Developing Visual Studio .NET Macros and Add-Ins

来源:互联网 发布:数据库时间戳长度 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 06:14
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Learn how to supercharge Visual Studio .NET with this in-depth guide to creating customized macros and add-ins

Whether you simply need to automate a repetitive task or make a full-scale improvement to Visual Studio .NET, Jeff Cogswell will quickly teach you how in this comprehensive book. Youll find all the tools necessary to create customized macros and add-ins using the Macros Integrated Development Environment (IDE) of Visual Studio .NET, and the only print documentation available on how to gain complete control over the IDEs menus.

With clear and concise details, Cogswell walks you through macro development, showing you how to automate processes in Visual Studio .NET.

He explains how to use Visual Studio .NET to write add-ins for Microsoft Office, and how to integrate Microsoft Office products such as Word, Excel, and Outlook right into Visual Studio .NET.

Along the way, he also uncovers the ins and outs of deploying your add-ins and presents expert tips and techniques on how to supercharge Visual Studio .NET.

With this book, youll learn how to:
*Program against the object model and how to develop, save, deploy, and reuse add-ins
*Customize Visual Studio .NET to allow easier and faster incorporation of specialized subroutines, UI elements, and other components
*Develop satellite DLLs that provide for globalization of your software
*Customize the development environment for macros and add-ins created in any .NET-hosted language from Visual Studio to Perl, Delphi, COBOL, and Eiffel
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