
来源:互联网 发布:mac版ae cc破解补丁 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 17:10



If we define double a = 3.14;,which is NOT correct? (B)

A.double &b = a;B.int &b = a;C.const int &b = a;D.const double &b = a;

Which function will be called? (C)

void f(int i) {}void f(const int i) {}int main() {  const int a = 0;  f(a);}A.void f(int i)B.void f(const int i)C.compile errorD.runtime error


Which function will be called? (B)

void f(int* i) {}void f(const int* i) {}int main() {  const int a = 0const int* p = &a;  f(p);}A.void f(int* i)B.void f(const int* i)C.compile errorD.runtime error


Which of the following does the C++ compiler NOT examine, in order to select the proper overloaded? (D)

A. types of the arguments in the function callB. order of the arguments in the function callC. the number of arguments in the function callD. the return type of the function

What does the code A a(); do ? (B)

class A {  int i;};A. create a object named "a"B. declare a function named "a"C. compile errorD. runtime error

Which is correct? (A)

A. const object can only call const member functionB. non-const object can only call non-const member functionC. static member function can also be const

What‘s the value of a and b after constructor?

class A { public:  A() : b(1), a(b+1) {} private:  int a;  int b;};A. 2 1B. 1 2C. undefined-value 1D. undefined-value undefined-value


Which statement will cause a “compile error”? (3)

class A { public:  A() : a(1) {} private:  const int a;};int main() {  A a, b; // (1)  A c(a); // (2)  a = b;  // (3)  return 0;}

The copy constructor is executed on :
(1) Assigned one object to another object at its creation
(2) When objects are sent to function using call by value mechanism
(3) When the function return an object

Which function will be called ? (D)

class A { public:  void f() {}  void f(int i) {}};class B : public A { public:  void f(A a) {}};int main() {  B b;  b.f(3);  return 0;}A. void f()B. void f(int i)C. void f(A a)D. compile error

PS: Name hiding

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