JMS Activemq实战例子demo

来源:互联网 发布:mac下的虚拟机 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 22:39






package com.darren.activemq.queue;import javax.jms.JMSException;import javax.jms.Session;import javax.jms.TextMessage;import com.darren.activemq.ActivemqContants;import com.darren.activemq.ProducerConsumer;/** * 消息生产类 *  * @author Darren * */public class QueueProducer extends ProducerConsumer {    private int startNumber;    private int endNumber;    public QueueProducer(String name) throws JMSException { = name;        // 通过连接工厂获取连接        this.connection = this.getConnection();        // 启动连接        this.connection.start();        // 创建Session        this.session = this.connection.createSession(true, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);        // 创建消息队列        this.destination = this.session.createQueue("test-queue");        // 创建消息生产者        this.messageProducer = this.session.createProducer(destination);    }    /**     * 发送消息     *      * @throws JMSException     */    public void sendMessage() throws JMSException {        this.startNumber = this.endNumber;        this.endNumber = this.startNumber + MESSAGE_COUNT;        for (int i = this.startNumber; i < this.endNumber; i++) {            TextMessage message = this.session.createTextMessage("I send the message " + i);            System.out.println(message.getText());            this.messageProducer.send(message);        }    }    /**     * 发送结束标志     *      * @param times     *            发送次数     * @throws JMSException     */    public void sendFinishMessage(int times) throws JMSException {        for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {            TextMessage message = this.session.createTextMessage(ActivemqContants.FINISH_FLAG);            System.out.println("Send finish flag: " + message.getText());            this.messageProducer.send(message);        }    }    /**     * 提交事务     *      * @throws JMSException     */    public void commit() throws JMSException {        this.session.commit();    }}



package com.darren.activemq.queue;import javax.jms.JMSException;import javax.jms.Session;import com.darren.activemq.ProducerConsumer;import com.darren.activemq.listener.ConsumerListener;/** * 消息消费者 *  * @author Darren * */public class QueueListenerConsumer extends ProducerConsumer {    public QueueListenerConsumer(String name) throws JMSException { = name;        // 通过连接工厂获取连接        this.connection = this.getConnection();        // 启动连接        this.connection.start();        // 创建Session        this.session = this.connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);        // 创建连接的消息队列        this.destination = this.session.createQueue("test-queue");        // 创建消息消费者        this.messageConsumer = this.session.createConsumer(destination);        // 设置消息监听        this.messageConsumer.setMessageListener(new ConsumerListener("Listener 1:", this));    }}


package com.darren.activemq.listener;import javax.jms.Message;import javax.jms.MessageListener;import javax.jms.ObjectMessage;import javax.jms.TextMessage;import com.darren.activemq.ActivemqContants;import com.darren.activemq.ProducerConsumer;/** * 消息监听 *  * @author Darren * */public class ConsumerListener implements MessageListener {    private String name;    private ProducerConsumer producerConsumer;    public ConsumerListener(String name, ProducerConsumer producerConsumer) { = name;        this.producerConsumer = producerConsumer;    }    @Override    public void onMessage(Message message) {        try {            if (message instanceof TextMessage) {                TextMessage textMessage = (TextMessage) message;                System.out.println(name + " 接收到的消息 " + textMessage.getText());                // 如果接收到结束标志,修改消费者的状态                if (ActivemqContants.FINISH_FLAG.equals(textMessage.getText())) {                    // 消费者消费完成,关闭连接                    this.producerConsumer.closeConnection();                }            } else if (message instanceof ObjectMessage) {                ObjectMessage objectMessage = (ObjectMessage) message;                System.out.println(name + " 接收到的消息 " + objectMessage.getObject());            } else {                System.out.println("不支持的消息类型!");            }        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }}



package com.darren.activemq;import javax.jms.Connection;import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory;import javax.jms.Destination;import javax.jms.JMSException;import javax.jms.MessageConsumer;import javax.jms.MessageProducer;import javax.jms.Session;import org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnection;import org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory;public abstract class ProducerConsumer {    protected static final String USERNAME = ActiveMQConnection.DEFAULT_USER;// 默认的连接用户名    protected static final String PASSWORD = ActiveMQConnection.DEFAULT_PASSWORD;// 默认的连接密码    protected static final String BROKERURL = ActiveMQConnection.DEFAULT_BROKER_URL;// 默认的连接地址    protected static final int MESSAGE_COUNT = 10;// 发送的消息数量    protected static ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;// 连接工厂    protected Connection connection = null; // 连接    protected Session session;// 会话 接受或者发送消息的线程    protected Destination destination;// 消息的目的地    protected MessageProducer messageProducer;// 消息生产者    protected MessageConsumer messageConsumer;// 消息消费者    // 状态    protected volatile boolean isFinished = false;    protected String name;    static {        getConnectionFactory();    }    /**     * 获取连接工厂     *      * @return     */    protected synchronized static ConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory() {        if (connectionFactory == null) {            connectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(USERNAME, PASSWORD, BROKERURL);        }        return connectionFactory;    }    /**     * 获取连接     *      * @return     * @throws JMSException     */    protected Connection getConnection() throws JMSException {        return connectionFactory.createConnection();    };    /**     * 关闭连接     *      * @throws JMSException     */    public void closeConnection() throws JMSException {        if (this.connection != null) {            this.connection.close();        }        System.out.println( + " connection close!");        this.isFinished = true;    }    /**     * 获取状态     *      * @return     */    public boolean isFinished() {        return isFinished;    }    /**     * 获取消费者     *      * @return     */    public MessageConsumer getMessageConsumer() {        return messageConsumer;    }    /**     * 获取生产者或消费者名称     *      * @return     */    public String getName() {        return name;    }}


package com.darren.activemq;public class ActivemqContants {    public static final String FINISH_FLAG = "FINISHED";}


package com.darren.activemq.queue;import javax.jms.JMSException;public class QueueTest {    public static void main(String[] args) {        Thread thread = null;        try {            // 启动消费者,消费者开始等待            new QueueListenerConsumer("QueueListenerConsumer");            //new QueueReceiveConsumer("QueueReceiveConsumer");            thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {                @Override                public void run() {                    try {                        // 启动生产者,生产者定时生产消息                        QueueProducer producer = new QueueProducer("QueueProducer");                        Thread.sleep(2000);                        // 第一次发送                        producer.sendMessage();                        producer.commit();                        Thread.sleep(2000);                        // 第二次发送                        producer.sendMessage();                        producer.commit();                        Thread.sleep(2000);                        // 第三次发送                        producer.sendMessage();                        producer.commit();                        // 发送结束标志                        producer.sendFinishMessage(1);                        producer.commit();                        // 生产者生产完成,关闭连接                        producer.closeConnection();                    } catch (Exception e) {                        e.printStackTrace();                    }                }            });            thread.start();        } catch (JMSException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }}




package com.darren.activemq.queue;import javax.jms.JMSException;import javax.jms.Session;import com.darren.activemq.ProducerConsumer;import com.darren.activemq.listener.UglyConsumerListener;/** * 消息消费者 *  * @author Darren * */public class QueueReceiveConsumer extends ProducerConsumer {    public QueueReceiveConsumer(String name) throws JMSException { = name;        // 通过连接工厂获取连接        this.connection = this.getConnection();        // 启动连接        this.connection.start();        // 创建Session        this.session = this.connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);        // 创建连接的消息队列        this.destination = this.session.createQueue("test-queue");        // 创建消息消费者        this.messageConsumer = this.session.createConsumer(destination);        // 启动一个异步线程接受消息,模拟一个消息监听器        Thread thread = new Thread(new UglyConsumerListener("UglyListener 1:", this));        thread.start();    }}


Message message = messageConsumer.receive(100000);



package com.darren.activemq.listener;import javax.jms.JMSException;import javax.jms.Message;import javax.jms.MessageConsumer;import javax.jms.ObjectMessage;import javax.jms.TextMessage;import com.darren.activemq.ActivemqContants;import com.darren.activemq.ProducerConsumer;/** * 消息监听 *  * @author Darren * */public class UglyConsumerListener implements Runnable {    private String name;    private ProducerConsumer producerConsumer;    public UglyConsumerListener(String name, ProducerConsumer producerConsumer) { = name;        this.producerConsumer = producerConsumer;    }    public void onMessage(Message message) {        try {            if (message instanceof TextMessage) {                TextMessage textMessage = (TextMessage) message;                System.out.println(name + " 接收到的消息 " + textMessage.getText());                // 如果接收到结束标志,修改消费者的状态                if (ActivemqContants.FINISH_FLAG.equals(textMessage.getText())) {                    // 消费者消费完成,关闭连接                    this.producerConsumer.closeConnection();                }            } else if (message instanceof ObjectMessage) {                ObjectMessage objectMessage = (ObjectMessage) message;                System.out.println(name + " 接收到的消息 " + objectMessage.getObject());            } else {                System.out.println("不支持的消息类型!");            }        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }    @Override    public void run() {        while (!producerConsumer.isFinished()) {            MessageConsumer messageConsumer = this.producerConsumer.getMessageConsumer();            if (messageConsumer != null) {                try {                    Message message = messageConsumer.receive(100000);                    this.onMessage(message);                } catch (JMSException e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                }            }        }    }}

        为什么称为丑陋的监听器,相信大家也不难发现,因为采用循环方式,并不是真正的监听器。 看了这两个监听器,那么我提出一个问题,这个问题也是在我写这篇文章的时候发现的,如果我再写一个抽象类去作为这两个监听器的父类,把onMessage方法提出来,是不是更加优化了,因为我发现两个onMessage方法其实一样,我也是故意给做的一样的。




 INFO | Successfully connected to tcp://localhost:61616 INFO | Successfully connected to tcp://localhost:61616I send the message 0I send the message 1I send the message 2I send the message 3I send the message 4I send the message 5I send the message 6I send the message 7I send the message 8I send the message 9Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 0Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 1Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 2Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 3Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 4Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 5Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 6Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 7Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 8Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 9I send the message 10I send the message 11I send the message 12I send the message 13I send the message 14I send the message 15I send the message 16I send the message 17I send the message 18I send the message 19Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 10Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 11Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 12Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 13Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 14Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 15Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 16Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 17Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 18Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 19I send the message 20I send the message 21I send the message 22I send the message 23I send the message 24I send the message 25I send the message 26I send the message 27I send the message 28I send the message 29Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 20Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 21Send finish flag: FINISHEDListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 22Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 23Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 24Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 25Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 26Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 27Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 28Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 29Listener 1: 接收到的消息 FINISHEDQueueProducer connection close!QueueListenerConsumer connection close!


            //new QueueListenerConsumer("QueueListenerConsumer");            new QueueReceiveConsumer("QueueReceiveConsumer");


 INFO | Successfully connected to tcp://localhost:61616 INFO | Successfully connected to tcp://localhost:61616I send the message 0I send the message 1I send the message 2I send the message 3I send the message 4I send the message 5I send the message 6I send the message 7I send the message 8I send the message 9UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 0UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 1UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 2UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 3UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 4UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 5UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 6UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 7UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 8UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 9I send the message 10I send the message 11I send the message 12I send the message 13I send the message 14I send the message 15I send the message 16I send the message 17I send the message 18I send the message 19UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 10UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 11UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 12UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 13UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 14UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 15UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 16UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 17UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 18UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 19I send the message 20I send the message 21I send the message 22I send the message 23I send the message 24I send the message 25I send the message 26I send the message 27I send the message 28I send the message 29Send finish flag: FINISHEDUglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 20UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 21UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 22UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 23UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 24UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 25UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 26UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 27UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 28UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 29UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 FINISHEDQueueReceiveConsumer connection close!QueueProducer connection close!



new QueueListenerConsumer("QueueListenerConsumer");new QueueReceiveConsumer("QueueReceiveConsumer");

 INFO | Successfully connected to tcp://localhost:61616 INFO | Successfully connected to tcp://localhost:61616 INFO | Successfully connected to tcp://localhost:61616I send the message 0I send the message 1I send the message 2I send the message 3I send the message 4I send the message 5I send the message 6I send the message 7I send the message 8I send the message 9Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 0Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 2UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 1Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 4Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 6Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 8UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 3UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 5UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 7UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 9I send the message 10I send the message 11I send the message 12I send the message 13I send the message 14I send the message 15I send the message 16I send the message 17I send the message 18I send the message 19Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 10Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 12Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 14UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 11Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 16UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 13Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 18UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 15UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 17UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 19I send the message 20I send the message 21I send the message 22I send the message 23I send the message 24I send the message 25I send the message 26I send the message 27I send the message 28I send the message 29Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 20Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 22Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 24Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 26Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 28Send finish flag: FINISHEDUglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 21UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 23UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 25UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 27UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 29Listener 1: 接收到的消息 FINISHEDQueueProducer connection close!QueueListenerConsumer connection close!






 INFO | Successfully connected to tcp://localhost:61616 INFO | Successfully connected to tcp://localhost:61616 INFO | Successfully connected to tcp://localhost:61616I send the message 0I send the message 1I send the message 2I send the message 3I send the message 4I send the message 5I send the message 6I send the message 7I send the message 8I send the message 9Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 0Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 2UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 1Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 4UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 3Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 6UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 5Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 8UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 7UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 9I send the message 10I send the message 11I send the message 12I send the message 13I send the message 14I send the message 15I send the message 16I send the message 17I send the message 18I send the message 19Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 10Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 12Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 14Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 16Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 18UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 11UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 13UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 15UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 17UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 19I send the message 20I send the message 21I send the message 22I send the message 23I send the message 24I send the message 25I send the message 26I send the message 27I send the message 28I send the message 29Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 20Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 22Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 24Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 26Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 28Send finish flag: FINISHEDSend finish flag: FINISHEDUglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 21UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 23UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 25UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 27UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 29Listener 1: 接收到的消息 FINISHEDUglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 FINISHEDQueueProducer connection close!QueueReceiveConsumer connection close!QueueListenerConsumer connection close!




package com.darren.activemq.topic;import javax.jms.JMSException;import javax.jms.Session;import javax.jms.TextMessage;import com.darren.activemq.ActivemqContants;import com.darren.activemq.ProducerConsumer;public class TopicProducer extends ProducerConsumer {    private int startNumber;    private int endNumber;    public TopicProducer(String name) throws JMSException { = name;        // 通过连接工厂获取连接        this.connection = this.getConnection();        // 启动连接        this.connection.start();        // 创建Session        this.session = this.connection.createSession(true, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);        // 创建消息队列        this.destination = this.session.createTopic("test-topic");        // 创建消息生产者        this.messageProducer = this.session.createProducer(destination);    }    /**     * 发送消息     *      * @throws JMSException     */    public void sendMessage() throws JMSException {        this.startNumber = this.endNumber;        this.endNumber = this.startNumber + MESSAGE_COUNT;        for (int i = this.startNumber; i < this.endNumber; i++) {            TextMessage message = this.session.createTextMessage("I send the message " + i);            System.out.println(message.getText());            this.messageProducer.send(message);        }    }    /**     * 发送结束标志     *      * @throws JMSException     */    public void sendFinishMessage() throws JMSException {        TextMessage message = this.session.createTextMessage(ActivemqContants.FINISH_FLAG);        System.out.println("Send finish flag: " + message.getText());        this.messageProducer.send(message);    }    /**     * 提交事务     *      * @throws JMSException     */    public void commit() throws JMSException {        this.session.commit();    }}


package com.darren.activemq.topic;import javax.jms.JMSException;import javax.jms.Session;import com.darren.activemq.ProducerConsumer;import com.darren.activemq.listener.ConsumerListener;public class TopicListenerConsumer extends ProducerConsumer {    public TopicListenerConsumer(String name) throws JMSException { = name;        // 通过连接工厂获取连接        this.connection = this.getConnection();        // 启动连接        this.connection.start();        // 创建Session        this.session = this.connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);        // 创建连接的消息队列        this.destination = this.session.createTopic("test-topic");        // 创建消息消费者        this.messageConsumer = this.session.createConsumer(destination);        // 设置消息监听        this.messageConsumer.setMessageListener(new ConsumerListener("Listener 1:", this));    }}

package com.darren.activemq.topic;import javax.jms.JMSException;import javax.jms.Session;import com.darren.activemq.ProducerConsumer;import com.darren.activemq.listener.UglyConsumerListener;public class TopicReceiveConsumer extends ProducerConsumer {    public TopicReceiveConsumer(String name) throws JMSException { = name;        // 通过连接工厂获取连接        this.connection = this.getConnection();        // 启动连接        this.connection.start();        // 创建Session        this.session = this.connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);        // 创建连接的消息队列        this.destination = this.session.createTopic("test-topic");        // 创建消息消费者        this.messageConsumer = this.session.createConsumer(destination);        // 启动一个异步线程接受消息,模拟一个消息监听器        Thread thread = new Thread(new UglyConsumerListener("UglyListener 1:", this));        thread.start();    }}


this.destination = this.session.createQueue("test-queue");//改成this.destination = this.session.createTopic("test-topic");


package com.darren.activemq.topic;import javax.jms.JMSException;public class TopicTest {    public static void main(String[] args) {        Thread thread = null;        try {            // 启动消费者,消费者开始等待            new TopicListenerConsumer("TopicListenerConsumer");            new TopicReceiveConsumer("TopicReceiveConsumer");            thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {                @Override                public void run() {                    try {                        // 启动生产者,生产者定时生产消息                        TopicProducer producer = new TopicProducer("TopicProducer");                        Thread.sleep(2000);                        // 第一次发送                        producer.sendMessage();                        producer.commit();                        Thread.sleep(2000);                        // 第二次发送                        producer.sendMessage();                        producer.commit();                        Thread.sleep(2000);                        // 第三次发送                        producer.sendMessage();                        producer.commit();                        // 发送结束标志                        producer.sendFinishMessage();                        producer.commit();                        // 生产者生产完成,关闭连接                        producer.closeConnection();                    } catch (Exception e) {                        e.printStackTrace();                    }                }            });            thread.start();        } catch (JMSException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }}


 INFO | Successfully connected to tcp://localhost:61616 INFO | Successfully connected to tcp://localhost:61616 INFO | Successfully connected to tcp://localhost:61616I send the message 0I send the message 1I send the message 2I send the message 3I send the message 4I send the message 5I send the message 6I send the message 7I send the message 8I send the message 9Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 0Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 1UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 0Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 2UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 1Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 3Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 4UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 2Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 5UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 3Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 6Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 7UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 4Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 8UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 5Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 9UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 6UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 7UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 8UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 9I send the message 10I send the message 11I send the message 12I send the message 13I send the message 14I send the message 15I send the message 16I send the message 17I send the message 18I send the message 19Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 10Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 11Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 12Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 13Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 14Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 15Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 16Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 17Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 18Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 19UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 10UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 11UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 12UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 13UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 14UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 15UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 16UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 17UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 18UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 19I send the message 20I send the message 21I send the message 22I send the message 23I send the message 24I send the message 25I send the message 26I send the message 27I send the message 28I send the message 29Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 20Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 21Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 22Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 23Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 24Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 25Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 26Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 27Send finish flag: FINISHEDUglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 20UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 21Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 28UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 22Listener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 29UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 23UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 24UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 25UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 26Listener 1: 接收到的消息 FINISHEDUglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 27UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 28UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 I send the message 29UglyListener 1: 接收到的消息 FINISHEDTopicListenerConsumer connection close!TopicReceiveConsumer connection close!TopicProducer connection close!


