PyQt5 与 PyQt4 差别对比

来源:互联网 发布:windows更新怎么关闭 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 12:38

PyQt5 与 PyQt4 差别


不与 PyQt4 兼容


不再对Python老版本提供支持(Python 2.6 之前)


PyQt5 不支持任何在PyQt4版本中标记为不推荐或舍弃的Qt API(如果有就会当Bug处理)


PyQt4 支持多版本的API(如QString QVariant 等)
PyQt5 只支持最新的API版本(除QVariant外)
QVariant的改变是去掉了 QPyNullVariant (在QVariant的帮助文档里也有显示)

信号和插槽(Signals and Slots)机制更新

# 下面所列出来的调用方式不再支持QObject.connect()QObject.emit()SIGNAL()SLOT()

所有含有以SIGNAL()或SLOT()返回结果为参数的方法不再支持,转而提供可调用方法(函数)或已捆绑的信号(a bound signal)


# PyQt5combo = QtWidgets.QComboBox(self)combo.activated.connect(self.onActivated)# PyQt4combo = QtWidgets.QComboBox(self)self.connect(combo, QtCore.pyqtSignal('activated(QString)'), self.onActivated)

QObject.disconnect() 调用无参数,作用断掉所有信号和插槽的连接

TODO New-style Signals and Slots

Qt implements signals with an optional argument as two separate signals, one with the argument and one without it. PyQt4 exposed both of these allowing you to connect to each of them. However, when emitting the signal, you had to use the signal appropriate to the number of arguments being emitted.

PyQt5 exposes only the signal where all arguments are specified. However it allows any optional arguments to be omitted when emitting the signal.

Unlike PyQt4, PyQt5 supports the definition of properties, signals and slots in classes not sub-classed from QObject (i.e. in mixins).

新增 QtQml QtQuick 模块并支持从QML创建Python对象

不再支持QtDeclarative, QtScript, QtScriptTools模块
以上模块被 QtQmlQtQuick 替换。

QtGui 模块更新

QtGui模块被拆分了为QtGui, QtPrintSupport 和QtWidgets三大模块

from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtPrintSupport, QtWidgets

QtOpenGL 模块更新

PyQt5的QtOpenGL模块只提供QGLContext QGLFormatQGLWidget

QtWebKit 模块更新



The PyQt5 Extension API
PyQt5 支持第三方包直接基于PyQt5开发(如QScintilla)

dbus.mainloop.qt 模块更名

#dbus.mainloop.qtdbus.mainloop.pyqt5 # 相同功能只更名

QDataStream 明显数值的参数以数值处理和返回

readUint8(); readInt8(); writeUInt8(); writeInt8() 方法在PyQt5中以数值类型写入和返回(PyQt4中是以数值文本)

QFileDialog 文件操作接口更新

PyQt5 PyQt4 备注 getOpenFileName() getOpenFileNameAndFilter() getOpenFileNames() getOpenFileNamesAndFilter() getSaveFileNameAndFilter() getSaveFileName()

PyQt5 舍弃了 PyQt4 同名的方法

QMatrix 方法不再支持

PyQt5 中已经不再支持 PyQt4种不推荐方法 QMatrix
PyQt5 中可以考虑使用 QPropertyAnimation

QGraphicsItemAnimation 方法不再支持

PyQt5 中已经不再支持 PyQt4种不推荐方法 QGraphicsItemAnimation
PyQt5 中可以考虑使用 QTransform

QPyTextObject 被舍弃

PyQt4 implements the QPyTextObject as a workaround for the inability to define a Python class that is sub-classed from more than one Qt class. PyQt5 does support the ability to define a Python class that is sub-classed from more than one Qt class so long as all but one of the Qt classes are interfaces, i.e. they have been declared in C++ as such using Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE. Therefore QPyTextObject is not implemented in PyQt5.

QSet 在PyQt5中完全用 集合 形式实现


pyuic5 does not support the –pyqt3-wrapper flag of pyuic4.

pyrcc5 不再支持 -py2 或-py3参数

pyrcc5 does not support the -py2 and -py3 flags of pyrcc4. The output of pyrcc5 is compatible with all versions of Python starting with Python v2.6.

PyQt5 优化 合作性多重继承 (Cooperative Multi-inheritance)的初始化方式

# PyQt5 调用父类的`__init__`方法.def __init(self, **kwargs):    super().__init__(**kwargs)

PyQt5 自动释放GIL,而不是PyQt4的强制释放

PyQt5 退出时自动调用sip.setdestroyonexit()以禁用自动析构

Python解释器退出PyQt4应用程序时会默认调用C++析构器处理所有它拥有的线程(这通常是以随机的顺序,因此可能会导致解析器崩溃),通过调用 sip.setdestroyonexit() 函数可以禁用。
PyQt5 总会自动调用 sip.setdestroyonexit() 函数.
