hadoop io ObjectWritable and SerializableWritable

来源:互联网 发布:低周波按摩仪 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 10:06
class SerializableWritable[T <: Writable](@transient var t: T) extends Serializable {  def value: T = t  override def toString: String = t.toString  private def writeObject(out: ObjectOutputStream): Unit = Utils.tryOrIOException {    out.defaultWriteObject()    new ObjectWritable(t).write(out)  }  private def readObject(in: ObjectInputStream): Unit = Utils.tryOrIOException {    in.defaultReadObject()    val ow = new ObjectWritable()    ow.setConf(new Configuration(false))    ow.readFields(in)    t = ow.get().asInstanceOf[T]  }}

The usage of ObjectWritable:

 val ow = new ObjectWritable()    ow.setConf(new Configuration(false))    ow.readFields(in)

ObjectWritable class defination:

public class ObjectWritable implements Writable, Configurable {    private Class declaredClass;    private Object instance;    private Configuration conf;    private static final Map<String, Class<?>> PRIMITIVE_NAMES = new HashMap();


public ObjectWritable() {    }    public ObjectWritable(Object instance) {        this.set(instance);    }    public ObjectWritable(Class declaredClass, Object instance) {        this.declaredClass = declaredClass;        this.instance = instance;    }

conf operation

 public void setConf(Configuration conf) {        this.conf = conf;    }    public Configuration getConf() {        return this.conf;    }


static {        PRIMITIVE_NAMES.put("boolean", Boolean.TYPE);        PRIMITIVE_NAMES.put("byte", Byte.TYPE);        PRIMITIVE_NAMES.put("char", Character.TYPE);        PRIMITIVE_NAMES.put("short", Short.TYPE);        PRIMITIVE_NAMES.put("int", Integer.TYPE);        PRIMITIVE_NAMES.put("long", Long.TYPE);        PRIMITIVE_NAMES.put("float", Float.TYPE);        PRIMITIVE_NAMES.put("double", Double.TYPE);        PRIMITIVE_NAMES.put("void", Void.TYPE);    }


public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {        writeObject(out, this.instance, this.declaredClass, this.conf);    }    public static void writeObject(DataOutput out, Object instance, Class declaredClass, Configuration conf) throws IOException {        writeObject(out, instance, declaredClass, conf, false);    }    public static void writeObject(DataOutput out, Object instance, Class declaredClass, Configuration conf, boolean allowCompactArrays) throws IOException {        if(instance == null) {            instance = new ObjectWritable.NullInstance(declaredClass, conf);            declaredClass = Writable.class;        }        if(allowCompactArrays && declaredClass.isArray() && instance.getClass().getName().equals(declaredClass.getName()) && instance.getClass().getComponentType().isPrimitive()) {            instance = new Internal(instance);            declaredClass = Internal.class;        }        UTF8.writeString(out, declaredClass.getName());        if(declaredClass.isArray()) {            int length = Array.getLength(instance);            out.writeInt(length);            for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {                writeObject(out, Array.get(instance, i), declaredClass.getComponentType(), conf, allowCompactArrays);            }        } else if(declaredClass == Internal.class) {            ((Internal)instance).write(out);        } else if(declaredClass == String.class) {            UTF8.writeString(out, (String)instance);        } else if(declaredClass.isPrimitive()) {            if(declaredClass == Boolean.TYPE) {                out.writeBoolean(((Boolean)instance).booleanValue());            } else if(declaredClass == Character.TYPE) {                out.writeChar(((Character)instance).charValue());            } else if(declaredClass == Byte.TYPE) {                out.writeByte(((Byte)instance).byteValue());            } else if(declaredClass == Short.TYPE) {                out.writeShort(((Short)instance).shortValue());            } else if(declaredClass == Integer.TYPE) {                out.writeInt(((Integer)instance).intValue());            } else if(declaredClass == Long.TYPE) {                out.writeLong(((Long)instance).longValue());            } else if(declaredClass == Float.TYPE) {                out.writeFloat(((Float)instance).floatValue());            } else if(declaredClass == Double.TYPE) {                out.writeDouble(((Double)instance).doubleValue());            } else if(declaredClass != Void.TYPE) {                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a primitive: " + declaredClass);            }        } else if(declaredClass.isEnum()) {            UTF8.writeString(out, ((Enum)instance).name());        } else if(Writable.class.isAssignableFrom(declaredClass)) {            UTF8.writeString(out, instance.getClass().getName());            ((Writable)instance).write(out);        } else {            if(!Message.class.isAssignableFrom(declaredClass)) {                throw new IOException("Can\'t write: " + instance + " as " + declaredClass);            }            ((Message)instance).writeDelimitedTo(DataOutputOutputStream.constructOutputStream(out));        }    }


public static Object readObject(DataInput in, Configuration conf) throws IOException {        return readObject(in, (ObjectWritable)null, conf);    }    public static Object readObject(DataInput in, ObjectWritable objectWritable, Configuration conf) throws IOException {        String className = UTF8.readString(in);        Class declaredClass = (Class)PRIMITIVE_NAMES.get(className);        if(declaredClass == null) {            declaredClass = loadClass(conf, className);        }        Object instance;        if(declaredClass.isPrimitive()) {            if(declaredClass == Boolean.TYPE) {                instance = Boolean.valueOf(in.readBoolean());            } else if(declaredClass == Character.TYPE) {                instance = Character.valueOf(in.readChar());            } else if(declaredClass == Byte.TYPE) {                instance = Byte.valueOf(in.readByte());            } else if(declaredClass == Short.TYPE) {                instance = Short.valueOf(in.readShort());            } else if(declaredClass == Integer.TYPE) {                instance = Integer.valueOf(in.readInt());            } else if(declaredClass == Long.TYPE) {                instance = Long.valueOf(in.readLong());            } else if(declaredClass == Float.TYPE) {                instance = Float.valueOf(in.readFloat());            } else if(declaredClass == Double.TYPE) {                instance = Double.valueOf(in.readDouble());            } else {                if(declaredClass != Void.TYPE) {                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a primitive: " + declaredClass);                }                instance = null;            }        } else if(declaredClass.isArray()) {            int instanceClass = in.readInt();            instance = Array.newInstance(declaredClass.getComponentType(), instanceClass);            for(int str = 0; str < instanceClass; ++str) {                Array.set(instance, str, readObject(in, conf));            }        } else {            Internal var9;            if(declaredClass == Internal.class) {                var9 = new Internal();                var9.readFields(in);                instance = var9.get();                declaredClass = instance.getClass();            } else if(declaredClass == String.class) {                instance = UTF8.readString(in);            } else if(declaredClass.isEnum()) {                instance = Enum.valueOf(declaredClass, UTF8.readString(in));            } else if(Message.class.isAssignableFrom(declaredClass)) {                instance = tryInstantiateProtobuf(declaredClass, in);            } else {                var9 = null;                String var11 = UTF8.readString(in);                Class var10 = loadClass(conf, var11);                Writable writable = WritableFactories.newInstance(var10, conf);                writable.readFields(in);                instance = writable;                if(var10 == ObjectWritable.NullInstance.class) {                    declaredClass = ((ObjectWritable.NullInstance)writable).declaredClass;                    instance = null;                }            }        }        if(objectWritable != null) {            objectWritable.declaredClass = declaredClass;            objectWritable.instance = instance;        }        return instance;    }

read from or write to protobuf

private static Message tryInstantiateProtobuf(Class<?> protoClass, DataInput dataIn) throws IOException {        try {            if(dataIn instanceof InputStream) {                Method iae1 = getStaticProtobufMethod(protoClass, "parseDelimitedFrom", new Class[]{InputStream.class});                return (Message)iae1.invoke((Object)null, new Object[]{(InputStream)dataIn});            } else {                int iae = ProtoUtil.readRawVarint32(dataIn);                if(iae < 0) {                    throw new IOException("Invalid size: " + iae);                } else {                    byte[] data = new byte[iae];                    dataIn.readFully(data);                    Method parseMethod = getStaticProtobufMethod(protoClass, "parseFrom", new Class[]{byte[].class});                    return (Message)parseMethod.invoke((Object)null, new Object[]{data});                }            }        } catch (InvocationTargetException var5) {            if(var5.getCause() instanceof IOException) {                throw (IOException)var5.getCause();            } else {                throw new IOException(var5.getCause());            }        } catch (IllegalAccessException var6) {            throw new AssertionError("Could not access parse method in " + protoClass);        }    }    static Method getStaticProtobufMethod(Class<?> declaredClass, String method, Class... args) {        try {            return declaredClass.getMethod(method, args);        } catch (Exception var4) {            throw new AssertionError("Protocol buffer class " + declaredClass + " does not have an accessible parseFrom(InputStream) method!");        }    }


private static class NullInstance extends Configured implements Writable {        private Class<?> declaredClass;        public NullInstance() {            super((Configuration)null);        }        public NullInstance(Class declaredClass, Configuration conf) {            super(conf);            this.declaredClass = declaredClass;        }        public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {            String className = UTF8.readString(in);            this.declaredClass = (Class)ObjectWritable.PRIMITIVE_NAMES.get(className);            if(this.declaredClass == null) {                try {                    this.declaredClass = this.getConf().getClassByName(className);                } catch (ClassNotFoundException var4) {                    throw new RuntimeException(var4.toString());                }            }        }        public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {            UTF8.writeString(out, this.declaredClass.getName());        }    }