
来源:互联网 发布:长城软件纳税服务电话 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 21:03


摘要: 工厂模式是大家熟知的一种设计模式,在spring BeanFactory将这模式运用自如。 前面讲过如果通过xml配置的方式实现,今天我们来讲讲如何通过注解的方式实现工厂模式。 主要思路 1. 扫描classPath下的的类,将这些class存储到setmap中 2. 遍历set中的class,找出被自定义facory注解注解过的的class,以beanId,class的对象形式封装到一个map集合里 3. 暴露一个方法getBean,通过beanId查找对于的class的对象,匹配成功后返回该对象

[2017-5-16 by Daniel] 今天发现了更简单的方法,请见本人的这篇文章《基于Spring注解实现工厂模式》。

工厂模式是大家熟知的一种设计模式,在spring BeanFactory将这模式运用自如。 前面讲过如果通过xml配置的方式实现,今天我们来讲讲如何通过注解的方式实现工厂模式。 主要思路

  1. 扫描classPath下的的类,将这些class存储到setmap中
  2. 遍历set中的class,找出被自定义facory注解注解过的的class,以beanId,class的对象形式封装到一个map集合里
  3. 暴露一个方法getBean,通过beanId查找对于的class的对象,匹配成功后返回该对象



public interface Pizza{    public float getPrice();}

MargheritaPizza 类

public class MargheritaPizza implements Pizza{    public float getPrice() {        System.out.println("8.5f");        return 8.5f;    }}

CalzonePizza 类

public class CalzonePizza implements Pizza{    public float getPrice() {        System.out.println("2.5f");        return 2.5f;    }}



public interface Pizza{    public float getPrice();}

MargheritaPizza 类

public class MargheritaPizza implements Pizza{    public float getPrice() {        System.out.println("8.5f");        return 8.5f;    }}

CalzonePizza 类

public class CalzonePizza implements Pizza{    public float getPrice() {        System.out.println("2.5f");        return 2.5f;    }}



public class PizzaFactory {    public Pizza create(String id) {        if (id == null) {          throw new IllegalArgumentException("id is null!");        }        if ("Calzone".equals(id)) {          return new CalzonePizza();        }        if ("Margherita".equals(id)) {          return new MargheritaPizza();        }        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown id = " + id);      }}



创建ClassPathSpringScanner 扫描类


public class ClassPathSpringScanner {    public static final String CLASS_SUFFIX = ".class";    private ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();    public Set<Class<?>> getClassFile(String packageName) throws IOException {        Map<String, String> classMap = new HashMap<>(32);        String path = packageName.replace(".", "/");        /**         * 通过classLoader加载文件,循环遍历文件,转换class文件         */        Enumeration<URL> urls = classLoader.getResources(path);        while (urls!=null && urls.hasMoreElements()) {            URL url = urls.nextElement();            String protocol = url.getProtocol();            /**             * 如果是文件             */            if ("file".equals(protocol)) {                String file = URLDecoder.decode(url.getFile(), "UTF-8");                File dir = new File(file);                if(dir.isDirectory()){                    parseClassFile(dir, classMap);                }else {                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("file must be directory");                }            }         }        Set<Class<?>> set = new HashSet<>(classMap.size());        for(String key : classMap.keySet()){            String className = classMap.get(key);            try {                set.add(getClass().forName(className));            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        return set;    }    /**     * 递归算法把class封装到map集合里     * @param dir     * @param packageName     * @param classMap     */    protected void parseClassFile(File dir, Map<String, String> classMap){        if(dir.isDirectory()){            File[] files = dir.listFiles();            for (File file : files) {                parseClassFile(file, classMap);            }        } else if(dir.getName().endsWith(CLASS_SUFFIX)) {            String name = dir.getPath();            name = name.substring(name.indexOf("classes")+8).replace("\\", ".");            addToClassMap(name, classMap);        }    }    private boolean addToClassMap(String name, Map<String, String> classMap){        if(!classMap.containsKey(name)){            classMap.put(name, name.substring(0, name.length()-6)); //去掉.class        }        return true;    }



@Target(ElementType.TYPE) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)public @interface Factory {    /**     * 用来表示对象的唯一id     */    String id();}

创建 BeanFactory 接口

public interface BeanFactory {    public Object getBean(String id);}

创建BeanFactory 的实现类AnnApplicationContext


public class AnnApplicationContext implements BeanFactory{    private Map<String, Object> factoryClasses = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();    private Set<Class<?>> classSet = new HashSet();    ClassPathSpringScanner scanner = new ClassPathSpringScanner();    /*     * 构造函数初始化扫描获取所有类     */    public AnnApplicationContext(String packageName) {        try {            //扫描classPath下的所有类,并返回set            classSet = scanner.getClassFile(packageName);            /**             * 遍历所有类,找出有factory注解的类,并封装到linkedHashMap里             */            for (Class<?> cls : classSet){                Factory factory = (Factory) cls.getAnnotation(Factory.class);                if(factory != null)                 try {                    factoryClasses.put(factory.id(), cls.newInstance());                } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                }            }        } catch (IOException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }      }    /**     * 输入的id,对应到factoryGroupedClasses的关系,实例化工厂对象     * @param beanId     * @return     */    @Override    public Object getBean(String id) {        return factoryClasses.get(id);    }

MargheritaPizza 类


@Factory(id = "margherita")public class MargheritaPizza implements Pizza{    public float getPrice() {        System.out.println("8.5f");        return 8.5f;    }}

CalzonePizza 类


@Factory(id = "calzone")public class CalzonePizza implements Pizza{    public float getPrice() {        System.out.println("2.5f");        return 2.5f;    }}


public static void main(String[] args) {        /**         * 扫描com.annotation.factory下的类         */        AnnApplicationContext factoryProcessor = new AnnApplicationContext("com.annotation.factory.spring");        Pizza p= (Pizza) factoryProcessor.getBean("Calzone");        p.getPrice();    }

好了,看完代码应该很清楚了,注解是不是给我们带来很多方便了。 留个思考题,如何默认通过类的名字,首个字母小写来作为beanId

public interface Pizza{    public float getPrice();}

MargheritaPizza 类

public class MargheritaPizza implements Pizza{    public float getPrice() {        System.out.println("8.5f");        return 8.5f;    }}

CalzonePizza 类

public class CalzonePizza implements Pizza{    public float getPrice() {        System.out.println("2.5f");        return 2.5f;    }}



public class PizzaFactory {    public Pizza create(String id) {        if (id == null) {          throw new IllegalArgumentException("id is null!");        }        if ("Calzone".equals(id)) {          return new CalzonePizza();        }        if ("Margherita".equals(id)) {          return new MargheritaPizza();        }        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown id = " + id);      }}



创建ClassPathSpringScanner 扫描类


public class ClassPathSpringScanner {    public static final String CLASS_SUFFIX = ".class";    private ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();    public Set<Class<?>> getClassFile(String packageName) throws IOException {        Map<String, String> classMap = new HashMap<>(32);        String path = packageName.replace(".", "/");        /**         * 通过classLoader加载文件,循环遍历文件,转换class文件         */        Enumeration<URL> urls = classLoader.getResources(path);        while (urls!=null && urls.hasMoreElements()) {            URL url = urls.nextElement();            String protocol = url.getProtocol();            /**             * 如果是文件             */            if ("file".equals(protocol)) {                String file = URLDecoder.decode(url.getFile(), "UTF-8");                File dir = new File(file);                if(dir.isDirectory()){                    parseClassFile(dir, classMap);                }else {                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("file must be directory");                }            }         }        Set<Class<?>> set = new HashSet<>(classMap.size());        for(String key : classMap.keySet()){            String className = classMap.get(key);            try {                set.add(getClass().forName(className));            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        return set;    }    /**     * 递归算法把class封装到map集合里     * @param dir     * @param packageName     * @param classMap     */    protected void parseClassFile(File dir, Map<String, String> classMap){        if(dir.isDirectory()){            File[] files = dir.listFiles();            for (File file : files) {                parseClassFile(file, classMap);            }        } else if(dir.getName().endsWith(CLASS_SUFFIX)) {            String name = dir.getPath();            name = name.substring(name.indexOf("classes")+8).replace("\\", ".");            addToClassMap(name, classMap);        }    }    private boolean addToClassMap(String name, Map<String, String> classMap){        if(!classMap.containsKey(name)){            classMap.put(name, name.substring(0, name.length()-6)); //去掉.class        }        return true;    }



@Target(ElementType.TYPE) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)public @interface Factory {    /**     * 用来表示对象的唯一id     */    String id();}

创建 BeanFactory 接口

public interface BeanFactory {    public Object getBean(String id);}

创建BeanFactory 的实现类AnnApplicationContext


public class AnnApplicationContext implements BeanFactory{    private Map<String, Object> factoryClasses = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();    private Set<Class<?>> classSet = new HashSet();    ClassPathSpringScanner scanner = new ClassPathSpringScanner();    /*     * 构造函数初始化扫描获取所有类     */    public AnnApplicationContext(String packageName) {        try {            //扫描classPath下的所有类,并返回set            classSet = scanner.getClassFile(packageName);            /**             * 遍历所有类,找出有factory注解的类,并封装到linkedHashMap里             */            for (Class<?> cls : classSet){                Factory factory = (Factory) cls.getAnnotation(Factory.class);                if(factory != null)                 try {                    factoryClasses.put(factory.id(), cls.newInstance());                } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                }            }        } catch (IOException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }      }    /**     * 输入的id,对应到factoryGroupedClasses的关系,实例化工厂对象     * @param beanId     * @return     */    @Override    public Object getBean(String id) {        return factoryClasses.get(id);    }

MargheritaPizza 类


@Factory(id = "margherita")public class MargheritaPizza implements Pizza{    public float getPrice() {        System.out.println("8.5f");        return 8.5f;    }}

CalzonePizza 类


@Factory(id = "calzone")public class CalzonePizza implements Pizza{    public float getPrice() {        System.out.println("2.5f");        return 2.5f;    }}


public static void main(String[] args) {        /**         * 扫描com.annotation.factory下的类         */        AnnApplicationContext factoryProcessor = new AnnApplicationContext("com.annotation.factory.spring");        Pizza p= (Pizza) factoryProcessor.getBean("Calzone");        p.getPrice();    }

好了,看完代码应该很清楚了,注解是不是给我们带来很多方便了。 留个思考题,如何默认通过类的名字,首个字母小写来作为beanId

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