Python 基础-函数

来源:互联网 发布:unity3d导航网格寻路 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 02:37
>>> def fib2(n): #return Fibonacci series up to n         #如何从函数中返回一个包含菲波那契数列的数值链表
... """ Return a list containing the Fibonacci series up to n. """
... result = []
... a,b=0,1
... while b<n:
... result.append(b) # see below
... a,b = b,a+b
... return result
... #这里要回车 不要输入
>>> f100 = fib2(100) # call it
>>> f100 # write the result
[1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89]

4.7 深入函数定义
4.7.1 参数默认值 :

>>> def ask_ok(prompt, retries=4,complaint='Yes or no,please!'):
... while True:
... ok=raw_input(prompt)
... if ok in ('y','ye','yes'): return 1
... if ok in ('n','no','nop','nope'): return 0
... retries = retries-1
... if retries <0: raise IOError,'refusenik user'
... print complaint
>>> ask_ok('Do you really want to quit?')
Do you really want to quit?y
>>> ask_ok('Do you really want to quit?')
Do you really want to quit?no
>>> ask_ok('Do you really want to quit?')
Do you really want to quit?
Yes or no,please!
Do you really want to quit?i
Yes or no,please!
Do you really want to quit?y
>>> ask_ok('Do you really want to quit?',1)
Do you really want to quit?d
Yes or no,please!
Do you really want to quit?y
>>> ask_ok('Do you really want to quit?',0)
Do you really want to quit?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 7, in ask_ok
IOError: refusenik user

>>> i=5
>>> def f(arg=i):
... print arg
>>> i =6
>>> f() #默认值在函数定义段被解析,如下所示:


>>> def f(a,L=[]):
... L.append(a)
... return L
>>> print f(1)
>>> print f(2)
[1, 2]
>>> print f(3)
[1, 2, 3]
>>> print f(1)
[1, 2, 3, 1]


>>> def f(a,L=None):

... if L is None:
... L=[]
... L.append(a)
... return L
>>> print f(1)
>>> print f(2)
>>> print f(3)

4.7.2 参数关键字
函数可以通过参数关键字的形式来调用,形如“keyword = value”。例如,以下的函数:

>>> def parrot(voltage,state='a stiff',action = 'voom',type='Norwegian Blue'):
... print "-- This parrot wouldn't ", action,
... print "if you put",voltage,"Volts through it."
... print "--Lovely plumage the ", type
... print "-- It's ",state,"!"
>>> parrot(1000)
-- This parrot wouldn't voom if you put 1000 Volts through it.
--Lovely plumage the Norwegian Blue
-- It's a stiff !
>>> parrot(action='V0000M',voltage=1000000)
-- This parrot wouldn't V0000M if you put 1000000 Volts through it.
--Lovely plumage the Norwegian Blue
-- It's a stiff !
>>> parrot('a thousand',state='pushing up the daisies')
-- This parrot wouldn't voom if you put a thousand Volts through it.
--Lovely plumage the Norwegian Blue
-- It's pushing up the daisies !
>>> ##以下是错误的调用

>>> parrot() # required argument missing(缺少必要参数)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: parrot() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)
>>> parrot(voltage=5.0,'dead')
File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: non-keyword arg after keyword arg
>>> parrot(voltage=5,'dead') # non-keyword argument following keyword(在关键字后面有非关键字参数)
File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: non-keyword arg after keyword arg
>>> parrot(voltage=5,action='dead')
-- This parrot wouldn't dead if you put 5 Volts through it.
--Lovely plumage the Norwegian Blue
-- It's a stiff !

>>> parrot(110,voltage=220) # duplicate value for argument(对参数进行了重复赋值)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: parrot() got multiple values for keyword argument 'voltage'
>>> parrot(action =110,voltage=220)
-- This parrot wouldn't 110 if you put 220 Volts through it.
--Lovely plumage the Norwegian Blue
-- It's a stiff !
>>> parrot(actor='John Cleese') # unknown keyword(未知关键字)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: parrot() got an unexpected keyword argument 'actor'
>>> parrot(action='John Cleese')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: parrot() takes at least 1 non-keyword argument (0 given)
>>> parrot(11,action='John Cleese')
-- This parrot wouldn't John Cleese if you put 11 Volts through it.
--Lovely plumage the Norwegian Blue
-- It's a stiff !

4.7.5 文档字符串






>>> def my_fun():
... """Do nothing, but document it.
... No,really,it doesn't do anything.
... """
... pass
>>> print my_fun.__doc__
Do nothing, but document it.

No,really,it doesn't do anything.
