第十届acm省赛-F-Binary to Prime

来源:互联网 发布:知乎 完颜亮 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 23:29

问题 F: Binary to Prime
时间限制: 1 Sec 内存限制: 128 MB
To facilitate the analysis of a DNA sequence, a DNA sequence is represented by a binary number. The group of DNA-1 has discovered a great new way . There is a certain correlation between binary number and prime number. Instead of using the ordinary decadic numbers, they use prime base numbers. Numbers in this base are expressed as sequences of zeros and ones similarly to the binary numbers, but the weights of bits in the representation are not powers of two, but the elements of the primes ( 2, 3, 5, 7,… ).

For example 01101 , ie. 2+5+7=14

Herefore, it is necessary to convert the binary number to the sum of prime numbers

The input consists of several instances, each of them consisting of a single line. Each line of the input contains a 01 string, length of not more than 150. The end of input is not marked in any special way.

For each test case generate a single line containing a single integer , The sum of the primes.






#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;int a[200];void p()//初始化一个从小到大排序的素数数组;{    int i;    double q;    i=0;    for(int t=2;i<200;t++)    {        int fa=1;        for(int j=2;j<=sqrt(t);j++)        {            if(t%j==0)            {                fa=0;break;            }        }        if(fa)            a[i++]=t;    }}int main(){    int sum;    char s[200];    p();    while(~scanf("%s",s))    {        int l=strlen(s);        sum=0;        for(int i=0;i<l;i++)        {            if(s[l-i-1]=='1')//注意位权是从右往左增大的;            {                sum+=a[i];            }        }        printf("%d\n",sum);    }    return 0;}
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