
来源:互联网 发布:php mvc 管理系统 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 11:01
表4中,“g_object_new”显示了在对象实例化过程中调用的用户提供的函数以及它们被调用的顺序。instance_init函数相当于C++中的构造函数。在所有父节点的instance_init函数都被调用后子类的instance_init都将被调用。它不能随意的传递构造参数(如C ++中),但是如果您的对象需要任意参数来完成初始化,则可以使用构造属性。



G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE (ViewerFile, viewer_file, G_TYPE_OBJECT)static voidviewer_file_class_init (ViewerFileClass *klass){}static voidviewer_file_init (ViewerFile *self){  ViewerFilePrivate *priv = viewer_file_get_instance_private (self);  /* initialize all public and private members to reasonable default values.   * They are all automatically initialized to 0 to begin with. */}
enum{  PROP_FILENAME = 1,  PROP_ZOOM_LEVEL,  N_PROPERTIES};static GParamSpec *obj_properties[N_PROPERTIES] = { NULL, };static voidviewer_file_class_init (ViewerFileClass *klass){  GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);  object_class->set_property = viewer_file_set_property;  object_class->get_property = viewer_file_get_property;  obj_properties[PROP_FILENAME] =    g_param_spec_string ("filename",                         "Filename",                         "Name of the file to load and display from.",                         NULL  /* default value */,                         G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_READWRITE));  obj_properties[PROP_ZOOM_LEVEL] =    g_param_spec_uint ("zoom-level",                       "Zoom level",                       "Zoom level to view the file at.",                       0  /* minimum value */,                       10 /* maximum value */,                       2  /* default value */,                       G_PARAM_READWRITE));  g_object_class_install_properties (object_class,                                     N_PROPERTIES,                                     obj_properties);}
如果需要,请确保您可以构建和运行与上述代码相似的代码。 此外,确保您的构造属性可以在构造期间被设置且没有其他不好的影响。
有些人有时需要在传递给构造函数的属性设置完成之后才能完成类型实例的初始化。 这可以通过使用在对象实例化”的部分中描述的constructor()类方法,或者更简单地说,使用compiled()类方法。 请注意,仅在属性标记为G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY或G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT时才会调用compiled()虚函数,且调用发生在传递给g_object_new()的常规属性设置之前。


struct _ViewerFilePrivate{  gchar *filename;  guint zoom_level;  GInputStream *input_stream;};G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE (ViewerFile, viewer_file, G_TYPE_OBJECT)static voidviewer_file_dispose (GObject *gobject){  ViewerFilePrivate *priv = viewer_file_get_instance_private (VIEWER_FILE (gobject));  /* In dispose(), you are supposed to free all types referenced from this   * object which might themselves hold a reference to self. Generally,   * the most simple solution is to unref all members on which you own a    * reference.   */  /* dispose() might be called multiple times, so we must guard against   * calling g_object_unref() on an invalid GObject by setting the member   * NULL; g_clear_object() does this for us.   */  g_clear_object (&priv->input_stream);  /* Always chain up to the parent class; there is no need to check if   * the parent class implements the dispose() virtual function: it is   * always guaranteed to do so   */  G_OBJECT_CLASS (viewer_file_parent_class)->dispose (gobject);}static voidviewer_file_finalize (GObject *gobject){  ViewerFilePrivate *priv = viewer_file_get_instance_private (VIEWER_FILE (gobject));  g_free (priv->filename);  /* Always chain up to the parent class; as with dispose(), finalize()   * is guaranteed to exist on the parent's class virtual function table   */  G_OBJECT_CLASS (viewer_file_parent_class)->finalize (gobject);}static voidviewer_file_class_init (ViewerFileClass *klass){  GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);  object_class->dispose = viewer_file_dispose;  object_class->finalize = viewer_file_finalize;}static voidviewer_file_init (ViewerFile *self);{  ViewerFilePrivate *priv = viewer_file_get_instance_private (self);  priv->input_stream = g_object_new (VIEWER_TYPE_INPUT_STREAM, NULL);  priv->filename = /* would be set as a property */;}
dispose运行之后finalize运行之前,可能会调用对象方法。 GObject不认为这是一个程序错误:您必须能够正常检测到这一点,既不会崩溃也不会警告用户,通过使一个被dispose的实例恢复到惰性状态。

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