FZU 1603 Checkers II

来源:互联网 发布:建筑贴膜淘宝 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 04:26
Checkers II

Time Limit:5sMemory limit:32MAccepted Submit:41Total Submit:184

It is easy for us to solve "Checkers" using the formula . Now the problem has a little changed .
Figure 1:

Oaiei’s new problem is showed as follows :

  1. The chessboard is a straight line which has N lattices.
  2. There are two kinds of chesses and one empty lattice in the chessboard.
  3. The initial state will be given arbitrarily.
  4. There are two possible ways of moving :
    • a chess can move directly to the adjacent empty lattice
    • a chess can jump over one lattice into the next empty lattice
  5. The end state will be given arbitrarily too.
  6. The state is in the following format:
    • @ represents the first kind of chesses
    • # represents the second kind of chesses
    • & represents the empty lattice
    • @ and # have the same number
  7. When you change the initial state into the end state, the game is over.
Your task is coming. Give you the initial state and the end state, andyou should calculate the minimum move steps you have done to change theinitial state into the end state.


The first line is an integer T(T<=35), means the number oftest cases. Following T lines, each line contain two strings A and Bwhich have the same size N(N is a positive odd integer which is lessthan 21). A indicates the initial state and B indicates the end state.


For each test case, print the integer number which indicting the minimum move steps.

Sample Input

##&@@ @@&##

Sample Output



The one of solutions in the example with the minimum move steps is shown as follows:

represents ‘#’
represents ‘@’
represents ‘&’



161(10)2008-12-12 20:47:10187 ms10204 KC++2133BAekdyCoin


1.把'&'作为参考点,于是题目所谓的'can move directly to the adjacent empty lattice ',对于这个,很容易发现其hash状态值是不变的,仅'&'的位置发生了变化,就是说'&'后面的棋子的个数变化了.

  1. #include<iostream>
  2. #include<stack>
  3. using namespace std;
  4. #define inhash(n) (hash[n.val][n.pos])
  5. #define showans(a) (printf("%d/n",a))
  6. bool hash[1<<18][19];
  7. struct Node
  8. {
  9.     int val;
  10.         short step,pos;
  11.     bool operator==(const Node&n)const{return val==n.val&&pos==n.pos;}
  12. }q[950000],tmp,F,D;
  13. int f,r,tlen,ans,bin[21]={1},low_a,low_b;
  14. char A[21],B[21];
  15. inline Node in(char *str)
  16. {
  17.     int i,key=0;
  18.     tmp.step=0;
  19.     for(i=0;str[i];i++)if(str[i]!='&')key=key*2+(str[i]!='@');else tmp.pos=tlen-i-1;
  20.     tmp.val=key;
  21.     return tmp;
  22. }
  23. inline int lowbit(int val,int pos){return (val&bin[pos])!=0;}
  24. inline bool init()
  25. {
  26.     memset(hash,false,sizeof(hash));
  27.     f=r=ans=0;
  28.     scanf("%s%s",A,B);
  29.     if(strcmp(A,B)==0)return false;
  30.     tlen=strlen(A);
  31.     D=in(B);
  32.     return true;
  33. }
  34. inline void solve()
  35. {
  36.     F=in(A);
  37.     q[r++]=F;
  38.     hash[F.val][F.pos]=true;
  39.     while(f<r)
  40.     {
  41.         tmp=q[f++];
  42.         tmp.step++;
  43.                 if(tmp.pos+2<tlen)
  44.         {
  45.             F=tmp;
  46.             low_a=lowbit(F.val,F.pos+1);
  47.             low_b=lowbit(F.val,F.pos);
  48.             if(low_a!=low_b)F.val+=low_a*bin[F.pos]+low_b*bin[F.pos+1]-low_a*bin[F.pos+1]-low_b*bin[F.pos];
  49.             F.pos+=2;
  50.             if(!inhash(F))
  51.             {
  52.                 if(F==D) {ans=F.step;return;}
  53.                 hash[F.val][F.pos]=true;
  54.                 q[r++]=F;
  55.             }
  56.         }
  57.         if(tmp.pos-2>=0)
  58.         {
  59.             F=tmp;
  60.             low_a=lowbit(F.val,F.pos-2);
  61.             low_b=lowbit(F.val,F.pos-1);
  62.             if(low_a!=low_b)F.val+=low_a*bin[F.pos-1]+low_b*bin[F.pos-2]-low_a*bin[F.pos-2]-low_b*bin[F.pos-1];
  63.             F.pos-=2;
  64.             if(!inhash(F))
  65.             {
  66.                 if(F==D) {ans=F.step;return;}
  67.                 hash[F.val][F.pos]=true;
  68.                 q[r++]=F;
  69.             }
  70.         }
  71.         if(tmp.pos+1<tlen)
  72.         {
  73.             F=tmp;
  74.             F.pos++;
  75.             if(!inhash(F))
  76.             {
  77.                 if(F==D) {ans=F.step;return;}
  78.                 hash[F.val][F.pos]=true;
  79.                 q[r++]=F;
  80.             }
  81.         }
  82.         if(tmp.pos-1>=0)
  83.         {
  84.             F=tmp;
  85.             F.pos--;
  86.             if(!inhash(F))
  87.             {
  88.                 if(F==D) {ans=F.step;return;}
  89.                 hash[F.val][F.pos]=true;
  90.                 q[r++]=F;
  91.             }
  92.         }
  93.     }
  94. }
  95. int main()
  96. {
  97.     int T,i;
  98.     for(i=1;i<=20;i++)bin[i]=bin[i-1]*2;
  99.     scanf("%d%*c",&T);
  100.     while(T--)
  101.     {
  102.         if(init())solve();else ans=0;
  103.         showans(ans);
  104.     }
  105.     return 0;
  106. }
