Cocos2dx 3.X Label的换行

来源:互联网 发布:ext ajax 参数类型json 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 23:07
/**     * Set Dimensions of cc.LabelTTF, the dimension is the maximum size of the label, set it so that label will automatically change lines when necessary.     * @param {cc.Size|Number} dim dimensions or width of dimensions     * @param {Number} [height] height of dimensions     */    setDimensions: function (dim, height) {        var width;        if (height === undefined) {            width = dim.width;            height = dim.height;        } else            width = dim;        if (width !== this._dimensions.width || height !== this._dimensions.height) {            this._dimensions.width = width;            this._dimensions.height = height;            this._updateString();            // Force update            this._setUpdateTextureDirty();        }    },