
来源:互联网 发布:网络实用技术基础作业1 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 18:53





Chinese is standardly written withoutspaces between words (as are some other languages). This software will splitChinese text into a sequence of words, defined according to some wordsegmentation standard. It is a Java implementation of theCRF-based Chinese Word Segmenter described in:



斯坦福大学自然语言处理组是世界知名的NLP研究小组,他们提供了一系列开源的Java文本分析工具,包括分词器(Word Segmenter),词性标注工具(Part-Of-Speech Tagger),命名实体识别工具(Named Entity Recognizer),句法分析器(Parser)等,可喜的事,他们还为这些工具训练了相应的中文模型,支持中文文本处理。




使用Stanford NLP工具实现中文命名实体识别



data目录下有两个gz压缩文件,分别是ctb.gz和pku.gz,其中CTB:宾州大学的中国树库训练资料 ,PKU:中国北京大学提供的训练资料。



java -mx600m -cp "*;lib\*"edu.stanford.nlp.ie.crf.CRFClassifier -loadClassifierclassifiers/english.all.3class.distsim.crf.ser.gz -textFile sample.txt


java -mx600m -cp "*;lib/*"edu.stanford.nlp.ie.crf.CRFClassifier -loadClassifierclassifiers/english.all.3class.distsim.crf.ser.gz -outputFormat tabbedEntities-textFile sample.txt > sample.tsv



We also provideChinese models built from the Ontonotes Chinese named entity data. There aretwo models, one using distributional similarity clusters and one without. Theseare designed to be run on word-segmented Chinese. So, if you wantto use these on normal Chinese text, you will first need to run Stanford Word Segmenter orsome other Chinese word segmenter, and then run NER on the output of that!

3.7.0 Chinesemodels










import edu.stanford.nlp.ie.AbstractSequenceClassifier;import edu.stanford.nlp.ie.crf.*;import edu.stanford.nlp.io.IOUtils;import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel;import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations;import edu.stanford.nlp.sequences.DocumentReaderAndWriter;import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Triple;import java.util.List;/** This is a demo of calling CRFClassifier programmatically. *  <p> *  Usage: {@code java -mx400m -cp "*" NERDemo [serializedClassifier [fileName]] } *  <p> *  If arguments aren't specified, they default to *  classifiers/english.all.3class.distsim.crf.ser.gz and some hardcoded sample text. *  If run with arguments, it shows some of the ways to get k-best labelings and *  probabilities out with CRFClassifier. If run without arguments, it shows some of *  the alternative output formats that you can get. *  <p> *  To use CRFClassifier from the command line: *  </p><blockquote> *  {@code java -mx400m edu.stanford.nlp.ie.crf.CRFClassifier -loadClassifier [classifier] -textFile [file] } *  </blockquote><p> *  Or if the file is already tokenized and one word per line, perhaps in *  a tab-separated value format with extra columns for part-of-speech tag, *  etc., use the version below (note the 's' instead of the 'x'): *  </p><blockquote> *  {@code java -mx400m edu.stanford.nlp.ie.crf.CRFClassifier -loadClassifier [classifier] -testFile [file] } *  </blockquote> * *  @author Jenny Finkel *  @author Christopher Manning */public class NERDemo {  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {    String serializedClassifier = "classifiers/chinese.misc.distsim.crf.ser.gz";    if (args.length > 0) {      serializedClassifier = args[0];    }    AbstractSequenceClassifier<CoreLabel> classifier = CRFClassifier.getClassifier(serializedClassifier);    /* For either a file to annotate or for the hardcoded text example, this       demo file shows several ways to process the input, for teaching purposes.    */    if (args.length > 1) {      /* For the file, it shows (1) how to run NER on a String, (2) how         to get the entities in the String with character offsets, and         (3) how to run NER on a whole file (without loading it into a String).      */      String fileContents = IOUtils.slurpFile(args[1]);      List<List<CoreLabel>> out = classifier.classify(fileContents);      for (List<CoreLabel> sentence : out) {        for (CoreLabel word : sentence) {          System.out.print(word.word() + '/' + word.get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class) + ' ');        }        System.out.println();      }      System.out.println("---");      out = classifier.classifyFile(args[1]);      for (List<CoreLabel> sentence : out) {        for (CoreLabel word : sentence) {          System.out.print(word.word() + '/' + word.get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class) + ' ');        }        System.out.println();      }      System.out.println("---");      List<Triple<String, Integer, Integer>> list = classifier.classifyToCharacterOffsets(fileContents);      for (Triple<String, Integer, Integer> item : list) {        System.out.println(item.first() + ": " + fileContents.substring(item.second(), item.third()));      }      System.out.println("---");      System.out.println("Ten best entity labelings");      DocumentReaderAndWriter<CoreLabel> readerAndWriter = classifier.makePlainTextReaderAndWriter();      classifier.classifyAndWriteAnswersKBest(args[1], 10, readerAndWriter);      System.out.println("---");      System.out.println("Per-token marginalized probabilities");      classifier.printProbs(args[1], readerAndWriter);      // -- This code prints out the first order (token pair) clique probabilities.      // -- But that output is a bit overwhelming, so we leave it commented out by default.      // System.out.println("---");      // System.out.println("First Order Clique Probabilities");      // ((CRFClassifier) classifier).printFirstOrderProbs(args[1], readerAndWriter);    } else {      /* For the hard-coded String, it shows how to run it on a single         sentence, and how to do this and produce several formats, including         slash tags and an inline XML output format. It also shows the full         contents of the {@code CoreLabel}s that are constructed by the         classifier. And it shows getting out the probabilities of different         assignments and an n-best list of classifications with probabilities.      */      String[] example = {"5月  8日  下午  ,  李克强  考察  河南  新乡  封丘县  黄河  滩区  后  ,  随即  在  当地  居民  迁建  指挥部  主持  召开  现场会  ,  专题  研究  河南  、  山东  两  省  黄河  滩区  居民  迁建  工作  。  除  陪同  总理  考察  的  国务院  领导  及  发改委  、  财政部  、  水利部  、  黄河  水利  委员会  、  河南省  负责人  外  ,  山东省  省长  也  专程  赶来  参会  。  窗外  一直  下  着  雨  。  会前  ,  李克强  结束  开封  考察  后  ,  专程  驱车  一  小时  赴  新乡市  封丘县  黄河  滩区  ,  冒雨  踩  着  泥泞  小路  实地  察看  黄河  滩区  ,  并  入户  探望  滩区  居民  。  “  黄河  滩区  问题  是  多年来  历史  形成  的  ,  现在  到  了  该  解决  的  时候  了  !  ”  李克强  面色  凝重  地说  ,  “  滩区  迁建  关乎  近  200万  滩区  居民  的  生活  和  发展  ,  也  关系  黄河  的  长治久安  ,  黄河  的  事  是  天下  大  事  !"                           };      for (String str : example) {        System.out.println(classifier.classifyToString(str));      }      System.out.println("---");      for (String str : example) {        // This one puts in spaces and newlines between tokens, so just print not println.        System.out.print(classifier.classifyToString(str, "slashTags", false));      }      System.out.println("---");      for (String str : example) {        // This one is best for dealing with the output as a TSV (tab-separated column) file.        // The first column gives entities, the second their classes, and the third the remaining text in a document        System.out.print(classifier.classifyToString(str, "tabbedEntities", false));      }      System.out.println("---");      for (String str : example) {        System.out.println(classifier.classifyWithInlineXML(str));      }      System.out.println("---");      for (String str : example) {        System.out.println(classifier.classifyToString(str, "xml", true));      }      System.out.println("---");      for (String str : example) {        System.out.print(classifier.classifyToString(str, "tsv", false));      }      System.out.println("---");      // This gets out entities with character offsets      int j = 0;      for (String str : example) {        j++;        List<Triple<String,Integer,Integer>> triples = classifier.classifyToCharacterOffsets(str);        for (Triple<String,Integer,Integer> trip : triples) {          System.out.printf("%s over character offsets [%d, %d) in sentence %d.%n",                  trip.first(), trip.second(), trip.third, j);        }      }      System.out.println("---");      // This prints out all the details of what is stored for each token      int i=0;      for (String str : example) {        for (List<CoreLabel> lcl : classifier.classify(str)) {          for (CoreLabel cl : lcl) {            System.out.print(i++ + ": ");            System.out.println(cl.toShorterString());          }        }      }      System.out.println("---");    }  }}


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