
来源:互联网 发布:阿里云测试培训 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 00:09


现有employee 表,表中有 员工编号(id) 员工年龄(age) 员工工资(salary) 员工部门(deptid), 按要求用一条SQL语句完成

create table employee(  
id int  identity(1,1) primary key ,  
name varchar(50),  
salary bigint,  
deptid int);


select ta.* from employee ta,  
(select deptid,avg(salary) avgsal from employee group by deptid)tb   
where ta.deptid=tb.deptid and ta.salary>tb.avgsal


select ta.deptid,count(*) as ‘人数’  from employee ta,  
(select deptid,avg(salary) avgsal from employee group by deptid)tb   
where ta.deptid=tb.deptid and ta.salary>tb.avgsal group by ta.deptid order by ta.deptid


SELECT avg(salary) as ‘平均值’,deptid FROM employee  where salary >=6000 GROUP BY dept_id


select deptid,
sum(case when age < 20 then salary else 0 end) / sum(case when age <20 then 1 else 0 end) as “20岁以下平均工资”,
sum(case when age >= 20 and age <40 then salary else 0 end) / sum(case when age >= 20 and age <40 then 1 else 0 end) as “20至40岁平均工资”,
sum(case when age >= 40 then salary else 0 end) / sum(case when age >=40 then 1 else 0 end) as “>40岁及以上平均工资”,
from employee
group by deptid