
来源:互联网 发布:手机淘宝的扫一扫在哪 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 05:21
#!/usr/bin/python# -*- coding utf8 -*-import osdef search(arg):    '''查询backend后端的配置信息'''    with open('haproxy.cfg',encoding='utf8',mode='r') as hacfg:        bo = bool(False)        back_info = ''        for line in hacfg:            if line.strip() == "backend %s" %(arg):                #print(line)                bo = not bo                print(bo,line)                continue            if bo == True and (line.startswith('backend') or line.startswith('front') or line.startswith('listen')):                break            elif bo == True:                back_info = back_info + str(line)     #print(back_info)            else:                continue    print(back_info)    #passdef ins(arg):    '''插入配置'''    back_name = arg    server_ip = input('Please input the backend IP address: ').strip()    weight = input('Please input the  weight num.: ').strip()    max_con = input('Please input the max connect num.: ').strip()    back_dic = {       'bakend':back_name,        'record':{            'server':server_ip,            'weight':weight,            'maxcon':max_con,        }    }    print(back_dic)    target = '\n' + 'backend ' + back_dic['bakend'] + '\n' + '\t'    ip_a = back_dic['record']['server']    weig = back_dic['record']['weight']    max_co = back_dic['record']['maxcon']    ser_info ='server ' + ip_a + ' ' + ip_a + ' weight ' + weig + ' maxconn ' + max_co    target = target + ser_info    print(target)    with open('haproxy.cfg', encoding='utf8', mode='a') as hacfg:        hacfg.write(target)def dele(arg):    with open('haproxy.cfg',encoding='utf8',mode='r') as hacfg , open('haproxy.cfg.swap',mode='w') as hacfg.swap:        bo = bool(False)        back_info = ''        for line in hacfg:            if line.strip() == "backend %s" %(arg):                #print(line)                bo = not bo                print(bo,line)                continue            if bo == True and (line.startswith('backend') or line.startswith('listen') or line.startswith('frontend')):                bo = False            if bo == False:                hacfg.swap.write(line)    os.remove('haproxy.cfg')    os.rename('haproxy.cfg.swap','haproxy.cfg')#---------------------------------------------------------------------def search_front(arg):    with open('haproxy.cfg', encoding='utf8', mode='r') as hacfg:        bo = bool(False)        front_info = ''        for line in hacfg:            if line.strip() == "frontend %s" %(arg):                print(line)                bo = not bo                print(bo, line)                continue            if bo == True and (line.startswith('backend') or line.startswith('front') or line.startswith('listen')):                break            elif bo == True:                front_info = front_info + str(line)                # print(back_info)            else:                continue    print(front_info)def search_listen(arg):    with open('haproxy.cfg', encoding='utf8', mode='r') as hacfg:        bo = bool(False)        listen_info = ''        for line in hacfg:            if line.strip() == "listen %s" % (arg):                # print(line)                bo = not bo                print(bo, line)                continue            if bo == True and (line.startswith('backend') or line.startswith('front') or line.startswith('listen')):                break            elif bo == True:                listen_info = listen_info + str(line)            else:                continue    print(listen_info)def search_all(arg):    print('your input message is: ',arg)    cfg = str(arg)    cfg_ini = cfg.replace('backend','',1).replace('frontend','',1).replace('listen','',1)    print('What you want to do: ',cfg_ini)    if cfg.startswith('back'):        search(cfg_ini)    elif cfg.startswith('frontend'):        search_front(cfg_ini)    elif cfg.startswith('listen'):        search_listen(cfg_ini)#passdef add_all(arg):    cfg_info = str(arg)    cfg_ini = cfg_info.replace('backend', '', 1).replace('frontend', '', 1).replace('listen', '', 1).strip()    targt=''    if cfg_info.startswith('listen'):        listen_name = cfg_ini        bind = input('Please input the bind IP address and port(for example ').strip()        ip_a = input('Please input the IP address and port(for example : ').strip()        weig = input('Please input the  weight num.: ').strip()        max_co = input('Please input the max connect num.: ').strip()        target = '\n' + 'listen ' + listen_name + '\n' + '\t'        bind_info =  'bind' + ' ' + bind + '\n' + '\t'        ser_info = 'server ' + ip_a + ' ' + ip_a + ' weight ' + weig + ' maxconn ' + max_co        target = target + bind_info + ser_info    elif cfg_info.startswith('frontend'):        listen_name = cfg_ini        bind = input('Please input the bind IP address and port(for example ').strip()        acl = 'acl ' + 'acl_' + cfg_ini + ' hdr(host) -i ' + bind        use_backend = 'host_' + cfg_ini + ' if ' + 'acl_' + cfg_ini        target = '\n' + 'frontend ' + listen_name + '\n\t'        target = target + 'bind' + '\t' + bind + '\n\t' + acl +'\n\t' +' use_backend ' + use_backend +'\n'    print('your add config is: ',target)    with open('haproxy.cfg', encoding='utf8', mode='a') as hacfg:        hacfg.write(target)def del_all(arg):    cfg_info = str(arg)    cfg_ini = cfg_info.replace('backend', '', 1).replace('frontend', '', 1).replace('listen', '', 1).strip()    with open('haproxy.cfg',encoding='utf8',mode='r') as hacfg , open('haproxy.cfg.swap',mode='w') as hacfg.swap:        bo = bool(False)        back_info = ''        for line in hacfg:            if line.strip() == "listen %s" %(cfg_ini) or line.strip() == "frontend %s"%(cfg_ini):                bo = not bo                print(bo,line)                continue            if bo == True and line.startswith('listen'):                bo = not bo            if bo == True and line.startswith('frontend'):                bo = not bo            if bo == False:                hacfg.swap.write(line)    os.remove('haproxy.cfg')    os.rename('haproxy.cfg.swap','haproxy.cfg')if __name__ == '__main__':    user_guide = '''    1:search    2:add configuration    3: delete backend    4:exit program    5:extended function(search frontend & listen,for example: 'listen' 'frontend')    6:extended function(add frontend & listen,for example: 'listen' 'frontend')    7:extended function(delete frontend & listen,for example: 'listen' 'frontend')    ... ...    '''    menu={        1:search,        2:ins,        3:dele,        5:search_all,        6:add_all,        7:del_all,    }    while True:        print(user_guide)        try:            cho = int(input('Please input num.: ').strip())        except(ValueError,NameError):             print('input error,Please choice 1 to 5')        # except ValueError:        #     print('input error')        # except NameError:        #      print('input error')        #else:         #   print('Please choice 1 to 5')        # finally:        #     print('Please choice 1 to 5',)        cho = int(cho)        if cho == 0 :            continue        elif cho == 4 :            break        elif cho in menu:             data = str(input('Please input your domainname to operate: ').strip())             menu[cho](data)        else:            print('Please choice 1 to 5')

运行程序#搜索部分测试内容输入1 输入   查询backend的oldboy信息输入5 输入   查询frontend的og信息输入5 输入   查询listen区域的配置为zq.com的信息#插入部分测试内容输入2    输入        插入默认区域(默认区域backend)输入6   输入   插入frontend区域输入6    输入       插入listen区域#删除部分测试内容输入2    输入        删除默认区域(默认区域backend)输入6   输入   删除frontend区域输入6    输入       删除listen区域