leetcode92. Reverse Linked List II

来源:互联网 发布:台湾ptt评论知乎文章 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 18:39



consider m,n as the cutting point ,and cut the linklist to three parts. The first  and third part is just  marked as the same of  original link list,and the second part should be reversed and we should notice to save the node in m to let it connect with the third part.

public ListNode reverseBetween(ListNode head, int m, int n) {ListNode dummyhead = new ListNode(0);dummyhead.next = head;ListNode sublisthead = new ListNode(0);ListNode sublisttail = new ListNode(0);int count = 1;ListNode pre_cur = dummyhead, cur = head;while(count <=n){ListNode temp = cur.next;if (count < m)pre_cur = cur;else if (count == m){sublisttail = cur;sublisthead.next = cur;}else if (count > m){cur.next = sublisthead.next;sublisthead.next = cur;}cur = temp;++count;}pre_cur.next = sublisthead.next;sublisttail.next = cur;return dummyhead.next;}






public class Solution {   public ListNode reverseBetween(ListNode head, int m, int n) {ListNode dummyhead = new ListNode(0);dummyhead.next = head;ListNode sublisthead = new ListNode(0);ListNode sublisttail = new ListNode(0);int count = 1;ListNode pre_cur = dummyhead, cur = head;while(count <=n){ListNode temp = cur.next;if (count < m)pre_cur = cur;else if (count == m){sublisttail = cur;sublisthead.next = sublisttail;//连接sublisttail}else if (count > m){cur.next = sublisthead.next;sublisthead.next = cur;}cur = temp;++count;}pre_cur.next = sublisthead.next;sublisttail.next = cur;return dummyhead.next;}

 public ListNode reverseBetween(ListNode head, int m, int n) {           ListNode dummyhead = new ListNode(0);        dummyhead.next = head;        ListNode sublisthead =new ListNode(0);        ListNode sublisttail =new ListNode(0);        int count = 1;        ListNode pre_cur = dummyhead, cur = head;        while(count <=n){            ListNode temp = cur.next;            if (count < m)                pre_cur = cur;            else if (count == m){                sublisttail = cur;//                sublisthead = cur;            }else if (count > m){                cur.next = sublisthead.next;                sublisthead.next = cur;            }            cur = temp;            ++count;        }       ListNode p=sublisthead;        while(p.next!=null){            p=p.next;        }        p.next=sublisttail;//连接sublisttail        sublisttail.next = cur;        pre_cur.next = sublisthead.next;        return dummyhead.next;    }


上述是in-place algorithm 需要四个标志:1、本身链表  2、链表的游标 3、临时链表:保存游标之后的结点  4、翻转链表:返回用,保存游标之前的结点

还有一种是重新生成一个链表的相关算法,也需要三个标志:1、本身链表:返回用 2、链表的游标  3、新建结点:创建新的结点用.


Input: (2 -> 4 -> 3) + (5 -> 6 -> 4)
Output: 7 -> 0 -> 8

 public ListNode addTwoNumbers(ListNode l1, ListNode l2) {       ListNode result=new ListNode(0);  //1       ListNode p1=l1,p2=l2;       ListNode r=result;                //2       int mode=0;       while(p1!=null||p2!=null||mode!=0){           ListNode temp=new ListNode(0);//3           int val=((p1==null)?0:p1.val)+((p2==null)?0:p2.val)+mode;           temp.val=val%10;           mode=val/10;           r.next=temp;           r=r.next;           p1=(p1==null)?p1:p1.next;           p2=(p2==null)?p2:p2.next;       }    //   if(mode!=0){    //       r.next=new ListNode(mode);    //   }       return result.next;    }
