xtu 1264 Partial Sum 2017湘潭邀请赛E

来源:互联网 发布:三菱plc模块化编程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 18:10

Partial Sum

Bobo has a integer sequence a1,a2,,an of length n. Each time, he selects two ends 0l<rn and add |rj=l+1aj|C into a counter which is zero initially. He repeats the selection for at most m times.

If each end can be selected at most once (either as left or right), find out the maximum sum Bobo may have.


The input contains zero or more test cases and is terminated by end-of-file. For each test case:

The first line contains three integers nmC. The second line contains n integers a1,a2,,an.

  • 2n105
  • 12mn+1
  • |ai|,C104
  • The sum of n does not exceed 106.


For each test cases, output an integer which denotes the maximum.

Sample Input

4 1 1-1 2 2 -14 2 1-1 2 2 -14 2 2-1 2 2 -14 2 10-1 2 2 -1

Sample Output


#include <stdio.h>#include <algorithm>#include <vector>#include <string.h>#include <queue>#include <cmath>using namespace std; #define ll __int64const int N=100005; int main(){    ll n,m,c,a,sum[N];    while(~scanf("%I64d %I64d %I64d",&n,&m,&c))    {        sum[0]=0;        for(int i=1; i<=n; i++)        {            scanf("%I64d",&a);            sum[i]=sum[i-1]+a;        }        sort(sum,sum+n+1);        int l=n,s=0;        ll ans=0;        for(int i=0; i<m; i++)        {            ll t=abs(sum[n-i]-sum[i])-c;            if(t<=0) break;            ans+=t;        }        printf("%I64d\n",ans);    }    return 0;}

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