>> b = np.ones((2, 2)) * 2     |      >>>     |      array([[ 2.,  2.],     |             [ 2.,  2.]])     |           |      This array method can be conveniently chained:     |           |      >>>     |      array([[ 8.,  8.],     |             [ 8.,  8.]])     |       |  dump(...)     |      a.dump(file)     |           |      Dump a pickle of the array to the specified file.     |      The array can be read back with pickle.load or numpy.load.     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      file : str     |          A string naming the dump file.     |       |  dumps(...)     |      a.dumps()     |           |      Returns the pickle of the array as a string.     |      pickle.loads or numpy.loads will convert the string back to an array.     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      None     |       |  fill(...)     |      a.fill(value)     |           |      Fill the array with a scalar value.     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      value : scalar     |          All elements of `a` will be assigned this value.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> a = np.array([1, 2])     |      >>> a.fill(0)     |      >>> a     |      array([0, 0])     |      >>> a = np.empty(2)     |      >>> a.fill(1)     |      >>> a     |      array([ 1.,  1.])     |       |  flatten(...)     |      a.flatten(order='C')     |           |      Return a copy of the array collapsed into one dimension.     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      order : {'C', 'F', 'A'}, optional     |          Whether to flatten in row-major (C-style) or     |          column-major (Fortran-style) order or preserve the     |          C/Fortran ordering from `a`.  The default is 'C'.     |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      y : ndarray     |          A copy of the input array, flattened to one dimension.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      ravel : Return a flattened array.     |      flat : A 1-D flat iterator over the array.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> a = np.array([[1,2], [3,4]])     |      >>> a.flatten()     |      array([1, 2, 3, 4])     |      >>> a.flatten('F')     |      array([1, 3, 2, 4])     |       |  getfield(...)     |      a.getfield(dtype, offset=0)     |           |      Returns a field of the given array as a certain type.     |           |      A field is a view of the array data with a given data-type. The values in     |      the view are determined by the given type and the offset into the current     |      array in bytes. The offset needs to be such that the view dtype fits in the     |      array dtype; for example an array of dtype complex128 has 16-byte elements.     |      If taking a view with a 32-bit integer (4 bytes), the offset needs to be     |      between 0 and 12 bytes.     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      dtype : str or dtype     |          The data type of the view. The dtype size of the view can not be larger     |          than that of the array itself.     |      offset : int     |          Number of bytes to skip before beginning the element view.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> x = np.diag([1.+1.j]*2)     |      >>> x[1, 1] = 2 + 4.j     |      >>> x     |      array([[ 1.+1.j,  0.+0.j],     |             [ 0.+0.j,  2.+4.j]])     |      >>> x.getfield(np.float64)     |      array([[ 1.,  0.],     |             [ 0.,  2.]])     |           |      By choosing an offset of 8 bytes we can select the complex part of the     |      array for our view:     |           |      >>> x.getfield(np.float64, offset=8)     |      array([[ 1.,  0.],     |         [ 0.,  4.]])     |       |  item(...)     |      a.item(*args)     |           |      Copy an element of an array to a standard Python scalar and return it.     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      \*args : Arguments (variable number and type)     |           |          * none: in this case, the method only works for arrays     |            with one element (`a.size == 1`), which element is     |            copied into a standard Python scalar object and returned.     |           |          * int_type: this argument is interpreted as a flat index into     |            the array, specifying which element to copy and return.     |           |          * tuple of int_types: functions as does a single int_type argument,     |            except that the argument is interpreted as an nd-index into the     |            array.     |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      z : Standard Python scalar object     |          A copy of the specified element of the array as a suitable     |          Python scalar     |           |      Notes     |      -----     |      When the data type of `a` is longdouble or clongdouble, item() returns     |      a scalar array object because there is no available Python scalar that     |      would not lose information. Void arrays return a buffer object for item(),     |      unless fields are defined, in which case a tuple is returned.     |           |      `item` is very similar to a[args], except, instead of an array scalar,     |      a standard Python scalar is returned. This can be useful for speeding up     |      access to elements of the array and doing arithmetic on elements of the     |      array using Python's optimized math.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> x = np.random.randint(9, size=(3, 3))     |      >>> x     |      array([[3, 1, 7],     |             [2, 8, 3],     |             [8, 5, 3]])     |      >>> x.item(3)     |      2     |      >>> x.item(7)     |      5     |      >>> x.item((0, 1))     |      1     |      >>> x.item((2, 2))     |      3     |       |  itemset(...)     |      a.itemset(*args)     |           |      Insert scalar into an array (scalar is cast to array's dtype, if possible)     |           |      There must be at least 1 argument, and define the last argument     |      as *item*.  Then, ``a.itemset(*args)`` is equivalent to but faster     |      than ``a[args] = item``.  The item should be a scalar value and `args`     |      must select a single item in the array `a`.     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      \*args : Arguments     |          If one argument: a scalar, only used in case `a` is of size 1.     |          If two arguments: the last argument is the value to be set     |          and must be a scalar, the first argument specifies a single array     |          element location. It is either an int or a tuple.     |           |      Notes     |      -----     |      Compared to indexing syntax, `itemset` provides some speed increase     |      for placing a scalar into a particular location in an `ndarray`,     |      if you must do this.  However, generally this is discouraged:     |      among other problems, it complicates the appearance of the code.     |      Also, when using `itemset` (and `item`) inside a loop, be sure     |      to assign the methods to a local variable to avoid the attribute     |      look-up at each loop iteration.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> x = np.random.randint(9, size=(3, 3))     |      >>> x     |      array([[3, 1, 7],     |             [2, 8, 3],     |             [8, 5, 3]])     |      >>> x.itemset(4, 0)     |      >>> x.itemset((2, 2), 9)     |      >>> x     |      array([[3, 1, 7],     |             [2, 0, 3],     |             [8, 5, 9]])     |       |  max(...)     |      a.max(axis=None, out=None)     |           |      Return the maximum along a given axis.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.amax` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.amax : equivalent function     |       |  mean(...)     |      a.mean(axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, keepdims=False)     |           |      Returns the average of the array elements along given axis.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.mean` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.mean : equivalent function     |       |  min(...)     |      a.min(axis=None, out=None, keepdims=False)     |           |      Return the minimum along a given axis.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.amin` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.amin : equivalent function     |       |  newbyteorder(...)     |      arr.newbyteorder(new_order='S')     |           |      Return the array with the same data viewed with a different byte order.     |           |      Equivalent to::     |           |          arr.view(arr.dtype.newbytorder(new_order))     |           |      Changes are also made in all fields and sub-arrays of the array data     |      type.     |           |           |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      new_order : string, optional     |          Byte order to force; a value from the byte order specifications     |          below. `new_order` codes can be any of:     |           |          * 'S' - swap dtype from current to opposite endian     |          * {'<', 'L'} - little endian     |          * {'>', 'B'} - big endian     |          * {'=', 'N'} - native order     |          * {'|', 'I'} - ignore (no change to byte order)     |           |          The default value ('S') results in swapping the current     |          byte order. The code does a case-insensitive check on the first     |          letter of `new_order` for the alternatives above.  For example,     |          any of 'B' or 'b' or 'biggish' are valid to specify big-endian.     |           |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      new_arr : array     |          New array object with the dtype reflecting given change to the     |          byte order.     |       |  nonzero(...)     |      a.nonzero()     |           |      Return the indices of the elements that are non-zero.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.nonzero` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.nonzero : equivalent function     |       |  partition(...)     |      a.partition(kth, axis=-1, kind='introselect', order=None)     |           |      Rearranges the elements in the array in such a way that value of the     |      element in kth position is in the position it would be in a sorted array.     |      All elements smaller than the kth element are moved before this element and     |      all equal or greater are moved behind it. The ordering of the elements in     |      the two partitions is undefined.     |           |      .. versionadded:: 1.8.0     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      kth : int or sequence of ints     |          Element index to partition by. The kth element value will be in its     |          final sorted position and all smaller elements will be moved before it     |          and all equal or greater elements behind it.     |          The order all elements in the partitions is undefined.     |          If provided with a sequence of kth it will partition all elements     |          indexed by kth of them into their sorted position at once.     |      axis : int, optional     |          Axis along which to sort. Default is -1, which means sort along the     |          last axis.     |      kind : {'introselect'}, optional     |          Selection algorithm. Default is 'introselect'.     |      order : str or list of str, optional     |          When `a` is an array with fields defined, this argument specifies     |          which fields to compare first, second, etc.  A single field can     |          be specified as a string, and not all fields need be specified,     |          but unspecified fields will still be used, in the order in which     |          they come up in the dtype, to break ties.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.partition : Return a parititioned copy of an array.     |      argpartition : Indirect partition.     |      sort : Full sort.     |           |      Notes     |      -----     |      See ``np.partition`` for notes on the different algorithms.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> a = np.array([3, 4, 2, 1])     |      >>> a.partition(a, 3)     |      >>> a     |      array([2, 1, 3, 4])     |           |      >>> a.partition((1, 3))     |      array([1, 2, 3, 4])     |       |  prod(...)     |, dtype=None, out=None, keepdims=False)     |           |      Return the product of the array elements over the given axis     |           |      Refer to `` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     | : equivalent function     |       |  ptp(...)     |      a.ptp(axis=None, out=None)     |           |      Peak to peak (maximum - minimum) value along a given axis.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.ptp` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.ptp : equivalent function     |       |  put(...)     |      a.put(indices, values, mode='raise')     |           |      Set ``a.flat[n] = values[n]`` for all `n` in indices.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.put` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.put : equivalent function     |       |  ravel(...)     |      a.ravel([order])     |           |      Return a flattened array.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.ravel` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.ravel : equivalent function     |           |      ndarray.flat : a flat iterator on the array.     |       |  repeat(...)     |      a.repeat(repeats, axis=None)     |           |      Repeat elements of an array.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.repeat` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.repeat : equivalent function     |       |  reshape(...)     |      a.reshape(shape, order='C')     |           |      Returns an array containing the same data with a new shape.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.reshape` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.reshape : equivalent function     |       |  resize(...)     |      a.resize(new_shape, refcheck=True)     |           |      Change shape and size of array in-place.     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      new_shape : tuple of ints, or `n` ints     |          Shape of resized array.     |      refcheck : bool, optional     |          If False, reference count will not be checked. Default is True.     |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      None     |           |      Raises     |      ------     |      ValueError     |          If `a` does not own its own data or references or views to it exist,     |          and the data memory must be changed.     |           |      SystemError     |          If the `order` keyword argument is specified. This behaviour is a     |          bug in NumPy.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      resize : Return a new array with the specified shape.     |           |      Notes     |      -----     |      This reallocates space for the data area if necessary.     |           |      Only contiguous arrays (data elements consecutive in memory) can be     |      resized.     |           |      The purpose of the reference count check is to make sure you     |      do not use this array as a buffer for another Python object and then     |      reallocate the memory. However, reference counts can increase in     |      other ways so if you are sure that you have not shared the memory     |      for this array with another Python object, then you may safely set     |      `refcheck` to False.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      Shrinking an array: array is flattened (in the order that the data are     |      stored in memory), resized, and reshaped:     |           |      >>> a = np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]], order='C')     |      >>> a.resize((2, 1))     |      >>> a     |      array([[0],     |             [1]])     |           |      >>> a = np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]], order='F')     |      >>> a.resize((2, 1))     |      >>> a     |      array([[0],     |             [2]])     |           |      Enlarging an array: as above, but missing entries are filled with zeros:     |           |      >>> b = np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]])     |      >>> b.resize(2, 3) # new_shape parameter doesn't have to be a tuple     |      >>> b     |      array([[0, 1, 2],     |             [3, 0, 0]])     |           |      Referencing an array prevents resizing...     |           |      >>> c = a     |      >>> a.resize((1, 1))     |      Traceback (most recent call last):     |      ...     |      ValueError: cannot resize an array that has been referenced ...     |           |      Unless `refcheck` is False:     |           |      >>> a.resize((1, 1), refcheck=False)     |      >>> a     |      array([[0]])     |      >>> c     |      array([[0]])     |       |  round(...)     |      a.round(decimals=0, out=None)     |           |      Return `a` with each element rounded to the given number of decimals.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.around` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.around : equivalent function     |       |  searchsorted(...)     |      a.searchsorted(v, side='left', sorter=None)     |           |      Find indices where elements of v should be inserted in a to maintain order.     |           |      For full documentation, see `numpy.searchsorted`     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.searchsorted : equivalent function     |       |  setfield(...)     |      a.setfield(val, dtype, offset=0)     |           |      Put a value into a specified place in a field defined by a data-type.     |           |      Place `val` into `a`'s field defined by `dtype` and beginning `offset`     |      bytes into the field.     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      val : object     |          Value to be placed in field.     |      dtype : dtype object     |          Data-type of the field in which to place `val`.     |      offset : int, optional     |          The number of bytes into the field at which to place `val`.     |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      None     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      getfield     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> x = np.eye(3)     |      >>> x.getfield(np.float64)     |      array([[ 1.,  0.,  0.],     |             [ 0.,  1.,  0.],     |             [ 0.,  0.,  1.]])     |      >>> x.setfield(3, np.int32)     |      >>> x.getfield(np.int32)     |      array([[3, 3, 3],     |             [3, 3, 3],     |             [3, 3, 3]])     |      >>> x     |      array([[  1.00000000e+000,   1.48219694e-323,   1.48219694e-323],     |             [  1.48219694e-323,   1.00000000e+000,   1.48219694e-323],     |             [  1.48219694e-323,   1.48219694e-323,   1.00000000e+000]])     |      >>> x.setfield(np.eye(3), np.int32)     |      >>> x     |      array([[ 1.,  0.,  0.],     |             [ 0.,  1.,  0.],     |             [ 0.,  0.,  1.]])     |       |  setflags(...)     |      a.setflags(write=None, align=None, uic=None)     |           |      Set array flags WRITEABLE, ALIGNED, and UPDATEIFCOPY, respectively.     |           |      These Boolean-valued flags affect how numpy interprets the memory     |      area used by `a` (see Notes below). The ALIGNED flag can only     |      be set to True if the data is actually aligned according to the type.     |      The UPDATEIFCOPY flag can never be set to True. The flag WRITEABLE     |      can only be set to True if the array owns its own memory, or the     |      ultimate owner of the memory exposes a writeable buffer interface,     |      or is a string. (The exception for string is made so that unpickling     |      can be done without copying memory.)     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      write : bool, optional     |          Describes whether or not `a` can be written to.     |      align : bool, optional     |          Describes whether or not `a` is aligned properly for its type.     |      uic : bool, optional     |          Describes whether or not `a` is a copy of another "base" array.     |           |      Notes     |      -----     |      Array flags provide information about how the memory area used     |      for the array is to be interpreted. There are 6 Boolean flags     |      in use, only three of which can be changed by the user:     |      UPDATEIFCOPY, WRITEABLE, and ALIGNED.     |           |      WRITEABLE (W) the data area can be written to;     |           |      ALIGNED (A) the data and strides are aligned appropriately for the hardware     |      (as determined by the compiler);     |           |      UPDATEIFCOPY (U) this array is a copy of some other array (referenced     |      by .base). When this array is deallocated, the base array will be     |      updated with the contents of this array.     |           |      All flags can be accessed using their first (upper case) letter as well     |      as the full name.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> y     |      array([[3, 1, 7],     |             [2, 0, 0],     |             [8, 5, 9]])     |      >>> y.flags     |        C_CONTIGUOUS : True     |        F_CONTIGUOUS : False     |        OWNDATA : True     |        WRITEABLE : True     |        ALIGNED : True     |        UPDATEIFCOPY : False     |      >>> y.setflags(write=0, align=0)     |      >>> y.flags     |        C_CONTIGUOUS : True     |        F_CONTIGUOUS : False     |        OWNDATA : True     |        WRITEABLE : False     |        ALIGNED : False     |        UPDATEIFCOPY : False     |      >>> y.setflags(uic=1)     |      Traceback (most recent call last):     |        File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>     |      ValueError: cannot set UPDATEIFCOPY flag to True     |       |  sort(...)     |      a.sort(axis=-1, kind='quicksort', order=None)     |           |      Sort an array, in-place.     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      axis : int, optional     |          Axis along which to sort. Default is -1, which means sort along the     |          last axis.     |      kind : {'quicksort', 'mergesort', 'heapsort'}, optional     |          Sorting algorithm. Default is 'quicksort'.     |      order : str or list of str, optional     |          When `a` is an array with fields defined, this argument specifies     |          which fields to compare first, second, etc.  A single field can     |          be specified as a string, and not all fields need be specified,     |          but unspecified fields will still be used, in the order in which     |          they come up in the dtype, to break ties.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.sort : Return a sorted copy of an array.     |      argsort : Indirect sort.     |      lexsort : Indirect stable sort on multiple keys.     |      searchsorted : Find elements in sorted array.     |      partition: Partial sort.     |           |      Notes     |      -----     |      See ``sort`` for notes on the different sorting algorithms.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> a = np.array([[1,4], [3,1]])     |      >>> a.sort(axis=1)     |      >>> a     |      array([[1, 4],     |             [1, 3]])     |      >>> a.sort(axis=0)     |      >>> a     |      array([[1, 3],     |             [1, 4]])     |           |      Use the `order` keyword to specify a field to use when sorting a     |      structured array:     |           |      >>> a = np.array([('a', 2), ('c', 1)], dtype=[('x', 'S1'), ('y', int)])     |      >>> a.sort(order='y')     |      >>> a     |      array([('c', 1), ('a', 2)],     |            dtype=[('x', '|S1'), ('y', '<i4')])     |       |  squeeze(...)     |      a.squeeze(axis=None)     |           |      Remove single-dimensional entries from the shape of `a`.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.squeeze` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.squeeze : equivalent function     |       |  std(...)     |      a.std(axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, ddof=0, keepdims=False)     |           |      Returns the standard deviation of the array elements along given axis.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.std` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.std : equivalent function     |       |  sum(...)     |      a.sum(axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, keepdims=False)     |           |      Return the sum of the array elements over the given axis.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.sum` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.sum : equivalent function     |       |  swapaxes(...)     |      a.swapaxes(axis1, axis2)     |           |      Return a view of the array with `axis1` and `axis2` interchanged.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.swapaxes` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.swapaxes : equivalent function     |       |  take(...)     |      a.take(indices, axis=None, out=None, mode='raise')     |           |      Return an array formed from the elements of `a` at the given indices.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.take` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.take : equivalent function     |       |  tobytes(...)     |      a.tobytes(order='C')     |           |      Construct Python bytes containing the raw data bytes in the array.     |           |      Constructs Python bytes showing a copy of the raw contents of     |      data memory. The bytes object can be produced in either 'C' or 'Fortran',     |      or 'Any' order (the default is 'C'-order). 'Any' order means C-order     |      unless the F_CONTIGUOUS flag in the array is set, in which case it     |      means 'Fortran' order.     |           |      .. versionadded:: 1.9.0     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      order : {'C', 'F', None}, optional     |          Order of the data for multidimensional arrays:     |          C, Fortran, or the same as for the original array.     |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      s : bytes     |          Python bytes exhibiting a copy of `a`'s raw data.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> x = np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]])     |      >>> x.tobytes()     |      b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00'     |      >>> x.tobytes('C') == x.tobytes()     |      True     |      >>> x.tobytes('F')     |      b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00'     |       |  tofile(...)     |      a.tofile(fid, sep="", format="%s")     |           |      Write array to a file as text or binary (default).     |           |      Data is always written in 'C' order, independent of the order of `a`.     |      The data produced by this method can be recovered using the function     |      fromfile().     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      fid : file or str     |          An open file object, or a string containing a filename.     |      sep : str     |          Separator between array items for text output.     |          If "" (empty), a binary file is written, equivalent to     |          ``file.write(a.tobytes())``.     |      format : str     |          Format string for text file output.     |          Each entry in the array is formatted to text by first converting     |          it to the closest Python type, and then using "format" % item.     |           |      Notes     |      -----     |      This is a convenience function for quick storage of array data.     |      Information on endianness and precision is lost, so this method is not a     |      good choice for files intended to archive data or transport data between     |      machines with different endianness. Some of these problems can be overcome     |      by outputting the data as text files, at the expense of speed and file     |      size.     |       |  tolist(...)     |      a.tolist()     |           |      Return the array as a (possibly nested) list.     |           |      Return a copy of the array data as a (nested) Python list.     |      Data items are converted to the nearest compatible Python type.     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      none     |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      y : list     |          The possibly nested list of array elements.     |           |      Notes     |      -----     |      The array may be recreated, ``a = np.array(a.tolist())``.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> a = np.array([1, 2])     |      >>> a.tolist()     |      [1, 2]     |      >>> a = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])     |      >>> list(a)     |      [array([1, 2]), array([3, 4])]     |      >>> a.tolist()     |      [[1, 2], [3, 4]]     |       |  tostring(...)     |      a.tostring(order='C')     |           |      Construct Python bytes containing the raw data bytes in the array.     |           |      Constructs Python bytes showing a copy of the raw contents of     |      data memory. The bytes object can be produced in either 'C' or 'Fortran',     |      or 'Any' order (the default is 'C'-order). 'Any' order means C-order     |      unless the F_CONTIGUOUS flag in the array is set, in which case it     |      means 'Fortran' order.     |           |      This function is a compatibility alias for tobytes. Despite its name it returns bytes not strings.     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      order : {'C', 'F', None}, optional     |          Order of the data for multidimensional arrays:     |          C, Fortran, or the same as for the original array.     |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      s : bytes     |          Python bytes exhibiting a copy of `a`'s raw data.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> x = np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]])     |      >>> x.tobytes()     |      b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00'     |      >>> x.tobytes('C') == x.tobytes()     |      True     |      >>> x.tobytes('F')     |      b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00'     |       |  trace(...)     |      a.trace(offset=0, axis1=0, axis2=1, dtype=None, out=None)     |           |      Return the sum along diagonals of the array.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.trace` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.trace : equivalent function     |       |  transpose(...)     |      a.transpose(*axes)     |           |      Returns a view of the array with axes transposed.     |           |      For a 1-D array, this has no effect. (To change between column and     |      row vectors, first cast the 1-D array into a matrix object.)     |      For a 2-D array, this is the usual matrix transpose.     |      For an n-D array, if axes are given, their order indicates how the     |      axes are permuted (see Examples). If axes are not provided and     |      ``a.shape = (i[0], i[1], ... i[n-2], i[n-1])``, then     |      ``a.transpose().shape = (i[n-1], i[n-2], ... i[1], i[0])``.     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      axes : None, tuple of ints, or `n` ints     |           |       * None or no argument: reverses the order of the axes.     |           |       * tuple of ints: `i` in the `j`-th place in the tuple means `a`'s     |         `i`-th axis becomes `a.transpose()`'s `j`-th axis.     |           |       * `n` ints: same as an n-tuple of the same ints (this form is     |         intended simply as a "convenience" alternative to the tuple form)     |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      out : ndarray     |          View of `a`, with axes suitably permuted.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      ndarray.T : Array property returning the array transposed.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> a = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])     |      >>> a     |      array([[1, 2],     |             [3, 4]])     |      >>> a.transpose()     |      array([[1, 3],     |             [2, 4]])     |      >>> a.transpose((1, 0))     |      array([[1, 3],     |             [2, 4]])     |      >>> a.transpose(1, 0)     |      array([[1, 3],     |             [2, 4]])     |       |  var(...)     |      a.var(axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, ddof=0, keepdims=False)     |           |      Returns the variance of the array elements, along given axis.     |           |      Refer to `numpy.var` for full documentation.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.var : equivalent function     |       |  view(...)     |      a.view(dtype=None, type=None)     |           |      New view of array with the same data.     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      dtype : data-type or ndarray sub-class, optional     |          Data-type descriptor of the returned view, e.g., float32 or int16. The     |          default, None, results in the view having the same data-type as `a`.     |          This argument can also be specified as an ndarray sub-class, which     |          then specifies the type of the returned object (this is equivalent to     |          setting the ``type`` parameter).     |      type : Python type, optional     |          Type of the returned view, e.g., ndarray or matrix.  Again, the     |          default None results in type preservation.     |           |      Notes     |      -----     |      ``a.view()`` is used two different ways:     |           |      ``a.view(some_dtype)`` or ``a.view(dtype=some_dtype)`` constructs a view     |      of the array's memory with a different data-type.  This can cause a     |      reinterpretation of the bytes of memory.     |           |      ``a.view(ndarray_subclass)`` or ``a.view(type=ndarray_subclass)`` just     |      returns an instance of `ndarray_subclass` that looks at the same array     |      (same shape, dtype, etc.)  This does not cause a reinterpretation of the     |      memory.     |           |      For ``a.view(some_dtype)``, if ``some_dtype`` has a different number of     |      bytes per entry than the previous dtype (for example, converting a     |      regular array to a structured array), then the behavior of the view     |      cannot be predicted just from the superficial appearance of ``a`` (shown     |      by ``print(a)``). It also depends on exactly how ``a`` is stored in     |      memory. Therefore if ``a`` is C-ordered versus fortran-ordered, versus     |      defined as a slice or transpose, etc., the view may give different     |      results.     |           |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> x = np.array([(1, 2)], dtype=[('a', np.int8), ('b', np.int8)])     |           |      Viewing array data using a different type and dtype:     |           |      >>> y = x.view(dtype=np.int16, type=np.matrix)     |      >>> y     |      matrix([[513]], dtype=int16)     |      >>> print type(y)     |      <class 'numpy.matrixlib.defmatrix.matrix'>     |           |      Creating a view on a structured array so it can be used in calculations     |           |      >>> x = np.array([(1, 2),(3,4)], dtype=[('a', np.int8), ('b', np.int8)])     |      >>> xv = x.view(dtype=np.int8).reshape(-1,2)     |      >>> xv     |      array([[1, 2],     |             [3, 4]], dtype=int8)     |      >>> xv.mean(0)     |      array([ 2.,  3.])     |           |      Making changes to the view changes the underlying array     |           |      >>> xv[0,1] = 20     |      >>> print x     |      [(1, 20) (3, 4)]     |           |      Using a view to convert an array to a recarray:     |           |      >>> z = x.view(np.recarray)     |      >>> z.a     |      array([1], dtype=int8)     |           |      Views share data:     |           |      >>> x[0] = (9, 10)     |      >>> z[0]     |      (9, 10)     |           |      Views that change the dtype size (bytes per entry) should normally be     |      avoided on arrays defined by slices, transposes, fortran-ordering, etc.:     |           |      >>> x = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]], dtype=np.int16)     |      >>> y = x[:, 0:2]     |      >>> y     |      array([[1, 2],     |             [4, 5]], dtype=int16)     |      >>> y.view(dtype=[('width', np.int16), ('length', np.int16)])     |      Traceback (most recent call last):     |        File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>     |      ValueError: new type not compatible with array.     |      >>> z = y.copy()     |      >>> z.view(dtype=[('width', np.int16), ('length', np.int16)])     |      array([[(1, 2)],     |             [(4, 5)]], dtype=[('width', '<i2'), ('length', '<i2')])     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from ndarray:     |       |  T     |      Same as self.transpose(), except that self is returned if     |      self.ndim < 2.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> x = np.array([[1.,2.],[3.,4.]])     |      >>> x     |      array([[ 1.,  2.],     |             [ 3.,  4.]])     |      >>> x.T     |      array([[ 1.,  3.],     |             [ 2.,  4.]])     |      >>> x = np.array([1.,2.,3.,4.])     |      >>> x     |      array([ 1.,  2.,  3.,  4.])     |      >>> x.T     |      array([ 1.,  2.,  3.,  4.])     |       |  __array_interface__     |      Array protocol: Python side.     |       |  __array_priority__     |      Array priority.     |       |  __array_struct__     |      Array protocol: C-struct side.     |       |  base     |      Base object if memory is from some other object.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      The base of an array that owns its memory is None:     |           |      >>> x = np.array([1,2,3,4])     |      >>> x.base is None     |      True     |           |      Slicing creates a view, whose memory is shared with x:     |           |      >>> y = x[2:]     |      >>> y.base is x     |      True     |       |  ctypes     |      An object to simplify the interaction of the array with the ctypes     |      module.     |           |      This attribute creates an object that makes it easier to use arrays     |      when calling shared libraries with the ctypes module. The returned     |      object has, among others, data, shape, and strides attributes (see     |      Notes below) which themselves return ctypes objects that can be used     |      as arguments to a shared library.     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      None     |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      c : Python object     |          Possessing attributes data, shape, strides, etc.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.ctypeslib     |           |      Notes     |      -----     |      Below are the public attributes of this object which were documented     |      in "Guide to NumPy" (we have omitted undocumented public attributes,     |      as well as documented private attributes):     |           |      * data: A pointer to the memory area of the array as a Python integer.     |        This memory area may contain data that is not aligned, or not in correct     |        byte-order. The memory area may not even be writeable. The array     |        flags and data-type of this array should be respected when passing this     |        attribute to arbitrary C-code to avoid trouble that can include Python     |        crashing. User Beware! The value of this attribute is exactly the same     |        as self._array_interface_['data'][0].     |           |      * shape (c_intp*self.ndim): A ctypes array of length self.ndim where     |        the basetype is the C-integer corresponding to dtype('p') on this     |        platform. This base-type could be c_int, c_long, or c_longlong     |        depending on the platform. The c_intp type is defined accordingly in     |        numpy.ctypeslib. The ctypes array contains the shape of the underlying     |        array.     |           |      * strides (c_intp*self.ndim): A ctypes array of length self.ndim where     |        the basetype is the same as for the shape attribute. This ctypes array     |        contains the strides information from the underlying array. This strides     |        information is important for showing how many bytes must be jumped to     |        get to the next element in the array.     |           |      * data_as(obj): Return the data pointer cast to a particular c-types object.     |        For example, calling self._as_parameter_ is equivalent to     |        self.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p). Perhaps you want to use the data as a     |        pointer to a ctypes array of floating-point data:     |        self.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)).     |           |      * shape_as(obj): Return the shape tuple as an array of some other c-types     |        type. For example: self.shape_as(ctypes.c_short).     |           |      * strides_as(obj): Return the strides tuple as an array of some other     |        c-types type. For example: self.strides_as(ctypes.c_longlong).     |           |      Be careful using the ctypes attribute - especially on temporary     |      arrays or arrays constructed on the fly. For example, calling     |      ``(a+b).ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p)`` returns a pointer to memory     |      that is invalid because the array created as (a+b) is deallocated     |      before the next Python statement. You can avoid this problem using     |      either ``c=a+b`` or ``ct=(a+b).ctypes``. In the latter case, ct will     |      hold a reference to the array until ct is deleted or re-assigned.     |           |      If the ctypes module is not available, then the ctypes attribute     |      of array objects still returns something useful, but ctypes objects     |      are not returned and errors may be raised instead. In particular,     |      the object will still have the as parameter attribute which will     |      return an integer equal to the data attribute.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> import ctypes     |      >>> x     |      array([[0, 1],     |             [2, 3]])     |      >>>     |      30439712     |      >>> x.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long))     |      <ctypes.LP_c_long object at 0x01F01300>     |      >>> x.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long)).contents     |      c_long(0)     |      >>> x.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_longlong)).contents     |      c_longlong(4294967296L)     |      >>> x.ctypes.shape     |      <numpy.core._internal.c_long_Array_2 object at 0x01FFD580>     |      >>> x.ctypes.shape_as(ctypes.c_long)     |      <numpy.core._internal.c_long_Array_2 object at 0x01FCE620>     |      >>> x.ctypes.strides     |      <numpy.core._internal.c_long_Array_2 object at 0x01FCE620>     |      >>> x.ctypes.strides_as(ctypes.c_longlong)     |      <numpy.core._internal.c_longlong_Array_2 object at 0x01F01300>     |       |  data     |      Python buffer object pointing to the start of the array's data.     |       |  dtype     |      Data-type of the array's elements.     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      None     |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      d : numpy dtype object     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.dtype     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> x     |      array([[0, 1],     |             [2, 3]])     |      >>> x.dtype     |      dtype('int32')     |      >>> type(x.dtype)     |      <type 'numpy.dtype'>     |       |  flags     |      Information about the memory layout of the array.     |           |      Attributes     |      ----------     |      C_CONTIGUOUS (C)     |          The data is in a single, C-style contiguous segment.     |      F_CONTIGUOUS (F)     |          The data is in a single, Fortran-style contiguous segment.     |      OWNDATA (O)     |          The array owns the memory it uses or borrows it from another object.     |      WRITEABLE (W)     |          The data area can be written to.  Setting this to False locks     |          the data, making it read-only.  A view (slice, etc.) inherits WRITEABLE     |          from its base array at creation time, but a view of a writeable     |          array may be subsequently locked while the base array remains writeable.     |          (The opposite is not true, in that a view of a locked array may not     |          be made writeable.  However, currently, locking a base object does not     |          lock any views that already reference it, so under that circumstance it     |          is possible to alter the contents of a locked array via a previously     |          created writeable view onto it.)  Attempting to change a non-writeable     |          array raises a RuntimeError exception.     |      ALIGNED (A)     |          The data and all elements are aligned appropriately for the hardware.     |      UPDATEIFCOPY (U)     |          This array is a copy of some other array. When this array is     |          deallocated, the base array will be updated with the contents of     |          this array.     |      FNC     |          F_CONTIGUOUS and not C_CONTIGUOUS.     |      FORC     |          F_CONTIGUOUS or C_CONTIGUOUS (one-segment test).     |      BEHAVED (B)     |          ALIGNED and WRITEABLE.     |      CARRAY (CA)     |          BEHAVED and C_CONTIGUOUS.     |      FARRAY (FA)     |          BEHAVED and F_CONTIGUOUS and not C_CONTIGUOUS.     |           |      Notes     |      -----     |      The `flags` object can be accessed dictionary-like (as in ``a.flags['WRITEABLE']``),     |      or by using lowercased attribute names (as in ``a.flags.writeable``). Short flag     |      names are only supported in dictionary access.     |           |      Only the UPDATEIFCOPY, WRITEABLE, and ALIGNED flags can be changed by     |      the user, via direct assignment to the attribute or dictionary entry,     |      or by calling `ndarray.setflags`.     |           |      The array flags cannot be set arbitrarily:     |           |      - UPDATEIFCOPY can only be set ``False``.     |      - ALIGNED can only be set ``True`` if the data is truly aligned.     |      - WRITEABLE can only be set ``True`` if the array owns its own memory     |        or the ultimate owner of the memory exposes a writeable buffer     |        interface or is a string.     |           |      Arrays can be both C-style and Fortran-style contiguous simultaneously.     |      This is clear for 1-dimensional arrays, but can also be true for higher     |      dimensional arrays.     |           |      Even for contiguous arrays a stride for a given dimension     |      ``arr.strides[dim]`` may be *arbitrary* if ``arr.shape[dim] == 1``     |      or the array has no elements.     |      It does *not* generally hold that ``self.strides[-1] == self.itemsize``     |      for C-style contiguous arrays or ``self.strides[0] == self.itemsize`` for     |      Fortran-style contiguous arrays is true.     |       |  flat     |      A 1-D iterator over the array.     |           |      This is a `numpy.flatiter` instance, which acts similarly to, but is not     |      a subclass of, Python's built-in iterator object.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      flatten : Return a copy of the array collapsed into one dimension.     |           |      flatiter     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> x = np.arange(1, 7).reshape(2, 3)     |      >>> x     |      array([[1, 2, 3],     |             [4, 5, 6]])     |      >>> x.flat[3]     |      4     |      >>> x.T     |      array([[1, 4],     |             [2, 5],     |             [3, 6]])     |      >>> x.T.flat[3]     |      5     |      >>> type(x.flat)     |      <type 'numpy.flatiter'>     |           |      An assignment example:     |           |      >>> x.flat = 3; x     |      array([[3, 3, 3],     |             [3, 3, 3]])     |      >>> x.flat[[1,4]] = 1; x     |      array([[3, 1, 3],     |             [3, 1, 3]])     |       |  imag     |      The imaginary part of the array.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> x = np.sqrt([1+0j, 0+1j])     |      >>> x.imag     |      array([ 0.        ,  0.70710678])     |      >>> x.imag.dtype     |      dtype('float64')     |       |  itemsize     |      Length of one array element in bytes.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> x = np.array([1,2,3], dtype=np.float64)     |      >>> x.itemsize     |      8     |      >>> x = np.array([1,2,3], dtype=np.complex128)     |      >>> x.itemsize     |      16     |       |  nbytes     |      Total bytes consumed by the elements of the array.     |           |      Notes     |      -----     |      Does not include memory consumed by non-element attributes of the     |      array object.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> x = np.zeros((3,5,2), dtype=np.complex128)     |      >>> x.nbytes     |      480     |      >>> * x.itemsize     |      480     |       |  ndim     |      Number of array dimensions.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> x = np.array([1, 2, 3])     |      >>> x.ndim     |      1     |      >>> y = np.zeros((2, 3, 4))     |      >>> y.ndim     |      3     |       |  real     |      The real part of the array.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> x = np.sqrt([1+0j, 0+1j])     |      >>> x.real     |      array([ 1.        ,  0.70710678])     |      >>> x.real.dtype     |      dtype('float64')     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.real : equivalent function     |       |  shape     |      Tuple of array dimensions.     |           |      Notes     |      -----     |      May be used to "reshape" the array, as long as this would not     |      require a change in the total number of elements     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])     |      >>> x.shape     |      (4,)     |      >>> y = np.zeros((2, 3, 4))     |      >>> y.shape     |      (2, 3, 4)     |      >>> y.shape = (3, 8)     |      >>> y     |      array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],     |             [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],     |             [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.]])     |      >>> y.shape = (3, 6)     |      Traceback (most recent call last):     |        File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>     |      ValueError: total size of new array must be unchanged     |       |  size     |      Number of elements in the array.     |           |      Equivalent to ````, i.e., the product of the array's     |      dimensions.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> x = np.zeros((3, 5, 2), dtype=np.complex128)     |      >>> x.size     |      30     |      >>>     |      30     |       |  strides     |      Tuple of bytes to step in each dimension when traversing an array.     |           |      The byte offset of element ``(i[0], i[1], ..., i[n])`` in an array `a`     |      is::     |           |          offset = sum(np.array(i) * a.strides)     |           |      A more detailed explanation of strides can be found in the     |      "ndarray.rst" file in the NumPy reference guide.     |           |      Notes     |      -----     |      Imagine an array of 32-bit integers (each 4 bytes)::     |           |        x = np.array([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],     |                      [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]], dtype=np.int32)     |           |      This array is stored in memory as 40 bytes, one after the other     |      (known as a contiguous block of memory).  The strides of an array tell     |      us how many bytes we have to skip in memory to move to the next position     |      along a certain axis.  For example, we have to skip 4 bytes (1 value) to     |      move to the next column, but 20 bytes (5 values) to get to the same     |      position in the next row.  As such, the strides for the array `x` will be     |      ``(20, 4)``.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> y = np.reshape(np.arange(2*3*4), (2,3,4))     |      >>> y     |      array([[[ 0,  1,  2,  3],     |              [ 4,  5,  6,  7],     |              [ 8,  9, 10, 11]],     |             [[12, 13, 14, 15],     |              [16, 17, 18, 19],     |              [20, 21, 22, 23]]])     |      >>> y.strides     |      (48, 16, 4)     |      >>> y[1,1,1]     |      17     |      >>> offset=sum(y.strides * np.array((1,1,1)))     |      >>> offset/y.itemsize     |      17     |           |      >>> x = np.reshape(np.arange(5*6*7*8), (5,6,7,8)).transpose(2,3,1,0)     |      >>> x.strides     |      (32, 4, 224, 1344)     |      >>> i = np.array([3,5,2,2])     |      >>> offset = sum(i * x.strides)     |      >>> x[3,5,2,2]     |      813     |      >>> offset / x.itemsize     |      813     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data and other attributes inherited from ndarray:     |       |  __hash__ = None        class record(void)     |  A data-type scalar that allows field access as attribute lookup.     |       |  Method resolution order:     |      record     |      void     |      flexible     |      generic     |      __builtin__.object     |       |  Methods defined here:     |       |  __getattribute__(self, attr)     |       |  __getitem__(self, indx)     |       |  __repr__(self)     |       |  __setattr__(self, attr, val)     |       |  __str__(self)     |       |  pprint(self)     |      Pretty-print all fields.     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors defined here:     |       |  __dict__     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)     |       |  __weakref__     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Methods inherited from void:     |       |  __delitem__(...)     |      x.__delitem__(y) <==> del x[y]     |       |  __eq__(...)     |      x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y     |       |  __ge__(...)     |      x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y     |       |  __gt__(...)     |      x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y     |       |  __hash__(...)     |      x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)     |       |  __le__(...)     |      x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y     |       |  __len__(...)     |      x.__len__() <==> len(x)     |       |  __lt__(...)     |      x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y     |       |  __ne__(...)     |      x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y     |       |  __setitem__(...)     |      x.__setitem__(i, y) <==> x[i]=y     |       |  getfield(...)     |       |  setfield(...)     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from void:     |       |  dtype     |      dtype object     |       |  flags     |      integer value of flags     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data and other attributes inherited from void:     |       |  __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object>     |      T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Methods inherited from generic:     |       |  __abs__(...)     |      x.__abs__() <==> abs(x)     |       |  __add__(...)     |      x.__add__(y) <==> x+y     |       |  __and__(...)     |      x.__and__(y) <==> x&y     |       |  __array__(...)     |      sc.__array__(|type) return 0-dim array     |       |  __array_wrap__(...)     |      sc.__array_wrap__(obj) return scalar from array     |       |  __copy__(...)     |       |  __deepcopy__(...)     |       |  __div__(...)     |      x.__div__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __divmod__(...)     |      x.__divmod__(y) <==> divmod(x, y)     |       |  __float__(...)     |      x.__float__() <==> float(x)     |       |  __floordiv__(...)     |      x.__floordiv__(y) <==> x//y     |       |  __format__(...)     |      NumPy array scalar formatter     |       |  __hex__(...)     |      x.__hex__() <==> hex(x)     |       |  __int__(...)     |      x.__int__() <==> int(x)     |       |  __invert__(...)     |      x.__invert__() <==> ~x     |       |  __long__(...)     |      x.__long__() <==> long(x)     |       |  __lshift__(...)     |      x.__lshift__(y) <==> x<<y     |       |  __mod__(...)     |      x.__mod__(y) <==> x%y     |       |  __mul__(...)     |      x.__mul__(y) <==> x*y     |       |  __neg__(...)     |      x.__neg__() <==> -x     |       |  __nonzero__(...)     |      x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0     |       |  __oct__(...)     |      x.__oct__() <==> oct(x)     |       |  __or__(...)     |      x.__or__(y) <==> x|y     |       |  __pos__(...)     |      x.__pos__() <==> +x     |       |  __pow__(...)     |      x.__pow__(y[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __radd__(...)     |      x.__radd__(y) <==> y+x     |       |  __rand__(...)     |      x.__rand__(y) <==> y&x     |       |  __rdiv__(...)     |      x.__rdiv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rdivmod__(...)     |      x.__rdivmod__(y) <==> divmod(y, x)     |       |  __reduce__(...)     |       |  __rfloordiv__(...)     |      x.__rfloordiv__(y) <==> y//x     |       |  __rlshift__(...)     |      x.__rlshift__(y) <==> y<<x     |       |  __rmod__(...)     |      x.__rmod__(y) <==> y%x     |       |  __rmul__(...)     |      x.__rmul__(y) <==> y*x     |       |  __ror__(...)     |      x.__ror__(y) <==> y|x     |       |  __rpow__(...)     |      y.__rpow__(x[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __rrshift__(...)     |      x.__rrshift__(y) <==> y>>x     |       |  __rshift__(...)     |      x.__rshift__(y) <==> x>>y     |       |  __rsub__(...)     |      x.__rsub__(y) <==> y-x     |       |  __rtruediv__(...)     |      x.__rtruediv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rxor__(...)     |      x.__rxor__(y) <==> y^x     |       |  __setstate__(...)     |       |  __sizeof__(...)     |       |  __sub__(...)     |      x.__sub__(y) <==> x-y     |       |  __truediv__(...)     |      x.__truediv__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __xor__(...)     |      x.__xor__(y) <==> x^y     |       |  all(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  any(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmax(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmin(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argsort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  astype(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  byteswap(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  choose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  clip(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  compress(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  conj(...)     |       |  conjugate(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  copy(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumprod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumsum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  diagonal(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dump(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dumps(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  fill(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  flatten(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  item(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  itemset(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  max(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  mean(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  min(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  newbyteorder(...)     |      newbyteorder(new_order='S')     |           |      Return a new `dtype` with a different byte order.     |           |      Changes are also made in all fields and sub-arrays of the data type.     |           |      The `new_order` code can be any from the following:     |           |      * 'S' - swap dtype from current to opposite endian     |      * {'<', 'L'} - little endian     |      * {'>', 'B'} - big endian     |      * {'=', 'N'} - native order     |      * {'|', 'I'} - ignore (no change to byte order)     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      new_order : str, optional     |          Byte order to force; a value from the byte order specifications     |          above.  The default value ('S') results in swapping the current     |          byte order. The code does a case-insensitive check on the first     |          letter of `new_order` for the alternatives above.  For example,     |          any of 'B' or 'b' or 'biggish' are valid to specify big-endian.     |           |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      new_dtype : dtype     |          New `dtype` object with the given change to the byte order.     |       |  nonzero(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  prod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ptp(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  put(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ravel(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  repeat(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  reshape(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  resize(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  round(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  searchsorted(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setflags(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  squeeze(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  std(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  swapaxes(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  take(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tobytes(...)     |       |  tofile(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tolist(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tostring(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  trace(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  transpose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  var(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  view(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from generic:     |       |  T     |      transpose     |       |  __array_interface__     |      Array protocol: Python side     |       |  __array_priority__     |      Array priority.     |       |  __array_struct__     |      Array protocol: struct     |       |  base     |      base object     |       |  data     |      pointer to start of data     |       |  flat     |      a 1-d view of scalar     |       |  imag     |      imaginary part of scalar     |       |  itemsize     |      length of one element in bytes     |       |  nbytes     |      length of item in bytes     |       |  ndim     |      number of array dimensions     |       |  real     |      real part of scalar     |       |  shape     |      tuple of array dimensions     |       |  size     |      number of elements in the gentype     |       |  strides     |      tuple of bytes steps in each dimension        short = class int16(signedinteger)     |  16-bit integer. Character code ``h``. C short compatible.     |       |  Method resolution order:     |      int16     |      signedinteger     |      integer     |      number     |      generic     |      __builtin__.object     |       |  Methods defined here:     |       |  __eq__(...)     |      x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y     |       |  __ge__(...)     |      x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y     |       |  __gt__(...)     |      x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y     |       |  __hash__(...)     |      x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)     |       |  __index__(...)     |      x[y:z] <==> x[y.__index__():z.__index__()]     |       |  __le__(...)     |      x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y     |       |  __lt__(...)     |      x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y     |       |  __ne__(...)     |      x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data and other attributes defined here:     |       |  __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object>     |      T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from integer:     |       |  denominator     |      denominator of value (1)     |       |  numerator     |      numerator of value (the value itself)     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Methods inherited from generic:     |       |  __abs__(...)     |      x.__abs__() <==> abs(x)     |       |  __add__(...)     |      x.__add__(y) <==> x+y     |       |  __and__(...)     |      x.__and__(y) <==> x&y     |       |  __array__(...)     |      sc.__array__(|type) return 0-dim array     |       |  __array_wrap__(...)     |      sc.__array_wrap__(obj) return scalar from array     |       |  __copy__(...)     |       |  __deepcopy__(...)     |       |  __div__(...)     |      x.__div__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __divmod__(...)     |      x.__divmod__(y) <==> divmod(x, y)     |       |  __float__(...)     |      x.__float__() <==> float(x)     |       |  __floordiv__(...)     |      x.__floordiv__(y) <==> x//y     |       |  __format__(...)     |      NumPy array scalar formatter     |       |  __getitem__(...)     |      x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]     |       |  __hex__(...)     |      x.__hex__() <==> hex(x)     |       |  __int__(...)     |      x.__int__() <==> int(x)     |       |  __invert__(...)     |      x.__invert__() <==> ~x     |       |  __long__(...)     |      x.__long__() <==> long(x)     |       |  __lshift__(...)     |      x.__lshift__(y) <==> x<<y     |       |  __mod__(...)     |      x.__mod__(y) <==> x%y     |       |  __mul__(...)     |      x.__mul__(y) <==> x*y     |       |  __neg__(...)     |      x.__neg__() <==> -x     |       |  __nonzero__(...)     |      x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0     |       |  __oct__(...)     |      x.__oct__() <==> oct(x)     |       |  __or__(...)     |      x.__or__(y) <==> x|y     |       |  __pos__(...)     |      x.__pos__() <==> +x     |       |  __pow__(...)     |      x.__pow__(y[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __radd__(...)     |      x.__radd__(y) <==> y+x     |       |  __rand__(...)     |      x.__rand__(y) <==> y&x     |       |  __rdiv__(...)     |      x.__rdiv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rdivmod__(...)     |      x.__rdivmod__(y) <==> divmod(y, x)     |       |  __reduce__(...)     |       |  __repr__(...)     |      x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)     |       |  __rfloordiv__(...)     |      x.__rfloordiv__(y) <==> y//x     |       |  __rlshift__(...)     |      x.__rlshift__(y) <==> y<<x     |       |  __rmod__(...)     |      x.__rmod__(y) <==> y%x     |       |  __rmul__(...)     |      x.__rmul__(y) <==> y*x     |       |  __ror__(...)     |      x.__ror__(y) <==> y|x     |       |  __rpow__(...)     |      y.__rpow__(x[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __rrshift__(...)     |      x.__rrshift__(y) <==> y>>x     |       |  __rshift__(...)     |      x.__rshift__(y) <==> x>>y     |       |  __rsub__(...)     |      x.__rsub__(y) <==> y-x     |       |  __rtruediv__(...)     |      x.__rtruediv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rxor__(...)     |      x.__rxor__(y) <==> y^x     |       |  __setstate__(...)     |       |  __sizeof__(...)     |       |  __str__(...)     |      x.__str__() <==> str(x)     |       |  __sub__(...)     |      x.__sub__(y) <==> x-y     |       |  __truediv__(...)     |      x.__truediv__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __xor__(...)     |      x.__xor__(y) <==> x^y     |       |  all(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  any(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmax(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmin(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argsort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  astype(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  byteswap(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  choose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  clip(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  compress(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  conj(...)     |       |  conjugate(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  copy(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumprod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumsum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  diagonal(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dump(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dumps(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  fill(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  flatten(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  getfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  item(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  itemset(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  max(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  mean(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  min(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  newbyteorder(...)     |      newbyteorder(new_order='S')     |           |      Return a new `dtype` with a different byte order.     |           |      Changes are also made in all fields and sub-arrays of the data type.     |           |      The `new_order` code can be any from the following:     |           |      * 'S' - swap dtype from current to opposite endian     |      * {'<', 'L'} - little endian     |      * {'>', 'B'} - big endian     |      * {'=', 'N'} - native order     |      * {'|', 'I'} - ignore (no change to byte order)     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      new_order : str, optional     |          Byte order to force; a value from the byte order specifications     |          above.  The default value ('S') results in swapping the current     |          byte order. The code does a case-insensitive check on the first     |          letter of `new_order` for the alternatives above.  For example,     |          any of 'B' or 'b' or 'biggish' are valid to specify big-endian.     |           |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      new_dtype : dtype     |          New `dtype` object with the given change to the byte order.     |       |  nonzero(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  prod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ptp(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  put(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ravel(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  repeat(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  reshape(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  resize(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  round(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  searchsorted(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setflags(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  squeeze(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  std(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  swapaxes(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  take(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tobytes(...)     |       |  tofile(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tolist(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tostring(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  trace(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  transpose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  var(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  view(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from generic:     |       |  T     |      transpose     |       |  __array_interface__     |      Array protocol: Python side     |       |  __array_priority__     |      Array priority.     |       |  __array_struct__     |      Array protocol: struct     |       |  base     |      base object     |       |  data     |      pointer to start of data     |       |  dtype     |      get array data-descriptor     |       |  flags     |      integer value of flags     |       |  flat     |      a 1-d view of scalar     |       |  imag     |      imaginary part of scalar     |       |  itemsize     |      length of one element in bytes     |       |  nbytes     |      length of item in bytes     |       |  ndim     |      number of array dimensions     |       |  real     |      real part of scalar     |       |  shape     |      tuple of array dimensions     |       |  size     |      number of elements in the gentype     |       |  strides     |      tuple of bytes steps in each dimension        class signedinteger(integer)     |  Method resolution order:     |      signedinteger     |      integer     |      number     |      generic     |      __builtin__.object     |       |  Data descriptors inherited from integer:     |       |  denominator     |      denominator of value (1)     |       |  numerator     |      numerator of value (the value itself)     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Methods inherited from generic:     |       |  __abs__(...)     |      x.__abs__() <==> abs(x)     |       |  __add__(...)     |      x.__add__(y) <==> x+y     |       |  __and__(...)     |      x.__and__(y) <==> x&y     |       |  __array__(...)     |      sc.__array__(|type) return 0-dim array     |       |  __array_wrap__(...)     |      sc.__array_wrap__(obj) return scalar from array     |       |  __copy__(...)     |       |  __deepcopy__(...)     |       |  __div__(...)     |      x.__div__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __divmod__(...)     |      x.__divmod__(y) <==> divmod(x, y)     |       |  __eq__(...)     |      x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y     |       |  __float__(...)     |      x.__float__() <==> float(x)     |       |  __floordiv__(...)     |      x.__floordiv__(y) <==> x//y     |       |  __format__(...)     |      NumPy array scalar formatter     |       |  __ge__(...)     |      x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y     |       |  __getitem__(...)     |      x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]     |       |  __gt__(...)     |      x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y     |       |  __hex__(...)     |      x.__hex__() <==> hex(x)     |       |  __int__(...)     |      x.__int__() <==> int(x)     |       |  __invert__(...)     |      x.__invert__() <==> ~x     |       |  __le__(...)     |      x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y     |       |  __long__(...)     |      x.__long__() <==> long(x)     |       |  __lshift__(...)     |      x.__lshift__(y) <==> x<<y     |       |  __lt__(...)     |      x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y     |       |  __mod__(...)     |      x.__mod__(y) <==> x%y     |       |  __mul__(...)     |      x.__mul__(y) <==> x*y     |       |  __ne__(...)     |      x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y     |       |  __neg__(...)     |      x.__neg__() <==> -x     |       |  __nonzero__(...)     |      x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0     |       |  __oct__(...)     |      x.__oct__() <==> oct(x)     |       |  __or__(...)     |      x.__or__(y) <==> x|y     |       |  __pos__(...)     |      x.__pos__() <==> +x     |       |  __pow__(...)     |      x.__pow__(y[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __radd__(...)     |      x.__radd__(y) <==> y+x     |       |  __rand__(...)     |      x.__rand__(y) <==> y&x     |       |  __rdiv__(...)     |      x.__rdiv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rdivmod__(...)     |      x.__rdivmod__(y) <==> divmod(y, x)     |       |  __reduce__(...)     |       |  __repr__(...)     |      x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)     |       |  __rfloordiv__(...)     |      x.__rfloordiv__(y) <==> y//x     |       |  __rlshift__(...)     |      x.__rlshift__(y) <==> y<<x     |       |  __rmod__(...)     |      x.__rmod__(y) <==> y%x     |       |  __rmul__(...)     |      x.__rmul__(y) <==> y*x     |       |  __ror__(...)     |      x.__ror__(y) <==> y|x     |       |  __rpow__(...)     |      y.__rpow__(x[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __rrshift__(...)     |      x.__rrshift__(y) <==> y>>x     |       |  __rshift__(...)     |      x.__rshift__(y) <==> x>>y     |       |  __rsub__(...)     |      x.__rsub__(y) <==> y-x     |       |  __rtruediv__(...)     |      x.__rtruediv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rxor__(...)     |      x.__rxor__(y) <==> y^x     |       |  __setstate__(...)     |       |  __sizeof__(...)     |       |  __str__(...)     |      x.__str__() <==> str(x)     |       |  __sub__(...)     |      x.__sub__(y) <==> x-y     |       |  __truediv__(...)     |      x.__truediv__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __xor__(...)     |      x.__xor__(y) <==> x^y     |       |  all(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  any(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmax(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmin(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argsort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  astype(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  byteswap(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  choose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  clip(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  compress(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  conj(...)     |       |  conjugate(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  copy(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumprod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumsum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  diagonal(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dump(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dumps(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  fill(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  flatten(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  getfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  item(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  itemset(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  max(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  mean(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  min(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  newbyteorder(...)     |      newbyteorder(new_order='S')     |           |      Return a new `dtype` with a different byte order.     |           |      Changes are also made in all fields and sub-arrays of the data type.     |           |      The `new_order` code can be any from the following:     |           |      * 'S' - swap dtype from current to opposite endian     |      * {'<', 'L'} - little endian     |      * {'>', 'B'} - big endian     |      * {'=', 'N'} - native order     |      * {'|', 'I'} - ignore (no change to byte order)     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      new_order : str, optional     |          Byte order to force; a value from the byte order specifications     |          above.  The default value ('S') results in swapping the current     |          byte order. The code does a case-insensitive check on the first     |          letter of `new_order` for the alternatives above.  For example,     |          any of 'B' or 'b' or 'biggish' are valid to specify big-endian.     |           |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      new_dtype : dtype     |          New `dtype` object with the given change to the byte order.     |       |  nonzero(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  prod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ptp(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  put(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ravel(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  repeat(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  reshape(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  resize(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  round(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  searchsorted(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setflags(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  squeeze(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  std(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  swapaxes(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  take(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tobytes(...)     |       |  tofile(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tolist(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tostring(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  trace(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  transpose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  var(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  view(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from generic:     |       |  T     |      transpose     |       |  __array_interface__     |      Array protocol: Python side     |       |  __array_priority__     |      Array priority.     |       |  __array_struct__     |      Array protocol: struct     |       |  base     |      base object     |       |  data     |      pointer to start of data     |       |  dtype     |      get array data-descriptor     |       |  flags     |      integer value of flags     |       |  flat     |      a 1-d view of scalar     |       |  imag     |      imaginary part of scalar     |       |  itemsize     |      length of one element in bytes     |       |  nbytes     |      length of item in bytes     |       |  ndim     |      number of array dimensions     |       |  real     |      real part of scalar     |       |  shape     |      tuple of array dimensions     |       |  size     |      number of elements in the gentype     |       |  strides     |      tuple of bytes steps in each dimension        single = class float32(floating)     |  32-bit floating-point number. Character code 'f'. C float compatible.     |       |  Method resolution order:     |      float32     |      floating     |      inexact     |      number     |      generic     |      __builtin__.object     |       |  Methods defined here:     |       |  __eq__(...)     |      x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y     |       |  __ge__(...)     |      x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y     |       |  __gt__(...)     |      x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y     |       |  __hash__(...)     |      x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)     |       |  __le__(...)     |      x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y     |       |  __lt__(...)     |      x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y     |       |  __ne__(...)     |      x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y     |       |  __repr__(...)     |      x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)     |       |  __str__(...)     |      x.__str__() <==> str(x)     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data and other attributes defined here:     |       |  __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object>     |      T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Methods inherited from generic:     |       |  __abs__(...)     |      x.__abs__() <==> abs(x)     |       |  __add__(...)     |      x.__add__(y) <==> x+y     |       |  __and__(...)     |      x.__and__(y) <==> x&y     |       |  __array__(...)     |      sc.__array__(|type) return 0-dim array     |       |  __array_wrap__(...)     |      sc.__array_wrap__(obj) return scalar from array     |       |  __copy__(...)     |       |  __deepcopy__(...)     |       |  __div__(...)     |      x.__div__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __divmod__(...)     |      x.__divmod__(y) <==> divmod(x, y)     |       |  __float__(...)     |      x.__float__() <==> float(x)     |       |  __floordiv__(...)     |      x.__floordiv__(y) <==> x//y     |       |  __format__(...)     |      NumPy array scalar formatter     |       |  __getitem__(...)     |      x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]     |       |  __hex__(...)     |      x.__hex__() <==> hex(x)     |       |  __int__(...)     |      x.__int__() <==> int(x)     |       |  __invert__(...)     |      x.__invert__() <==> ~x     |       |  __long__(...)     |      x.__long__() <==> long(x)     |       |  __lshift__(...)     |      x.__lshift__(y) <==> x<<y     |       |  __mod__(...)     |      x.__mod__(y) <==> x%y     |       |  __mul__(...)     |      x.__mul__(y) <==> x*y     |       |  __neg__(...)     |      x.__neg__() <==> -x     |       |  __nonzero__(...)     |      x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0     |       |  __oct__(...)     |      x.__oct__() <==> oct(x)     |       |  __or__(...)     |      x.__or__(y) <==> x|y     |       |  __pos__(...)     |      x.__pos__() <==> +x     |       |  __pow__(...)     |      x.__pow__(y[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __radd__(...)     |      x.__radd__(y) <==> y+x     |       |  __rand__(...)     |      x.__rand__(y) <==> y&x     |       |  __rdiv__(...)     |      x.__rdiv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rdivmod__(...)     |      x.__rdivmod__(y) <==> divmod(y, x)     |       |  __reduce__(...)     |       |  __rfloordiv__(...)     |      x.__rfloordiv__(y) <==> y//x     |       |  __rlshift__(...)     |      x.__rlshift__(y) <==> y<<x     |       |  __rmod__(...)     |      x.__rmod__(y) <==> y%x     |       |  __rmul__(...)     |      x.__rmul__(y) <==> y*x     |       |  __ror__(...)     |      x.__ror__(y) <==> y|x     |       |  __rpow__(...)     |      y.__rpow__(x[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __rrshift__(...)     |      x.__rrshift__(y) <==> y>>x     |       |  __rshift__(...)     |      x.__rshift__(y) <==> x>>y     |       |  __rsub__(...)     |      x.__rsub__(y) <==> y-x     |       |  __rtruediv__(...)     |      x.__rtruediv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rxor__(...)     |      x.__rxor__(y) <==> y^x     |       |  __setstate__(...)     |       |  __sizeof__(...)     |       |  __sub__(...)     |      x.__sub__(y) <==> x-y     |       |  __truediv__(...)     |      x.__truediv__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __xor__(...)     |      x.__xor__(y) <==> x^y     |       |  all(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  any(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmax(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmin(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argsort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  astype(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  byteswap(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  choose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  clip(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  compress(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  conj(...)     |       |  conjugate(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  copy(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumprod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumsum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  diagonal(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dump(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dumps(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  fill(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  flatten(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  getfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  item(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  itemset(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  max(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  mean(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  min(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  newbyteorder(...)     |      newbyteorder(new_order='S')     |           |      Return a new `dtype` with a different byte order.     |           |      Changes are also made in all fields and sub-arrays of the data type.     |           |      The `new_order` code can be any from the following:     |           |      * 'S' - swap dtype from current to opposite endian     |      * {'<', 'L'} - little endian     |      * {'>', 'B'} - big endian     |      * {'=', 'N'} - native order     |      * {'|', 'I'} - ignore (no change to byte order)     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      new_order : str, optional     |          Byte order to force; a value from the byte order specifications     |          above.  The default value ('S') results in swapping the current     |          byte order. The code does a case-insensitive check on the first     |          letter of `new_order` for the alternatives above.  For example,     |          any of 'B' or 'b' or 'biggish' are valid to specify big-endian.     |           |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      new_dtype : dtype     |          New `dtype` object with the given change to the byte order.     |       |  nonzero(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  prod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ptp(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  put(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ravel(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  repeat(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  reshape(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  resize(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  round(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  searchsorted(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setflags(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  squeeze(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  std(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  swapaxes(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  take(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tobytes(...)     |       |  tofile(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tolist(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tostring(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  trace(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  transpose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  var(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  view(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from generic:     |       |  T     |      transpose     |       |  __array_interface__     |      Array protocol: Python side     |       |  __array_priority__     |      Array priority.     |       |  __array_struct__     |      Array protocol: struct     |       |  base     |      base object     |       |  data     |      pointer to start of data     |       |  dtype     |      get array data-descriptor     |       |  flags     |      integer value of flags     |       |  flat     |      a 1-d view of scalar     |       |  imag     |      imaginary part of scalar     |       |  itemsize     |      length of one element in bytes     |       |  nbytes     |      length of item in bytes     |       |  ndim     |      number of array dimensions     |       |  real     |      real part of scalar     |       |  shape     |      tuple of array dimensions     |       |  size     |      number of elements in the gentype     |       |  strides     |      tuple of bytes steps in each dimension        singlecomplex = class complex64(complexfloating)     |  Composed of two 32 bit floats     |       |  Method resolution order:     |      complex64     |      complexfloating     |      inexact     |      number     |      generic     |      __builtin__.object     |       |  Methods defined here:     |       |  __complex__(...)     |       |  __eq__(...)     |      x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y     |       |  __ge__(...)     |      x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y     |       |  __gt__(...)     |      x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y     |       |  __hash__(...)     |      x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)     |       |  __le__(...)     |      x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y     |       |  __lt__(...)     |      x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y     |       |  __ne__(...)     |      x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y     |       |  __repr__(...)     |      x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)     |       |  __str__(...)     |      x.__str__() <==> str(x)     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data and other attributes defined here:     |       |  __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object>     |      T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Methods inherited from generic:     |       |  __abs__(...)     |      x.__abs__() <==> abs(x)     |       |  __add__(...)     |      x.__add__(y) <==> x+y     |       |  __and__(...)     |      x.__and__(y) <==> x&y     |       |  __array__(...)     |      sc.__array__(|type) return 0-dim array     |       |  __array_wrap__(...)     |      sc.__array_wrap__(obj) return scalar from array     |       |  __copy__(...)     |       |  __deepcopy__(...)     |       |  __div__(...)     |      x.__div__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __divmod__(...)     |      x.__divmod__(y) <==> divmod(x, y)     |       |  __float__(...)     |      x.__float__() <==> float(x)     |       |  __floordiv__(...)     |      x.__floordiv__(y) <==> x//y     |       |  __format__(...)     |      NumPy array scalar formatter     |       |  __getitem__(...)     |      x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]     |       |  __hex__(...)     |      x.__hex__() <==> hex(x)     |       |  __int__(...)     |      x.__int__() <==> int(x)     |       |  __invert__(...)     |      x.__invert__() <==> ~x     |       |  __long__(...)     |      x.__long__() <==> long(x)     |       |  __lshift__(...)     |      x.__lshift__(y) <==> x<<y     |       |  __mod__(...)     |      x.__mod__(y) <==> x%y     |       |  __mul__(...)     |      x.__mul__(y) <==> x*y     |       |  __neg__(...)     |      x.__neg__() <==> -x     |       |  __nonzero__(...)     |      x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0     |       |  __oct__(...)     |      x.__oct__() <==> oct(x)     |       |  __or__(...)     |      x.__or__(y) <==> x|y     |       |  __pos__(...)     |      x.__pos__() <==> +x     |       |  __pow__(...)     |      x.__pow__(y[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __radd__(...)     |      x.__radd__(y) <==> y+x     |       |  __rand__(...)     |      x.__rand__(y) <==> y&x     |       |  __rdiv__(...)     |      x.__rdiv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rdivmod__(...)     |      x.__rdivmod__(y) <==> divmod(y, x)     |       |  __reduce__(...)     |       |  __rfloordiv__(...)     |      x.__rfloordiv__(y) <==> y//x     |       |  __rlshift__(...)     |      x.__rlshift__(y) <==> y<<x     |       |  __rmod__(...)     |      x.__rmod__(y) <==> y%x     |       |  __rmul__(...)     |      x.__rmul__(y) <==> y*x     |       |  __ror__(...)     |      x.__ror__(y) <==> y|x     |       |  __rpow__(...)     |      y.__rpow__(x[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __rrshift__(...)     |      x.__rrshift__(y) <==> y>>x     |       |  __rshift__(...)     |      x.__rshift__(y) <==> x>>y     |       |  __rsub__(...)     |      x.__rsub__(y) <==> y-x     |       |  __rtruediv__(...)     |      x.__rtruediv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rxor__(...)     |      x.__rxor__(y) <==> y^x     |       |  __setstate__(...)     |       |  __sizeof__(...)     |       |  __sub__(...)     |      x.__sub__(y) <==> x-y     |       |  __truediv__(...)     |      x.__truediv__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __xor__(...)     |      x.__xor__(y) <==> x^y     |       |  all(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  any(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmax(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmin(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argsort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  astype(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  byteswap(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  choose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  clip(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  compress(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  conj(...)     |       |  conjugate(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  copy(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumprod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumsum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  diagonal(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dump(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dumps(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  fill(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  flatten(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  getfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  item(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  itemset(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  max(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  mean(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  min(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  newbyteorder(...)     |      newbyteorder(new_order='S')     |           |      Return a new `dtype` with a different byte order.     |           |      Changes are also made in all fields and sub-arrays of the data type.     |           |      The `new_order` code can be any from the following:     |           |      * 'S' - swap dtype from current to opposite endian     |      * {'<', 'L'} - little endian     |      * {'>', 'B'} - big endian     |      * {'=', 'N'} - native order     |      * {'|', 'I'} - ignore (no change to byte order)     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      new_order : str, optional     |          Byte order to force; a value from the byte order specifications     |          above.  The default value ('S') results in swapping the current     |          byte order. The code does a case-insensitive check on the first     |          letter of `new_order` for the alternatives above.  For example,     |          any of 'B' or 'b' or 'biggish' are valid to specify big-endian.     |           |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      new_dtype : dtype     |          New `dtype` object with the given change to the byte order.     |       |  nonzero(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  prod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ptp(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  put(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ravel(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  repeat(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  reshape(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  resize(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  round(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  searchsorted(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setflags(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  squeeze(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  std(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  swapaxes(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  take(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tobytes(...)     |       |  tofile(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tolist(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tostring(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  trace(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  transpose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  var(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  view(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from generic:     |       |  T     |      transpose     |       |  __array_interface__     |      Array protocol: Python side     |       |  __array_priority__     |      Array priority.     |       |  __array_struct__     |      Array protocol: struct     |       |  base     |      base object     |       |  data     |      pointer to start of data     |       |  dtype     |      get array data-descriptor     |       |  flags     |      integer value of flags     |       |  flat     |      a 1-d view of scalar     |       |  imag     |      imaginary part of scalar     |       |  itemsize     |      length of one element in bytes     |       |  nbytes     |      length of item in bytes     |       |  ndim     |      number of array dimensions     |       |  real     |      real part of scalar     |       |  shape     |      tuple of array dimensions     |       |  size     |      number of elements in the gentype     |       |  strides     |      tuple of bytes steps in each dimension        str_ = class string_(__builtin__.str, character)     |  Method resolution order:     |      string_     |      __builtin__.str     |      __builtin__.basestring     |      character     |      flexible     |      generic     |      __builtin__.object     |       |  Methods defined here:     |       |  __eq__(...)     |      x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y     |       |  __ge__(...)     |      x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y     |       |  __gt__(...)     |      x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y     |       |  __hash__(...)     |      x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)     |       |  __le__(...)     |      x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y     |       |  __lt__(...)     |      x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y     |       |  __ne__(...)     |      x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y     |       |  __repr__(...)     |      x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)     |       |  __str__(...)     |      x.__str__() <==> str(x)     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data and other attributes defined here:     |       |  __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object>     |      T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Methods inherited from __builtin__.str:     |       |  __add__(...)     |      x.__add__(y) <==> x+y     |       |  __contains__(...)     |      x.__contains__(y) <==> y in x     |       |  __format__(...)     |      S.__format__(format_spec) -> string     |           |      Return a formatted version of S as described by format_spec.     |       |  __getattribute__(...)     |      x.__getattribute__('name') <==>     |       |  __getitem__(...)     |      x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]     |       |  __getnewargs__(...)     |       |  __getslice__(...)     |      x.__getslice__(i, j) <==> x[i:j]     |           |      Use of negative indices is not supported.     |       |  __len__(...)     |      x.__len__() <==> len(x)     |       |  __mod__(...)     |      x.__mod__(y) <==> x%y     |       |  __mul__(...)     |      x.__mul__(n) <==> x*n     |       |  __rmod__(...)     |      x.__rmod__(y) <==> y%x     |       |  __rmul__(...)     |      x.__rmul__(n) <==> n*x     |       |  __sizeof__(...)     |      S.__sizeof__() -> size of S in memory, in bytes     |       |  capitalize(...)     |      S.capitalize() -> string     |           |      Return a copy of the string S with only its first character     |      capitalized.     |       |  center(...)     |[, fillchar]) -> string     |           |      Return S centered in a string of length width. Padding is     |      done using the specified fill character (default is a space)     |       |  count(...)     |      S.count(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int     |           |      Return the number of non-overlapping occurrences of substring sub in     |      string S[start:end].  Optional arguments start and end are interpreted     |      as in slice notation.     |       |  decode(...)     |      S.decode([encoding[,errors]]) -> object     |           |      Decodes S using the codec registered for encoding. encoding defaults     |      to the default encoding. errors may be given to set a different error     |      handling scheme. Default is 'strict' meaning that encoding errors raise     |      a UnicodeDecodeError. Other possible values are 'ignore' and 'replace'     |      as well as any other name registered with codecs.register_error that is     |      able to handle UnicodeDecodeErrors.     |       |  encode(...)     |      S.encode([encoding[,errors]]) -> object     |           |      Encodes S using the codec registered for encoding. encoding defaults     |      to the default encoding. errors may be given to set a different error     |      handling scheme. Default is 'strict' meaning that encoding errors raise     |      a UnicodeEncodeError. Other possible values are 'ignore', 'replace' and     |      'xmlcharrefreplace' as well as any other name registered with     |      codecs.register_error that is able to handle UnicodeEncodeErrors.     |       |  endswith(...)     |      S.endswith(suffix[, start[, end]]) -> bool     |           |      Return True if S ends with the specified suffix, False otherwise.     |      With optional start, test S beginning at that position.     |      With optional end, stop comparing S at that position.     |      suffix can also be a tuple of strings to try.     |       |  expandtabs(...)     |      S.expandtabs([tabsize]) -> string     |           |      Return a copy of S where all tab characters are expanded using spaces.     |      If tabsize is not given, a tab size of 8 characters is assumed.     |       |  find(...)     |      S.find(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int     |           |      Return the lowest index in S where substring sub is found,     |      such that sub is contained within S[start:end].  Optional     |      arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.     |           |      Return -1 on failure.     |       |  format(...)     |      S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> string     |           |      Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs.     |      The substitutions are identified by braces ('{' and '}').     |       |  index(...)     |      S.index(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int     |           |      Like S.find() but raise ValueError when the substring is not found.     |       |  isalnum(...)     |      S.isalnum() -> bool     |           |      Return True if all characters in S are alphanumeric     |      and there is at least one character in S, False otherwise.     |       |  isalpha(...)     |      S.isalpha() -> bool     |           |      Return True if all characters in S are alphabetic     |      and there is at least one character in S, False otherwise.     |       |  isdigit(...)     |      S.isdigit() -> bool     |           |      Return True if all characters in S are digits     |      and there is at least one character in S, False otherwise.     |       |  islower(...)     |      S.islower() -> bool     |           |      Return True if all cased characters in S are lowercase and there is     |      at least one cased character in S, False otherwise.     |       |  isspace(...)     |      S.isspace() -> bool     |           |      Return True if all characters in S are whitespace     |      and there is at least one character in S, False otherwise.     |       |  istitle(...)     |      S.istitle() -> bool     |           |      Return True if S is a titlecased string and there is at least one     |      character in S, i.e. uppercase characters may only follow uncased     |      characters and lowercase characters only cased ones. Return False     |      otherwise.     |       |  isupper(...)     |      S.isupper() -> bool     |           |      Return True if all cased characters in S are uppercase and there is     |      at least one cased character in S, False otherwise.     |       |  join(...)     |      S.join(iterable) -> string     |           |      Return a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the     |      iterable.  The separator between elements is S.     |       |  ljust(...)     |      S.ljust(width[, fillchar]) -> string     |           |      Return S left-justified in a string of length width. Padding is     |      done using the specified fill character (default is a space).     |       |  lower(...)     |      S.lower() -> string     |           |      Return a copy of the string S converted to lowercase.     |       |  lstrip(...)     |      S.lstrip([chars]) -> string or unicode     |           |      Return a copy of the string S with leading whitespace removed.     |      If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.     |      If chars is unicode, S will be converted to unicode before stripping     |       |  partition(...)     |      S.partition(sep) -> (head, sep, tail)     |           |      Search for the separator sep in S, and return the part before it,     |      the separator itself, and the part after it.  If the separator is not     |      found, return S and two empty strings.     |       |  replace(...)     |      S.replace(old, new[, count]) -> string     |           |      Return a copy of string S with all occurrences of substring     |      old replaced by new.  If the optional argument count is     |      given, only the first count occurrences are replaced.     |       |  rfind(...)     |      S.rfind(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int     |           |      Return the highest index in S where substring sub is found,     |      such that sub is contained within S[start:end].  Optional     |      arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.     |           |      Return -1 on failure.     |       |  rindex(...)     |      S.rindex(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int     |           |      Like S.rfind() but raise ValueError when the substring is not found.     |       |  rjust(...)     |      S.rjust(width[, fillchar]) -> string     |           |      Return S right-justified in a string of length width. Padding is     |      done using the specified fill character (default is a space)     |       |  rpartition(...)     |      S.rpartition(sep) -> (head, sep, tail)     |           |      Search for the separator sep in S, starting at the end of S, and return     |      the part before it, the separator itself, and the part after it.  If the     |      separator is not found, return two empty strings and S.     |       |  rsplit(...)     |      S.rsplit([sep [,maxsplit]]) -> list of strings     |           |      Return a list of the words in the string S, using sep as the     |      delimiter string, starting at the end of the string and working     |      to the front.  If maxsplit is given, at most maxsplit splits are     |      done. If sep is not specified or is None, any whitespace string     |      is a separator.     |       |  rstrip(...)     |      S.rstrip([chars]) -> string or unicode     |           |      Return a copy of the string S with trailing whitespace removed.     |      If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.     |      If chars is unicode, S will be converted to unicode before stripping     |       |  split(...)     |      S.split([sep [,maxsplit]]) -> list of strings     |           |      Return a list of the words in the string S, using sep as the     |      delimiter string.  If maxsplit is given, at most maxsplit     |      splits are done. If sep is not specified or is None, any     |      whitespace string is a separator and empty strings are removed     |      from the result.     |       |  splitlines(...)     |      S.splitlines(keepends=False) -> list of strings     |           |      Return a list of the lines in S, breaking at line boundaries.     |      Line breaks are not included in the resulting list unless keepends     |      is given and true.     |       |  startswith(...)     |      S.startswith(prefix[, start[, end]]) -> bool     |           |      Return True if S starts with the specified prefix, False otherwise.     |      With optional start, test S beginning at that position.     |      With optional end, stop comparing S at that position.     |      prefix can also be a tuple of strings to try.     |       |  strip(...)     |      S.strip([chars]) -> string or unicode     |           |      Return a copy of the string S with leading and trailing     |      whitespace removed.     |      If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.     |      If chars is unicode, S will be converted to unicode before stripping     |       |  swapcase(...)     |      S.swapcase() -> string     |           |      Return a copy of the string S with uppercase characters     |      converted to lowercase and vice versa.     |       |  title(...)     |      S.title() -> string     |           |      Return a titlecased version of S, i.e. words start with uppercase     |      characters, all remaining cased characters have lowercase.     |       |  translate(...)     |      S.translate(table [,deletechars]) -> string     |           |      Return a copy of the string S, where all characters occurring     |      in the optional argument deletechars are removed, and the     |      remaining characters have been mapped through the given     |      translation table, which must be a string of length 256 or None.     |      If the table argument is None, no translation is applied and     |      the operation simply removes the characters in deletechars.     |       |  upper(...)     |      S.upper() -> string     |           |      Return a copy of the string S converted to uppercase.     |       |  zfill(...)     |      S.zfill(width) -> string     |           |      Pad a numeric string S with zeros on the left, to fill a field     |      of the specified width.  The string S is never truncated.     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Methods inherited from generic:     |       |  __abs__(...)     |      x.__abs__() <==> abs(x)     |       |  __and__(...)     |      x.__and__(y) <==> x&y     |       |  __array__(...)     |      sc.__array__(|type) return 0-dim array     |       |  __array_wrap__(...)     |      sc.__array_wrap__(obj) return scalar from array     |       |  __copy__(...)     |       |  __deepcopy__(...)     |       |  __div__(...)     |      x.__div__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __divmod__(...)     |      x.__divmod__(y) <==> divmod(x, y)     |       |  __float__(...)     |      x.__float__() <==> float(x)     |       |  __floordiv__(...)     |      x.__floordiv__(y) <==> x//y     |       |  __hex__(...)     |      x.__hex__() <==> hex(x)     |       |  __int__(...)     |      x.__int__() <==> int(x)     |       |  __invert__(...)     |      x.__invert__() <==> ~x     |       |  __long__(...)     |      x.__long__() <==> long(x)     |       |  __lshift__(...)     |      x.__lshift__(y) <==> x<<y     |       |  __neg__(...)     |      x.__neg__() <==> -x     |       |  __nonzero__(...)     |      x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0     |       |  __oct__(...)     |      x.__oct__() <==> oct(x)     |       |  __or__(...)     |      x.__or__(y) <==> x|y     |       |  __pos__(...)     |      x.__pos__() <==> +x     |       |  __pow__(...)     |      x.__pow__(y[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __radd__(...)     |      x.__radd__(y) <==> y+x     |       |  __rand__(...)     |      x.__rand__(y) <==> y&x     |       |  __rdiv__(...)     |      x.__rdiv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rdivmod__(...)     |      x.__rdivmod__(y) <==> divmod(y, x)     |       |  __reduce__(...)     |       |  __rfloordiv__(...)     |      x.__rfloordiv__(y) <==> y//x     |       |  __rlshift__(...)     |      x.__rlshift__(y) <==> y<<x     |       |  __ror__(...)     |      x.__ror__(y) <==> y|x     |       |  __rpow__(...)     |      y.__rpow__(x[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __rrshift__(...)     |      x.__rrshift__(y) <==> y>>x     |       |  __rshift__(...)     |      x.__rshift__(y) <==> x>>y     |       |  __rsub__(...)     |      x.__rsub__(y) <==> y-x     |       |  __rtruediv__(...)     |      x.__rtruediv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rxor__(...)     |      x.__rxor__(y) <==> y^x     |       |  __setstate__(...)     |       |  __sub__(...)     |      x.__sub__(y) <==> x-y     |       |  __truediv__(...)     |      x.__truediv__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __xor__(...)     |      x.__xor__(y) <==> x^y     |       |  all(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  any(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmax(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmin(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argsort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  astype(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  byteswap(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  choose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  clip(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  compress(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  conj(...)     |       |  conjugate(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  copy(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumprod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumsum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  diagonal(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dump(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dumps(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  fill(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  flatten(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  getfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  item(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  itemset(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  max(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  mean(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  min(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  newbyteorder(...)     |      newbyteorder(new_order='S')     |           |      Return a new `dtype` with a different byte order.     |           |      Changes are also made in all fields and sub-arrays of the data type.     |           |      The `new_order` code can be any from the following:     |           |      * 'S' - swap dtype from current to opposite endian     |      * {'<', 'L'} - little endian     |      * {'>', 'B'} - big endian     |      * {'=', 'N'} - native order     |      * {'|', 'I'} - ignore (no change to byte order)     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      new_order : str, optional     |          Byte order to force; a value from the byte order specifications     |          above.  The default value ('S') results in swapping the current     |          byte order. The code does a case-insensitive check on the first     |          letter of `new_order` for the alternatives above.  For example,     |          any of 'B' or 'b' or 'biggish' are valid to specify big-endian.     |           |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      new_dtype : dtype     |          New `dtype` object with the given change to the byte order.     |       |  nonzero(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  prod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ptp(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  put(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ravel(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  repeat(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  reshape(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  resize(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  round(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  searchsorted(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setflags(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  squeeze(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  std(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  swapaxes(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  take(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tobytes(...)     |       |  tofile(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tolist(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tostring(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  trace(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  transpose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  var(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  view(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from generic:     |       |  T     |      transpose     |       |  __array_interface__     |      Array protocol: Python side     |       |  __array_priority__     |      Array priority.     |       |  __array_struct__     |      Array protocol: struct     |       |  base     |      base object     |       |  data     |      pointer to start of data     |       |  dtype     |      get array data-descriptor     |       |  flags     |      integer value of flags     |       |  flat     |      a 1-d view of scalar     |       |  imag     |      imaginary part of scalar     |       |  itemsize     |      length of one element in bytes     |       |  nbytes     |      length of item in bytes     |       |  ndim     |      number of array dimensions     |       |  real     |      real part of scalar     |       |  shape     |      tuple of array dimensions     |       |  size     |      number of elements in the gentype     |       |  strides     |      tuple of bytes steps in each dimension        string0 = class string_(__builtin__.str, character)     |  Method resolution order:     |      string_     |      __builtin__.str     |      __builtin__.basestring     |      character     |      flexible     |      generic     |      __builtin__.object     |       |  Methods defined here:     |       |  __eq__(...)     |      x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y     |       |  __ge__(...)     |      x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y     |       |  __gt__(...)     |      x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y     |       |  __hash__(...)     |      x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)     |       |  __le__(...)     |      x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y     |       |  __lt__(...)     |      x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y     |       |  __ne__(...)     |      x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y     |       |  __repr__(...)     |      x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)     |       |  __str__(...)     |      x.__str__() <==> str(x)     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data and other attributes defined here:     |       |  __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object>     |      T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Methods inherited from __builtin__.str:     |       |  __add__(...)     |      x.__add__(y) <==> x+y     |       |  __contains__(...)     |      x.__contains__(y) <==> y in x     |       |  __format__(...)     |      S.__format__(format_spec) -> string     |           |      Return a formatted version of S as described by format_spec.     |       |  __getattribute__(...)     |      x.__getattribute__('name') <==>     |       |  __getitem__(...)     |      x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]     |       |  __getnewargs__(...)     |       |  __getslice__(...)     |      x.__getslice__(i, j) <==> x[i:j]     |           |      Use of negative indices is not supported.     |       |  __len__(...)     |      x.__len__() <==> len(x)     |       |  __mod__(...)     |      x.__mod__(y) <==> x%y     |       |  __mul__(...)     |      x.__mul__(n) <==> x*n     |       |  __rmod__(...)     |      x.__rmod__(y) <==> y%x     |       |  __rmul__(...)     |      x.__rmul__(n) <==> n*x     |       |  __sizeof__(...)     |      S.__sizeof__() -> size of S in memory, in bytes     |       |  capitalize(...)     |      S.capitalize() -> string     |           |      Return a copy of the string S with only its first character     |      capitalized.     |       |  center(...)     |[, fillchar]) -> string     |           |      Return S centered in a string of length width. Padding is     |      done using the specified fill character (default is a space)     |       |  count(...)     |      S.count(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int     |           |      Return the number of non-overlapping occurrences of substring sub in     |      string S[start:end].  Optional arguments start and end are interpreted     |      as in slice notation.     |       |  decode(...)     |      S.decode([encoding[,errors]]) -> object     |           |      Decodes S using the codec registered for encoding. encoding defaults     |      to the default encoding. errors may be given to set a different error     |      handling scheme. Default is 'strict' meaning that encoding errors raise     |      a UnicodeDecodeError. Other possible values are 'ignore' and 'replace'     |      as well as any other name registered with codecs.register_error that is     |      able to handle UnicodeDecodeErrors.     |       |  encode(...)     |      S.encode([encoding[,errors]]) -> object     |           |      Encodes S using the codec registered for encoding. encoding defaults     |      to the default encoding. errors may be given to set a different error     |      handling scheme. Default is 'strict' meaning that encoding errors raise     |      a UnicodeEncodeError. Other possible values are 'ignore', 'replace' and     |      'xmlcharrefreplace' as well as any other name registered with     |      codecs.register_error that is able to handle UnicodeEncodeErrors.     |       |  endswith(...)     |      S.endswith(suffix[, start[, end]]) -> bool     |           |      Return True if S ends with the specified suffix, False otherwise.     |      With optional start, test S beginning at that position.     |      With optional end, stop comparing S at that position.     |      suffix can also be a tuple of strings to try.     |       |  expandtabs(...)     |      S.expandtabs([tabsize]) -> string     |           |      Return a copy of S where all tab characters are expanded using spaces.     |      If tabsize is not given, a tab size of 8 characters is assumed.     |       |  find(...)     |      S.find(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int     |           |      Return the lowest index in S where substring sub is found,     |      such that sub is contained within S[start:end].  Optional     |      arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.     |           |      Return -1 on failure.     |       |  format(...)     |      S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> string     |           |      Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs.     |      The substitutions are identified by braces ('{' and '}').     |       |  index(...)     |      S.index(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int     |           |      Like S.find() but raise ValueError when the substring is not found.     |       |  isalnum(...)     |      S.isalnum() -> bool     |           |      Return True if all characters in S are alphanumeric     |      and there is at least one character in S, False otherwise.     |       |  isalpha(...)     |      S.isalpha() -> bool     |           |      Return True if all characters in S are alphabetic     |      and there is at least one character in S, False otherwise.     |       |  isdigit(...)     |      S.isdigit() -> bool     |           |      Return True if all characters in S are digits     |      and there is at least one character in S, False otherwise.     |       |  islower(...)     |      S.islower() -> bool     |           |      Return True if all cased characters in S are lowercase and there is     |      at least one cased character in S, False otherwise.     |       |  isspace(...)     |      S.isspace() -> bool     |           |      Return True if all characters in S are whitespace     |      and there is at least one character in S, False otherwise.     |       |  istitle(...)     |      S.istitle() -> bool     |           |      Return True if S is a titlecased string and there is at least one     |      character in S, i.e. uppercase characters may only follow uncased     |      characters and lowercase characters only cased ones. Return False     |      otherwise.     |       |  isupper(...)     |      S.isupper() -> bool     |           |      Return True if all cased characters in S are uppercase and there is     |      at least one cased character in S, False otherwise.     |       |  join(...)     |      S.join(iterable) -> string     |           |      Return a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the     |      iterable.  The separator between elements is S.     |       |  ljust(...)     |      S.ljust(width[, fillchar]) -> string     |           |      Return S left-justified in a string of length width. Padding is     |      done using the specified fill character (default is a space).     |       |  lower(...)     |      S.lower() -> string     |           |      Return a copy of the string S converted to lowercase.     |       |  lstrip(...)     |      S.lstrip([chars]) -> string or unicode     |           |      Return a copy of the string S with leading whitespace removed.     |      If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.     |      If chars is unicode, S will be converted to unicode before stripping     |       |  partition(...)     |      S.partition(sep) -> (head, sep, tail)     |           |      Search for the separator sep in S, and return the part before it,     |      the separator itself, and the part after it.  If the separator is not     |      found, return S and two empty strings.     |       |  replace(...)     |      S.replace(old, new[, count]) -> string     |           |      Return a copy of string S with all occurrences of substring     |      old replaced by new.  If the optional argument count is     |      given, only the first count occurrences are replaced.     |       |  rfind(...)     |      S.rfind(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int     |           |      Return the highest index in S where substring sub is found,     |      such that sub is contained within S[start:end].  Optional     |      arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.     |           |      Return -1 on failure.     |       |  rindex(...)     |      S.rindex(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int     |           |      Like S.rfind() but raise ValueError when the substring is not found.     |       |  rjust(...)     |      S.rjust(width[, fillchar]) -> string     |           |      Return S right-justified in a string of length width. Padding is     |      done using the specified fill character (default is a space)     |       |  rpartition(...)     |      S.rpartition(sep) -> (head, sep, tail)     |           |      Search for the separator sep in S, starting at the end of S, and return     |      the part before it, the separator itself, and the part after it.  If the     |      separator is not found, return two empty strings and S.     |       |  rsplit(...)     |      S.rsplit([sep [,maxsplit]]) -> list of strings     |           |      Return a list of the words in the string S, using sep as the     |      delimiter string, starting at the end of the string and working     |      to the front.  If maxsplit is given, at most maxsplit splits are     |      done. If sep is not specified or is None, any whitespace string     |      is a separator.     |       |  rstrip(...)     |      S.rstrip([chars]) -> string or unicode     |           |      Return a copy of the string S with trailing whitespace removed.     |      If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.     |      If chars is unicode, S will be converted to unicode before stripping     |       |  split(...)     |      S.split([sep [,maxsplit]]) -> list of strings     |           |      Return a list of the words in the string S, using sep as the     |      delimiter string.  If maxsplit is given, at most maxsplit     |      splits are done. If sep is not specified or is None, any     |      whitespace string is a separator and empty strings are removed     |      from the result.     |       |  splitlines(...)     |      S.splitlines(keepends=False) -> list of strings     |           |      Return a list of the lines in S, breaking at line boundaries.     |      Line breaks are not included in the resulting list unless keepends     |      is given and true.     |       |  startswith(...)     |      S.startswith(prefix[, start[, end]]) -> bool     |           |      Return True if S starts with the specified prefix, False otherwise.     |      With optional start, test S beginning at that position.     |      With optional end, stop comparing S at that position.     |      prefix can also be a tuple of strings to try.     |       |  strip(...)     |      S.strip([chars]) -> string or unicode     |           |      Return a copy of the string S with leading and trailing     |      whitespace removed.     |      If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.     |      If chars is unicode, S will be converted to unicode before stripping     |       |  swapcase(...)     |      S.swapcase() -> string     |           |      Return a copy of the string S with uppercase characters     |      converted to lowercase and vice versa.     |       |  title(...)     |      S.title() -> string     |           |      Return a titlecased version of S, i.e. words start with uppercase     |      characters, all remaining cased characters have lowercase.     |       |  translate(...)     |      S.translate(table [,deletechars]) -> string     |           |      Return a copy of the string S, where all characters occurring     |      in the optional argument deletechars are removed, and the     |      remaining characters have been mapped through the given     |      translation table, which must be a string of length 256 or None.     |      If the table argument is None, no translation is applied and     |      the operation simply removes the characters in deletechars.     |       |  upper(...)     |      S.upper() -> string     |           |      Return a copy of the string S converted to uppercase.     |       |  zfill(...)     |      S.zfill(width) -> string     |           |      Pad a numeric string S with zeros on the left, to fill a field     |      of the specified width.  The string S is never truncated.     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Methods inherited from generic:     |       |  __abs__(...)     |      x.__abs__() <==> abs(x)     |       |  __and__(...)     |      x.__and__(y) <==> x&y     |       |  __array__(...)     |      sc.__array__(|type) return 0-dim array     |       |  __array_wrap__(...)     |      sc.__array_wrap__(obj) return scalar from array     |       |  __copy__(...)     |       |  __deepcopy__(...)     |       |  __div__(...)     |      x.__div__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __divmod__(...)     |      x.__divmod__(y) <==> divmod(x, y)     |       |  __float__(...)     |      x.__float__() <==> float(x)     |       |  __floordiv__(...)     |      x.__floordiv__(y) <==> x//y     |       |  __hex__(...)     |      x.__hex__() <==> hex(x)     |       |  __int__(...)     |      x.__int__() <==> int(x)     |       |  __invert__(...)     |      x.__invert__() <==> ~x     |       |  __long__(...)     |      x.__long__() <==> long(x)     |       |  __lshift__(...)     |      x.__lshift__(y) <==> x<<y     |       |  __neg__(...)     |      x.__neg__() <==> -x     |       |  __nonzero__(...)     |      x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0     |       |  __oct__(...)     |      x.__oct__() <==> oct(x)     |       |  __or__(...)     |      x.__or__(y) <==> x|y     |       |  __pos__(...)     |      x.__pos__() <==> +x     |       |  __pow__(...)     |      x.__pow__(y[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __radd__(...)     |      x.__radd__(y) <==> y+x     |       |  __rand__(...)     |      x.__rand__(y) <==> y&x     |       |  __rdiv__(...)     |      x.__rdiv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rdivmod__(...)     |      x.__rdivmod__(y) <==> divmod(y, x)     |       |  __reduce__(...)     |       |  __rfloordiv__(...)     |      x.__rfloordiv__(y) <==> y//x     |       |  __rlshift__(...)     |      x.__rlshift__(y) <==> y<<x     |       |  __ror__(...)     |      x.__ror__(y) <==> y|x     |       |  __rpow__(...)     |      y.__rpow__(x[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __rrshift__(...)     |      x.__rrshift__(y) <==> y>>x     |       |  __rshift__(...)     |      x.__rshift__(y) <==> x>>y     |       |  __rsub__(...)     |      x.__rsub__(y) <==> y-x     |       |  __rtruediv__(...)     |      x.__rtruediv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rxor__(...)     |      x.__rxor__(y) <==> y^x     |       |  __setstate__(...)     |       |  __sub__(...)     |      x.__sub__(y) <==> x-y     |       |  __truediv__(...)     |      x.__truediv__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __xor__(...)     |      x.__xor__(y) <==> x^y     |       |  all(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  any(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmax(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmin(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argsort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  astype(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  byteswap(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  choose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  clip(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  compress(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  conj(...)     |       |  conjugate(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  copy(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumprod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumsum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  diagonal(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dump(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dumps(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  fill(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  flatten(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  getfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  item(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  itemset(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  max(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  mean(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  min(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  newbyteorder(...)     |      newbyteorder(new_order='S')     |           |      Return a new `dtype` with a different byte order.     |           |      Changes are also made in all fields and sub-arrays of the data type.     |           |      The `new_order` code can be any from the following:     |           |      * 'S' - swap dtype from current to opposite endian     |      * {'<', 'L'} - little endian     |      * {'>', 'B'} - big endian     |      * {'=', 'N'} - native order     |      * {'|', 'I'} - ignore (no change to byte order)     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      new_order : str, optional     |          Byte order to force; a value from the byte order specifications     |          above.  The default value ('S') results in swapping the current     |          byte order. The code does a case-insensitive check on the first     |          letter of `new_order` for the alternatives above.  For example,     |          any of 'B' or 'b' or 'biggish' are valid to specify big-endian.     |           |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      new_dtype : dtype     |          New `dtype` object with the given change to the byte order.     |       |  nonzero(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  prod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ptp(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  put(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ravel(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  repeat(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  reshape(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  resize(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  round(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  searchsorted(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setflags(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  squeeze(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  std(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  swapaxes(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  take(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tobytes(...)     |       |  tofile(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tolist(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tostring(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  trace(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  transpose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  var(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  view(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from generic:     |       |  T     |      transpose     |       |  __array_interface__     |      Array protocol: Python side     |       |  __array_priority__     |      Array priority.     |       |  __array_struct__     |      Array protocol: struct     |       |  base     |      base object     |       |  data     |      pointer to start of data     |       |  dtype     |      get array data-descriptor     |       |  flags     |      integer value of flags     |       |  flat     |      a 1-d view of scalar     |       |  imag     |      imaginary part of scalar     |       |  itemsize     |      length of one element in bytes     |       |  nbytes     |      length of item in bytes     |       |  ndim     |      number of array dimensions     |       |  real     |      real part of scalar     |       |  shape     |      tuple of array dimensions     |       |  size     |      number of elements in the gentype     |       |  strides     |      tuple of bytes steps in each dimension        class string_(__builtin__.str, character)     |  Method resolution order:     |      string_     |      __builtin__.str     |      __builtin__.basestring     |      character     |      flexible     |      generic     |      __builtin__.object     |       |  Methods defined here:     |       |  __eq__(...)     |      x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y     |       |  __ge__(...)     |      x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y     |       |  __gt__(...)     |      x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y     |       |  __hash__(...)     |      x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)     |       |  __le__(...)     |      x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y     |       |  __lt__(...)     |      x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y     |       |  __ne__(...)     |      x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y     |       |  __repr__(...)     |      x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)     |       |  __str__(...)     |      x.__str__() <==> str(x)     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data and other attributes defined here:     |       |  __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object>     |      T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Methods inherited from __builtin__.str:     |       |  __add__(...)     |      x.__add__(y) <==> x+y     |       |  __contains__(...)     |      x.__contains__(y) <==> y in x     |       |  __format__(...)     |      S.__format__(format_spec) -> string     |           |      Return a formatted version of S as described by format_spec.     |       |  __getattribute__(...)     |      x.__getattribute__('name') <==>     |       |  __getitem__(...)     |      x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]     |       |  __getnewargs__(...)     |       |  __getslice__(...)     |      x.__getslice__(i, j) <==> x[i:j]     |           |      Use of negative indices is not supported.     |       |  __len__(...)     |      x.__len__() <==> len(x)     |       |  __mod__(...)     |      x.__mod__(y) <==> x%y     |       |  __mul__(...)     |      x.__mul__(n) <==> x*n     |       |  __rmod__(...)     |      x.__rmod__(y) <==> y%x     |       |  __rmul__(...)     |      x.__rmul__(n) <==> n*x     |       |  __sizeof__(...)     |      S.__sizeof__() -> size of S in memory, in bytes     |       |  capitalize(...)     |      S.capitalize() -> string     |           |      Return a copy of the string S with only its first character     |      capitalized.     |       |  center(...)     |[, fillchar]) -> string     |           |      Return S centered in a string of length width. Padding is     |      done using the specified fill character (default is a space)     |       |  count(...)     |      S.count(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int     |           |      Return the number of non-overlapping occurrences of substring sub in     |      string S[start:end].  Optional arguments start and end are interpreted     |      as in slice notation.     |       |  decode(...)     |      S.decode([encoding[,errors]]) -> object     |           |      Decodes S using the codec registered for encoding. encoding defaults     |      to the default encoding. errors may be given to set a different error     |      handling scheme. Default is 'strict' meaning that encoding errors raise     |      a UnicodeDecodeError. Other possible values are 'ignore' and 'replace'     |      as well as any other name registered with codecs.register_error that is     |      able to handle UnicodeDecodeErrors.     |       |  encode(...)     |      S.encode([encoding[,errors]]) -> object     |           |      Encodes S using the codec registered for encoding. encoding defaults     |      to the default encoding. errors may be given to set a different error     |      handling scheme. Default is 'strict' meaning that encoding errors raise     |      a UnicodeEncodeError. Other possible values are 'ignore', 'replace' and     |      'xmlcharrefreplace' as well as any other name registered with     |      codecs.register_error that is able to handle UnicodeEncodeErrors.     |       |  endswith(...)     |      S.endswith(suffix[, start[, end]]) -> bool     |           |      Return True if S ends with the specified suffix, False otherwise.     |      With optional start, test S beginning at that position.     |      With optional end, stop comparing S at that position.     |      suffix can also be a tuple of strings to try.     |       |  expandtabs(...)     |      S.expandtabs([tabsize]) -> string     |           |      Return a copy of S where all tab characters are expanded using spaces.     |      If tabsize is not given, a tab size of 8 characters is assumed.     |       |  find(...)     |      S.find(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int     |           |      Return the lowest index in S where substring sub is found,     |      such that sub is contained within S[start:end].  Optional     |      arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.     |           |      Return -1 on failure.     |       |  format(...)     |      S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> string     |           |      Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs.     |      The substitutions are identified by braces ('{' and '}').     |       |  index(...)     |      S.index(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int     |           |      Like S.find() but raise ValueError when the substring is not found.     |       |  isalnum(...)     |      S.isalnum() -> bool     |           |      Return True if all characters in S are alphanumeric     |      and there is at least one character in S, False otherwise.     |       |  isalpha(...)     |      S.isalpha() -> bool     |           |      Return True if all characters in S are alphabetic     |      and there is at least one character in S, False otherwise.     |       |  isdigit(...)     |      S.isdigit() -> bool     |           |      Return True if all characters in S are digits     |      and there is at least one character in S, False otherwise.     |       |  islower(...)     |      S.islower() -> bool     |           |      Return True if all cased characters in S are lowercase and there is     |      at least one cased character in S, False otherwise.     |       |  isspace(...)     |      S.isspace() -> bool     |           |      Return True if all characters in S are whitespace     |      and there is at least one character in S, False otherwise.     |       |  istitle(...)     |      S.istitle() -> bool     |           |      Return True if S is a titlecased string and there is at least one     |      character in S, i.e. uppercase characters may only follow uncased     |      characters and lowercase characters only cased ones. Return False     |      otherwise.     |       |  isupper(...)     |      S.isupper() -> bool     |           |      Return True if all cased characters in S are uppercase and there is     |      at least one cased character in S, False otherwise.     |       |  join(...)     |      S.join(iterable) -> string     |           |      Return a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the     |      iterable.  The separator between elements is S.     |       |  ljust(...)     |      S.ljust(width[, fillchar]) -> string     |           |      Return S left-justified in a string of length width. Padding is     |      done using the specified fill character (default is a space).     |       |  lower(...)     |      S.lower() -> string     |           |      Return a copy of the string S converted to lowercase.     |       |  lstrip(...)     |      S.lstrip([chars]) -> string or unicode     |           |      Return a copy of the string S with leading whitespace removed.     |      If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.     |      If chars is unicode, S will be converted to unicode before stripping     |       |  partition(...)     |      S.partition(sep) -> (head, sep, tail)     |           |      Search for the separator sep in S, and return the part before it,     |      the separator itself, and the part after it.  If the separator is not     |      found, return S and two empty strings.     |       |  replace(...)     |      S.replace(old, new[, count]) -> string     |           |      Return a copy of string S with all occurrences of substring     |      old replaced by new.  If the optional argument count is     |      given, only the first count occurrences are replaced.     |       |  rfind(...)     |      S.rfind(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int     |           |      Return the highest index in S where substring sub is found,     |      such that sub is contained within S[start:end].  Optional     |      arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.     |           |      Return -1 on failure.     |       |  rindex(...)     |      S.rindex(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int     |           |      Like S.rfind() but raise ValueError when the substring is not found.     |       |  rjust(...)     |      S.rjust(width[, fillchar]) -> string     |           |      Return S right-justified in a string of length width. Padding is     |      done using the specified fill character (default is a space)     |       |  rpartition(...)     |      S.rpartition(sep) -> (head, sep, tail)     |           |      Search for the separator sep in S, starting at the end of S, and return     |      the part before it, the separator itself, and the part after it.  If the     |      separator is not found, return two empty strings and S.     |       |  rsplit(...)     |      S.rsplit([sep [,maxsplit]]) -> list of strings     |           |      Return a list of the words in the string S, using sep as the     |      delimiter string, starting at the end of the string and working     |      to the front.  If maxsplit is given, at most maxsplit splits are     |      done. If sep is not specified or is None, any whitespace string     |      is a separator.     |       |  rstrip(...)     |      S.rstrip([chars]) -> string or unicode     |           |      Return a copy of the string S with trailing whitespace removed.     |      If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.     |      If chars is unicode, S will be converted to unicode before stripping     |       |  split(...)     |      S.split([sep [,maxsplit]]) -> list of strings     |           |      Return a list of the words in the string S, using sep as the     |      delimiter string.  If maxsplit is given, at most maxsplit     |      splits are done. If sep is not specified or is None, any     |      whitespace string is a separator and empty strings are removed     |      from the result.     |       |  splitlines(...)     |      S.splitlines(keepends=False) -> list of strings     |           |      Return a list of the lines in S, breaking at line boundaries.     |      Line breaks are not included in the resulting list unless keepends     |      is given and true.     |       |  startswith(...)     |      S.startswith(prefix[, start[, end]]) -> bool     |           |      Return True if S starts with the specified prefix, False otherwise.     |      With optional start, test S beginning at that position.     |      With optional end, stop comparing S at that position.     |      prefix can also be a tuple of strings to try.     |       |  strip(...)     |      S.strip([chars]) -> string or unicode     |           |      Return a copy of the string S with leading and trailing     |      whitespace removed.     |      If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.     |      If chars is unicode, S will be converted to unicode before stripping     |       |  swapcase(...)     |      S.swapcase() -> string     |           |      Return a copy of the string S with uppercase characters     |      converted to lowercase and vice versa.     |       |  title(...)     |      S.title() -> string     |           |      Return a titlecased version of S, i.e. words start with uppercase     |      characters, all remaining cased characters have lowercase.     |       |  translate(...)     |      S.translate(table [,deletechars]) -> string     |           |      Return a copy of the string S, where all characters occurring     |      in the optional argument deletechars are removed, and the     |      remaining characters have been mapped through the given     |      translation table, which must be a string of length 256 or None.     |      If the table argument is None, no translation is applied and     |      the operation simply removes the characters in deletechars.     |       |  upper(...)     |      S.upper() -> string     |           |      Return a copy of the string S converted to uppercase.     |       |  zfill(...)     |      S.zfill(width) -> string     |           |      Pad a numeric string S with zeros on the left, to fill a field     |      of the specified width.  The string S is never truncated.     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Methods inherited from generic:     |       |  __abs__(...)     |      x.__abs__() <==> abs(x)     |       |  __and__(...)     |      x.__and__(y) <==> x&y     |       |  __array__(...)     |      sc.__array__(|type) return 0-dim array     |       |  __array_wrap__(...)     |      sc.__array_wrap__(obj) return scalar from array     |       |  __copy__(...)     |       |  __deepcopy__(...)     |       |  __div__(...)     |      x.__div__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __divmod__(...)     |      x.__divmod__(y) <==> divmod(x, y)     |       |  __float__(...)     |      x.__float__() <==> float(x)     |       |  __floordiv__(...)     |      x.__floordiv__(y) <==> x//y     |       |  __hex__(...)     |      x.__hex__() <==> hex(x)     |       |  __int__(...)     |      x.__int__() <==> int(x)     |       |  __invert__(...)     |      x.__invert__() <==> ~x     |       |  __long__(...)     |      x.__long__() <==> long(x)     |       |  __lshift__(...)     |      x.__lshift__(y) <==> x<<y     |       |  __neg__(...)     |      x.__neg__() <==> -x     |       |  __nonzero__(...)     |      x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0     |       |  __oct__(...)     |      x.__oct__() <==> oct(x)     |       |  __or__(...)     |      x.__or__(y) <==> x|y     |       |  __pos__(...)     |      x.__pos__() <==> +x     |       |  __pow__(...)     |      x.__pow__(y[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __radd__(...)     |      x.__radd__(y) <==> y+x     |       |  __rand__(...)     |      x.__rand__(y) <==> y&x     |       |  __rdiv__(...)     |      x.__rdiv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rdivmod__(...)     |      x.__rdivmod__(y) <==> divmod(y, x)     |       |  __reduce__(...)     |       |  __rfloordiv__(...)     |      x.__rfloordiv__(y) <==> y//x     |       |  __rlshift__(...)     |      x.__rlshift__(y) <==> y<<x     |       |  __ror__(...)     |      x.__ror__(y) <==> y|x     |       |  __rpow__(...)     |      y.__rpow__(x[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __rrshift__(...)     |      x.__rrshift__(y) <==> y>>x     |       |  __rshift__(...)     |      x.__rshift__(y) <==> x>>y     |       |  __rsub__(...)     |      x.__rsub__(y) <==> y-x     |       |  __rtruediv__(...)     |      x.__rtruediv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rxor__(...)     |      x.__rxor__(y) <==> y^x     |       |  __setstate__(...)     |       |  __sub__(...)     |      x.__sub__(y) <==> x-y     |       |  __truediv__(...)     |      x.__truediv__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __xor__(...)     |      x.__xor__(y) <==> x^y     |       |  all(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  any(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmax(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmin(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argsort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  astype(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  byteswap(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  choose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  clip(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  compress(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  conj(...)     |       |  conjugate(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  copy(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumprod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumsum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  diagonal(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dump(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dumps(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  fill(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  flatten(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  getfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  item(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  itemset(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  max(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  mean(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  min(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  newbyteorder(...)     |      newbyteorder(new_order='S')     |           |      Return a new `dtype` with a different byte order.     |           |      Changes are also made in all fields and sub-arrays of the data type.     |           |      The `new_order` code can be any from the following:     |           |      * 'S' - swap dtype from current to opposite endian     |      * {'<', 'L'} - little endian     |      * {'>', 'B'} - big endian     |      * {'=', 'N'} - native order     |      * {'|', 'I'} - ignore (no change to byte order)     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      new_order : str, optional     |          Byte order to force; a value from the byte order specifications     |          above.  The default value ('S') results in swapping the current     |          byte order. The code does a case-insensitive check on the first     |          letter of `new_order` for the alternatives above.  For example,     |          any of 'B' or 'b' or 'biggish' are valid to specify big-endian.     |           |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      new_dtype : dtype     |          New `dtype` object with the given change to the byte order.     |       |  nonzero(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  prod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ptp(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  put(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ravel(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  repeat(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  reshape(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  resize(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  round(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  searchsorted(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setflags(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  squeeze(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  std(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  swapaxes(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  take(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tobytes(...)     |       |  tofile(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tolist(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tostring(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  trace(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  transpose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  var(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  view(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from generic:     |       |  T     |      transpose     |       |  __array_interface__     |      Array protocol: Python side     |       |  __array_priority__     |      Array priority.     |       |  __array_struct__     |      Array protocol: struct     |       |  base     |      base object     |       |  data     |      pointer to start of data     |       |  dtype     |      get array data-descriptor     |       |  flags     |      integer value of flags     |       |  flat     |      a 1-d view of scalar     |       |  imag     |      imaginary part of scalar     |       |  itemsize     |      length of one element in bytes     |       |  nbytes     |      length of item in bytes     |       |  ndim     |      number of array dimensions     |       |  real     |      real part of scalar     |       |  shape     |      tuple of array dimensions     |       |  size     |      number of elements in the gentype     |       |  strides     |      tuple of bytes steps in each dimension        class timedelta64(signedinteger)     |  Method resolution order:     |      timedelta64     |      signedinteger     |      integer     |      number     |      generic     |      __builtin__.object     |       |  Methods defined here:     |       |  __eq__(...)     |      x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y     |       |  __ge__(...)     |      x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y     |       |  __gt__(...)     |      x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y     |       |  __hash__(...)     |      x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)     |       |  __le__(...)     |      x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y     |       |  __lt__(...)     |      x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y     |       |  __ne__(...)     |      x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y     |       |  __repr__(...)     |      x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)     |       |  __str__(...)     |      x.__str__() <==> str(x)     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data and other attributes defined here:     |       |  __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object>     |      T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from integer:     |       |  denominator     |      denominator of value (1)     |       |  numerator     |      numerator of value (the value itself)     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Methods inherited from generic:     |       |  __abs__(...)     |      x.__abs__() <==> abs(x)     |       |  __add__(...)     |      x.__add__(y) <==> x+y     |       |  __and__(...)     |      x.__and__(y) <==> x&y     |       |  __array__(...)     |      sc.__array__(|type) return 0-dim array     |       |  __array_wrap__(...)     |      sc.__array_wrap__(obj) return scalar from array     |       |  __copy__(...)     |       |  __deepcopy__(...)     |       |  __div__(...)     |      x.__div__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __divmod__(...)     |      x.__divmod__(y) <==> divmod(x, y)     |       |  __float__(...)     |      x.__float__() <==> float(x)     |       |  __floordiv__(...)     |      x.__floordiv__(y) <==> x//y     |       |  __format__(...)     |      NumPy array scalar formatter     |       |  __getitem__(...)     |      x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]     |       |  __hex__(...)     |      x.__hex__() <==> hex(x)     |       |  __int__(...)     |      x.__int__() <==> int(x)     |       |  __invert__(...)     |      x.__invert__() <==> ~x     |       |  __long__(...)     |      x.__long__() <==> long(x)     |       |  __lshift__(...)     |      x.__lshift__(y) <==> x<<y     |       |  __mod__(...)     |      x.__mod__(y) <==> x%y     |       |  __mul__(...)     |      x.__mul__(y) <==> x*y     |       |  __neg__(...)     |      x.__neg__() <==> -x     |       |  __nonzero__(...)     |      x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0     |       |  __oct__(...)     |      x.__oct__() <==> oct(x)     |       |  __or__(...)     |      x.__or__(y) <==> x|y     |       |  __pos__(...)     |      x.__pos__() <==> +x     |       |  __pow__(...)     |      x.__pow__(y[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __radd__(...)     |      x.__radd__(y) <==> y+x     |       |  __rand__(...)     |      x.__rand__(y) <==> y&x     |       |  __rdiv__(...)     |      x.__rdiv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rdivmod__(...)     |      x.__rdivmod__(y) <==> divmod(y, x)     |       |  __reduce__(...)     |       |  __rfloordiv__(...)     |      x.__rfloordiv__(y) <==> y//x     |       |  __rlshift__(...)     |      x.__rlshift__(y) <==> y<<x     |       |  __rmod__(...)     |      x.__rmod__(y) <==> y%x     |       |  __rmul__(...)     |      x.__rmul__(y) <==> y*x     |       |  __ror__(...)     |      x.__ror__(y) <==> y|x     |       |  __rpow__(...)     |      y.__rpow__(x[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __rrshift__(...)     |      x.__rrshift__(y) <==> y>>x     |       |  __rshift__(...)     |      x.__rshift__(y) <==> x>>y     |       |  __rsub__(...)     |      x.__rsub__(y) <==> y-x     |       |  __rtruediv__(...)     |      x.__rtruediv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rxor__(...)     |      x.__rxor__(y) <==> y^x     |       |  __setstate__(...)     |       |  __sizeof__(...)     |       |  __sub__(...)     |      x.__sub__(y) <==> x-y     |       |  __truediv__(...)     |      x.__truediv__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __xor__(...)     |      x.__xor__(y) <==> x^y     |       |  all(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  any(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmax(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmin(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argsort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  astype(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  byteswap(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  choose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  clip(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  compress(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  conj(...)     |       |  conjugate(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  copy(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumprod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumsum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  diagonal(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dump(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dumps(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  fill(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  flatten(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  getfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  item(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  itemset(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  max(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  mean(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  min(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  newbyteorder(...)     |      newbyteorder(new_order='S')     |           |      Return a new `dtype` with a different byte order.     |           |      Changes are also made in all fields and sub-arrays of the data type.     |           |      The `new_order` code can be any from the following:     |           |      * 'S' - swap dtype from current to opposite endian     |      * {'<', 'L'} - little endian     |      * {'>', 'B'} - big endian     |      * {'=', 'N'} - native order     |      * {'|', 'I'} - ignore (no change to byte order)     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      new_order : str, optional     |          Byte order to force; a value from the byte order specifications     |          above.  The default value ('S') results in swapping the current     |          byte order. The code does a case-insensitive check on the first     |          letter of `new_order` for the alternatives above.  For example,     |          any of 'B' or 'b' or 'biggish' are valid to specify big-endian.     |           |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      new_dtype : dtype     |          New `dtype` object with the given change to the byte order.     |       |  nonzero(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  prod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ptp(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  put(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ravel(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  repeat(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  reshape(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  resize(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  round(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  searchsorted(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setflags(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  squeeze(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  std(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  swapaxes(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  take(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tobytes(...)     |       |  tofile(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tolist(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tostring(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  trace(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  transpose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  var(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  view(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from generic:     |       |  T     |      transpose     |       |  __array_interface__     |      Array protocol: Python side     |       |  __array_priority__     |      Array priority.     |       |  __array_struct__     |      Array protocol: struct     |       |  base     |      base object     |       |  data     |      pointer to start of data     |       |  dtype     |      get array data-descriptor     |       |  flags     |      integer value of flags     |       |  flat     |      a 1-d view of scalar     |       |  imag     |      imaginary part of scalar     |       |  itemsize     |      length of one element in bytes     |       |  nbytes     |      length of item in bytes     |       |  ndim     |      number of array dimensions     |       |  real     |      real part of scalar     |       |  shape     |      tuple of array dimensions     |       |  size     |      number of elements in the gentype     |       |  strides     |      tuple of bytes steps in each dimension        ubyte = class uint8(unsignedinteger)     |  Method resolution order:     |      uint8     |      unsignedinteger     |      integer     |      number     |      generic     |      __builtin__.object     |       |  Methods defined here:     |       |  __eq__(...)     |      x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y     |       |  __ge__(...)     |      x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y     |       |  __gt__(...)     |      x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y     |       |  __hash__(...)     |      x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)     |       |  __index__(...)     |      x[y:z] <==> x[y.__index__():z.__index__()]     |       |  __le__(...)     |      x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y     |       |  __lt__(...)     |      x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y     |       |  __ne__(...)     |      x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data and other attributes defined here:     |       |  __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object>     |      T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from integer:     |       |  denominator     |      denominator of value (1)     |       |  numerator     |      numerator of value (the value itself)     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Methods inherited from generic:     |       |  __abs__(...)     |      x.__abs__() <==> abs(x)     |       |  __add__(...)     |      x.__add__(y) <==> x+y     |       |  __and__(...)     |      x.__and__(y) <==> x&y     |       |  __array__(...)     |      sc.__array__(|type) return 0-dim array     |       |  __array_wrap__(...)     |      sc.__array_wrap__(obj) return scalar from array     |       |  __copy__(...)     |       |  __deepcopy__(...)     |       |  __div__(...)     |      x.__div__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __divmod__(...)     |      x.__divmod__(y) <==> divmod(x, y)     |       |  __float__(...)     |      x.__float__() <==> float(x)     |       |  __floordiv__(...)     |      x.__floordiv__(y) <==> x//y     |       |  __format__(...)     |      NumPy array scalar formatter     |       |  __getitem__(...)     |      x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]     |       |  __hex__(...)     |      x.__hex__() <==> hex(x)     |       |  __int__(...)     |      x.__int__() <==> int(x)     |       |  __invert__(...)     |      x.__invert__() <==> ~x     |       |  __long__(...)     |      x.__long__() <==> long(x)     |       |  __lshift__(...)     |      x.__lshift__(y) <==> x<<y     |       |  __mod__(...)     |      x.__mod__(y) <==> x%y     |       |  __mul__(...)     |      x.__mul__(y) <==> x*y     |       |  __neg__(...)     |      x.__neg__() <==> -x     |       |  __nonzero__(...)     |      x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0     |       |  __oct__(...)     |      x.__oct__() <==> oct(x)     |       |  __or__(...)     |      x.__or__(y) <==> x|y     |       |  __pos__(...)     |      x.__pos__() <==> +x     |       |  __pow__(...)     |      x.__pow__(y[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __radd__(...)     |      x.__radd__(y) <==> y+x     |       |  __rand__(...)     |      x.__rand__(y) <==> y&x     |       |  __rdiv__(...)     |      x.__rdiv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rdivmod__(...)     |      x.__rdivmod__(y) <==> divmod(y, x)     |       |  __reduce__(...)     |       |  __repr__(...)     |      x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)     |       |  __rfloordiv__(...)     |      x.__rfloordiv__(y) <==> y//x     |       |  __rlshift__(...)     |      x.__rlshift__(y) <==> y<<x     |       |  __rmod__(...)     |      x.__rmod__(y) <==> y%x     |       |  __rmul__(...)     |      x.__rmul__(y) <==> y*x     |       |  __ror__(...)     |      x.__ror__(y) <==> y|x     |       |  __rpow__(...)     |      y.__rpow__(x[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __rrshift__(...)     |      x.__rrshift__(y) <==> y>>x     |       |  __rshift__(...)     |      x.__rshift__(y) <==> x>>y     |       |  __rsub__(...)     |      x.__rsub__(y) <==> y-x     |       |  __rtruediv__(...)     |      x.__rtruediv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rxor__(...)     |      x.__rxor__(y) <==> y^x     |       |  __setstate__(...)     |       |  __sizeof__(...)     |       |  __str__(...)     |      x.__str__() <==> str(x)     |       |  __sub__(...)     |      x.__sub__(y) <==> x-y     |       |  __truediv__(...)     |      x.__truediv__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __xor__(...)     |      x.__xor__(y) <==> x^y     |       |  all(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  any(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmax(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmin(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argsort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  astype(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  byteswap(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  choose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  clip(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  compress(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  conj(...)     |       |  conjugate(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  copy(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumprod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumsum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  diagonal(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dump(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dumps(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  fill(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  flatten(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  getfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  item(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  itemset(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  max(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  mean(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  min(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  newbyteorder(...)     |      newbyteorder(new_order='S')     |           |      Return a new `dtype` with a different byte order.     |           |      Changes are also made in all fields and sub-arrays of the data type.     |           |      The `new_order` code can be any from the following:     |           |      * 'S' - swap dtype from current to opposite endian     |      * {'<', 'L'} - little endian     |      * {'>', 'B'} - big endian     |      * {'=', 'N'} - native order     |      * {'|', 'I'} - ignore (no change to byte order)     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      new_order : str, optional     |          Byte order to force; a value from the byte order specifications     |          above.  The default value ('S') results in swapping the current     |          byte order. The code does a case-insensitive check on the first     |          letter of `new_order` for the alternatives above.  For example,     |          any of 'B' or 'b' or 'biggish' are valid to specify big-endian.     |           |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      new_dtype : dtype     |          New `dtype` object with the given change to the byte order.     |       |  nonzero(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  prod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ptp(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  put(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ravel(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  repeat(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  reshape(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  resize(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  round(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  searchsorted(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setflags(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  squeeze(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  std(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  swapaxes(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  take(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tobytes(...)     |       |  tofile(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tolist(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tostring(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  trace(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  transpose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  var(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  view(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from generic:     |       |  T     |      transpose     |       |  __array_interface__     |      Array protocol: Python side     |       |  __array_priority__     |      Array priority.     |       |  __array_struct__     |      Array protocol: struct     |       |  base     |      base object     |       |  data     |      pointer to start of data     |       |  dtype     |      get array data-descriptor     |       |  flags     |      integer value of flags     |       |  flat     |      a 1-d view of scalar     |       |  imag     |      imaginary part of scalar     |       |  itemsize     |      length of one element in bytes     |       |  nbytes     |      length of item in bytes     |       |  ndim     |      number of array dimensions     |       |  real     |      real part of scalar     |       |  shape     |      tuple of array dimensions     |       |  size     |      number of elements in the gentype     |       |  strides     |      tuple of bytes steps in each dimension        class ufunc(__builtin__.object)     |  Functions that operate element by element on whole arrays.     |       |  To see the documentation for a specific ufunc, use  For     |  example,  Because ufuncs are written in C     |  (for speed) and linked into Python with NumPy's ufunc facility,     |  Python's help() function finds this page whenever help() is called     |  on a ufunc.     |       |  A detailed explanation of ufuncs can be found in the "ufuncs.rst"     |  file in the NumPy reference guide.     |       |  Unary ufuncs:     |  =============     |       |  op(X, out=None)     |  Apply op to X elementwise     |       |  Parameters     |  ----------     |  X : array_like     |      Input array.     |  out : array_like     |      An array to store the output. Must be the same shape as `X`.     |       |  Returns     |  -------     |  r : array_like     |      `r` will have the same shape as `X`; if out is provided, `r`     |      will be equal to out.     |       |  Binary ufuncs:     |  ==============     |       |  op(X, Y, out=None)     |  Apply `op` to `X` and `Y` elementwise. May "broadcast" to make     |  the shapes of `X` and `Y` congruent.     |       |  The broadcasting rules are:     |       |  * Dimensions of length 1 may be prepended to either array.     |  * Arrays may be repeated along dimensions of length 1.     |       |  Parameters     |  ----------     |  X : array_like     |      First input array.     |  Y : array_like     |      Second input array.     |  out : array_like     |      An array to store the output. Must be the same shape as the     |      output would have.     |       |  Returns     |  -------     |  r : array_like     |      The return value; if out is provided, `r` will be equal to out.     |       |  Methods defined here:     |       |  __call__(...)     |      x.__call__(...) <==> x(...)     |       |  __repr__(...)     |      x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)     |       |  __str__(...)     |      x.__str__() <==> str(x)     |       |  accumulate(...)     |      accumulate(array, axis=0, dtype=None, out=None)     |           |      Accumulate the result of applying the operator to all elements.     |           |      For a one-dimensional array, accumulate produces results equivalent to::     |           |        r = np.empty(len(A))     |        t = op.identity        # op = the ufunc being applied to A's  elements     |        for i in range(len(A)):     |            t = op(t, A[i])     |            r[i] = t     |        return r     |           |      For example, add.accumulate() is equivalent to np.cumsum().     |           |      For a multi-dimensional array, accumulate is applied along only one     |      axis (axis zero by default; see Examples below) so repeated use is     |      necessary if one wants to accumulate over multiple axes.     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      array : array_like     |          The array to act on.     |      axis : int, optional     |          The axis along which to apply the accumulation; default is zero.     |      dtype : data-type code, optional     |          The data-type used to represent the intermediate results. Defaults     |          to the data-type of the output array if such is provided, or the     |          the data-type of the input array if no output array is provided.     |      out : ndarray, optional     |          A location into which the result is stored. If not provided a     |          freshly-allocated array is returned.     |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      r : ndarray     |          The accumulated values. If `out` was supplied, `r` is a reference to     |          `out`.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      1-D array examples:     |           |      >>> np.add.accumulate([2, 3, 5])     |      array([ 2,  5, 10])     |      >>> np.multiply.accumulate([2, 3, 5])     |      array([ 2,  6, 30])     |           |      2-D array examples:     |           |      >>> I = np.eye(2)     |      >>> I     |      array([[ 1.,  0.],     |             [ 0.,  1.]])     |           |      Accumulate along axis 0 (rows), down columns:     |           |      >>> np.add.accumulate(I, 0)     |      array([[ 1.,  0.],     |             [ 1.,  1.]])     |      >>> np.add.accumulate(I) # no axis specified = axis zero     |      array([[ 1.,  0.],     |             [ 1.,  1.]])     |           |      Accumulate along axis 1 (columns), through rows:     |           |      >>> np.add.accumulate(I, 1)     |      array([[ 1.,  1.],     |             [ 0.,  1.]])     |       |  at(...)     |      at(a, indices, b=None)     |           |      Performs unbuffered in place operation on operand 'a' for elements     |      specified by 'indices'. For addition ufunc, this method is equivalent to     |      `a[indices] += b`, except that results are accumulated for elements that     |      are indexed more than once. For example, `a[[0,0]] += 1` will only     |      increment the first element once because of buffering, whereas     |      `, [0,0], 1)` will increment the first element twice.     |           |      .. versionadded:: 1.8.0     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      a : array_like     |          The array to perform in place operation on.     |      indices : array_like or tuple     |          Array like index object or slice object for indexing into first     |          operand. If first operand has multiple dimensions, indices can be a     |          tuple of array like index objects or slice objects.     |      b : array_like     |          Second operand for ufuncs requiring two operands. Operand must be     |          broadcastable over first operand after indexing or slicing.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      Set items 0 and 1 to their negative values:     |           |      >>> a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])     |      >>>, [0, 1])     |      >>> print(a)     |      array([-1, -2, 3, 4])     |           |      ::     |           |      Increment items 0 and 1, and increment item 2 twice:     |           |      >>> a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])     |      >>>, [0, 1, 2, 2], 1)     |      >>> print(a)     |      array([2, 3, 5, 4])     |           |      ::     |           |      Add items 0 and 1 in first array to second array,     |      and store results in first array:     |           |      >>> a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])     |      >>> b = np.array([1, 2])     |      >>>, [0, 1], b)     |      >>> print(a)     |      array([2, 4, 3, 4])     |       |  outer(...)     |      outer(A, B)     |           |      Apply the ufunc `op` to all pairs (a, b) with a in `A` and b in `B`.     |           |      Let ``M = A.ndim``, ``N = B.ndim``. Then the result, `C`, of     |      ``op.outer(A, B)`` is an array of dimension M + N such that:     |           |      .. math:: C[i_0, ..., i_{M-1}, j_0, ..., j_{N-1}] =     |         op(A[i_0, ..., i_{M-1}], B[j_0, ..., j_{N-1}])     |           |      For `A` and `B` one-dimensional, this is equivalent to::     |           |        r = empty(len(A),len(B))     |        for i in range(len(A)):     |            for j in range(len(B)):     |                r[i,j] = op(A[i], B[j]) # op = ufunc in question     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      A : array_like     |          First array     |      B : array_like     |          Second array     |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      r : ndarray     |          Output array     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.outer     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> np.multiply.outer([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])     |      array([[ 4,  5,  6],     |             [ 8, 10, 12],     |             [12, 15, 18]])     |           |      A multi-dimensional example:     |           |      >>> A = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])     |      >>> A.shape     |      (2, 3)     |      >>> B = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4]])     |      >>> B.shape     |      (1, 4)     |      >>> C = np.multiply.outer(A, B)     |      >>> C.shape; C     |      (2, 3, 1, 4)     |      array([[[[ 1,  2,  3,  4]],     |              [[ 2,  4,  6,  8]],     |              [[ 3,  6,  9, 12]]],     |             [[[ 4,  8, 12, 16]],     |              [[ 5, 10, 15, 20]],     |              [[ 6, 12, 18, 24]]]])     |       |  reduce(...)     |      reduce(a, axis=0, dtype=None, out=None, keepdims=False)     |           |      Reduces `a`'s dimension by one, by applying ufunc along one axis.     |           |      Let :math:`a.shape = (N_0, ..., N_i, ..., N_{M-1})`.  Then     |      :math:`ufunc.reduce(a, axis=i)[k_0, ..,k_{i-1}, k_{i+1}, .., k_{M-1}]` =     |      the result of iterating `j` over :math:`range(N_i)`, cumulatively applying     |      ufunc to each :math:`a[k_0, ..,k_{i-1}, j, k_{i+1}, .., k_{M-1}]`.     |      For a one-dimensional array, reduce produces results equivalent to:     |      ::     |           |       r = op.identity # op = ufunc     |       for i in range(len(A)):     |         r = op(r, A[i])     |       return r     |           |      For example, add.reduce() is equivalent to sum().     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      a : array_like     |          The array to act on.     |      axis : None or int or tuple of ints, optional     |          Axis or axes along which a reduction is performed.     |          The default (`axis` = 0) is perform a reduction over the first     |          dimension of the input array. `axis` may be negative, in     |          which case it counts from the last to the first axis.     |           |          .. versionadded:: 1.7.0     |           |          If this is `None`, a reduction is performed over all the axes.     |          If this is a tuple of ints, a reduction is performed on multiple     |          axes, instead of a single axis or all the axes as before.     |           |          For operations which are either not commutative or not associative,     |          doing a reduction over multiple axes is not well-defined. The     |          ufuncs do not currently raise an exception in this case, but will     |          likely do so in the future.     |      dtype : data-type code, optional     |          The type used to represent the intermediate results. Defaults     |          to the data-type of the output array if this is provided, or     |          the data-type of the input array if no output array is provided.     |      out : ndarray, optional     |          A location into which the result is stored. If not provided, a     |          freshly-allocated array is returned.     |      keepdims : bool, optional     |          If this is set to True, the axes which are reduced are left     |          in the result as dimensions with size one. With this option,     |          the result will broadcast correctly against the original `arr`.     |           |          .. versionadded:: 1.7.0     |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      r : ndarray     |          The reduced array. If `out` was supplied, `r` is a reference to it.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> np.multiply.reduce([2,3,5])     |      30     |           |      A multi-dimensional array example:     |           |      >>> X = np.arange(8).reshape((2,2,2))     |      >>> X     |      array([[[0, 1],     |              [2, 3]],     |             [[4, 5],     |              [6, 7]]])     |      >>> np.add.reduce(X, 0)     |      array([[ 4,  6],     |             [ 8, 10]])     |      >>> np.add.reduce(X) # confirm: default axis value is 0     |      array([[ 4,  6],     |             [ 8, 10]])     |      >>> np.add.reduce(X, 1)     |      array([[ 2,  4],     |             [10, 12]])     |      >>> np.add.reduce(X, 2)     |      array([[ 1,  5],     |             [ 9, 13]])     |       |  reduceat(...)     |      reduceat(a, indices, axis=0, dtype=None, out=None)     |           |      Performs a (local) reduce with specified slices over a single axis.     |           |      For i in ``range(len(indices))``, `reduceat` computes     |      ``ufunc.reduce(a[indices[i]:indices[i+1]])``, which becomes the i-th     |      generalized "row" parallel to `axis` in the final result (i.e., in a     |      2-D array, for example, if `axis = 0`, it becomes the i-th row, but if     |      `axis = 1`, it becomes the i-th column).  There are three exceptions to this:     |           |      * when ``i = len(indices) - 1`` (so for the last index),     |        ``indices[i+1] = a.shape[axis]``.     |      * if ``indices[i] >= indices[i + 1]``, the i-th generalized "row" is     |        simply ``a[indices[i]]``.     |      * if ``indices[i] >= len(a)`` or ``indices[i] < 0``, an error is raised.     |           |      The shape of the output depends on the size of `indices`, and may be     |      larger than `a` (this happens if ``len(indices) > a.shape[axis]``).     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      a : array_like     |          The array to act on.     |      indices : array_like     |          Paired indices, comma separated (not colon), specifying slices to     |          reduce.     |      axis : int, optional     |          The axis along which to apply the reduceat.     |      dtype : data-type code, optional     |          The type used to represent the intermediate results. Defaults     |          to the data type of the output array if this is provided, or     |          the data type of the input array if no output array is provided.     |      out : ndarray, optional     |          A location into which the result is stored. If not provided a     |          freshly-allocated array is returned.     |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      r : ndarray     |          The reduced values. If `out` was supplied, `r` is a reference to     |          `out`.     |           |      Notes     |      -----     |      A descriptive example:     |           |      If `a` is 1-D, the function `ufunc.accumulate(a)` is the same as     |      ``ufunc.reduceat(a, indices)[::2]`` where `indices` is     |      ``range(len(array) - 1)`` with a zero placed     |      in every other element:     |      ``indices = zeros(2 * len(a) - 1)``, ``indices[1::2] = range(1, len(a))``.     |           |      Don't be fooled by this attribute's name: `reduceat(a)` is not     |      necessarily smaller than `a`.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      To take the running sum of four successive values:     |           |      >>> np.add.reduceat(np.arange(8),[0,4, 1,5, 2,6, 3,7])[::2]     |      array([ 6, 10, 14, 18])     |           |      A 2-D example:     |           |      >>> x = np.linspace(0, 15, 16).reshape(4,4)     |      >>> x     |      array([[  0.,   1.,   2.,   3.],     |             [  4.,   5.,   6.,   7.],     |             [  8.,   9.,  10.,  11.],     |             [ 12.,  13.,  14.,  15.]])     |           |      ::     |           |       # reduce such that the result has the following five rows:     |       # [row1 + row2 + row3]     |       # [row4]     |       # [row2]     |       # [row3]     |       # [row1 + row2 + row3 + row4]     |           |      >>> np.add.reduceat(x, [0, 3, 1, 2, 0])     |      array([[ 12.,  15.,  18.,  21.],     |             [ 12.,  13.,  14.,  15.],     |             [  4.,   5.,   6.,   7.],     |             [  8.,   9.,  10.,  11.],     |             [ 24.,  28.,  32.,  36.]])     |           |      ::     |           |       # reduce such that result has the following two columns:     |       # [col1 * col2 * col3, col4]     |           |      >>> np.multiply.reduceat(x, [0, 3], 1)     |      array([[    0.,     3.],     |             [  120.,     7.],     |             [  720.,    11.],     |             [ 2184.,    15.]])     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors defined here:     |       |  identity     |      The identity value.     |           |      Data attribute containing the identity element for the ufunc, if it has one.     |      If it does not, the attribute value is None.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> np.add.identity     |      0     |      >>> np.multiply.identity     |      1     |      >>> np.power.identity     |      1     |      >>> print np.exp.identity     |      None     |       |  nargs     |      The number of arguments.     |           |      Data attribute containing the number of arguments the ufunc takes, including     |      optional ones.     |           |      Notes     |      -----     |      Typically this value will be one more than what you might expect because all     |      ufuncs take  the optional "out" argument.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> np.add.nargs     |      3     |      >>> np.multiply.nargs     |      3     |      >>> np.power.nargs     |      3     |      >>> np.exp.nargs     |      2     |       |  nin     |      The number of inputs.     |           |      Data attribute containing the number of arguments the ufunc treats as input.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> np.add.nin     |      2     |      >>> np.multiply.nin     |      2     |      >>> np.power.nin     |      2     |      >>> np.exp.nin     |      1     |       |  nout     |      The number of outputs.     |           |      Data attribute containing the number of arguments the ufunc treats as output.     |           |      Notes     |      -----     |      Since all ufuncs can take output arguments, this will always be (at least) 1.     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> np.add.nout     |      1     |      >>> np.multiply.nout     |      1     |      >>> np.power.nout     |      1     |      >>> np.exp.nout     |      1     |       |  ntypes     |      The number of types.     |           |      The number of numerical NumPy types - of which there are 18 total - on which     |      the ufunc can operate.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.ufunc.types     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> np.add.ntypes     |      18     |      >>> np.multiply.ntypes     |      18     |      >>> np.power.ntypes     |      17     |      >>> np.exp.ntypes     |      7     |      >>> np.remainder.ntypes     |      14     |       |  signature     |       |  types     |      Returns a list with types grouped input->output.     |           |      Data attribute listing the data-type "Domain-Range" groupings the ufunc can     |      deliver. The data-types are given using the character codes.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      numpy.ufunc.ntypes     |           |      Examples     |      --------     |      >>> np.add.types     |      ['??->?', 'bb->b', 'BB->B', 'hh->h', 'HH->H', 'ii->i', 'II->I', 'll->l',     |      'LL->L', 'qq->q', 'QQ->Q', 'ff->f', 'dd->d', 'gg->g', 'FF->F', 'DD->D',     |      'GG->G', 'OO->O']     |           |      >>> np.multiply.types     |      ['??->?', 'bb->b', 'BB->B', 'hh->h', 'HH->H', 'ii->i', 'II->I', 'll->l',     |      'LL->L', 'qq->q', 'QQ->Q', 'ff->f', 'dd->d', 'gg->g', 'FF->F', 'DD->D',     |      'GG->G', 'OO->O']     |           |      >>> np.power.types     |      ['bb->b', 'BB->B', 'hh->h', 'HH->H', 'ii->i', 'II->I', 'll->l', 'LL->L',     |      'qq->q', 'QQ->Q', 'ff->f', 'dd->d', 'gg->g', 'FF->F', 'DD->D', 'GG->G',     |      'OO->O']     |           |      >>> np.exp.types     |      ['f->f', 'd->d', 'g->g', 'F->F', 'D->D', 'G->G', 'O->O']     |           |      >>> np.remainder.types     |      ['bb->b', 'BB->B', 'hh->h', 'HH->H', 'ii->i', 'II->I', 'll->l', 'LL->L',     |      'qq->q', 'QQ->Q', 'ff->f', 'dd->d', 'gg->g', 'OO->O']        uint = class uint32(unsignedinteger)     |  Method resolution order:     |      uint32     |      unsignedinteger     |      integer     |      number     |      generic     |      __builtin__.object     |       |  Methods defined here:     |       |  __eq__(...)     |      x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y     |       |  __ge__(...)     |      x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y     |       |  __gt__(...)     |      x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y     |       |  __hash__(...)     |      x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)     |       |  __index__(...)     |      x[y:z] <==> x[y.__index__():z.__index__()]     |       |  __le__(...)     |      x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y     |       |  __lt__(...)     |      x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y     |       |  __ne__(...)     |      x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data and other attributes defined here:     |       |  __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object>     |      T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from integer:     |       |  denominator     |      denominator of value (1)     |       |  numerator     |      numerator of value (the value itself)     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Methods inherited from generic:     |       |  __abs__(...)     |      x.__abs__() <==> abs(x)     |       |  __add__(...)     |      x.__add__(y) <==> x+y     |       |  __and__(...)     |      x.__and__(y) <==> x&y     |       |  __array__(...)     |      sc.__array__(|type) return 0-dim array     |       |  __array_wrap__(...)     |      sc.__array_wrap__(obj) return scalar from array     |       |  __copy__(...)     |       |  __deepcopy__(...)     |       |  __div__(...)     |      x.__div__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __divmod__(...)     |      x.__divmod__(y) <==> divmod(x, y)     |       |  __float__(...)     |      x.__float__() <==> float(x)     |       |  __floordiv__(...)     |      x.__floordiv__(y) <==> x//y     |       |  __format__(...)     |      NumPy array scalar formatter     |       |  __getitem__(...)     |      x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]     |       |  __hex__(...)     |      x.__hex__() <==> hex(x)     |       |  __int__(...)     |      x.__int__() <==> int(x)     |       |  __invert__(...)     |      x.__invert__() <==> ~x     |       |  __long__(...)     |      x.__long__() <==> long(x)     |       |  __lshift__(...)     |      x.__lshift__(y) <==> x<<y     |       |  __mod__(...)     |      x.__mod__(y) <==> x%y     |       |  __mul__(...)     |      x.__mul__(y) <==> x*y     |       |  __neg__(...)     |      x.__neg__() <==> -x     |       |  __nonzero__(...)     |      x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0     |       |  __oct__(...)     |      x.__oct__() <==> oct(x)     |       |  __or__(...)     |      x.__or__(y) <==> x|y     |       |  __pos__(...)     |      x.__pos__() <==> +x     |       |  __pow__(...)     |      x.__pow__(y[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __radd__(...)     |      x.__radd__(y) <==> y+x     |       |  __rand__(...)     |      x.__rand__(y) <==> y&x     |       |  __rdiv__(...)     |      x.__rdiv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rdivmod__(...)     |      x.__rdivmod__(y) <==> divmod(y, x)     |       |  __reduce__(...)     |       |  __repr__(...)     |      x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)     |       |  __rfloordiv__(...)     |      x.__rfloordiv__(y) <==> y//x     |       |  __rlshift__(...)     |      x.__rlshift__(y) <==> y<<x     |       |  __rmod__(...)     |      x.__rmod__(y) <==> y%x     |       |  __rmul__(...)     |      x.__rmul__(y) <==> y*x     |       |  __ror__(...)     |      x.__ror__(y) <==> y|x     |       |  __rpow__(...)     |      y.__rpow__(x[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __rrshift__(...)     |      x.__rrshift__(y) <==> y>>x     |       |  __rshift__(...)     |      x.__rshift__(y) <==> x>>y     |       |  __rsub__(...)     |      x.__rsub__(y) <==> y-x     |       |  __rtruediv__(...)     |      x.__rtruediv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rxor__(...)     |      x.__rxor__(y) <==> y^x     |       |  __setstate__(...)     |       |  __sizeof__(...)     |       |  __str__(...)     |      x.__str__() <==> str(x)     |       |  __sub__(...)     |      x.__sub__(y) <==> x-y     |       |  __truediv__(...)     |      x.__truediv__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __xor__(...)     |      x.__xor__(y) <==> x^y     |       |  all(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  any(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmax(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmin(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argsort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  astype(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  byteswap(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  choose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  clip(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  compress(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  conj(...)     |       |  conjugate(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  copy(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumprod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumsum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  diagonal(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dump(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dumps(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  fill(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  flatten(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  getfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  item(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  itemset(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  max(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  mean(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  min(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  newbyteorder(...)     |      newbyteorder(new_order='S')     |           |      Return a new `dtype` with a different byte order.     |           |      Changes are also made in all fields and sub-arrays of the data type.     |           |      The `new_order` code can be any from the following:     |           |      * 'S' - swap dtype from current to opposite endian     |      * {'<', 'L'} - little endian     |      * {'>', 'B'} - big endian     |      * {'=', 'N'} - native order     |      * {'|', 'I'} - ignore (no change to byte order)     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      new_order : str, optional     |          Byte order to force; a value from the byte order specifications     |          above.  The default value ('S') results in swapping the current     |          byte order. The code does a case-insensitive check on the first     |          letter of `new_order` for the alternatives above.  For example,     |          any of 'B' or 'b' or 'biggish' are valid to specify big-endian.     |           |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      new_dtype : dtype     |          New `dtype` object with the given change to the byte order.     |       |  nonzero(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  prod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ptp(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  put(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ravel(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  repeat(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  reshape(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  resize(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  round(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  searchsorted(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setflags(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  squeeze(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  std(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  swapaxes(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  take(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tobytes(...)     |       |  tofile(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tolist(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tostring(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  trace(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  transpose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  var(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  view(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from generic:     |       |  T     |      transpose     |       |  __array_interface__     |      Array protocol: Python side     |       |  __array_priority__     |      Array priority.     |       |  __array_struct__     |      Array protocol: struct     |       |  base     |      base object     |       |  data     |      pointer to start of data     |       |  dtype     |      get array data-descriptor     |       |  flags     |      integer value of flags     |       |  flat     |      a 1-d view of scalar     |       |  imag     |      imaginary part of scalar     |       |  itemsize     |      length of one element in bytes     |       |  nbytes     |      length of item in bytes     |       |  ndim     |      number of array dimensions     |       |  real     |      real part of scalar     |       |  shape     |      tuple of array dimensions     |       |  size     |      number of elements in the gentype     |       |  strides     |      tuple of bytes steps in each dimension        uint0 = class uint64(unsignedinteger)     |  Method resolution order:     |      uint64     |      unsignedinteger     |      integer     |      number     |      generic     |      __builtin__.object     |       |  Methods defined here:     |       |  __eq__(...)     |      x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y     |       |  __ge__(...)     |      x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y     |       |  __gt__(...)     |      x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y     |       |  __hash__(...)     |      x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)     |       |  __index__(...)     |      x[y:z] <==> x[y.__index__():z.__index__()]     |       |  __le__(...)     |      x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y     |       |  __lt__(...)     |      x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y     |       |  __ne__(...)     |      x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data and other attributes defined here:     |       |  __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object>     |      T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from integer:     |       |  denominator     |      denominator of value (1)     |       |  numerator     |      numerator of value (the value itself)     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Methods inherited from generic:     |       |  __abs__(...)     |      x.__abs__() <==> abs(x)     |       |  __add__(...)     |      x.__add__(y) <==> x+y     |       |  __and__(...)     |      x.__and__(y) <==> x&y     |       |  __array__(...)     |      sc.__array__(|type) return 0-dim array     |       |  __array_wrap__(...)     |      sc.__array_wrap__(obj) return scalar from array     |       |  __copy__(...)     |       |  __deepcopy__(...)     |       |  __div__(...)     |      x.__div__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __divmod__(...)     |      x.__divmod__(y) <==> divmod(x, y)     |       |  __float__(...)     |      x.__float__() <==> float(x)     |       |  __floordiv__(...)     |      x.__floordiv__(y) <==> x//y     |       |  __format__(...)     |      NumPy array scalar formatter     |       |  __getitem__(...)     |      x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]     |       |  __hex__(...)     |      x.__hex__() <==> hex(x)     |       |  __int__(...)     |      x.__int__() <==> int(x)     |       |  __invert__(...)     |      x.__invert__() <==> ~x     |       |  __long__(...)     |      x.__long__() <==> long(x)     |       |  __lshift__(...)     |      x.__lshift__(y) <==> x<<y     |       |  __mod__(...)     |      x.__mod__(y) <==> x%y     |       |  __mul__(...)     |      x.__mul__(y) <==> x*y     |       |  __neg__(...)     |      x.__neg__() <==> -x     |       |  __nonzero__(...)     |      x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0     |       |  __oct__(...)     |      x.__oct__() <==> oct(x)     |       |  __or__(...)     |      x.__or__(y) <==> x|y     |       |  __pos__(...)     |      x.__pos__() <==> +x     |       |  __pow__(...)     |      x.__pow__(y[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __radd__(...)     |      x.__radd__(y) <==> y+x     |       |  __rand__(...)     |      x.__rand__(y) <==> y&x     |       |  __rdiv__(...)     |      x.__rdiv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rdivmod__(...)     |      x.__rdivmod__(y) <==> divmod(y, x)     |       |  __reduce__(...)     |       |  __repr__(...)     |      x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)     |       |  __rfloordiv__(...)     |      x.__rfloordiv__(y) <==> y//x     |       |  __rlshift__(...)     |      x.__rlshift__(y) <==> y<<x     |       |  __rmod__(...)     |      x.__rmod__(y) <==> y%x     |       |  __rmul__(...)     |      x.__rmul__(y) <==> y*x     |       |  __ror__(...)     |      x.__ror__(y) <==> y|x     |       |  __rpow__(...)     |      y.__rpow__(x[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __rrshift__(...)     |      x.__rrshift__(y) <==> y>>x     |       |  __rshift__(...)     |      x.__rshift__(y) <==> x>>y     |       |  __rsub__(...)     |      x.__rsub__(y) <==> y-x     |       |  __rtruediv__(...)     |      x.__rtruediv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rxor__(...)     |      x.__rxor__(y) <==> y^x     |       |  __setstate__(...)     |       |  __sizeof__(...)     |       |  __str__(...)     |      x.__str__() <==> str(x)     |       |  __sub__(...)     |      x.__sub__(y) <==> x-y     |       |  __truediv__(...)     |      x.__truediv__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __xor__(...)     |      x.__xor__(y) <==> x^y     |       |  all(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  any(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmax(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmin(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argsort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  astype(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  byteswap(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  choose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  clip(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  compress(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  conj(...)     |       |  conjugate(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  copy(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumprod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumsum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  diagonal(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dump(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dumps(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  fill(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  flatten(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  getfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  item(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  itemset(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  max(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  mean(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  min(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  newbyteorder(...)     |      newbyteorder(new_order='S')     |           |      Return a new `dtype` with a different byte order.     |           |      Changes are also made in all fields and sub-arrays of the data type.     |           |      The `new_order` code can be any from the following:     |           |      * 'S' - swap dtype from current to opposite endian     |      * {'<', 'L'} - little endian     |      * {'>', 'B'} - big endian     |      * {'=', 'N'} - native order     |      * {'|', 'I'} - ignore (no change to byte order)     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      new_order : str, optional     |          Byte order to force; a value from the byte order specifications     |          above.  The default value ('S') results in swapping the current     |          byte order. The code does a case-insensitive check on the first     |          letter of `new_order` for the alternatives above.  For example,     |          any of 'B' or 'b' or 'biggish' are valid to specify big-endian.     |           |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      new_dtype : dtype     |          New `dtype` object with the given change to the byte order.     |       |  nonzero(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  prod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ptp(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  put(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ravel(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  repeat(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  reshape(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  resize(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  round(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  searchsorted(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setflags(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  squeeze(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  std(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  swapaxes(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  take(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tobytes(...)     |       |  tofile(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tolist(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tostring(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  trace(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  transpose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  var(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  view(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from generic:     |       |  T     |      transpose     |       |  __array_interface__     |      Array protocol: Python side     |       |  __array_priority__     |      Array priority.     |       |  __array_struct__     |      Array protocol: struct     |       |  base     |      base object     |       |  data     |      pointer to start of data     |       |  dtype     |      get array data-descriptor     |       |  flags     |      integer value of flags     |       |  flat     |      a 1-d view of scalar     |       |  imag     |      imaginary part of scalar     |       |  itemsize     |      length of one element in bytes     |       |  nbytes     |      length of item in bytes     |       |  ndim     |      number of array dimensions     |       |  real     |      real part of scalar     |       |  shape     |      tuple of array dimensions     |       |  size     |      number of elements in the gentype     |       |  strides     |      tuple of bytes steps in each dimension        class uint16(unsignedinteger)     |  Method resolution order:     |      uint16     |      unsignedinteger     |      integer     |      number     |      generic     |      __builtin__.object     |       |  Methods defined here:     |       |  __eq__(...)     |      x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y     |       |  __ge__(...)     |      x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y     |       |  __gt__(...)     |      x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y     |       |  __hash__(...)     |      x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)     |       |  __index__(...)     |      x[y:z] <==> x[y.__index__():z.__index__()]     |       |  __le__(...)     |      x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y     |       |  __lt__(...)     |      x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y     |       |  __ne__(...)     |      x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data and other attributes defined here:     |       |  __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object>     |      T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from integer:     |       |  denominator     |      denominator of value (1)     |       |  numerator     |      numerator of value (the value itself)     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Methods inherited from generic:     |       |  __abs__(...)     |      x.__abs__() <==> abs(x)     |       |  __add__(...)     |      x.__add__(y) <==> x+y     |       |  __and__(...)     |      x.__and__(y) <==> x&y     |       |  __array__(...)     |      sc.__array__(|type) return 0-dim array     |       |  __array_wrap__(...)     |      sc.__array_wrap__(obj) return scalar from array     |       |  __copy__(...)     |       |  __deepcopy__(...)     |       |  __div__(...)     |      x.__div__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __divmod__(...)     |      x.__divmod__(y) <==> divmod(x, y)     |       |  __float__(...)     |      x.__float__() <==> float(x)     |       |  __floordiv__(...)     |      x.__floordiv__(y) <==> x//y     |       |  __format__(...)     |      NumPy array scalar formatter     |       |  __getitem__(...)     |      x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]     |       |  __hex__(...)     |      x.__hex__() <==> hex(x)     |       |  __int__(...)     |      x.__int__() <==> int(x)     |       |  __invert__(...)     |      x.__invert__() <==> ~x     |       |  __long__(...)     |      x.__long__() <==> long(x)     |       |  __lshift__(...)     |      x.__lshift__(y) <==> x<<y     |       |  __mod__(...)     |      x.__mod__(y) <==> x%y     |       |  __mul__(...)     |      x.__mul__(y) <==> x*y     |       |  __neg__(...)     |      x.__neg__() <==> -x     |       |  __nonzero__(...)     |      x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0     |       |  __oct__(...)     |      x.__oct__() <==> oct(x)     |       |  __or__(...)     |      x.__or__(y) <==> x|y     |       |  __pos__(...)     |      x.__pos__() <==> +x     |       |  __pow__(...)     |      x.__pow__(y[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __radd__(...)     |      x.__radd__(y) <==> y+x     |       |  __rand__(...)     |      x.__rand__(y) <==> y&x     |       |  __rdiv__(...)     |      x.__rdiv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rdivmod__(...)     |      x.__rdivmod__(y) <==> divmod(y, x)     |       |  __reduce__(...)     |       |  __repr__(...)     |      x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)     |       |  __rfloordiv__(...)     |      x.__rfloordiv__(y) <==> y//x     |       |  __rlshift__(...)     |      x.__rlshift__(y) <==> y<<x     |       |  __rmod__(...)     |      x.__rmod__(y) <==> y%x     |       |  __rmul__(...)     |      x.__rmul__(y) <==> y*x     |       |  __ror__(...)     |      x.__ror__(y) <==> y|x     |       |  __rpow__(...)     |      y.__rpow__(x[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __rrshift__(...)     |      x.__rrshift__(y) <==> y>>x     |       |  __rshift__(...)     |      x.__rshift__(y) <==> x>>y     |       |  __rsub__(...)     |      x.__rsub__(y) <==> y-x     |       |  __rtruediv__(...)     |      x.__rtruediv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rxor__(...)     |      x.__rxor__(y) <==> y^x     |       |  __setstate__(...)     |       |  __sizeof__(...)     |       |  __str__(...)     |      x.__str__() <==> str(x)     |       |  __sub__(...)     |      x.__sub__(y) <==> x-y     |       |  __truediv__(...)     |      x.__truediv__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __xor__(...)     |      x.__xor__(y) <==> x^y     |       |  all(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  any(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmax(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmin(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argsort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  astype(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  byteswap(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  choose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  clip(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  compress(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  conj(...)     |       |  conjugate(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  copy(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumprod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumsum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  diagonal(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dump(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dumps(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  fill(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  flatten(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  getfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  item(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  itemset(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  max(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  mean(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  min(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  newbyteorder(...)     |      newbyteorder(new_order='S')     |           |      Return a new `dtype` with a different byte order.     |           |      Changes are also made in all fields and sub-arrays of the data type.     |           |      The `new_order` code can be any from the following:     |           |      * 'S' - swap dtype from current to opposite endian     |      * {'<', 'L'} - little endian     |      * {'>', 'B'} - big endian     |      * {'=', 'N'} - native order     |      * {'|', 'I'} - ignore (no change to byte order)     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      new_order : str, optional     |          Byte order to force; a value from the byte order specifications     |          above.  The default value ('S') results in swapping the current     |          byte order. The code does a case-insensitive check on the first     |          letter of `new_order` for the alternatives above.  For example,     |          any of 'B' or 'b' or 'biggish' are valid to specify big-endian.     |           |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      new_dtype : dtype     |          New `dtype` object with the given change to the byte order.     |       |  nonzero(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  prod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ptp(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  put(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ravel(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  repeat(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  reshape(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  resize(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  round(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  searchsorted(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setflags(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  squeeze(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  std(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  swapaxes(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  take(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tobytes(...)     |       |  tofile(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tolist(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tostring(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  trace(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  transpose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  var(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  view(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from generic:     |       |  T     |      transpose     |       |  __array_interface__     |      Array protocol: Python side     |       |  __array_priority__     |      Array priority.     |       |  __array_struct__     |      Array protocol: struct     |       |  base     |      base object     |       |  data     |      pointer to start of data     |       |  dtype     |      get array data-descriptor     |       |  flags     |      integer value of flags     |       |  flat     |      a 1-d view of scalar     |       |  imag     |      imaginary part of scalar     |       |  itemsize     |      length of one element in bytes     |       |  nbytes     |      length of item in bytes     |       |  ndim     |      number of array dimensions     |       |  real     |      real part of scalar     |       |  shape     |      tuple of array dimensions     |       |  size     |      number of elements in the gentype     |       |  strides     |      tuple of bytes steps in each dimension        class uint32(unsignedinteger)     |  Method resolution order:     |      uint32     |      unsignedinteger     |      integer     |      number     |      generic     |      __builtin__.object     |       |  Methods defined here:     |       |  __eq__(...)     |      x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y     |       |  __ge__(...)     |      x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y     |       |  __gt__(...)     |      x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y     |       |  __hash__(...)     |      x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)     |       |  __index__(...)     |      x[y:z] <==> x[y.__index__():z.__index__()]     |       |  __le__(...)     |      x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y     |       |  __lt__(...)     |      x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y     |       |  __ne__(...)     |      x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data and other attributes defined here:     |       |  __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object>     |      T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from integer:     |       |  denominator     |      denominator of value (1)     |       |  numerator     |      numerator of value (the value itself)     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Methods inherited from generic:     |       |  __abs__(...)     |      x.__abs__() <==> abs(x)     |       |  __add__(...)     |      x.__add__(y) <==> x+y     |       |  __and__(...)     |      x.__and__(y) <==> x&y     |       |  __array__(...)     |      sc.__array__(|type) return 0-dim array     |       |  __array_wrap__(...)     |      sc.__array_wrap__(obj) return scalar from array     |       |  __copy__(...)     |       |  __deepcopy__(...)     |       |  __div__(...)     |      x.__div__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __divmod__(...)     |      x.__divmod__(y) <==> divmod(x, y)     |       |  __float__(...)     |      x.__float__() <==> float(x)     |       |  __floordiv__(...)     |      x.__floordiv__(y) <==> x//y     |       |  __format__(...)     |      NumPy array scalar formatter     |       |  __getitem__(...)     |      x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]     |       |  __hex__(...)     |      x.__hex__() <==> hex(x)     |       |  __int__(...)     |      x.__int__() <==> int(x)     |       |  __invert__(...)     |      x.__invert__() <==> ~x     |       |  __long__(...)     |      x.__long__() <==> long(x)     |       |  __lshift__(...)     |      x.__lshift__(y) <==> x<<y     |       |  __mod__(...)     |      x.__mod__(y) <==> x%y     |       |  __mul__(...)     |      x.__mul__(y) <==> x*y     |       |  __neg__(...)     |      x.__neg__() <==> -x     |       |  __nonzero__(...)     |      x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0     |       |  __oct__(...)     |      x.__oct__() <==> oct(x)     |       |  __or__(...)     |      x.__or__(y) <==> x|y     |       |  __pos__(...)     |      x.__pos__() <==> +x     |       |  __pow__(...)     |      x.__pow__(y[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __radd__(...)     |      x.__radd__(y) <==> y+x     |       |  __rand__(...)     |      x.__rand__(y) <==> y&x     |       |  __rdiv__(...)     |      x.__rdiv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rdivmod__(...)     |      x.__rdivmod__(y) <==> divmod(y, x)     |       |  __reduce__(...)     |       |  __repr__(...)     |      x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)     |       |  __rfloordiv__(...)     |      x.__rfloordiv__(y) <==> y//x     |       |  __rlshift__(...)     |      x.__rlshift__(y) <==> y<<x     |       |  __rmod__(...)     |      x.__rmod__(y) <==> y%x     |       |  __rmul__(...)     |      x.__rmul__(y) <==> y*x     |       |  __ror__(...)     |      x.__ror__(y) <==> y|x     |       |  __rpow__(...)     |      y.__rpow__(x[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __rrshift__(...)     |      x.__rrshift__(y) <==> y>>x     |       |  __rshift__(...)     |      x.__rshift__(y) <==> x>>y     |       |  __rsub__(...)     |      x.__rsub__(y) <==> y-x     |       |  __rtruediv__(...)     |      x.__rtruediv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rxor__(...)     |      x.__rxor__(y) <==> y^x     |       |  __setstate__(...)     |       |  __sizeof__(...)     |       |  __str__(...)     |      x.__str__() <==> str(x)     |       |  __sub__(...)     |      x.__sub__(y) <==> x-y     |       |  __truediv__(...)     |      x.__truediv__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __xor__(...)     |      x.__xor__(y) <==> x^y     |       |  all(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  any(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmax(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmin(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argsort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  astype(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  byteswap(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  choose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  clip(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  compress(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  conj(...)     |       |  conjugate(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  copy(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumprod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumsum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  diagonal(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dump(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dumps(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  fill(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  flatten(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  getfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  item(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  itemset(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  max(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  mean(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  min(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  newbyteorder(...)     |      newbyteorder(new_order='S')     |           |      Return a new `dtype` with a different byte order.     |           |      Changes are also made in all fields and sub-arrays of the data type.     |           |      The `new_order` code can be any from the following:     |           |      * 'S' - swap dtype from current to opposite endian     |      * {'<', 'L'} - little endian     |      * {'>', 'B'} - big endian     |      * {'=', 'N'} - native order     |      * {'|', 'I'} - ignore (no change to byte order)     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      new_order : str, optional     |          Byte order to force; a value from the byte order specifications     |          above.  The default value ('S') results in swapping the current     |          byte order. The code does a case-insensitive check on the first     |          letter of `new_order` for the alternatives above.  For example,     |          any of 'B' or 'b' or 'biggish' are valid to specify big-endian.     |           |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      new_dtype : dtype     |          New `dtype` object with the given change to the byte order.     |       |  nonzero(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  prod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ptp(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  put(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ravel(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  repeat(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  reshape(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  resize(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  round(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  searchsorted(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setflags(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  squeeze(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  std(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  swapaxes(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  take(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tobytes(...)     |       |  tofile(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tolist(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tostring(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  trace(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  transpose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  var(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  view(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from generic:     |       |  T     |      transpose     |       |  __array_interface__     |      Array protocol: Python side     |       |  __array_priority__     |      Array priority.     |       |  __array_struct__     |      Array protocol: struct     |       |  base     |      base object     |       |  data     |      pointer to start of data     |       |  dtype     |      get array data-descriptor     |       |  flags     |      integer value of flags     |       |  flat     |      a 1-d view of scalar     |       |  imag     |      imaginary part of scalar     |       |  itemsize     |      length of one element in bytes     |       |  nbytes     |      length of item in bytes     |       |  ndim     |      number of array dimensions     |       |  real     |      real part of scalar     |       |  shape     |      tuple of array dimensions     |       |  size     |      number of elements in the gentype     |       |  strides     |      tuple of bytes steps in each dimension        class uint64(unsignedinteger)     |  Method resolution order:     |      uint64     |      unsignedinteger     |      integer     |      number     |      generic     |      __builtin__.object     |       |  Methods defined here:     |       |  __eq__(...)     |      x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y     |       |  __ge__(...)     |      x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y     |       |  __gt__(...)     |      x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y     |       |  __hash__(...)     |      x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)     |       |  __index__(...)     |      x[y:z] <==> x[y.__index__():z.__index__()]     |       |  __le__(...)     |      x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y     |       |  __lt__(...)     |      x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y     |       |  __ne__(...)     |      x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data and other attributes defined here:     |       |  __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object>     |      T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from integer:     |       |  denominator     |      denominator of value (1)     |       |  numerator     |      numerator of value (the value itself)     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Methods inherited from generic:     |       |  __abs__(...)     |      x.__abs__() <==> abs(x)     |       |  __add__(...)     |      x.__add__(y) <==> x+y     |       |  __and__(...)     |      x.__and__(y) <==> x&y     |       |  __array__(...)     |      sc.__array__(|type) return 0-dim array     |       |  __array_wrap__(...)     |      sc.__array_wrap__(obj) return scalar from array     |       |  __copy__(...)     |       |  __deepcopy__(...)     |       |  __div__(...)     |      x.__div__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __divmod__(...)     |      x.__divmod__(y) <==> divmod(x, y)     |       |  __float__(...)     |      x.__float__() <==> float(x)     |       |  __floordiv__(...)     |      x.__floordiv__(y) <==> x//y     |       |  __format__(...)     |      NumPy array scalar formatter     |       |  __getitem__(...)     |      x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]     |       |  __hex__(...)     |      x.__hex__() <==> hex(x)     |       |  __int__(...)     |      x.__int__() <==> int(x)     |       |  __invert__(...)     |      x.__invert__() <==> ~x     |       |  __long__(...)     |      x.__long__() <==> long(x)     |       |  __lshift__(...)     |      x.__lshift__(y) <==> x<<y     |       |  __mod__(...)     |      x.__mod__(y) <==> x%y     |       |  __mul__(...)     |      x.__mul__(y) <==> x*y     |       |  __neg__(...)     |      x.__neg__() <==> -x     |       |  __nonzero__(...)     |      x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0     |       |  __oct__(...)     |      x.__oct__() <==> oct(x)     |       |  __or__(...)     |      x.__or__(y) <==> x|y     |       |  __pos__(...)     |      x.__pos__() <==> +x     |       |  __pow__(...)     |      x.__pow__(y[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __radd__(...)     |      x.__radd__(y) <==> y+x     |       |  __rand__(...)     |      x.__rand__(y) <==> y&x     |       |  __rdiv__(...)     |      x.__rdiv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rdivmod__(...)     |      x.__rdivmod__(y) <==> divmod(y, x)     |       |  __reduce__(...)     |       |  __repr__(...)     |      x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)     |       |  __rfloordiv__(...)     |      x.__rfloordiv__(y) <==> y//x     |       |  __rlshift__(...)     |      x.__rlshift__(y) <==> y<<x     |       |  __rmod__(...)     |      x.__rmod__(y) <==> y%x     |       |  __rmul__(...)     |      x.__rmul__(y) <==> y*x     |       |  __ror__(...)     |      x.__ror__(y) <==> y|x     |       |  __rpow__(...)     |      y.__rpow__(x[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __rrshift__(...)     |      x.__rrshift__(y) <==> y>>x     |       |  __rshift__(...)     |      x.__rshift__(y) <==> x>>y     |       |  __rsub__(...)     |      x.__rsub__(y) <==> y-x     |       |  __rtruediv__(...)     |      x.__rtruediv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rxor__(...)     |      x.__rxor__(y) <==> y^x     |       |  __setstate__(...)     |       |  __sizeof__(...)     |       |  __str__(...)     |      x.__str__() <==> str(x)     |       |  __sub__(...)     |      x.__sub__(y) <==> x-y     |       |  __truediv__(...)     |      x.__truediv__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __xor__(...)     |      x.__xor__(y) <==> x^y     |       |  all(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  any(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmax(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmin(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argsort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  astype(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  byteswap(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  choose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  clip(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  compress(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  conj(...)     |       |  conjugate(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  copy(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumprod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumsum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  diagonal(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dump(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dumps(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  fill(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  flatten(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  getfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  item(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  itemset(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  max(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  mean(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  min(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  newbyteorder(...)     |      newbyteorder(new_order='S')     |           |      Return a new `dtype` with a different byte order.     |           |      Changes are also made in all fields and sub-arrays of the data type.     |           |      The `new_order` code can be any from the following:     |           |      * 'S' - swap dtype from current to opposite endian     |      * {'<', 'L'} - little endian     |      * {'>', 'B'} - big endian     |      * {'=', 'N'} - native order     |      * {'|', 'I'} - ignore (no change to byte order)     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      new_order : str, optional     |          Byte order to force; a value from the byte order specifications     |          above.  The default value ('S') results in swapping the current     |          byte order. The code does a case-insensitive check on the first     |          letter of `new_order` for the alternatives above.  For example,     |          any of 'B' or 'b' or 'biggish' are valid to specify big-endian.     |           |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      new_dtype : dtype     |          New `dtype` object with the given change to the byte order.     |       |  nonzero(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  prod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ptp(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  put(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ravel(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  repeat(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  reshape(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  resize(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  round(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  searchsorted(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setflags(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  squeeze(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  std(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  swapaxes(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  take(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tobytes(...)     |       |  tofile(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tolist(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tostring(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  trace(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  transpose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  var(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  view(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from generic:     |       |  T     |      transpose     |       |  __array_interface__     |      Array protocol: Python side     |       |  __array_priority__     |      Array priority.     |       |  __array_struct__     |      Array protocol: struct     |       |  base     |      base object     |       |  data     |      pointer to start of data     |       |  dtype     |      get array data-descriptor     |       |  flags     |      integer value of flags     |       |  flat     |      a 1-d view of scalar     |       |  imag     |      imaginary part of scalar     |       |  itemsize     |      length of one element in bytes     |       |  nbytes     |      length of item in bytes     |       |  ndim     |      number of array dimensions     |       |  real     |      real part of scalar     |       |  shape     |      tuple of array dimensions     |       |  size     |      number of elements in the gentype     |       |  strides     |      tuple of bytes steps in each dimension        class uint8(unsignedinteger)     |  Method resolution order:     |      uint8     |      unsignedinteger     |      integer     |      number     |      generic     |      __builtin__.object     |       |  Methods defined here:     |       |  __eq__(...)     |      x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y     |       |  __ge__(...)     |      x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y     |       |  __gt__(...)     |      x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y     |       |  __hash__(...)     |      x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)     |       |  __index__(...)     |      x[y:z] <==> x[y.__index__():z.__index__()]     |       |  __le__(...)     |      x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y     |       |  __lt__(...)     |      x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y     |       |  __ne__(...)     |      x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data and other attributes defined here:     |       |  __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object>     |      T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from integer:     |       |  denominator     |      denominator of value (1)     |       |  numerator     |      numerator of value (the value itself)     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Methods inherited from generic:     |       |  __abs__(...)     |      x.__abs__() <==> abs(x)     |       |  __add__(...)     |      x.__add__(y) <==> x+y     |       |  __and__(...)     |      x.__and__(y) <==> x&y     |       |  __array__(...)     |      sc.__array__(|type) return 0-dim array     |       |  __array_wrap__(...)     |      sc.__array_wrap__(obj) return scalar from array     |       |  __copy__(...)     |       |  __deepcopy__(...)     |       |  __div__(...)     |      x.__div__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __divmod__(...)     |      x.__divmod__(y) <==> divmod(x, y)     |       |  __float__(...)     |      x.__float__() <==> float(x)     |       |  __floordiv__(...)     |      x.__floordiv__(y) <==> x//y     |       |  __format__(...)     |      NumPy array scalar formatter     |       |  __getitem__(...)     |      x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]     |       |  __hex__(...)     |      x.__hex__() <==> hex(x)     |       |  __int__(...)     |      x.__int__() <==> int(x)     |       |  __invert__(...)     |      x.__invert__() <==> ~x     |       |  __long__(...)     |      x.__long__() <==> long(x)     |       |  __lshift__(...)     |      x.__lshift__(y) <==> x<<y     |       |  __mod__(...)     |      x.__mod__(y) <==> x%y     |       |  __mul__(...)     |      x.__mul__(y) <==> x*y     |       |  __neg__(...)     |      x.__neg__() <==> -x     |       |  __nonzero__(...)     |      x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0     |       |  __oct__(...)     |      x.__oct__() <==> oct(x)     |       |  __or__(...)     |      x.__or__(y) <==> x|y     |       |  __pos__(...)     |      x.__pos__() <==> +x     |       |  __pow__(...)     |      x.__pow__(y[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __radd__(...)     |      x.__radd__(y) <==> y+x     |       |  __rand__(...)     |      x.__rand__(y) <==> y&x     |       |  __rdiv__(...)     |      x.__rdiv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rdivmod__(...)     |      x.__rdivmod__(y) <==> divmod(y, x)     |       |  __reduce__(...)     |       |  __repr__(...)     |      x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)     |       |  __rfloordiv__(...)     |      x.__rfloordiv__(y) <==> y//x     |       |  __rlshift__(...)     |      x.__rlshift__(y) <==> y<<x     |       |  __rmod__(...)     |      x.__rmod__(y) <==> y%x     |       |  __rmul__(...)     |      x.__rmul__(y) <==> y*x     |       |  __ror__(...)     |      x.__ror__(y) <==> y|x     |       |  __rpow__(...)     |      y.__rpow__(x[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])     |       |  __rrshift__(...)     |      x.__rrshift__(y) <==> y>>x     |       |  __rshift__(...)     |      x.__rshift__(y) <==> x>>y     |       |  __rsub__(...)     |      x.__rsub__(y) <==> y-x     |       |  __rtruediv__(...)     |      x.__rtruediv__(y) <==> y/x     |       |  __rxor__(...)     |      x.__rxor__(y) <==> y^x     |       |  __setstate__(...)     |       |  __sizeof__(...)     |       |  __str__(...)     |      x.__str__() <==> str(x)     |       |  __sub__(...)     |      x.__sub__(y) <==> x-y     |       |  __truediv__(...)     |      x.__truediv__(y) <==> x/y     |       |  __xor__(...)     |      x.__xor__(y) <==> x^y     |       |  all(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  any(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmax(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argmin(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  argsort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  astype(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  byteswap(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  choose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  clip(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  compress(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  conj(...)     |       |  conjugate(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  copy(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumprod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  cumsum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  diagonal(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dump(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  dumps(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  fill(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  flatten(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  getfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  item(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  itemset(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  max(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  mean(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  min(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  newbyteorder(...)     |      newbyteorder(new_order='S')     |           |      Return a new `dtype` with a different byte order.     |           |      Changes are also made in all fields and sub-arrays of the data type.     |           |      The `new_order` code can be any from the following:     |           |      * 'S' - swap dtype from current to opposite endian     |      * {'<', 'L'} - little endian     |      * {'>', 'B'} - big endian     |      * {'=', 'N'} - native order     |      * {'|', 'I'} - ignore (no change to byte order)     |           |      Parameters     |      ----------     |      new_order : str, optional     |          Byte order to force; a value from the byte order specifications     |          above.  The default value ('S') results in swapping the current     |          byte order. The code does a case-insensitive check on the first     |          letter of `new_order` for the alternatives above.  For example,     |          any of 'B' or 'b' or 'biggish' are valid to specify big-endian.     |           |           |      Returns     |      -------     |      new_dtype : dtype     |          New `dtype` object with the given change to the byte order.     |       |  nonzero(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  prod(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ptp(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  put(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ravel(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  repeat(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  reshape(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  resize(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  round(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  searchsorted(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setfield(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  setflags(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class so as to     |      provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sort(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  squeeze(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  std(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  sum(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  swapaxes(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  take(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tobytes(...)     |       |  tofile(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tolist(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  tostring(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  trace(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  transpose(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  var(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  view(...)     |      Not implemented (virtual attribute)     |           |      Class generic exists solely to derive numpy scalars from, and possesses,     |      albeit unimplemented, all the attributes of the ndarray class     |      so as to provide a uniform API.     |           |      See Also     |      --------     |      The corresponding attribute of the derived class of interest.     |       |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------     |  Data descriptors inherited from generic:     |       |  T     |      transpose     |       |  __array_interface__     |      Array protocol: Python side     |       |  __array_priority__     |      Array priority.     |       |  __array_struct__     |      Array protocol: struct     |       |  base     |      base object     |       |  data     |      pointer to start of data     |       |  dtype     |      get array data-descriptor     |       |  flags     |      integer value of flags     |       |  flat     |      a 1-d view of scalar     |       |  imag     |      imaginary part of scalar     |       |  itemsize     |      length of one element in bytes     |       |  nbytes     |      length of item in bytes     |       |  ndim     |      number of array dimensions     |       |  real     |      real part of scalar     |       |  shape     |      tuple of array dimensions     |       |  size     |      number of elements in the gentype     |       |  strides     |      tuple of bytes steps in each dimension

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