
来源:互联网 发布:mac上的翻墙软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 00:38

Our Story

A conversation. That’s all it took.
An honest, open and frank discussion between two young developers –
Haavard and Eirik – on a park bench in the rare sunshine of a
Norwegian summer’s day. The problem was the user interface of an
ultrasound machine, the need was for a single system that worked
across multiple platforms. And their solution would eventually power
millions of devices and applications all over the world.

As two developers were joined by thousands more, the conversation
shifted, a playing field dominated by a few big players began to level
out and truly game-changing ideas started getting their day in the sun
too. From your favourite apps on all of your devices to groundbreaking
cars and the deep depths of space, Qt is there connecting a world of
innovation by making sure we speak the same language.

Now, after a journey of more than 20 years, we’re talking about more
than just a platform for developers, we’re talking about building a
community of collaborators who are all striving toward meaningful
change in their own industries – and far beyond. Because finally,
companies who truly value technology have the power to use software to
stand out from the crowd and a whole new generation of innovators who
believe in independence, transparency and privacy have the tools to
create a better connected world.

And we think that’s a conversation worth having.



  1. 首先,感谢国内的一些Qt大神(霍亚飞,安晓辉,王亮,蒋彩阳等一些不知名的大神)他们是国内Qt的先驱者,大多数人都是因为他们的教程才得以加入Qt的行业。其次,感谢我上一家公司的领导,从他身上学到了不少进阶技术,虽然后来工作上面遇到了诸多不和。在接下来的系列文章中,或多或少地借鉴了他们的技术经验,并在此基础上做了自己的延伸拓展。

  2. 其次,虽然说是Qt的系列教程,其实也算不上,因为现在没有那么多的时间用华丽诙谐的词藻去丰富润色,可以称之为速用篇,我将会在后期不断的补充。如果真正要说教程,只有Qt助手才能当之无愧,助手上面都写的很清楚,我再去翻译就有点班门弄斧了。另外,西安一去二三里的Qt博客专栏值得力荐。

  3. 最后,本人一直信奉着Qter的理念:开源、共享和自由,希望能将Qter的这份理念传递下去,造福越来越多的Qter,愿有朝一日,Qt的大神们组织起来成为Qt开发者联盟。

  4. 本人有想利用Qt做出类似uml建模工具的想法,包括对常用uml图例的支持以及扩展其他特性比如信号与槽,这样的话,如果事先设计好框架,然后用拖拽的方式直接生成代码,在今后的开发过程中效率会有一定的提升,希望有同样想法的大神能指点一二。

ps: 另外借此篇博客求一份正统Qt公司工作,希望将来只往某一方向发展,先精再广。
