
来源:互联网 发布:有声小说录音软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 10:21


翻译过来是这样:找一个高级软件工程师加入暗黑3团队,有开发、优化大型游戏系统的经验。公司提供一个有趣的,创新的,有技术挑战的,待遇很高的岗位。要求,c c++高手,五年游戏编程经验,包括至少一个上市游戏,数学强,线性代数更强,有如下的设计经验,游戏系统,界面工具,游戏脚本,角色动画,物品管理,数据库管理,网络系统。Self-motivation 和游戏热情,附加条件,会MAYA。

Senior Software Engineer

Blizzard Entertainment is seeking a senior software engineer to join its Diablo III team. The ideal applicant will have experience developing and optimizing a wide variety of game systems. Blizzard Entertainment offers a fun, creative, and technically challenging environment with excellent compensation and a full range of benefits.


Expert C/C++ programming skills
5+ years game programming experience, including experience working on at least one shipped title
Strong mathematics skills, including proficiency with trigonometry and linear algebra
Experience in the design and implementation of game systems, including user interface tools, runtime code, gameplay scripting, animation, FX, game object management, database management, or online networking.
Experience with code optimization
A passion for games

Familiarity with Maya



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