spark 2.1 the runJob process

来源:互联网 发布:怎么写好网络小说知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 09:05
/**   * Run a function on a given set of partitions in an RDD and pass the results to the given   * handler function. This is the main entry point for all actions in Spark.   */  def runJob[T, U: ClassTag](      rdd: RDD[T],      func: (TaskContext, Iterator[T]) => U,      partitions: Seq[Int],      resultHandler: (Int, U) => Unit): Unit = {    if (stopped.get()) {      throw new IllegalStateException("SparkContext has been shutdown")    }    val callSite = getCallSite    val cleanedFunc = clean(func)    logInfo("Starting job: " + callSite.shortForm)    if (conf.getBoolean("spark.logLineage", false)) {      logInfo("RDD's recursive dependencies:\n" + rdd.toDebugString)    }    dagScheduler.runJob(rdd, cleanedFunc, partitions, callSite, resultHandler, localProperties.get)    progressBar.foreach(_.finishAll())    rdd.doCheckpoint()  }



/**   * Run an action job on the given RDD and pass all the results to the resultHandler function as   * they arrive.   *   * @param rdd target RDD to run tasks on   * @param func a function to run on each partition of the RDD   * @param partitions set of partitions to run on; some jobs may not want to compute on all   *   partitions of the target RDD, e.g. for operations like first()   * @param callSite where in the user program this job was called   * @param resultHandler callback to pass each result to   * @param properties scheduler properties to attach to this job, e.g. fair scheduler pool name   *   * @throws Exception when the job fails   */  def runJob[T, U](      rdd: RDD[T],      func: (TaskContext, Iterator[T]) => U,      partitions: Seq[Int],      callSite: CallSite,      resultHandler: (Int, U) => Unit,      properties: Properties): Unit = {    val start = System.nanoTime    val waiter = submitJob(rdd, func, partitions, callSite, resultHandler, properties)    // Note: Do not call Await.ready(future) because that calls `scala.concurrent.blocking`,    // which causes concurrent SQL executions to fail if a fork-join pool is used. Note that    // due to idiosyncrasies in Scala, `awaitPermission` is not actually used anywhere so it's    // safe to pass in null here. For more detail, see SPARK-13747.    val awaitPermission = null.asInstanceOf[scala.concurrent.CanAwait]    waiter.completionFuture.ready(Duration.Inf)(awaitPermission)    waiter.completionFuture.value.get match {      case scala.util.Success(_) =>        logInfo("Job %d finished: %s, took %f s".format          (waiter.jobId, callSite.shortForm, (System.nanoTime - start) / 1e9))      case scala.util.Failure(exception) =>        logInfo("Job %d failed: %s, took %f s".format          (waiter.jobId, callSite.shortForm, (System.nanoTime - start) / 1e9))        // SPARK-8644: Include user stack trace in exceptions coming from DAGScheduler.        val callerStackTrace = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace.tail        exception.setStackTrace(exception.getStackTrace ++ callerStackTrace)        throw exception    }  }


/**   * Submit an action job to the scheduler.   *   * @param rdd target RDD to run tasks on   * @param func a function to run on each partition of the RDD   * @param partitions set of partitions to run on; some jobs may not want to compute on all   *   partitions of the target RDD, e.g. for operations like first()   * @param callSite where in the user program this job was called   * @param resultHandler callback to pass each result to   * @param properties scheduler properties to attach to this job, e.g. fair scheduler pool name   *   * @return a JobWaiter object that can be used to block until the job finishes executing   *         or can be used to cancel the job.   *   * @throws IllegalArgumentException when partitions ids are illegal   */  def submitJob[T, U](      rdd: RDD[T],      func: (TaskContext, Iterator[T]) => U,      partitions: Seq[Int],      callSite: CallSite,      resultHandler: (Int, U) => Unit,      properties: Properties): JobWaiter[U] = {    // Check to make sure we are not launching a task on a partition that does not exist.    val maxPartitions = rdd.partitions.length    partitions.find(p => p >= maxPartitions || p < 0).foreach { p =>      throw new IllegalArgumentException(        "Attempting to access a non-existent partition: " + p + ". " +          "Total number of partitions: " + maxPartitions)    }    val jobId = nextJobId.getAndIncrement()    if (partitions.size == 0) {      // Return immediately if the job is running 0 tasks      return new JobWaiter[U](this, jobId, 0, resultHandler)    }    assert(partitions.size > 0)    val func2 = func.asInstanceOf[(TaskContext, Iterator[_]) => _]    val waiter = new JobWaiter(this, jobId, partitions.size, resultHandler)      jobId, rdd, func2, partitions.toArray, callSite, waiter,      SerializationUtils.clone(properties)))    waiter  }


 private[scheduler] def handleJobSubmitted(jobId: Int,      finalRDD: RDD[_],      func: (TaskContext, Iterator[_]) => _,      partitions: Array[Int],      callSite: CallSite,      listener: JobListener,      properties: Properties) {    var finalStage: ResultStage = null    try {      // New stage creation may throw an exception if, for example, jobs are run on a      // HadoopRDD whose underlying HDFS files have been deleted.      finalStage = createResultStage(finalRDD, func, partitions, jobId, callSite)    } catch {      case e: Exception =>        logWarning("Creating new stage failed due to exception - job: " + jobId, e)        listener.jobFailed(e)        return    }    val job = new ActiveJob(jobId, finalStage, callSite, listener, properties)    clearCacheLocs()    logInfo("Got job %s (%s) with %d output partitions".format(      job.jobId, callSite.shortForm, partitions.length))    logInfo("Final stage: " + finalStage + " (" + + ")")    logInfo("Parents of final stage: " + finalStage.parents)    logInfo("Missing parents: " + getMissingParentStages(finalStage))    val jobSubmissionTime = clock.getTimeMillis()    jobIdToActiveJob(jobId) = job    activeJobs += job    finalStage.setActiveJob(job)    val stageIds = jobIdToStageIds(jobId).toArray    val stageInfos = stageIds.flatMap(id => stageIdToStage.get(id).map(_.latestInfo))      SparkListenerJobStart(job.jobId, jobSubmissionTime, stageInfos, properties))    submitStage(finalStage)  }
override def submitTasks(taskSet: TaskSet) {    val tasks = taskSet.tasks    logInfo("Adding task set " + + " with " + tasks.length + " tasks")    this.synchronized {      val manager = createTaskSetManager(taskSet, maxTaskFailures)      val stage = taskSet.stageId      val stageTaskSets =        taskSetsByStageIdAndAttempt.getOrElseUpdate(stage, new HashMap[Int, TaskSetManager])      stageTaskSets(taskSet.stageAttemptId) = manager      val conflictingTaskSet = stageTaskSets.exists { case (_, ts) =>        ts.taskSet != taskSet && !ts.isZombie      }      if (conflictingTaskSet) {        throw new IllegalStateException(s"more than one active taskSet for stage $stage:" +          s" ${{}.mkString(",")}")      }      schedulableBuilder.addTaskSetManager(manager,      if (!isLocal && !hasReceivedTask) {        starvationTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {          override def run() {            if (!hasLaunchedTask) {              logWarning("Initial job has not accepted any resources; " +                "check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered " +                "and have sufficient resources")            } else {              this.cancel()            }          }        }, STARVATION_TIMEOUT_MS, STARVATION_TIMEOUT_MS)      }      hasReceivedTask = true    }    backend.reviveOffers()  }
  // Label as private[scheduler] to allow tests to swap in different task set managers if necessary  private[scheduler] def createTaskSetManager(      taskSet: TaskSet,      maxTaskFailures: Int): TaskSetManager = {    new TaskSetManager(this, taskSet, maxTaskFailures)  }