HTTP Status 405

来源:互联网 发布:python 数组类型转换 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 13:18

翻译自HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL


This is the default response of the default implementation of HttpServlet#doGet(). This means that the doGet() method is not properly being @Overriden, or it is explicitly being called.

You did properly @Override the doGet() method, but you’re still explicitly calling the default implementation for unclear reason.

super.doGet(req, resp);

Get rid of this line and this problem shall disappear.

The HttpServlet basically follows the template method pattern where all non-overridden HTTP methods returns this HTTP 405 error “Method not supported”. When you override such a method, you should not call super method, because you would otherwise still get the HTTP 405 error. The same story goes on for your doPost() method.



super.doGet(req, resp);


HttpServlet基本上遵循模板方法模式(template method pattern)的原理,所有没有重写HTTP的方法都将返回HTTP405错误“方法不被支持”。如果你重写这样的一个方法,不能去调用,否则就会得到HTTP 405错误。同理,如果在doPost()中调用,也会得到405错误。
