
来源:互联网 发布:电脑怎么下载淘宝 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 20:50




1 初始版

@Componentpublic class LogMonitoring {    @Autowired    protected UnitSettingDao unitSettingDao;    // 缓存unitSetting table中的 pid 和 cid;    private static HashMap<String,String[]> unitPidCidMem = new HashMap<String, String[]>();    public static void main(String[] args) {        long startTime =System.currentTimeMillis();        int code = 0;        ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context = null;        String inputPath = "/home/work/input.log";        try {            Log.infoLog(">>> start to prepare env.");            context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath:applicationContext.xml");            Log.infoLog(">>> start to process log.");            LogMonitoring logMonitoring = context.getBean(LogMonitoring.class);            code = logMonitoring.unitStypeMonitor(inputPath);        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();            code = 1;        } finally {            context.close();        }        double processTime = (System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime)/1000;        Log.infoLog("Total process time is :" + processTime);        System.exit(code);    }    /**     * unitsetting监控     */    public int unitStypeMonitor(String inputFilePath) throws IOException{        FileReader fr = null;        BufferedReader br = null;        int value = 0 ;        String line = null;        String unitId;        String userId;        String provid;        String cityid;        String pid = null;        String cid = null;        boolean flag;        Set<Long> unitIds = new HashSet<Long>();        try{            fr = new FileReader(inputFilePath);            br = new BufferedReader(fr);            while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {                String[] tempStr;                if (StringUtils.isEmpty(line) || (tempStr = line.split("\\s+")).length < 8) {                    continue;                }                unitId = tempStr[8].split(":|,")[1];                userId = tempStr[6].split(":|,")[1];                provid = tempStr[tempStr.length-2].split(":|,")[1];                cityid = tempStr[tempStr.length-1].split(":")[1];                unitIds.add(Long.parseLong(unitId));                if(unitPidCidMem.containsKey(unitId)){                    pid = unitPidCidMem.get(unitId)[0];                    cid = unitPidCidMem.get(unitId)[1];                    flag = compareId(provid,cityid,pid,cid);                }else {                    Map<Long,UnitSetting> TbFeedInterestPoMap = unitSettingDao.getByUnitids(Long.parseLong(userId),unitIds);                    if(TbFeedInterestPoMap.containsKey(Long.parseLong(unitId))) {                        pid = TbFeedInterestPoMap.get(Long.parseLong(unitId)).getPid();                        cid = TbFeedInterestPoMap.get(Long.parseLong(unitId)).getCid();                    }else{                       Log.infoLog("unitId id is not in databases!");                    }                    if((StringUtils.isEmpty(pid)) && (StringUtils.isEmpty(cid))){                        continue;   // 不限地域                    }                    flag = compareId(provid,cityid,pid,cid);                    String[] pidCid = new String[2];                    pidCid[0] = pid;                    pidCid[1] = cid;                    unitPidCidMem.put(unitId,pidCid);   //将pid,Cid加入缓存;                    try {                        Thread.sleep(1);          //sleep 1 mills,缓解数据库压力                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {                        e.printStackTrace();                    }                }                if(!flag){                    Log.infoLog(userId + " error!  " + "line : "+ line);  //误报                    value = 1;                }           }        } catch (Exception e) {            throw new RuntimeException("load file error:" + inputFilePath + ", line:" + line, e);        } finally {            try {                if (br != null) {                    br.close();                }                if (fr != null) {                    fr.close();                }            } catch (Exception e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        return value;    }    /**     * @param provid     * @param cityid     * @param pid:db中用','分割的多条pid;     * @param cid:db中用','分割的多条cid;     * @return     */    public boolean compareId(String provid,String cityid,String pid,String cid){        if(StringUtils.isEmpty(pid) || StringUtils.isEmpty(cid)){            return false;        }        if(pid.equals("0") ||(cid.equals("0"))){            return true;        }        List<String> pidList = Arrays.asList(pid.split(","));        List<String> cidList = Arrays.asList(cid.split(","));        if(pidList.contains(provid) || cidList.contains(cityid)){           return true;        }        if(pid.equals("0")&&cidList.contains(cityid)){            return true;        }        return false;    }}

2 优化版

package com.baidu.fengchao.sirius.scripts.cases;import com.baidu.fengchao.sirius.orm.dao.UnitSettingDao;import com.baidu.fengchao.sirius.orm.po.UnitSetting;import com.baidu.fengchao.sirius.scripts.Log;import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;import java.io.*;import java.util.*;/** * @author liuchaoqun01 * @version 1.0 */@Componentpublic class LogMonitoring {    @Autowired    protected UnitSettingDao unitSettingDao;    private static HashMap<Long, String[]> unitPidCidMem = new HashMap<Long, String[]>();  //缓存unitSetting table中的pid和cid;    public static void main(String[] args) {        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();        int code;        ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context = null;        String inputPath = "/home/work/liuchaoqun01/feedclk.log";        try {            Log.infoLog(">>> start to prepare env.");            context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath:applicationContext.xml");            Log.infoLog(">>> start to process log.");            LogMonitoring logMonitoring = context.getBean(LogMonitoring.class);            code = logMonitoring.unitStypeMonitor(inputPath);        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();            code = 1;        } finally {            context.close();        }        double processTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / (1000 * 1.0);        Log.infoLog("Total process time is :" + processTime);        System.exit(code);    }    /**     * unitsetting监控     */    public int unitStypeMonitor(String inputFilePath) throws IOException {        FileReader fr = null;        BufferedReader br = null;        int value = 0;        String line = null;        String unitId;        String userId;        String provid;        String cityid;        int num = 0;        int lineNumber = 0;        String pid;        String cid;        boolean flag;        HashMap<String, Set<Long>> unitIdsMap = new HashMap<String, Set<Long>>();        // 需要查库的unitIdsMap;        HashMap<Integer, String> logData = new HashMap<Integer, String>();              // 保存log<num,line>        HashMap<Integer, String[]> infoData = new HashMap<Integer, String[]>();         // 保存log<pid,cid>        try {            fr = new FileReader(inputFilePath);            br = new BufferedReader(fr);            while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {                ++lineNumber;                String[] tempStr = line.split("\\s+");                if (StringUtils.isEmpty(line) || (tempStr.length < 10) || (tempStr.length > 18)) {  //过滤无效log和打错的log                    continue;                }                unitId = tempStr[8].split(":|,")[1];                userId = tempStr[6].split(":|,")[1];                provid = tempStr[tempStr.length - 2].split(":|,")[1];                cityid = tempStr[tempStr.length - 1].split(":")[1];                //如果在内存中,直接比较;                if (unitPidCidMem.containsKey(unitId)) {                    pid = unitPidCidMem.get(unitId)[0];                    cid = unitPidCidMem.get(unitId)[1];                    flag = compareId(provid, cityid, pid, cid);                    if (!flag) {                        Log.infoLog(userId + " error!  " + "line : " + line);  //误报                        value = 1;                    }                } else { // 累计,当到达100条时进行读库并更新内存;                    logData.put(lineNumber, line);  // 镜像将要处理的log数据;                    String[] infoString = new String[3];                    infoString[0] = provid;                    infoString[1] = cityid;                    infoString[2] = unitId;                    infoData.put(lineNumber, infoString);                    if (!unitIdsMap.containsKey(userId)) {                        Set<Long> unitIdSet = new HashSet<Long>();                        unitIdSet.add(Long.parseLong(unitId));                        unitIdsMap.put(userId, unitIdSet);                    } else {                        Set<Long> unitIdSet = unitIdsMap.get(userId);                        unitIdSet.add(Long.parseLong(unitId));                        unitIdsMap.put(userId, unitIdSet);                    }                    ++num;                    if (num == 100) {                        // 查库&&加入内存,数据重新初始化;                        if(!batchProcess(unitIdsMap,logData,infoData)) {                            value = 1;                        }                        num = 0;                        unitIdsMap = new HashMap<String, Set<Long>>();                        logData = new HashMap<Integer, String>();                        infoData = new HashMap<Integer, String[]>();                    } else {                        continue;                    }                }            }        } catch (Exception e) {            throw new RuntimeException("load file error:" + inputFilePath + ", line:" + line, e);        } finally {            try {                if (br != null) {                    br.close();                }                if (fr != null) {                    fr.close();                }            } catch (Exception e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        return value;    }    /**     * @param provid     * @param cityid     * @param pid:db中用','分割的多条pid;     * @param cid:db中用','分割的多条cid;     * @return     */    public boolean compareId(String provid, String cityid, String pid, String cid) {        if(StringUtils.isEmpty(pid) && StringUtils.isEmpty(cid)){            return true;        }        if (pid.equals("0") && (cid.equals("0"))) {            return true;        }        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(pid) || StringUtils.isEmpty(cid)) {            return false;        }        List<String> pidList = Arrays.asList(pid.split(","));        List<String> cidList = Arrays.asList(cid.split(","));        if (pidList.contains(provid) || cidList.contains(cityid)) {            return true;        }        if (pid.equals("0") && cidList.contains(cityid)) {            return true;        }        return false;    }    /**     * 1 每100条进行读库操作 2 保证传过来的数据内存中是没有的,都是需要进行查库操作的;     *     * @param     */    public boolean batchProcess(HashMap<String, Set<Long>> unitIdsMap, HashMap<Integer, String> logData,                                HashMap<Integer, String[]> infoData) {        boolean flag = true;   //标记位;        boolean code;        Long unitId;        for (String user : unitIdsMap.keySet()) {            Set<Long> unitIds = unitIdsMap.get(user);            Map<Long, UnitSetting> TbFeedInterestPoMap = unitSettingDao.getByUnitids(Long.parseLong(user), unitIds);            try {          //sleep 1 mills,缓解数据库压力                Thread.sleep(1);            } catch (InterruptedException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }            for (Long unit : TbFeedInterestPoMap.keySet()) {                if (!unitPidCidMem.containsKey(unit)) {                    String[] pidCid = new String[2];                    pidCid[0] = TbFeedInterestPoMap.get(unit).getPid();                    pidCid[1] = TbFeedInterestPoMap.get(unit).getCid();                    unitPidCidMem.put(unit, pidCid);                }            }        }        for (Integer lineNumber : infoData.keySet()) {            String[] infoStr = infoData.get(lineNumber);            unitId = Long.parseLong(infoStr[2]);            if(unitPidCidMem.containsKey(unitId)) {                String[] pidCid = unitPidCidMem.get(unitId);                code = compareId(infoStr[0], infoStr[1], pidCid[0], pidCid[1]);                if (!code) {                    Log.infoLog( "lineNumber:"+ lineNumber + "error!" +"     :" + logData.get(lineNumber));  //误报                    flag = false;                }            }else {                Log.infoLog("There is bug in code : com.baidu.fengchao.sirius.scripts.cases.LogMonitoring");            }        }        return flag;    }}

3 小结:

