A Programmer's Guide to .NET

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The new Microsoft platform, Microsoft.NET provides countless opportunities for different services and systems to interact, allowing programmers to develop powerful solutions for the internet. If you are a programmer or developer wanting to take full advantage of Microsoft.NET, this book, which provides essential information for the whole of the .NET platform, is for you.

A Programmer's Guide to .NET will help you to gain an in-depth understanding of the .NET framework, its architecture, main components and supported technologies. Alexei Federov describes how the main components of the platform -- Windows Forms, Web Forms, ADO.NET, web services and the Common Language Runtime -- can work together, enabling you to create high-performance applications more easily and efficiently.

A Programmer's Guide to .NET:
*Explains all of the significant parts of the Microsoft.NET framework -- not just one technology
*Contains practical examples showing how you can use .NET to create a variety of applications -- from console applications to XML web services
*Includes code examples written in VB.NET that can also be imported into other .NET languages
*Provides a comprehensive list of web resources in the appendix.
