
来源:互联网 发布:守望先锋英雄数据库 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 05:31

1 概述


Figure 0






              将图片均分为10 x10 按区域进行二元高斯线性回归

              将图片均分为100x 100 按区域进行二元高斯线性回归

              将图片均分为100x 100 按区域进行二元高斯线性回归 利用双边滤波器平滑处理

              将图片均分为100x 100 按区域进行二元高斯线性回归 增加sigma维度

              将图片分为固定大小5x5区域按区域进行二元高斯线性回归 增加sigma维度

              将图片分为固定大小5x5区域按区进行二元高斯线性回归 加sigma维度 并行化

       效果如Figure 0 所示。


2 算法依次介绍

2.1 按行一元高斯线性回归


       Figure 1为测试原图。640x640

       在0.6的噪音比下,受损图片与原图的距离为671.1107。在利用按行线性回归后,效果如Figure 3,距离为31.9975。

Figure 1 测试原图


Figure 2 0.6噪音比图


Figure 3


       在0.8的噪音比下,图片如Figure 4,距离达到774.9727。利用一元线性回归处理后,效果如Figure 5,距离达到54.2619.

Figure 4


Figure 5

2.2 整幅图片二元高斯线性回归

       直接对整幅图片,以行、列为二维变量,其他不变进行二元高斯线性回归。高斯函数参数与按行一元相似。在0.6噪音比下,效果如Figure 6,距离变化为671.1107 - 201.1378。在0.8噪音比下,效果如Figure 7,距离变化为774.9727 - 231.9823。

       效果非常差。我认为是在整幅图像下,像素点之间的相关性较弱,难以根据50个参数建立起回归函数。即使将参数扩展到1000时,效果也并未发生较大变化。0.6噪音比下,距离变化为671.1107 - 201.1402;0.8噪音比下,距离变化为774.9727 - 231.9911.

Figure 6

Figure 7




basisNum = 50; % define the number of basis functions.

sigma = 0.01; % define the standard deviation.

Phi_mu_x = linspace(1, cols, basisNum)/cols; % set the mean x value of each basis function

Phi_mu_y = linspace(1, rows, basisNum)/rows; % set the mean y value of each basis function

Phi_mu = [Phi_mu_x(:) Phi_mu_y(:)];

Phi_sigma = sigma * ones(2, basisNum); % here we set the standard deviation to the same value for brevity.


% use pixel index as the independent variable in the regression function

x = 1:cols;

x = (x - min(x)) / (max(x)-min(x));

y = 1:rows;

y = (y - min(y)) / (max(y)-min(y));

[X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y);

r = [X(:) Y(:)];


% select the missing pixels randomly

resImg = corrImg;


% for each channel

for k = 1:channels

    % select the missing pixels

    msk = noiseMask(:, :, k);

    msk = msk(:,:);

    misId = find(msk<1);

    misNum = length(misId);

    ddId = find(msk>=1);

    ddNum = length(ddId);


    % compute the coefficients

    Phi = [ones(ddNum, 1) zeros(ddNum, basisNum-1)];

    for j = 2: basisNum

        Phi(:, j) = mvnpdf( r(ddId',:), Phi_mu(j-1), Phi_sigma(:,j-1)') * sqrt(2*pi) * Phi_sigma(j-1);


    corrImg_channal = corrImg(:,:,k);

    w = pinv(Phi' * Phi) * Phi' * corrImg_channal(ddId);


    % restore the missing values

    Phi1 = [ones(misNum, 1) zeros(misNum, basisNum-1)];

    for j = 2: basisNum

        Phi1(:, j) = mvnpdf( r(misId,:), Phi_mu(j-1), Phi_sigma(:,j-1)') * sqrt(2*pi) * Phi_sigma(j-1);


    resImg_channal = resImg(:,:,k);

    resImg_channal(misId) = w' * Phi1';

    resImg(:,:,k) = resImg_channal;


resImg = min(resImg, 1);

resImg = max(resImg, 0);


2.3 将图片均分为10 x 10 按区域进行二元高斯线性回归

       很自然的想到,将整幅图片划分为几个部分,在每个部分内进行二元高斯线性回归。实验发现,果然要比整幅图进行回归效果好很多。在0.6噪音比下,距离变化为671.1107 - 67.6776;在0.8噪音比下,距离变化为774.9727 - 78.4643。效果如Figure 8, 9所示

Figure 8


Figure 9




%% ==================learn the coefficents in row and coloumn linear regression function area by area=================

% In this section, we use gaussian kernels as the basis functions. And we

% do regression analysis row and colomun at a time.

% but we first divde the image into some square areas


smooth = false; % if smooth

areaNum = [100, 100];

basisNum = 50; % define the number of basis functions.

sigma = 10; % define the standard deviation.

Phi_mu_x = linspace(1, cols, basisNum)/cols; % set the mean x value of each basis function

Phi_mu_y = linspace(1, rows, basisNum)/rows; % set the mean y value of each basis function

Phi_mu = [Phi_mu_x(:) Phi_mu_y(:)];

Phi_sigma = sigma * ones(2, basisNum); % here we set the standard deviation to the same value for brevity.


% use pixel index as the independent variable in the regression function

x = 1:cols;

x = (x - min(x)) / (max(x)-min(x));

y = 1:rows;

y = (y - min(y)) / (max(y)-min(y));

[X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y);

r = [X(:) Y(:)];


% select the missing pixels randomly

resImg = corrImg;


% divide into areas

delta = floor([rows, cols] ./ areaNum);

areaBound_x = [1:delta(1):rows rows];

areaBound_y = [1:delta(2):cols cols];


% for each channel

for k = 1:channels

    for m = 1:length(areaBound_x)-1% row of area

        for n = 1:length(areaBound_y)-1% column of area

            % select the missing pixels in this area

            msk = noiseMask(areaBound_x(m):areaBound_x(m+1), areaBound_y(n):areaBound_y(n+1), k);

            msk = msk(:,:);

            misId = find(msk<1);

            misNum = length(misId);

            ddId = find(msk>=1);

            ddNum = length(ddId);


            % compute the coefficients

            Phi = [ones(ddNum, 1) zeros(ddNum, basisNum-1)];

            for j = 2: basisNum

                Phi(:, j) = mvnpdf( r(ddId',:), Phi_mu(j-1), Phi_sigma(:,j-1)');


            corrImg_sub = corrImg(areaBound_x(m):areaBound_x(m+1), areaBound_y(n):areaBound_y(n+1), k);

            w = pinv(Phi' * Phi) * Phi' * corrImg_sub(ddId);


            % restore the missing values

            Phi1 = [ones(misNum, 1) zeros(misNum, basisNum-1)];

            for j = 2: basisNum

                Phi1(:, j) = mvnpdf( r(misId,:), Phi_mu(j-1), Phi_sigma(:,j-1)');


            resImg_sub = resImg(areaBound_x(m):areaBound_x(m+1), areaBound_y(n):areaBound_y(n+1), k);

            resImg_sub(misId) = w' * Phi1';

            resImg(areaBound_x(m):areaBound_x(m+1), areaBound_y(n):areaBound_y(n+1), k) = resImg_sub;




resImg = min(resImg, 1);

resImg = max(resImg, 0);



2.4 将图片均分为100 x 100 按区域进行二元高斯线性回归


       0.6噪音比下,671.1107 - 20.1649;0.8噪音比下,774.9727 - 74.5682。效果如Figure 10,11.

Figure 10


Figure 11



2.5 将图片均分为100 x 100 按区域进行二元高斯线性回归并利用双边滤波器进行平滑处理


       在0.6与0.8下的效果如Figure12 13

Figure 12

Figure 13


2.6 将图片均分为100 x 100 按区域进行二元高斯线性回归增加sigma维度



       以[100 1 0.01]为sigma参数进行实验,实验结果为0.6噪音比下,671.1107 - 20.1649;0.8噪音比下,774.9727 - 29.441。效果如Figure14 15

Figure 14

Figure 15


smooth = false; % if smooth

delta = [5 5];

sub_basisNum = 50; % define the number of basis functions of each sigma

sigma = [100 1 0.01]; % define the standard deviation.

basisNum = sub_basisNum * length(sigma);

Phi_mu_x = linspace(1, cols, sub_basisNum)/cols; % set the mean x value of each basis function

Phi_mu_y = linspace(1, rows, sub_basisNum)/rows; % set the mean y value of each basis function

Phi_mu = [];

Phi_sigma = [];


for i=1:length(sigma)

    Phi_mu_new = [Phi_mu;Phi_mu_x(:) Phi_mu_y(:)];

    Phi_sigma_new = [Phi_sigma sigma(i) * ones(2, basisNum)]; % here we set the standard deviation to the same value for brevity.

    Phi_mu = Phi_mu_new;

    Phi_sigma = Phi_sigma_new;



% use pixel index as the independent variable in the regression function

x = 1:cols;

x = (x - min(x)) / (max(x)-min(x));

y = 1:rows;

y = (y - min(y)) / (max(y)-min(y));

[X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y);

r = [X(:) Y(:)];


% select the missing pixels randomly

resImg = corrImg;


% divide into areas

areaBound_x = [1:delta(1):rows rows];

areaBound_y = [1:delta(2):cols cols];


% for each channel

for k = 1:channels

    for m = 1:length(areaBound_x)-1% row of area

        for n = 1:length(areaBound_y)-1% column of area

            % select the missing pixels in this area

            msk = noiseMask(areaBound_x(m):areaBound_x(m+1), areaBound_y(n):areaBound_y(n+1), k);

            msk = msk(:,:);

            misId = find(msk<1);

            misNum = length(misId);

            ddId = find(msk>=1);

            ddNum = length(ddId);


            % compute the coefficients

            Phi = [ones(ddNum, 1) zeros(ddNum, basisNum-1)];

            for j = 2: basisNum

                Phi(:, j) = mvnpdf( r(ddId',:), Phi_mu(j-1), Phi_sigma(:,j-1)');


            corrImg_sub = corrImg(areaBound_x(m):areaBound_x(m+1), areaBound_y(n):areaBound_y(n+1), k);

            w = pinv(Phi' * Phi) * Phi' * corrImg_sub(ddId);


            % restore the missing values

            Phi1 = [ones(misNum, 1) zeros(misNum, basisNum-1)];

            for j = 2: basisNum

                Phi1(:, j) = mvnpdf( r(misId,:), Phi_mu(j-1), Phi_sigma(:,j-1)');


            resImg_sub = resImg(areaBound_x(m):areaBound_x(m+1), areaBound_y(n):areaBound_y(n+1), k);

            resImg_sub(misId) = w' * Phi1';

            resImg(areaBound_x(m):areaBound_x(m+1), areaBound_y(n):areaBound_y(n+1), k) = resImg_sub;




resImg = min(resImg, 1);

resImg = max(resImg, 0);



if smooth

    smooth_d = 6; 

    smooth_sigma = [3 0.1]; 

    resImg = BilateralFilt2(double(resImg), smooth_d, smooth_sigma); 




2.7 将图片分为固定大小5x5区域 按区域进行二元高斯线性回归增加sigma维度



smooth = false; % if smooth

delta = [5 5];

sub_basisNum = 50; % define the number of basis functions of each sigma

sigma = [100 1 0.01]; % define the standard deviation.

basisNum = sub_basisNum * length(sigma);

Phi_mu_x = linspace(1, cols, sub_basisNum)/cols; % set the mean x value of each basis function

Phi_mu_y = linspace(1, rows, sub_basisNum)/rows; % set the mean y value of each basis function

Phi_mu = [];

Phi_sigma = [];


for i=1:length(sigma)

    Phi_mu_new = [Phi_mu;Phi_mu_x(:) Phi_mu_y(:)];

    Phi_sigma_new = [Phi_sigma sigma(i) * ones(2, basisNum)]; % here we set the standard deviation to the same value for brevity.

    Phi_mu = Phi_mu_new;

    Phi_sigma = Phi_sigma_new;



% use pixel index as the independent variable in the regression function

x = 1:cols;

x = (x - min(x)) / (max(x)-min(x));

y = 1:rows;

y = (y - min(y)) / (max(y)-min(y));

[X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y);

r = [X(:) Y(:)];


% select the missing pixels randomly

resImg = corrImg;


% divide into areas

areaBound_x = [1:delta(1):rows rows];

areaBound_y = [1:delta(2):cols cols];


parpool('local', 2);

% for each channel

parfor k = 1:channels

    for m = 1:length(areaBound_x)-1% row of area

        for n = 1:length(areaBound_y)-1% column of area

            % select the missing pixels in this area

            msk = noiseMask(areaBound_x(m):areaBound_x(m+1), areaBound_y(n):areaBound_y(n+1), k);

            msk = msk(:,:);

            misId = find(msk<1);

            misNum = length(misId);

            ddId = find(msk>=1);

            ddNum = length(ddId);


            % compute the coefficients

            Phi = [ones(ddNum, 1) zeros(ddNum, basisNum-1)];

            for j = 2: basisNum

                Phi(:, j) = mvnpdf( r(ddId',:), Phi_mu(j-1), Phi_sigma(:,j-1)');


            corrImg_sub = corrImg(areaBound_x(m):areaBound_x(m+1), areaBound_y(n):areaBound_y(n+1), k);

            w = pinv(Phi' * Phi) * Phi' * corrImg_sub(ddId);


            % restore the missing values

            Phi1 = [ones(misNum, 1) zeros(misNum, basisNum-1)];

            for j = 2: basisNum

                Phi1(:, j) = mvnpdf( r(misId,:), Phi_mu(j-1), Phi_sigma(:,j-1)');


            x0 = areaBound_x(m);

            x1 = areaBound_x(m+1);

            y0 = areaBound_y(n);

            y1 = areaBound_y(n+1);

            resImg_sub = resImg(x0:x1, y0:y1, k);

            resImg_sub(misId) = w' * Phi1';

            resImg(x0:x1, y0:y1, k) = resImg_sub;




parpool close;

resImg = min(resImg, 1);

resImg = max(resImg, 0);



if smooth

    smooth_d = 6; 

    smooth_sigma = [3 0.1]; 

    resImg = BilateralFilt2(double(resImg), smooth_d, smooth_sigma); 






2.8 小结


       此后又对程序中给的山水画png进行了测试,0.6噪音比下, 349.2799 - 84.1094,效果如图Figure 16。 0.8噪音比下,403.3304- 108.6377,效果如Figure 17。而用按行一元高斯分布回归则是403.3304 - 186.1008,效果如Figure 18。



Figure 16

Figure 17

Figure 18


3 实验结果




