
来源:互联网 发布:网络平台代理协议 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 08:30




[1] Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks
[2] Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder–Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation
[3] Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate














输入序列文本 = ['1 2 3 4 5'
, '6 7 8 9 10'
, '11 12 13 14 15'
, '16 17 18 19 20'
, '21 22 23 24 25']
目标序列文本 = ['one two three four five'
, 'six seven eight nine ten'
, 'eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen'
, 'sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty'
, 'twenty_one twenty_two twenty_three twenty_four twenty_five']

(‘Vocab size:’, 51, ‘unique words’)
(‘Input max length:’, 5, ‘words’)
(‘Target max length:’, 5, ‘words’)
(‘Dimension of hidden vectors:’, 20)
(‘Number of training stories:’, 5)
(‘Number of test stories:’, 5)


其中,第一种解码模型为 普通作弊,第二种解码模型为 学霸模式,第三种解码模型为 学弱作弊,第四种解码模型为 学渣作弊。









# -*- encoding:utf-8 -*-"""    测试Encoder-Decoder 2016/03/22"""from keras.models import Sequentialfrom keras.layers.recurrent import LSTMfrom keras.layers.embeddings import Embeddingfrom keras.layers.core import RepeatVector, TimeDistributedDense, Activationfrom seq2seq.layers.decoders import LSTMDecoder, LSTMDecoder2, AttentionDecoderimport timeimport numpy as npimport re__author__ = ''def pad_sequences(sequences, maxlen=None, dtype='int32',                  padding='pre', truncating='pre', value=0.):    '''Pads each sequence to the same length:    the length of the longest sequence.    If maxlen is provided, any sequence longer    than maxlen is truncated to maxlen.    Truncation happens off either the beginning (default) or    the end of the sequence.    Supports post-padding and pre-padding (default).    # Arguments        sequences: list of lists where each element is a sequence        maxlen: int, maximum length        dtype: type to cast the resulting sequence.        padding: 'pre' or 'post', pad either before or after each sequence.        truncating: 'pre' or 'post', remove values from sequences larger than            maxlen either in the beginning or in the end of the sequence        value: float, value to pad the sequences to the desired value.    # Returns        x: numpy array with dimensions (number_of_sequences, maxlen)    '''    lengths = [len(s) for s in sequences]    nb_samples = len(sequences)    if maxlen is None:        maxlen = np.max(lengths)    # take the sample shape from the first non empty sequence    # checking for consistency in the main loop below.    sample_shape = tuple()    for s in sequences:        if len(s) > 0:            sample_shape = np.asarray(s).shape[1:]            break    x = (np.ones((nb_samples, maxlen) + sample_shape) * value).astype(dtype)    for idx, s in enumerate(sequences):        if len(s) == 0:            continue  # empty list was found        if truncating == 'pre':            trunc = s[-maxlen:]        elif truncating == 'post':            trunc = s[:maxlen]        else:            raise ValueError('Truncating type "%s" not understood' % truncating)        # check `trunc` has expected shape        trunc = np.asarray(trunc, dtype=dtype)        if trunc.shape[1:] != sample_shape:            raise ValueError('Shape of sample %s of sequence at position %s is different from expected shape %s' %                             (trunc.shape[1:], idx, sample_shape))        if padding == 'post':            x[idx, :len(trunc)] = trunc        elif padding == 'pre':            x[idx, -len(trunc):] = trunc        else:            raise ValueError('Padding type "%s" not understood' % padding)    return xdef vectorize_stories(input_list, tar_list, word_idx, input_maxlen, tar_maxlen, vocab_size):    x_set = []    Y = np.zeros((len(tar_list), tar_maxlen, vocab_size), dtype=np.bool)    for _sent in input_list:        x = [word_idx[w] for w in _sent]        x_set.append(x)    for s_index, tar_tmp in enumerate(tar_list):        for t_index, token in enumerate(tar_tmp):            Y[s_index, t_index, word_idx[token]] = 1    return pad_sequences(x_set, maxlen=input_maxlen), Ydef tokenize(sent):    '''Return the tokens of a sentence including punctuation.    >>> tokenize('Bob dropped the apple. Where is the apple?')    ['Bob', 'dropped', 'the', 'apple', '.', 'Where', 'is', 'the', 'apple', '?']    '''    return [x.strip() for x in re.split('(\W+)?', sent) if x.strip()]def main():    input_text = ['1 2 3 4 5'                  , '6 7 8 9 10'                  , '11 12 13 14 15'                  , '16 17 18 19 20'                  , '21 22 23 24 25']    tar_text = ['one two three four five'                , 'six seven eight nine ten'                , 'eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen'                , 'sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty'                , 'twenty_one twenty_two twenty_three twenty_four twenty_five']    input_list = []    tar_list = []    for tmp_input in input_text:        input_list.append(tokenize(tmp_input))    for tmp_tar in tar_text:        tar_list.append(tokenize(tmp_tar))    vocab = sorted(reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, (set(tmp_list) for tmp_list in input_list + tar_list)))    # Reserve 0 for masking via pad_sequences    vocab_size = len(vocab) + 1  # keras进行embedding的时候必须进行len(vocab)+1    input_maxlen = max(map(len, (x for x in input_list)))    tar_maxlen = max(map(len, (x for x in tar_list)))    output_dim = vocab_size    hidden_dim = 20    print('-')    print('Vocab size:', vocab_size, 'unique words')    print('Input max length:', input_maxlen, 'words')    print('Target max length:', tar_maxlen, 'words')    print('Dimension of hidden vectors:', hidden_dim)    print('Number of training stories:', len(input_list))    print('Number of test stories:', len(input_list))    print('-')    print('Vectorizing the word sequences...')    word_to_idx = dict((c, i + 1) for i, c in enumerate(vocab))  # 编码时需要将字符映射成数字index    idx_to_word = dict((i + 1, c) for i, c in enumerate(vocab))  # 解码时需要将数字index映射成字符    inputs_train, tars_train = vectorize_stories(input_list, tar_list, word_to_idx, input_maxlen, tar_maxlen, vocab_size)    decoder_mode = 1  # 0 最简单模式,1 [1]向后模式,2 [2] Peek模式,3 [3]Attention模式    if decoder_mode == 3:        encoder_top_layer = LSTM(hidden_dim, return_sequences=True)    else:        encoder_top_layer = LSTM(hidden_dim)    if decoder_mode == 0:        decoder_top_layer = LSTM(hidden_dim, return_sequences=True)        decoder_top_layer.get_weights()    elif decoder_mode == 1:        decoder_top_layer = LSTMDecoder(hidden_dim=hidden_dim, output_dim=hidden_dim                                        , output_length=tar_maxlen, state_input=False, return_sequences=True)    elif decoder_mode == 2:        decoder_top_layer = LSTMDecoder2(hidden_dim=hidden_dim, output_dim=hidden_dim                                         , output_length=tar_maxlen, state_input=False, return_sequences=True)    elif decoder_mode == 3:        decoder_top_layer = AttentionDecoder(hidden_dim=hidden_dim, output_dim=hidden_dim                                             , output_length=tar_maxlen, state_input=False, return_sequences=True)    en_de_model = Sequential()    en_de_model.add(Embedding(input_dim=vocab_size,                              output_dim=hidden_dim,                              input_length=input_maxlen))    en_de_model.add(encoder_top_layer)    if decoder_mode == 0:        en_de_model.add(RepeatVector(tar_maxlen))    en_de_model.add(decoder_top_layer)    en_de_model.add(TimeDistributedDense(output_dim))    en_de_model.add(Activation('softmax'))    print('Compiling...')    time_start = time.time()    en_de_model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='rmsprop')    time_end = time.time()    print('Compiled, cost time:%fsecond!' % (time_end - time_start))    for iter_num in range(5000):, tars_train, batch_size=3, nb_epoch=1, show_accuracy=True)        out_predicts = en_de_model.predict(inputs_train)        for i_idx, out_predict in enumerate(out_predicts):            predict_sequence = []            for predict_vector in out_predict:                next_index = np.argmax(predict_vector) # predict_vector is output_dim(here is 51) dimension vector                next_token = idx_to_word[next_index] # key of idx_to_word starts from 1, but next_index can be 0(the probability is very low!)                predict_sequence.append(next_token)            print('Target output:', tar_text[i_idx])            print('Predict output:', predict_sequence)        print('Current iter_num is:%d' % iter_num)if __name__ == '__main__':    main()
