来源:互联网 发布:知乎pc客户端 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 20:35


[root@typecodes tcpmsg]# gcc -o hello main.c -lmyhello/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmyhellocollect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

1 gcc链接动态库时的搜索路径

自以为在当前工程中设置好了环境变量 LD_LIBRARY_PATH 包含了工程中的lib库路径,并且还在 /etc/ 中配置了lib库的路径。那么在调用动态库的时候,gcc就应该能自动去搜索该目录。

很遗憾ld链接器报了如上的错误,但是如果在上面的gcc命令中添加上 -L /root/gcc_test/tcp_msg/lib/ 参数,即明确动态库的绝对路径,是能够链接成功的。

2 Google上查找 /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -l* 的出错原因

gg了很久gcc ld链接动态库出错的原因,结果还是没找到理想的答案。后来猜想是不是在CentOs7中LD_LIBRARY_PATH不起作用的缘故,但是也不应该,因为自己用的GCC(version 4.8.3)跟操作系统没关系。于是重新搜索了gcc LD_LIBRARY_PATH的作用,竟然发现gcc在编译链接时链接的动态库跟 LIBRARY_PATH 有关而跟 LD_LIBRARY_PATH 没关系!

3 关于Linux gcc中的 LIBRARY_PATH 和 LD_LIBRARY_PATH 参数说明



LIBRARY_PATHThe value of LIBRARY_PATH is a colon-separated list of directories, much like PATH.When configured as a native compiler, GCC tries the directories thus specified when searching for special linker files, if it can't find them using GCC_EXEC_PREFIX.Linking using GCC also uses these directories when searching for ordinary libraries for the -l option (but directories specified with -L come first). 

2、 man7 上关于LD_LIBRARY_PATH的说明:

LD_LIBRARY_PATHA colon-separated list of directories in which to search forELF libraries at execution-time.  Similar to the PATHenvironment variable.  Ignored in set-user-ID and set-group-IDprograms.

后面发现 StackOverflow 上关于 LIBRARY_PATH 和 LD_LIBRARY_PATH 的解释更直白:

LIBRARY_PATH is used by gcc before compilation to search for directories containing libraries that need to be linked to your program.LD_LIBRARY_PATH is used by your program to search for directories containing the libraries after it has been successfully compiled and linked.EDIT: As pointed below, your libraries can be static or shared.If it is static then the code is copied over into your program and you don't need to search for the library after your program is compiled and linked.If your library is shared then it needs to be dynamically linked to your program and that's when LD_LIBRARY_PATH comes into play.

通过这三篇资料的说明,很快明白了 LIBRARY_PATH 和 LD_LIBRARY_PATH 的作用。于是,自己在项目配置文件中添加 export LIBRARY_PATH=${LIBRARY_PATH}:${APPHOME}/lib 。接着将这个配置文件加载到CentOs的环境变量中,这样就在gcc编译不用加 -L 参数生成目标文件CommuTcp了。

4 总结

关于 LIBRARY_PATH 和 LD_LIBRARY_PATH 的关系,这里自己再总结一下。

4.1 Linux gcc编译链接时的动态库搜索路径



4.2 执行二进制文件时的动态库搜索路径


1、编译目标代码时指定的动态库搜索路径:用选项-Wl,rpath和include指定的动态库的搜索路径,比如gcc -Wl,-rpath,include -L. -ldltest hello.c,在执行文件时会搜索路径`./include`;2、环境变量LD_LIBRARY_PATH(多个路径用冒号分割);3、在 /etc/ 目录下的配置文件指定的动态库绝对路径(通过ldconfig生效,一般是非root用户时使用);4、gcc默认动态库目录:/lib:/usr/lib:usr/lib64:/usr/local/lib等。

其中,Linux GCC默认的动态库搜索路径可以通过 ld --verbose 命令查看:

[root@typecodes tcpmsg]# ld --verbose............SEARCH_DIR("/usr/x86_64-redhat-linux/lib64");SEARCH_DIR("/usr/local/lib64");SEARCH_DIR("/lib64");SEARCH_DIR("/usr/lib64");   ##### 64位系统SEARCH_DIR("/usr/x86_64-redhat-linux/lib");SEARCH_DIR("/usr/local/lib");SEARCH_DIR("/lib");SEARCH_DIR("/usr/lib");


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