
来源:互联网 发布:大数据统计学基础 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/12 18:07


--@比牌接口函数--@ my_Cards, 本家牌,--@ pre_Cards,下家牌,--@ ret true/falsefunction cardTool.isOvercomePrev(my_Cards, next_Cards)    --获取各自牌形    local my_Cards_Type = cardTool.getCardType(my_Cards)    local next_Cards_Type = cardTool.getCardType(next_Cards)    local winorlose    if  my_Cards_Type == next_Cards_Type then --牌形相同的情况下        winorlose =  CardTypeSame(my_Cards, next_Cards, my_Cards_Type)    end    if my_Cards_Type ~= next_Cards_Type  then --牌形不同的情况下          winorlose =  CardTypeDifferent(my_Cards, next_Cards,my_Cards_Type,next_Cards_Type)    endreturn winorloseend


function  CardTypeDifferent( my_Cards, next_Cards, my_Cards_Type, next_Cards_Type )local  win  = true    local  lose = false    local isWinOrlose    local my_Cards_Bao_Zi = false    local next_Cards_Bao_Zi = false    if my_Cards_Type == CardType.BAO_ZI then        my_Cards_Bao_Zi = true    end    if next_Cards_Type == CardType.BAO_ZI then        next_Cards_Bao_Zi = true    end    --如果没有豹子    if my_Cards_Bao_Zi == next_Cards_Bao_Zi then        isWinOrlose = my_Cards_Type - next_Cards_Type        if isWinOrlose > 0 then            return win        end        if isWinOrlose < 0 then            return lose        end    end    if my_Cards_Bao_Zi or next_Cards_Bao_Zi thenmy_Cards_235 = is235(my_Cards)        next_Cards_235 = is235(next_Cards)        if my_Cards_235  then            if cardTool.isTongHua(my_Cards) then                return lose            else                return win            endend        if next_Cards_235 then            if cardTool.isTongHua(next_Cards) then                return win            else                return loseend        endif (my_Cards_235 == false) and (next_Cards_235 == false) thenif my_Cards_Type == CardType.BAO_ZI thenreturn winendif next_Cards_Type == CardType.BAO_ZI thenreturn loseend    endendend








function CardTypeSame( my_Cards, next_Cards, my_Cards_Type )    --------------------------------------豹子-----------------------------local  win  = true    local  lose = false    local  SubValueBaoZi    if  my_Cards_Type == CardType.Bao_ZI then        SubValueBaoZi = my_Cards[1].card_value - next_Cards[1].card_value        if  SubValueBaoZi == 0 then            return lose        end        if SubValueBaoZi > 0 then            return win        end        if SubValueBaoZi < 0 then            return lose        end    end    -------------------------------------同花顺-----------------------------    local  IsOrNotA32_mycards    local  IsOrNotA32_nextcards    local  SubValueSunZi    if  my_Cards_Type == CardType.TONG_HUA_SHUN then        IsOrNotA32_mycards = isA32(my_Cards)        IsOrNotA32_nextcards = isA32(next_Cards)        --两个都是A32        if IsOrNotA32_mycards  and IsOrNotA32_nextcards then            return lose        end        --有一个有A32        if IsOrNotA32_mycards  or IsOrNotA32_nextcards then            if IsOrNotA32_nextcards then                return win            else                return lose            end        end        --都没有A32        if IsOrNotA32_mycards  == false and IsOrNotA32_nextcards == false then            SubValueSunZi = my_Cards[3].card_value - next_Cards[3].card_value            if SubValueSunZi == 0 then                return lose            end            if SubValueSunZi > 0 then                return win            end            if SubValueSunZi < 0 then                return lose            end        end    end    --------------------------------------------同花----------------------------------    if  my_Cards_Type == CardType.TONG_HUA then        if my_Cards[3].card_value - next_Cards[3].card_value > 0 then            return win         end        if my_Cards[3].card_value - next_Cards[3].card_value < 0 then            return lose        end        if my_Cards[2].card_value - next_Cards[2].card_value > 0 then            return win         end        if my_Cards[2].card_value - next_Cards[2].card_value < 0 then            return lose        end                if my_Cards[1].card_value - next_Cards[1].card_value > 0 then            return win         end        if my_Cards[1].card_value - next_Cards[1].card_value < 0 then            return lose        end        return lose    end        --------------------------------------------顺子----------------------------------    local  IsOrNotA32_mycards    local  IsOrNotA32_nextcards    local  SubValueSunZi    if  my_Cards_Type == CardType.SHUN_ZI then        IsOrNotA32_mycards = isA32(my_Cards)        IsOrNotA32_nextcards = isA32(next_Cards)        --两个都是A32        if IsOrNotA32_mycards  and IsOrNotA32_nextcards then            return lose        end        --有一个有A32        if IsOrNotA32_mycards  or IsOrNotA32_nextcards then            if IsOrNotA32_nextcards then                return win            else                return lose            end        end        --都没有A32        if IsOrNotA32_mycards  == false and IsOrNotA32_nextcards == false then            SubValueSunZi = my_Cards[3].card_value - next_Cards[3].card_value            if SubValueSunZi == 0 then                return lose            end            if SubValueSunZi > 0 then                return win            end            if SubValueSunZi < 0 then                return lose            end        end    end    --------------------------------------------对子----------------------------------       if  my_Cards_Type == CardType.DUI_ZI then        --第二张牌一定是组成对子的那张牌        local SubValueDuiZi = my_Cards[2].card_value - next_Cards[2].card_value        --第二张不等        if SubValueDuiZi > 0 then            return win         end        if SubValueDuiZi < 0 then            return lose        end        --第二张相等        if SubValueDuiZi == 0 then            if (my_Cards[1].card_value + my_Cards[3].card_value ) > (next_Cards[1].card_value + next_Cards[3].card_value) then                return win            else                return lose            end        end            end    --------------------------------------------单牌----------------------------------    if  my_Cards_Type == CardType.UNDEFINE then        if my_Cards[3].card_value - next_Cards[3].card_value > 0 then            return win         end        if my_Cards[3].card_value - next_Cards[3].card_value < 0 then            return lose        end        if my_Cards[2].card_value - next_Cards[2].card_value > 0 then            return win         end        if my_Cards[2].card_value - next_Cards[2].card_value < 0 then            return lose        end                if my_Cards[1].card_value - next_Cards[1].card_value > 0 then            return win         end        if my_Cards[1].card_value - next_Cards[1].card_value < 0 then            return lose        end        return loseendend


local cardBuffer =cardTool.RandCardList()--cardBuffer[1]=2--cardBuffer[2]=3+16--cardBuffer[3]=5--cardBuffer[4]=4+16--cardBuffer[5]=4+32--cardBuffer[6]=4+48local cards1={}local cards2={}for i=1,6,1 do    local cardColor =[i] , 0xF0)    local cardValue =[i] , 0x0F)    local cardinfo =    {        card_value = cardValue;        card_Color = cardColor;    }    if i >3 then        cards2[i-3] = cardinfo    else        cards1[i] = cardinfo    endendprint_t(cardTool.getCardTypeNamebyType(cardTool.getCardType(cards1)))print_t(cardTool.getCardNamebyCards(cards1))print_t(cardTool.getCardTypeNamebyType(cardTool.getCardType(cards2)))print_t(cardTool.getCardNamebyCards(cards2))print_t(cardTool.isOvercomePrev(cards1,cards2))


  单牌  黑桃4梅花6方块Q  同花  梅花5梅花9梅花K  false




  单牌  黑桃2红桃3黑桃5  豹子  红桃4梅花4方块4  true




  顺子  黑桃2红桃3黑桃A  顺子  红桃4梅花5方块6  false

