
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝学生家代购 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 16:10


    计算机协会C++培训的数据结构部分现在开始了,所用的书是 《数据结构》科技出版社 作者 吴陈 教授。
    作者也就是我的老师。感谢老师一学期的辛勤工作。虽然老师可能还不认识我。。。由于课本是用 V C 6.0 写的。所以我这里用 vs 2015.。


1.C++模板类 友元函数的写法。
2.C++模板类 重载cout<< 的写法。




#pragma once#define MaxSize 100#include<ostream>#include<iostream>using namespace std;template<class T>class LinearList;template<class T>ostream& operator<<(ostream & os, LinearList<T> & a);template<typename T>void PrintList2(LinearList<T> & a);template<class T>class LinearList{public:LinearList();//无参数构造函数。LinearList(T a[],int n);//n个数据的 构造函数。~LinearList();//析构函数。private:T Data[MaxSize];int Length;public:int GetLength();//获取线性表储存数据的个数。T GetPos(int pos);//返回线性表的 第 pos 个数据。void InsertObjInPos(T Obj, int pos);//在第 pos 个位置 插入ObjT DeletePos(int pos);//删除第 pos 个位置的数据。int Locate(T Obj);//查找 数据Obj 的位置。没有则返回 -1。void PrintList1();friend ostream& operator<< <>(ostream & os,LinearList<T>& a);//重载输出线性表friend void PrintList2<>(LinearList<T> & a);//友元函数输出顺序表。T SetPosToObj(int pos, T Obj);//把第 pos 个位置的数据改成 ObjT *ToFirstAdd();//返回线性表首地址void SetLength(int len);//设置线性表长度。};template<typename T>ostream& operator<<(ostream & os, LinearList<T> & a){for (int i = 0; i < a.Length;i++){os << a.Data[i]<<" ";}os << '\n';return os;}template<typename T>void PrintList2(LinearList<T> & a){for (int i = 0; i < a.Length;i++){std::cout << a.Data[i]<<" ";}std::cout << '\n';}


#include "stdafx.h"#include "LinearList.h"template<typename T>LinearList<T>::LinearList(){Length = 0;}template<typename T>LinearList<T>::LinearList(T a[], int n){this->Length = n;for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){this->Data[i] = a[i];}}template<typename T>LinearList<T>::~LinearList(){Length = 0;}template<typename T>int LinearList<T>::GetLength(){return this->Length;}template<typename T>T LinearList<T>::GetPos(int pos){return this->Data[pos];}template<typename T>void LinearList<T>::InsertObjInPos(T Obj, int pos){if (pos > Length + 1||pos<1){throw "InsertObjInPos error! And mostly the position is too long or too short";return;}this->Length++;for (int i = Length - 1; i >= pos; i--){this->Data[i] = this->Data[i - 1];}this->Data[pos - 1] = Obj;}template<typename T>T LinearList<T>::DeletePos(int pos){if (pos<1 || pos>this ->Length){throw "DeletePos error and mostly the position is wrong";}T temp = this->Data[pos - 1];for (int i = pos - 1; i < Length-1; i++){this->Data[i] = this->Data[i + 1];}Length--;return temp;}template<typename T>int LinearList<T>::Locate(T Obj){int pos = -1;for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++){if (this->Data[i] == Obj){//return i+1;pos = i + 1;return pos;}}return pos;}template<typename T>void LinearList<T>::PrintList1(){for (int i = 0; i < this->Length; i++){std::cout << this->Data[i]<<' ';}std::cout << endl;}template<typename T>T LinearList<T>::SetPosToObj(int pos, T Obj){if (pos<1 || pos>this - Length+1){throw "DeletePos error and mostly the position is wrong";}if (pos == Length + 1){Length++;this->Data[pos - 1] = Obj;}this->Data[pos - 1] = Obj;return T();}template<typename T>T * LinearList<T>::ToFirstAdd(){return this->Data;}template<typename T>void LinearList<T>::SetLength(int len){this->Length = len;}


// 线性表_普通版.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。//#include "stdafx.h"#include"LinearList.cpp"#include<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){int test[10] = { 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20 };LinearList<int> a(test,10);std::cout << "构造函数后顺序表为:" << endl;a.PrintList1();//第一种方法输出。std::cout << "在第1个位置插入99" << endl;a.InsertObjInPos(99, 1);PrintList2(a);//第二种方法输出。std::cout << "在第12个位置插入88" << endl;a.InsertObjInPos(88, 12);cout << a;//重载输出。std::cout << "查找 数据 3 的位置:" << a.Locate(3) << endl;std::cout << "查找到数据 4 并删除后输出:";a.DeletePos(a.Locate(4));cout << a;//再来一个重载输出。其实重载输出还有其他的写法。我这里用了 <> 来写。下一章我会用其他的写法实现重载。cout << "输出顺序表数组偏移两个地址的元素:";std::cout << a.ToFirstAdd()[2]<<endl;getchar();    return 0;}