
来源:互联网 发布:url的正则表达式php 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 09:37
         Uri uri = getIntent().getData();        System.out.println("图片URI地址" + uri.toString());        Point point = DisplayUtil.getScreenPoint(this);        Bitmap bitmap = ImageUtils.decodeBitmapWithOrientationMax(ImageUtils.getFilePathByFileUri(this, uri), point.x, point.y, isPortrait);        //得到图片旋转角度 设置旋转角度        String path= ImageUtils.getFilePathByFileUri(this,uri);        int degrees=ImageUtils.getImageDegrees(path);        Bitmap bitmap1=ImageUtils.getRotateBitmap(bitmap,degrees);        System.out.println("图片path地址" + path);        System.out.println("图片角度" + degrees);        imageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap1);
/** * 图片简单处理工具类 */public class ImageUtils {    /**     * 屏幕宽     *      * @param context     * @return     */    public static int getWidth(Context context) {        DisplayMetrics dm = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics();        return dm.widthPixels;    }    /**     * 屏幕高     *      * @param context     * @return     */    public static int getHeight(Context context) {        DisplayMetrics dm = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics();        return dm.heightPixels;    }    /**     * 根据文件Uri获取路径     *      * @param context     * @param uri     * @return     */    public static String getFilePathByFileUri(Context context, Uri uri) {        String filePath = null;        Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(uri, null, null,                null, null);        if (cursor!=null && cursor.moveToFirst()) {            //如果从相册中获取的,            filePath = cursor.getString(cursor                    .getColumnIndex(MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA));            cursor.close();        }else{            //如果从本地文件中获取的            filePath=uri.getPath();        }        return filePath;    }    /**     * 根据图片原始路径获取图片缩略图     *      * @param imagePath 图片原始路径     * @param width     缩略图宽度     * @param height    缩略图高度     * @return     */    public static Bitmap getImageThumbnail(String imagePath, int width,            int height) {        Bitmap bitmap = null;        BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();        options.inJustDecodeBounds = true;//不加载直接获取Bitmap宽高        // 获取这个图片的宽和高,注意此处的bitmap为null        bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(imagePath, options);        if(bitmap == null){        // 计算缩放比        int h = options.outHeight;        int w = options.outWidth;        int beWidth = w / width;        int beHeight = h / height;        int rate = 1;        if (beWidth < beHeight) {            rate = beWidth;        } else {            rate = beHeight;        }        if (rate <= 0) {//图片实际大小小于缩略图,不缩放            rate = 1;        }        options.inSampleSize = rate;        options.inJustDecodeBounds = false;         // 重新读入图片,读取缩放后的bitmap,注意这次要把options.inJustDecodeBounds 设为 false        bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(imagePath, options);        // 利用ThumbnailUtils来创建缩略图,这里要指定要缩放哪个Bitmap对象        bitmap = ThumbnailUtils.extractThumbnail(bitmap, width, height,                ThumbnailUtils.OPTIONS_RECYCLE_INPUT);        }        return bitmap;    }    /**     * ��תBitmap     * @param b     * @param rotateDegree     * @return     */    public static Bitmap getRotateBitmap(Bitmap b, float rotateDegree){        Matrix matrix = new Matrix();        matrix.postRotate((float)rotateDegree);        Bitmap rotaBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(b, 0, 0, b.getWidth(), b.getHeight(), matrix, false);        return rotaBitmap;    }    public static Bitmap decodeBitmapWithOrientationMax(String pathName, int width, int height, boolean isPortrait) {        return decodeBitmapWithSize(pathName, width, height, true,isPortrait);    }    private static Bitmap decodeBitmapWithSize(String pathName, int width, int height,                                               boolean useBigger, boolean isPortrait) {        final BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();        options.inJustDecodeBounds = true;        options.inInputShareable = true;        options.inPurgeable = true;        BitmapFactory.decodeFile(pathName, options);//      int decodeWidth = width, decodeHeight = height;//      final int degrees = getImageDegrees(pathName);//      if (degrees == 90 || degrees == 270) {//          decodeWidth = height;//          decodeHeight = width;//      }////      if (useBigger) {//          options.inSampleSize = (int) Math.min(((float) options.outWidth / decodeWidth),//                  ((float) options.outHeight / decodeHeight));//      } else {//          options.inSampleSize = (int) Math.max(((float) options.outWidth / decodeWidth),//                  ((float) options.outHeight / decodeHeight));//      }////      options.inJustDecodeBounds = false;//      Bitmap sourceBm = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(pathName, options);//      return imageWithFixedRotation(sourceBm, degrees);        int targetDensity = UiUtils.getInstance().getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi;        DisplayMetrics dm = new DisplayMetrics();        WindowManager windowManager=(WindowManager)UiUtils.getInstance().//                                        getContext().getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);        windowManager.getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics(dm);//      int x = dm.widthPixels;//      int y = dm.heightPixels;        int x=600;        int y=800;        options.inSampleSize = calculateInSampleSize(options, x, y);        double xSScale = ((double)options.outWidth) / ((double)x);        double ySScale = ((double)options.outHeight) / ((double)y);        double startScale = xSScale > ySScale ? xSScale : ySScale;        Log.d("MainActivity", "startScale:" + startScale);        options.inScaled = true;//      options.inDensity = (int) (targetDensity*startScale);        //防止分辨率过小        if(options.outHeight*options.outWidth<x*y){            options.inDensity = (int) (targetDensity);//乘以一个固定值        }else{            if(isPortrait){                //进行判断范围 像素                options.inDensity = (int) (targetDensity*2);//乘以一个固定值            }else{                options.inDensity = (int) (targetDensity*1.5);//乘以一个固定值            }        }        options.inTargetDensity = targetDensity;        options.inJustDecodeBounds = false;        return  BitmapFactory.decodeFile(pathName, options);    }    /**     * 计算采样率的大小     * @param options     * @param reqWidth     * @param reqHeight     * @return     */    private static  int calculateInSampleSize(BitmapFactory.Options options,                                     int reqWidth, int reqHeight) {        // Raw height and width of image//      final int height = options.outHeight;//      final int width = options.outWidth;        int height;        int width;        if(options.outWidth>options.outHeight){            height = options.outWidth;            width = options.outHeight;        }else{            height = options.outHeight;            width = options.outWidth;        }        int inSampleSize = 1;        System.out.println("ImageUtils calculateInSampleSize height:"+height+"..width:"+width+"...reqHeight:"+reqHeight+"..reqWidth:"+reqWidth);        if (height > reqHeight || width > reqWidth) {            final int halfHeight = height / 2;            final int halfWidth = width / 2;            // Calculate the largest inSampleSize value that is a power of 2 and            // keeps both            // height and width larger than the requested height and width.            while ((halfHeight / inSampleSize) > reqHeight                    && (halfWidth / inSampleSize) > reqWidth) {                inSampleSize *= 2;            }            if(inSampleSize==1){                inSampleSize=2;            }        }        Log.d("MainActivity", "inSampleSize:" + inSampleSize);        return inSampleSize;    }    public static int getImageDegrees(String pathName) {        int degrees = 0;        try {            ExifInterface exifInterface = new ExifInterface(pathName);            int orientation = exifInterface.getAttributeInt(ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION,                    ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_NORMAL);            switch (orientation) {                case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90:                    degrees = 90;                    break;                case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_180:                    degrees = 180;                    break;                case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270:                    degrees = 270;                    break;            }        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        return degrees;    }    public static Bitmap imageWithFixedRotation(Bitmap bm, int degrees) {        if (bm == null || bm.isRecycled())            return null;        if (degrees == 0)            return bm;        final Matrix matrix = new Matrix();        matrix.postRotate(degrees);        Bitmap result = Bitmap.createBitmap(bm, 0, 0, bm.getWidth(), bm.getHeight(), matrix, true);        if (result != bm)            bm.recycle();        return result;    }}
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