聊聊Thrift(四) thrift 服务篇-TNonblockingServer

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝问大家回答删除 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 06:41

聊聊Thrift(四) thrift 服务篇-TNonblockingServer


通过AbstractNonblockingServer 的serve方法,启动服务,启动接受线程,启动监听,等待服务结束

 /**   * Begin accepting connections and processing invocations.   */  public void serve() {    // start any IO threads    if (!startThreads()) {      return;    }    // start listening, or exit    if (!startListening()) {      return;    }    setServing(true);    // this will block while we serve    waitForShutdown();    setServing(false);    // do a little cleanup    stopListening();  }


protected boolean startThreads() {  // start the selector    try {    selectAcceptThread_ = new SelectAcceptThread((TNonblockingServerTransport)serverTransport_);        return true;  } catch (IOException e) {    LOGGER.error("Failed to start selector thread!", e);        return false;  }}



if (key.isAcceptable()) {            handleAccept();          } else if (key.isReadable()) {            // deal with reads            handleRead(key);          } else if (key.isWritable()) {            // deal with writes            handleWrite(key);          } else {            LOGGER.warn("Unexpected state in select! " + key.interestOps());          }


protected void handleRead(SelectionKey key) {  FrameBuffer buffer = (FrameBuffer) key.attachment();  //将channel中数据读取到buffer中  if (!buffer.read()) {    cleanupSelectionKey(key);        return;    }  // if the buffer's frame read is complete, invoke the method.  //判断一帧的数据是否读取完成,读取完成就调用相关的方法,执行rpc调用  if (buffer.isFrameFullyRead()) {    if (!requestInvoke(buffer)) {      cleanupSelectionKey(key);          }  }}

FrameBufferState.READING_FRAME_SIZE 初始状态,标识读取帧大小,该步完成,状态变更为:FrameBufferState.READING_FRAME
FrameBufferState.READING_FRAME 标识读取实际帧内容,该步完成,状态变更为:FrameBufferState.READ_FRAME_COMPLETE

public boolean read() {    //读取帧大小      if (state_ == FrameBufferState.READING_FRAME_SIZE) {        // try to read the frame size completely        if (!internalRead()) {          return false;        }        // if the frame size has been read completely, then prepare to read the        // actual frame.        if (buffer_.remaining() == 0) {          // pull out the frame size as an integer.          int frameSize = buffer_.getInt(0);          if (frameSize <= 0) {            LOGGER.error("Read an invalid frame size of " + frameSize                + ". Are you using TFramedTransport on the client side?");            return false;          }          // if this frame will always be too large for this server, log the          // error and close the connection.          if (frameSize > MAX_READ_BUFFER_BYTES) {            LOGGER.error("Read a frame size of " + frameSize                + ", which is bigger than the maximum allowable buffer size for ALL connections.");            return false;          }          // if this frame will push us over the memory limit, then return.          // with luck, more memory will free up the next time around.          if (readBufferBytesAllocated.get() + frameSize > MAX_READ_BUFFER_BYTES) {            return true;          }          // increment the amount of memory allocated to read buffers          readBufferBytesAllocated.addAndGet(frameSize + 4);          // reallocate the readbuffer as a frame-sized buffer          buffer_ = ByteBuffer.allocate(frameSize + 4);          buffer_.putInt(frameSize);          state_ = FrameBufferState.READING_FRAME;        } else {          // this skips the check of READING_FRAME state below, since we can't          // possibly go on to that state if there's data left to be read at          // this one.          return true;        }      }      // it is possible to fall through from the READING_FRAME_SIZE section      // to READING_FRAME if there's already some frame data available once      // READING_FRAME_SIZE is complete.      //读取帧大小完成,读取实际的帧数据      if (state_ == FrameBufferState.READING_FRAME) {        if (!internalRead()) {          return false;        }        // since we're already in the select loop here for sure, we can just        // modify our selection key directly.        if (buffer_.remaining() == 0) {          // get rid of the read select interests          selectionKey_.interestOps(0);          //标识读取帧完成,可以进行下一步          state_ = FrameBufferState.READ_FRAME_COMPLETE;        }        return true;      }      // if we fall through to this point, then the state must be invalid.      LOGGER.error("Read was called but state is invalid (" + state_ + ")");      return false;    }


/**     * Actually invoke the method signified by this FrameBuffer.     */    public void invoke() {      frameTrans_.reset(buffer_.array());//设置transport的缓冲区      response_.reset();//响应缓冲区清零      try {        if (eventHandler_ != null) {          eventHandler_.processContext(context_, inTrans_, outTrans_);        }      // 实际调用,通过getProcessor获取服务启动时设置的processor,这个processor是我们通过thrift的接口*.thrift编译生成的类里面的处理类      processorFactory_.getProcessor(inTrans_).process(inProt_, outProt_);        //响应结果        responseReady();        return;      } catch (TException te) {        LOGGER.warn("Exception while invoking!", te);      } catch (Throwable t) {        LOGGER.error("Unexpected throwable while invoking!", t);      }      // This will only be reached when there is a throwable.      state_ = FrameBufferState.AWAITING_CLOSE;      requestSelectInterestChange();    }

通过 processorFactory_.getProcessor(inTrans_)获取到我们设置的处理类,然后process进行解析处理,首先解析message里面的信息,获取msg,然后通过msg.name获得processMap中对应的处理类,例如echo方法对应的映射关系:
processMap.put(“echo”, new echo());
获取到处理类之后,调用process进行处理,如fn.process(msg.seqid, in, out, iface)

 @Override  public boolean process(TProtocol in, TProtocol out) throws TException {    //获取msg    TMessage msg = in.readMessageBegin();    //获取实际的处理方法    ProcessFunction fn = processMap.get(msg.name);    if (fn == null) {      TProtocolUtil.skip(in, TType.STRUCT);      in.readMessageEnd();      TApplicationException x = new TApplicationException(TApplicationException.UNKNOWN_METHOD, "Invalid method name: '"+msg.name+"'");      out.writeMessageBegin(new TMessage(msg.name, TMessageType.EXCEPTION, msg.seqid));      x.write(out);      out.writeMessageEnd();      out.getTransport().flush();      return true;    }    //调用处理方法,进行消息处理    fn.process(msg.seqid, in, out, iface);    return true;  }


public final void process(int seqid, TProtocol iprot, TProtocol oprot, I iface) throws TException {    T args = getEmptyArgsInstance();    try {      args.read(iprot);    } catch (TProtocolException e) {      iprot.readMessageEnd();      TApplicationException x = new TApplicationException(TApplicationException.PROTOCOL_ERROR, e.getMessage());      oprot.writeMessageBegin(new TMessage(getMethodName(), TMessageType.EXCEPTION, seqid));      x.write(oprot);      oprot.writeMessageEnd();      oprot.getTransport().flush();      return;    }    iprot.readMessageEnd();    TBase result = null;    try {      //实际的方法调用,会直接调用RPC接口的实际实现      result = getResult(iface, args);    } catch(TException tex) {      LOGGER.error("Internal error processing " + getMethodName(), tex);      TApplicationException x = new TApplicationException(TApplicationException.INTERNAL_ERROR,         "Internal error processing " + getMethodName());      oprot.writeMessageBegin(new TMessage(getMethodName(), TMessageType.EXCEPTION, seqid));      x.write(oprot);      oprot.writeMessageEnd();      oprot.getTransport().flush();      return;    }    //处理返回结果,通过oprot将结果序列化,有客户端进行解析    if(!isOneway()) {      oprot.writeMessageBegin(new TMessage(getMethodName(), TMessageType.REPLY, seqid));      result.write(oprot);      oprot.writeMessageEnd();      oprot.getTransport().flush();    }  }

这里对getResult(iface, args)做一下简单描述,以echo接口为例:

 public static class echo<I extends Iface> extends org.apache.thrift.ProcessFunction<I, echo_args> {      public echo() {        super("echo");      }      public echo_args getEmptyArgsInstance() {        return new echo_args();      }      protected boolean isOneway() {        return false;      }      public echo_result getResult(I iface, echo_args args) throws org.apache.thrift.TException {        echo_result result = new echo_result();        //调用echo的实现        result.success = iface.echo(args.reqId, args.caller, args.srcStr, args.ext);        return result;      }    }

通过iface.echo(args.reqId, args.caller, args.srcStr, args.ext)的调用,我们实现了实际的echo接口的调用,然后通过oprot将返回结果序列化,写入缓冲区。
responseReady方法将结果放入nio的缓冲区,然后通过selectionKey_.interestOps(SelectionKey.OP_WRITE);设置写事件,触发NIO write操作,由handle_write将结果返回给客户端。