
来源:互联网 发布:vb如何连接access 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 18:23

今天写的代码我感觉比较优雅,虽然用的是不熟悉的语言VBA。解决问题用了table lookup,对于没有固定标题的情况下我又新增了一个变量来得到不确定的行数。代码如下:

Option Explicit
Public insertAllNum As Long        'query里插入的所有的行数
Public dynNum As Integer           '动态插入一个标题则加一
Dim InsertTitle(3) As String     '记录四个动态的标题
Const C_conCompanyCol As Integer = 3

'p_queryCol: query起始列位置
'p_ContentSheet: 报表的sheet名称
'p_linesToReplace: 要被替换的列数
'p_insertType: 插入的类型即插入到那一个标题下
Sub insert(p_queryRows As Long, p_queryCol As Long, p_conRows As Long, p_conCol As Long, _
            p_ContentSheet As String, p_linesToReplace As Integer, p_insertType As Integer)
     Dim Count As Long                            '复制的列数
     Dim oneTimeInsert As Long                    '本次插入的行数
    For Count = 6 To 10
           Worksheets(p_ContentSheet).Cells(p_conRows - 1, Count).Value = 0
    Next Count
        While Worksheets(p_ContentSheet).Cells(p_conRows, p_conCol).Value <> ""  '根据空行判断是否删除
             Worksheets(p_ContentSheet).Cells(p_conRows, p_conCol).Select
    If InsertTitle(p_insertType) <> Worksheets("QUERY").Cells(p_queryRows, p_queryCol - 2).Value Then
            Exit Sub
        dynNum = dynNum + 1
    End If
    With Worksheets("QUERY")
        While Cells(p_queryRows, p_queryCol - 1).Value <> "结果" And _
            Cells(13, 1).Value <> "未找到可用的数据." And _
            Cells(p_queryRows, p_queryCol - 2).Value <> "总计结果"
                Worksheets(p_ContentSheet).Rows(p_conRows).insert Shift:=xlDown
                Worksheets(p_ContentSheet).Cells(p_conRows, C_conCompanyCol).Value = Cells(10, 2).Value
                    For Count = 0 To p_linesToReplace - 1
                          Worksheets(p_ContentSheet).Cells(p_conRows, p_conCol + Count).Value = _
                            .Cells(p_queryRows, p_queryCol + Count).Value
                    Next Count
            insertAllNum = insertAllNum + 1
            oneTimeInsert = oneTimeInsert + 1
            p_queryRows = p_queryRows + 1
        For Count = 0 To oneTimeInsert - 1
            Worksheets(p_ContentSheet).Cells(p_conRows + Count, 2).Value = Count + 1
                        Worksheets(p_ContentSheet).Cells(p_conRows + Count, 2).Select
'            Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xl
            With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight)
                .LineStyle = xlContinuous
            End With
        Next Count
         Worksheets(p_ContentSheet).Cells(p_conRows - 1, p_conCol + 2).Value = _
            Worksheets("QUERY").Cells(p_queryRows, p_queryCol + 2).Value
         Worksheets(p_ContentSheet).Cells(p_conRows - 1, p_conCol + 3).Value = _
            Worksheets("QUERY").Cells(p_queryRows, p_queryCol + 3).Value
         Worksheets(p_ContentSheet).Cells(p_conRows - 1, p_conCol + 4).Value = _
            Worksheets("QUERY").Cells(p_queryRows, p_queryCol + 4).Value
         Worksheets(p_ContentSheet).Cells(p_conRows - 1, p_conCol + 5).Value = _
            Worksheets("QUERY").Cells(p_queryRows, p_queryCol + 5).Value
        Worksheets(p_ContentSheet).Cells(p_conRows - 1, p_conCol + 6).Value = _
            Worksheets("QUERY").Cells(p_queryRows, p_queryCol + 6).Value
    End With
End Sub

Sub Main()
    insertAllNum = 0
    dynNum = 0
    InsertTitle(0) = "一、交易性金融资产"
    InsertTitle(1) = "二、可供出售金融资产"
    InsertTitle(2) = "三、持有至到期投资"
    InsertTitle(3) = "四、长期应收款"
    insert 14, 3, 8, 4, "集团内部金融资产情况表", 7, 0

     insert 14 + insertAllNum + dynNum, 3, 8 + insertAllNum + 1, 4, "集团内部金融资产情况表", 7, 1

    insert 14 + insertAllNum + dynNum, 3, 8 + insertAllNum + 2, 4, "集团内部金融资产情况表", 7, 2

     insert 14 + insertAllNum + dynNum, 3, 8 + insertAllNum + 3, 4, "集团内部金融资产情况表", 7, 3

End Sub




写代码还是要想清楚再写,之前写的时候就没有考虑到dynNum这个变量,所以还是用code complete里的那个什么伪代码的方法写代码比较好。