
来源:互联网 发布:戴着镣铐的舞蹈 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 13:30


rem path " "里面内容替换为TexturePacker的安装路径,将bat文件放在图片文件夹直接运行就可以了@ech offpath %path%;"D:\Program Files (x86)\CodeAndWeb\TexturePacker\bin"for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%d in (`dir /s /b *.pvr.ccz`) do (TexturePacker.exe --sheet "%%~dpnd.png" "%%d" --algorithm Basic --allow-free-size --no-trim )del out.plistrem 修改文件名@python "%~dp0/deletePvr.py" %*pause

第二步,不知道为啥bat生成的格式“.pvr.png”,没找到好的方法,就用Python写了个改文件名的, 顺便学习一下python

#!/usr/bin/python#-*-coding:utf-8-*-#批量把文件中".pvr.png"修改为".png"import os, sys# 递归修改路径中的".pvr.png"文件def recursive_rename_files(path):currentFiles = os.listdir(path) #获取路径的文件for fileName in currentFiles:fullFileName = os.path.join(path, fileName)if fullFileName.endswith(".pvr.png"):rename_delete_pvr(fullFileName)if os.path.isdir(fullFileName):#递归调用recursive_rename_files(fullFileName) #修改文件名def rename_delete_pvr(fileName):position = fileName.find(".pvr.png")#字符串截取resultFileName = fileName[0:position] + fileName[-4:]#文件重命名os.rename(fileName, resultFileName)def main():currentPath = os.getcwd()recursive_rename_files(currentPath)if __name__ == '__main__':main()
#!/usr/bin/python#-*-coding:utf-8-*-#!python   import os,sysfrom xml.etree import ElementTree  from PIL import Image   #匹配字符串末尾是包含某个字符串  def endWith(s,*endstring):    # endswith()匹配字符串的开头或末尾是否包含一个字符串。匹配开头是startswith()    # map()是 Python 内置的高阶函数,它接收一个函数 f 和一个 list,并通过把函数 f 依次作用在 list 的每个元素上,得到一个新的 list 并返回。       array = map(s.endswith,endstring)       if True in array:           return True       else:           return False         # Get the all files & directories in the specified directory (path).   def get_recursive_file_list(path):    current_files = os.listdir(path)      all_files = []       for file_name in current_files:           full_file_name = os.path.join(path, file_name)          if endWith(full_file_name,'.plist'):               full_file_name = full_file_name.replace('.plist','')              # append() 方法向列表的尾部添加一个新的元素。只接受一个参数。            all_files.append(full_file_name)              if os.path.isdir(full_file_name):               next_level_files = get_recursive_file_list(full_file_name)               # extend()方法只接受一个列表作为参数,并将该参数的每个元素都添加到原有的列表中。            all_files.extend(next_level_files)      return all_files        def tree_to_dict(tree):      d = {}      #enumerate会将数组或列表组成一个索引序列。使我们再获取索引和索引内容的时候更加方便    for index, item in enumerate(tree):          if item.tag == 'key':              if tree[index+1].tag == 'string':                  d[item.text] = tree[index + 1].text              elif tree[index + 1].tag == 'true':                  d[item.text] = True              elif tree[index + 1].tag == 'false':                  d[item.text] = False              elif tree[index+1].tag == 'dict':                  d[item.text] = tree_to_dict(tree[index+1])      return d    def gen_png_from_plist(plist_filename, png_filename):      file_path = plist_filename.replace('.plist', '') #这样做是为了顺便创建一个文件夹     # 判断是否为目录    if not os.path.isdir(file_path):          os.mkdir(file_path) #创建目录    big_image = Image.open(png_filename)  #打开图片,获取句柄    #解析节点    root = ElementTree.fromstring(open(plist_filename, 'r').read())      plist_dict = tree_to_dict(root[0])      to_list = lambda x: x.replace('{','').replace('}','').split(',')      for k,v in plist_dict['frames'].items():          rectlist = to_list(v['frame'])          # 嗯,不是很懂这样的写法,所以用and or写了        # width = int( rectlist[3] if v['rotated'] else rectlist[2] )          # height = int( rectlist[2] if v['rotated'] else rectlist[3] )          width = int(v['rotated'] and rectlist[3] or rectlist[2])        height = int(v['rotated'] and rectlist[2] or rectlist[3])        box=(               int(rectlist[0]),              int(rectlist[1]),              int(rectlist[0]) + width,              int(rectlist[1]) + height,          )            rect_on_big = big_image.crop(box)  #裁剪图片,并获取句柄region         # 这个旋转之后很奇怪,只有中间部分图片,其他的都是空白,不知道是什么原因        # if v['rotated']:          #     rect_on_big = rect_on_big.rotate(90)            # 创建一个新的图片        sizelist = [width, height]        result_image = Image.new('RGBA', sizelist, (0,0,0,0))          result_box=(0, 0, width, height)        result_image.paste(rect_on_big, result_box, mask = 0)         # 图片旋转        if v['rotated']:            # result_image = result_image.rotated(90) 没有这个方法??            result_image =result_image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_90)        # 文件路径修改        testPath = file_path.replace("\\", "/")         position = k.find("/")  #这里还有一个文件夹        if position != -1:            catalogue = testPath + "/" + k[0:position]            if not os.path.isdir(catalogue):                os.mkdir(catalogue)        outfile = (testPath+'/' + k).replace('gift_', '')          print outfile, "generated"          result_image.save(outfile)    if __name__ == '__main__':     currtenPath = os.getcwd()   #该函数不需要传递参数,它返回当前工作目录    allPlistArray = get_recursive_file_list(currtenPath)      print allPlistArray     #数组可以直接输出的    for plist in allPlistArray:          filename = plist          plist_filename = filename + '.plist'          png_filename = filename + '.png'          if (os.path.exists(plist_filename) and os.path.exists(png_filename)):              gen_png_from_plist( plist_filename, png_filename )          else:              print "make sure you have boith plist and png files in the same directory" 


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