authorization of mongoDB3.4

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝托管多少钱一个月 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 06:18

如果在程序中,要带口令访问mongoDB, 需要设置mongoDB的授权参数,建立用户等操作。
看到人家已经做好了这个实验, 自己也验证了一下。





> use adminswitched to db admin> db.createUser({ user: "admin", pwd: "adminpassword", roles: [{ role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" }] })Successfully added user: {    "user" : "admin",    "roles" : [        {            "role" : "userAdminAnyDatabase",            "db" : "admin"        }    ]}> db.auth("admin", "adminpassword")1> exitbyesudo vi /etc/mongod.confadd code below after #security:// authorization前面是2个空格, 不能是\t#security:security:  authorization: enabled# not below, don't table key, need 2 space#security:#   authorization: enabledsudo service mongod restartnow mongod error, not startif mongod was run, info belowsudo service mongod status[ ok ] Checking status of database: mongod running.sudo service mongod status[FAIL] Checking status of database: mongod apparently not running failed!///////////////////////////////////////back to mongo> use adminswitched to db admin> db.auth("admin", "adminpassword")1> use testswitched to db test> db.createUser({ user: "test_usr", pwd: "test_pwd", roles: [{ role: "dbOwner", db: "test" }] })Successfully added user: {    "user" : "test_usr",    "roles" : [        {            "role" : "dbOwner",            "db" : "test"        }    ]}> db.auth("test_usr", "test_pwd")1> show collectionsfs.chunksfs.files// the author uri is belowmongodb://youruser:yourpassword@localhost/yourdatabasemongodb://test_usr:test_pwd@localhost/test



bool class_mongo_opt::test(){    bool b_rc = false;    std::string errmsg;    int i_bp_index = 0;    printf(">> class_mongo_opt::test() v1.0.0.1\n");    try {        //        // mongodb://        // mongodb://test_usr:test_pwd@localhost/test        // mongocxx::exception& ex = not authorized on test to execute command { aggregate: "restaurants", pipeline: [ { $group: { _id: "$borough", count: { $sum: 1 } } } ], cursor: {} }: generic server error        printf("bp = %d\n", i_bp_index++);        mongocxx::instance inst{}; // This should be done only once.        printf("bp = %d\n", i_bp_index++);        // 无认证的写法        mongocxx::client conn{mongocxx::uri{}};        // 有认证的写法        /*        mongocxx::uri uri("mongodb://test_usr:test_pwd@localhost:27017/test");        mongocxx::client conn(uri);        */        printf("bp = %d\n", i_bp_index++);        auto db = conn["test"];        // Group documents by field and calculate count.        {            // @begin: cpp-group-documents-by-a-field-and-calculate-count            printf("1 bp = %d\n", i_bp_index++);            mongocxx::pipeline stages;            printf("bp = %d\n", i_bp_index++);            bsoncxx::builder::stream::document group_stage;            printf("bp = %d\n", i_bp_index++);            group_stage << "_id"                        << "$borough"                        << "count" << open_document << "$sum" << 1 << close_document;            printf("bp = %d\n", i_bp_index++);  ;            printf("bp = %d\n", i_bp_index++);            auto cursor = db["restaurants"].aggregate(stages);            printf("8 bp = %d\n", i_bp_index++);            // mongocxx::exception& ex = not authorized on test to execute command { aggregate: "restaurants", pipeline: [ { $group: { _id: "$borough", count: { $sum: 1 } } } ], cursor: {} }: generic server error            // cursor 遍历时,需要登录数据库后才有权限            for (auto&& doc : cursor) {                printf("10 bp = %d\n", i_bp_index++);                std::cout << bsoncxx::to_json(doc) << std::endl;            }            // @end: cpp-group-documents-by-a-field-and-calculate-count        printf("9 bp = %d\n", i_bp_index++);        }        // Filter and group documents.        {            // @begin: cpp-filter-and-group-documents            printf("3 bp = %d\n", i_bp_index++);            mongocxx::pipeline stages;            printf("bp = %d\n", i_bp_index++);            bsoncxx::builder::stream::document match_stage, group_stage;            printf("bp = %d\n", i_bp_index++);            match_stage << "borough"                        << "Queens"                        << "cuisine"                        << "Brazilian";            printf("bp = %d\n", i_bp_index++);            group_stage << "_id"                        << "$address.zipcode"                        << "count" << open_document << "$sum" << 1 << close_document;            printf("bp = %d\n", i_bp_index++);            stages.match(match_stage.view()).group(group_stage.view());            printf("bp = %d\n", i_bp_index++);            auto cursor = db["restaurants"].aggregate(stages);            printf("bp = %d\n", i_bp_index++);            for (auto&& doc : cursor) {                printf("bp = %d\n", i_bp_index++);                std::cout << bsoncxx::to_json(doc) << std::endl;            }            // @end: cpp-filter-and-group-documents        printf("4 bp = %d\n", i_bp_index++);        }        b_rc = true;    }    /*    catch(mongocxx::exception& ex) {        printf("mongocxx::exception& ex = %s\n", ex.what());        b_rc = false;    }    */    catch(std::exception& ex) {        errmsg = ex.what();        printf("exception : %s\n", errmsg.c_str());        b_rc = false;           }    catch(...) {        printf("catch...\n");        b_rc = false;           }    return b_rc;}