
来源:互联网 发布:ug编程软件免费下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 14:32

MacBook-Pro:~ apple$ /Applications/Cocos/Library/Cocos.Tool publish2017-05-24 21:00:06.959 Cocos.Tool[41524:1575455] *** WARNING: Method userSpaceScaleFactor in class NSView is deprecated on 10.7 and later. It should not be used in new applications. Use convertRectToBacking: instead. The provided command was badly formatted!publish [options] <-f --file> <css file path> <-o --out> <out dir>  -w --whole             Publish all resources.  -r --reference         Publish reference resources.  -s --small             Only publish project files(.csd、.csi).  -f --file              The solution file(.ccs)path(absolute).  -o --out               Publish path (absolute/relative).  -d --dataformat <serializer>                         Publish data format,Default:csb File(Binary).                         1. Serializer_FlatBuffers:                            csb File (Binary). FlatBuffers is employed to read                             binary files, featuring in high efficiency, small-                            e size, significant security. Support Cocos2d-x C+                            + and LuaBinding.                         2. Serializer_Json:                            JSON File. Lightweight data transfer format, good                             readability, native support for JavaScript. Suppor-                            t Cocos2d-JS.                         3. Serializer_Lua:                            Lua File. Good readability and scalability. Suppor-                            t Cocos2d-x LuaBinding.


-w 是否全部发布

-r 发布引用资源

-s 仅发布.csd和.csi

-f 要发布的ccs项目的.ccs文件

-o 输出目录,可以是绝对和相对目录

-d 输入csd文件格式默认是csb。可选json和lua

/Applications/Cocos/Library/Cocos.Tool publish -f /Users/apple/TestProject/TestProject.ccs -o res -w
